Nobody says it better than Rodney Habib! Here is his response to the Dr. Oz Show segment where Dr. Evan Antin absolutely blew it for pet food consumers.
We all had such high hopes for the Dr. Oz Show. I spoke with the producer several times, I connected the show with a vet that knew about pet food (Dr. Lisa Lippman). Fingers and toes were crossed…and then Dr. Evan Antin absolutely blew it. On national television he stated that waste ingredients such as feathers were acceptable food for pets (no kidding, he really said that).
Well, friend Rodney Habib has the following response to Dr. Evan Antin…
And from Rodney Habib and Dr. Karen Becker. A homemade dog food recipe (cat food promised soon from them).
And one more recent one…homemade pill pockets…
If you are not following Rodney Habib and Dr. Karen Becker – please do. Individually and together they produce some wonderful, wonderful videos and articles. Extremely educational information. Rodney is on Facebook and YouTube. Dr. Karen Becker’s posts available here.
Dr. Oz Show…we want a do-over.
Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,
Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Author Buyer Beware, Co-Author Dinner PAWsible
Association for Truth in Pet Food
What’s in Your Pet’s Food?
Is your dog or cat eating risk ingredients? Chinese imports? Petsumer Report tells the ‘rest of the story’ on over 4,000 cat foods, dog foods, and pet treats. 30 Day Satisfaction Guarantee. Click Here to preview Petsumer Report.
The 2016 List
Susan’s List of trusted pet foods. Click Here
The Other List
The List of pet foods I would not give my own pets. Click Here
Have you read Buyer Beware? Click Here
Cooking pet food made easy, Dinner PAWsible
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Jessie Gray
October 16, 2016 at 9:33 pm
I didn’t see the whole Dr. Oz show, but after seeing just that little clip that Rodney had there, that vet on the show is crazy. Why would anyone feed their animals feathers? After the massive pet food recall years ago, I did my homework about cat food and now feed my cats super high quality cat food that doesn’t contain by-products (aka: feathers and bones), dangerous chemicals, dyes, or anything else I can’t pronounce. My cats are happier and healthier because of this.
October 16, 2016 at 9:33 pm
Dr Oz has a lot of misleading info. He mixes in some helpful supplement info with lots of other bad info. Dr Oz is there to sell health tests for the medical industry, that cost a fortune in America, but you can get on a medical tourism trip for 90% less and basically get a free trip. Health care is better and more affordable in other countries. Dr Oz acted like he was getting a flu vaccine but employees said he actually got a B12 shot on tv, pretending he was getting the poison flu shot. Dr Oz isn’t getting any flu vaccine, the vaccine is filled with human cancer cells, mercury and many carcinogen chemicals. Informed doctors sell to patients as a business, but personally they themselves and their families avoid the poison flu vaccine, it for the uninformed who believe the lies in the media. Instead of vaccines, get the safe better alternative to vaccines. Nosodes. Nosodes for dogs, cats, and there are nosodes for humans. Nosodes are not patent able so the medical industry does not sell them. Vaccines are patentable poison shots that make a fortune, and then the health issues that arise from the vaccines are even more profitable.
Cheryl Bond
October 29, 2016 at 4:13 am
I was beyond PISSED at the segment w/ the incompetent Vet on the Dr.Oz segment! he is obviously a “shill” for the pet “feed” industry! SHAME! ON HIM! & his complacency to continue the LIES!!!!! Shame on the Dr. OZ producer’s for having “Dr. Hunky” over a qualified Veterinarian.
Have you gone on Dr.Oz’s site & confronted him on the issue of the flu vaccine, and the fact that you were told it actually wasn’t the flu vaccine, but actually a B-12 injection? After you alerted us about this, I WILL do so! I am extremely disappointed with Dr. Oz about this!!!!!!!
I personally, was REALLY pissed off that he was advocating the flu vaccine. Besides MANY other factors, the mercury preservative thimerosal) IS in the flu vaccine, it IS A NEURO-TOXIN! For that reason ALONE! it should be avoided!!! For MANY other reasons, it should be avoided! For one thing, as the flu spreads within communities, states, the country, it mutates, so therefore the initial strain used in the vaccines wind up becoming null & void. If anyone cares to REALLY research this, you can uncover THE TRUTH.
To combat cold/flu season, your best bet is to fortify your immune system. This is a lengthy topic; quick tips are: Eating healthy, taking a quality multi-vitamin daily, thoroughly washing your hands, avoiding anti-bacterial hand washes (they contain triclosan which has similar chemical properties of TOXIC Agent Orange) a quality probiotic, fermented food’s, Vit-D, Vit-C, Zinc, Omega-3 fatty acids, Nature’s Answer: Sambucus (developed by a Dr. Of Immunology ), Sovereign Silver Hydrosol (Natural antibiotic), Oregano Oil (Natural Antibiotic)
Allopathic medicine has it’s place, obviously, but whenever possible natural measures should ALWAYS be implemented!
October 29, 2016 at 8:51 am
Hi Cheryl- Just wanted to point out that your message is, for the most part, off topic and contains a few questionable points that the average person should not believe or follow. I agree with the overall tone of your message but silver is very toxic to the kidneys and should only be used under a Drs supervision. You should also know that most flu vaccines do not contain thimerosal anymore, it’s been replaced with aluminum which is just as toxic. Please do your research before making posts like this. We need to share the truth. See:
Pet Owner
October 29, 2016 at 12:44 pm
I still can’t figure out how the producers of an incompetent television show, with a marginal segment pertaining to dog food, and their invitation to an uninformed celebrity Southern California veterinarian, has anything to do with the topic of vaccinations especially Flu. I think people already “get” there are Allopathic medicinal alternatives.
If Oz did receive a B-12 shot, producers probably recommended he set an example (because many people are afraid of needles). Could be (hellow) he had an earlier shot. Or more likely (from being a health care worker) has such a developed immunity, never gets sick anyway. Many health care workers do opt out. Could be allergic to a component of the product. And if he didn’t get the shot on TV, then Viewers would question why them, if not he.
But the real point is that full disclosure should’ve been part of the show. That it wasn’t, speaks volumes to the regular pandering of pleasing their audience and pretending to be a source of medical information, when they are actually entertainment.
On the topic of vaccines, let’s think about the conversation. Please post the link proving the ineffectiveness of the Flu Vaccine across the board, for the last decade. Explain why a massive HMO in California vaccinates all subscribers for FREE. If pointless, or even a greater risk, would be a massive waste of money, time and labor. And if so great a risk, Informed Subscribers could eventually take arbitration against the Company and their doctor. Is it prudent to bring together healthy Subscribers in a hospital zone, exposing them to other contagious illnesses. Especially young children and frail elderly. My parents lived to their ‘80’s, got shots yearly (plus others). And although it’s been discontinued, thimerosal was in Contact Lens solution for decades. Many of our generation (also discontinued) got mercury tooth fillings. Might not have been optimal, but we’re still standing. You might check out the huge controversy vaccinating school children in California. And realize that more protection is being offered, than the amount of universal risk is real.
Not everybody should be vaccinated. I DO believe in alternatives (for pets and people), open thought, discussion, personal suitability. I “get” that AMA, Pharmaceutical industries, want to many money, And a causal comment here or there CAN put people onto the research trail. But I am NOT a doctor (therefore unqualified) to make sweeping, emphatic statements, particularly off topic. Unfortunately, I’m sure it discourages many Readers (otherwise interested in PF news) from wading through way too many … distractions!
October 16, 2016 at 9:36 pm
DIY pill pockets. The holistic vet said to use raw ground turkey, wrap a bit around the pill and down the hatch it goes. The fat helps make it more slippery. We used raw turkey for all the vitamins and supplements for an old dog.
Raw ground turkey is easy and quick to make a pill pocket and dogs love raw meat.
October 17, 2016 at 8:08 am
Please EVERYONE read and book mark this page! Ground chicken and turkey are the two most hazardous meats you can buy at the store and should NEVER be fed raw!
“Recent U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) figures show that more than 20 percent of ground turkey and nearly 40 percent of ground chicken sent to grocery stores is contaminated with salmonella. Hamburger is just 3.3 percent positive for salmonella.”
This article only talks about salmonella. There are many other “bugs” too. Here are the latest rules for what is allowed in human food!
In other words, don’t trust vets to know everything about nutrition and food safety and don’t feed raw meat unless you know something about food safety! I feed some raw but I worked for the USDA and know what is safe and/ or how to lower the risks (partial cooking, deep freezing, etc).
I would highly recommend hotdogs as a pill pocket. I don’t eat them but they are an easy, inexpensive, tasty treat for a dog. (Likely healthier than the kibble you are feeding!)
October 17, 2016 at 10:41 am
Thank you Tracey for a comment about NOT feeding raw chicken and turkey (most especially as “pill pockets”)! Prior to your note, when misinformation gets circulated, that’s just more reason for Vets to bristle at the idea of owners feeding raw!
I’m not against raw at all. But use only beef, deep frozen, packaged using certain safeguards. Otherwise I minimally bake beef stew meat (Costco trimmings from other cuts of beef). It’s economical, and hey have such high turnover I don’t worry about it sitting around too long. Yes, I’m well aware dogs can handle more “bacteria” than humans. But I can’t! My approach to a partial raw diet might not be optimal. But it’s better than a steady use of kibble and questionable canned PF.
I do not over vaccinate my dogs (only 1 puppy and 1 adult shot and I use titers). BUT I wish this discussion would stay on the topic of pet FOOD. Many people get Flu Shots for years and are still healthy. Reading some adverse blanket statement, could put HUMANS at risk. When it should be a personal decision based on risk, age, history, public exposure (including children) and your doctor’s approach to health care. As I recall, there were some killer Flu epidemics in our country’s history, that (thankfully) don’t seem as prevalent in the modern age.
Pacific Sun
October 16, 2016 at 10:00 pm
The screen shot was difficult to capture, so correct me if I missed something. But this is a hard copy of the recipe. HOMEMADE DOG FOOD RECIPE by Dr. Karen Becker
14 oz. 90% lean ground beef (or 93% lean)
2 Tsp. hempseed oil or 3 T ground hemseeds
½ Tsp. Carlson’s cod liver oil, or 2 sardines
½ Tsp. ground ginger
1/4 -1/2 Tsp. kelp powder (provide 0.2 mg iodine)
1 egg
½ eggshell
1 oz. beef liver
1 oz. broccoli
1 oz. red bell pepper
1 oz. spinach
Mix everything together.
Can be heated or served raw.
Diane R.
October 17, 2016 at 9:58 am
Thank you so much for this copy….Impossible for seniors or anyone with eye problems to capture the recipe.
Terri Janson
October 17, 2016 at 1:09 pm
thank you!
October 16, 2016 at 10:12 pm
I must confess I felt suspicious when this was announced it would be aired. I hoped the truth would be told but knowing the power of TV and those who make the laws and rules, I watched with skepticism but hoping that my suspicions would be wrong. I guess I got my hopes up too much because as the short episode finished airing, all I can say is I felt betrayed by Dr. Antin. After yelling at the TV and recovering from shock despite my suspicions, I had mixed emotions. I felt bad for Susan (thanks for doing all you did) and all who provided the important, needed information to expose the truth. No doubt, the pet food industry knew of this in advance. They knew darn well what information had been provided and did what they could to stop the truth from being exposed. Shame on Dr. Oz (sorry but he is as much to blame I believe). Susan & the rest did what they could but in the end, the big pet food industry won this round. It isn’t over, however. It is only one round with more to come. Thanks for posting this update from that. Susan, your efforts were not in vain, I believe. Eventually, the truth will be exposed.
Laurie Raymond
October 16, 2016 at 10:21 pm
Actually, feathers, hair and wool were important sources of manganese in the ancestral canid diet, according to Steve Brown. Dr Becker recently posted about the causes for the steep increase in CCL ruptures in dogs. Spaying and neutering before maturity are cited as probably contributing, but it also seems that dogs have a need for manganese roughly twice as great as the amount specified as minimum in dog food by AAFCO. I know some feeders who give their dogs whole carcasses sometimes, for various reasons – and I imagine that it benefits dogs to eat whole prey, including hair, wool and feathers. That is a far cry from using feather meal as cheap filler in kibble! But on the other hand, it’s probably not wise to say “feathers aren’t food” quite so categorically. Because it seems they might contribute something valuable to a dog’s diet, after all.
October 17, 2016 at 8:11 am
Well said! Lets call them a supplement instead of food.
October 17, 2016 at 10:21 am
From my reading, and I am not an expert on wild animals, but the first thing that wolves or cats ate from their kill was the guts. They did not chow down on animal hair and feathers. It should not constitute the main portion of pet food.
Dr. Amy
October 17, 2016 at 6:22 am
Loved the clip from Rodney, I had not heard of him before but just “liked” his page. I should say I loved everything BUT the scene which made it look like he was driving all his dogs while reading a message on his phone. Oh Rodney, you have an important message about nutrition to share, don’t make it look like you advocate distracted driving!
Dr. Amy
Patricia Thompson
October 17, 2016 at 6:45 am
He sure did. Either he is not that educated in this matter or the Big Dog Food companies got to him. He ruined the show.
Kathryn S
October 17, 2016 at 7:02 am
I’ve never liked the Dr. Oz show – for a variety of reasons, but was so in hopes that the episode on real pet food would be informative and enlightening for the viewers — they completely sold ‘us’ down the river!! Wonder how much MORE they were paid by the PFI than by the Producers of the show —
October 17, 2016 at 10:58 pm
Waited all week to see the Dr Oz show just to see this I thought I had heard wrong . What a disappointment for those of us who at wanting things to be changed for the love of our pets . Sold down the river is correct you couldn’t have stated that any better.
J Regueiro
October 22, 2016 at 12:24 pm
One person says one thing, the other says something different about what is and isn’t good for our pets: raw, not raw, feathers, no feathers, kibble, canned. Who the heck knows what is good and what is bad, everyone has an opinion, it’s like noses, we all have one.
I guess what we really need is a real professional who knows the needs of dogs for instance and advises us all about what can be harmful to them, not so much what is so good for them, cause there are lots of things that are good for them, and we know they’ll eat just about anything we put in front of them. But the KEY is what is BAD for them, so we can stay away from it. The rest is just BS.
Pacific Sun
October 22, 2016 at 3:00 pm
I disagree with your observation. You may be new to the Truth About Pet Food (and welcome if you are!).
But there is a very specific list of ingredients that are harmful and should be avoided. You will find them in the first link below, as well as additional information that comes from hundreds of other articles. (At this moment, I just didn’t have time to pull more!)
While the TAPF may appear to be a “Blog” about casual “opinion” it is far from it. The author has been researching PF for nearly a decade, written a book Buyer Beware going deeply into harmful ingredients. Has been invited to speak at a Veterinary College. And does all this work exclusive of advertising, profit, or personal bias. The information comes from subject matter experts, nutritionally savvy veterinarians, (also see Dr. Becker’s very recent whole food dog recipe) and Industry informants who know what’s going on the PF Industry. And, as well, the author participates in countless meetings with the AAFCO and FDA. The author quotes FDA Regulation (law with intended safeguards) and yet has clear evidence of how States continue to ignore the law! I believe (somewhere in the archives) there is an audio clip of an FDA Official actually stating (matter of flatly) that the law will continue to be ignored in his State. And on it goes.
Once people figure out what the bad stuff is … and learn to ignore the advertising and all the hype, ….then that “space” can be replaced with research about healthy whole food meals. I use this analogy, you might survive awhile on a daily “Carnation Instant Breakfast Bar” (nutritionally fully balanced just as dog food claims to be) but I doubt that you’ll be running successive marathons on that sole diet without any supplementation or variation.
So it is with our pets, who’re far more active and athletic than many humans. And a good food diet is based on their ancestral requirements. So eliminating the bad is only half the equation, while the other, is replacing it with an optimal diet. Not just a “survival” diet!
October 23, 2016 at 8:41 am
Thank you for taking the time to reply. Good rebuttal!
J Regueiro
October 29, 2016 at 10:16 am
That’s exactly what I said, that it is most important to know all that is BAD so we can avoid it. Pacific Sun, Tracey. Know it alls
Pacific Sun
October 29, 2016 at 11:05 pm
… meaning you’ve studied the links provided, and now know it all …the stuff that’s bad for dogs, right … ?