Want to know what goes on at AAFCO meetings? Now you can hear the meeting via the web or phone line!
I’ve never known that it was open for the public to listen in, but AAFCO President Richard TenEyck just confirmed that the AAFCO meetings are “open access” for all consumers to listen in. There is no fee to listen in. And this is audio only, no video of the meeting is taken. As well, there is a limit to the number of viewers/listeners, so if you are interested in hearing the meeting – get there early.
AAFCO meetings are broken down into different sessions. Such as the Pet Food Committee meeting, Ingredient Definitions Committee meeting, and so on. Below are meetings that pet food consumers might want to hear…
Monday August 3, 2015 – 3:30 to 4:30 PM MT
Enforcement Issues Committee
There will be an interesting discussion in this meeting brought to the Committee’s attention by Dr. Jean Hofve. The topic will be “Discussion of Potential Misbranding of Feed Ingredients and Finished Commercial Feeds” based on numerous recent studies finding pet foods to contain animal proteins not included in the ingredient list, and/or pet foods that did not contain an animal protein that was stated on the label.
If time allows, this session will also include discussion of misleading images on pet food labels. As this meeting session is based on ‘enforcement’ of regulations – I brought to the attention of the committee the numerous pet food labels displaying images of human grade foods on labels which would be misleading to the consumer if human grade foods are not used to make the pet food and are a violation of pet food labeling regulation.
To view meeting via WebEx register here: http://fass.webex.com
And/Or to listen to meeting Conference Call Line: #1-800-944-8766, Passcode: 70236#
Tuesday August 4, 2015 – 10 AM to 12 PM
Pet Food Committee
This session will be of the most interest to pet food consumers. You can read the full schedule for this meeting by clicking here. The big topic of discussion of this meeting is “Discussion of ‘human grade’ and ‘human grade ingredients’ claims”. This discussion will be the future of human grade ingredient claims of pet food. In the past, FDA verified human grade ingredient claims of a pet food – they have since abandoned this task leaving it in the hands of each State Department of Agriculture. This discussion will be what the States are going to require for human grade ingredient claims. It will be a significantly important session.
Same access information for this meeting…
To view meeting via WebEx register here: http://fass.webex.com
And/Or to listen to meeting Conference Call Line: #1-800-944-8766, Passcode: 70236#
Tuesday August 4, 2015 – 1:30 PM to 4:45 PM
Ingredient Definitions Committee
This meeting is always interesting, if only for the mind boggling ingredients that are allowed and used in animal feeds (including pet foods). You can read the full schedule for this meeting by clicking here. Of particular interest to pet food consumers will be discussion of updating some of the meat ingredients and if time allows (fingers crossed) the discussion of “What does “Feed Grade” mean?” I asked FDA and AAFCO over a year ago to provide explanation of “suitable for use in animal food”. AAFCO has never responded and I was told because no answer could be provided, this discussion will take place during the August meeting. As reminder, if a pet food is not made with human grade ingredients, it is made with ‘feed grade’ ingredients. Feed grade is also termed by AAFCO as pet grade and inedible.
Same access information for this meeting…
To view meeting via WebEx register here: http://fass.webex.com
And/Or to listen to meeting Conference Call Line: #1-800-944-8766, Passcode: 70236#
To see the full meeting agenda – click here
I am thrilled that consumers can listen into these meetings. Especially this meeting! Many important topics will be discussed.
And I’m thrilled that at this meeting we will have the largest representation of pet food consumer voices than any other AAFCO meeting in the past. We have a small army of knowledgeable, determined advocates!
Dr. Jean Hofve – veterinarian, advisory member of AAFCO Pet Food Committee and Ingredient Definitions Committee
Mollie Morrissette – consumer advocate, advisory member of AAFCO Pet Food Committee and Ingredient Definitions Committee
Dr. Cathy Alinovi – veterinarian
Dr. Karen Becker – veterinarian
Rodney Habib – consumer advocate
Dr. Judy Morgan – veterinarian
Nina Wolf – consumer advocate also representing independent pet food stores
and me, Susan Thixton – consumer advocate, advisory member of AAFCO Pet Food Committee and Ingredient Definitions Committee
All of us above will also have a private meeting with FDA and the Pet Food Committee Chairs too. Sorry, no listening in capabilities for this (but I’ll tell you all about it after).
AAFCO meetings are hard to explain. On one hand they are full of proper procedure (such as voting – ‘all in favor say aye’). On the other hand they are a living, breathing example of Big Pet Feed’s greed and the close ‘working’ relationship between industry and regulatory authorities (the approval of hideous waste for animals to consume).
Now, you can hear it for yourself. If you listen in, take notes of what was said that struck you during the meetings (good, bad, whatever). On my return, I’ll publish information about the meetings and I’d love to hear your notes!
Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,
Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Author Buyer Beware, Co-Author Dinner PAWsible
Association for Truth in Pet Food
What’s in Your Pet’s Food?
Is your dog or cat eating risk ingredients? Chinese imports? Petsumer Report tells the ‘rest of the story’ on over 3000 cat foods, dog foods, and pet treats. 30 Day Satisfaction Guarantee. www.PetsumerReport.com
The 2015 List
Susan’s List of trusted pet foods. Click Here
Have you read Buyer Beware? Click Here
Cooking for pets made easy, Dinner PAWsible
Find Healthy Pet Foods in Your Area Click Here

July 15, 2015 at 4:02 pm
Thank you so much for sharing this! I can’t wait to listen and had no idea we could!
Susan Thixton
July 15, 2015 at 5:12 pm
In the several years that I’ve been going to these meetings – I never knew this either. I wish AAFCO would have made this clear long ago.
Ronnie Daldos
July 15, 2015 at 4:36 pm
Have you ever seen an the “echo” pen? It allows you to record audio while taking notes on a special pad of paper. After the meeting, you can touch the pen to a note you took and it replays what was being said at that time. This way you don’t miss anything while you are writing. Thought it may be helpful to you in these meetings, if they let you use it. 🙁
Keep up the great job!
Susan Thixton
July 15, 2015 at 5:12 pm
AAFCO doesn’t allow any recording of meetings (at least at the meeting) – no video or photographs either. I wish something like that could be used – simply because so much is said that needs to be noted, it is very difficult to write everything and then understand what I wrote later.
August 4, 2015 at 2:36 am
i found this article too late for this year. but it sounds like….well, in colorado, a news agency and/or its employee/s can use “accepted tools and equipment” when reporting or investigating a public and newsworthy event.
also, telephone conversations or electronic communication can be recorded in colorado with the consent of a party to the conversation. (not sure if ALL parties need to consent.) however, “Anyone who is not ‘visibly present’ during a conversation who overhears or records the conversation without the consent of at least one of the parties commits a felony”–and i’m thinking that at least one party to the conversation would be fine with it being recorded and would give consent.
these vary by state, so where the next meeting is held would be important, as well as the location of a “not visibly present” attendee of these “open access” meetings.
August 5, 2015 at 11:56 am
Awesome!!! I heard of the opportunity to listen in too late too! The “echo” pen sounds stealthy enough to use without anyone knowing. I realize you couldn’t share the info or admit to having recorded it, but it would be helpful to have it if possible. Love you guys!! Thank you for being our voice!