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What Mars Petcare Didn’t Tell Canadian Pet Owners About The Whiskas Recall…

…Costco did.

On September 3, 2021, Mars Petcare Canada issued a press release announcing “a voluntary limited recall of WHISKAS® Dry Cat Food products because they were made with raw ingredients that were outside of stringent internal quality specifications.”

No where in the Mars Petcare recall announcement did the company disclose the cause of the recall – putting pet owners at a concerning disadvantage. Without the cause disclosed, veterinarians don’t know pertinent information on how to treat a sick pet.

Also, the Mars Petcare recall announcement did not disclose what symptoms cats could be showing due to consuming the recalled cat food.

And the Canadian Whiskas website gave no clue to why the pet food was being recalled or symptoms sick cats could be suffering from.

But…Costco – who sold the recalled pet food – did tell pet owners that pertinent information. The Costco website states:

The cause of the Whiskas recall was mycotoxins. From “The T-2 and HT-2 toxins are found in food and animal feed because of grains and have an impact on farm animals and pets due to the consumption of contaminated feed. Cats are especially sensitive to these contaminations.

If your cat consumed this food, please alert your veterinarian of the cause (mycotoxin contamination). Discuss with your vet ways to detox your cat of the mycotoxins.

Thank you Costco for being transparent with pet owners regarding this recall. Without your transparency, pet owners would have never known the cause.

Shame on you Mars Petcare.

Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,

Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Author Buyer Beware, Co-Author Dinner PAWsible
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  1. Francine

    November 8, 2021 at 1:15 pm

    Yay for Costco – never going to forget they did that.
    Mars, though – the company owned / run by person who said “[Pet owners] don’t like us ? ‘Bummer,’ bc we’re going to ‘be around for a long time’ – has to be Top 10 most arrogant / disdainful and just plain weird messages from corporate America – and that’s saying something. Particularly given the krappy products they put out.

  2. Barbara Fellnermayr

    November 8, 2021 at 5:00 pm

    What I really don’t understand is why/how the bad ingredients go in to production in the first place. It would make sense to test the ingredients then put them into production.

  3. spookywanluke

    November 8, 2021 at 5:35 pm

    Who would have believe a big World wide company would actually be the good guys 🤦🤷‍♀️

    Thanks Costco for being the bigger business.

  4. Susan Johnson

    November 8, 2021 at 8:17 pm

    I’ll be boycotting Mars for the rest of my life then, thanks to that telling comment from the Mars representative, and the non-disclosure, and of course, the ingredient problem in the first place. I’m pretty sure I’ve rarely bought any of their products anyway, but now, forget it.

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