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Pet Food News

Tell The View to End Sponsorship with Illegal Pet Foods

It’s time again for The View’s Annual Mutt Show where mixed breed dogs are celebrated. The shows sponsor is Pedigree Dog Food, one of the many pet foods using ingredients that violate federal law. Tell The View to end the sponsorship deal with any pet food using illegal ingredients. #ViewtheRightThing

TheViewsAnnualMuttShowIt’s time again for The View’s Annual Mutt Show where mixed breed dogs are celebrated. The shows sponsor is Pedigree Dog Food, one of the many pet foods using ingredients that violate federal law. Tell The View to end the sponsorship deal with any pet food using illegal ingredients. @TheView #ViewtheRightThing

For the past 8 years, the daytime television show The View has hosted an event highlighting wonderful mixed breed dogs.

The View’s Mutt Show is sponsored by a pet food using ingredients that violate federal law; Pedigree Dog Food. We can safely assume the executive Producers of The View and the celebrity Stars of The View have no clue that FDA does not enforce law with pet food. It’s time they learn the truth.

Tell The View to end the sponsorship deal with any pet food using illegal ingredients.
Find a sponsor whose products abide by all applicable laws.
@TheView #ViewtheRightThing

We don’t have much time; deadline June 16, 2016. Call ABC Studios – (212) 456-7777 

Recording will prompt you to ‘press 1’ to continue. A live operator will answer, ask to leave a message for the producers of The View. When prompted, (example script): My name is ________, I’m calling to ask ABC and the Executive Producers of The View to cancel the sponsorship of The Annual Mutt Show with Pedigree Dog Food. I’m asking The View to seek sponsorship from a pet food that abides by all applicable pet food laws. (I have already left a message, it is VERY easy to do.)


To the Executive Producers of The View:

We ask The View to use pet food sponsors whose products abide by all applicable laws.

The View’s 8th Annual Mutt Show will air soon. The sponsor of this show is Pedigree Dog Food; a company that utilizes ingredients federal law defines as illegal. We are asking The View to cancel the sponsorship of The Mutt Show with Pedigree and seek a sponsor whose products abide by all applicable federal law.

Explanation of pet food law:

The Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (Title 21, Chapter 9, Subchapter 2, Section 321) defines food as: “(f) The term “food” means (1) articles used for food or drink for man or other animals, (2) chewing gum, and (3) articles used for components of any such article.” (Click Here for source)

The same Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (Title 21, Chapter 9, Subchapter 4, Section 342) defines an adulterated food as (in part): “(5) if it is, in whole or in part, the product of a diseased animal or of an animal which has died otherwise than by slaughter;” (Click Here for source)

Law clearly defines the ‘food’ that pets eat to be adulterated (illegal) if it contains a diseased or non-slaughtered animal.

Now, unfortunately, we must share with you the reality that pet food consumers are forced to deal with on a regular basis; FDA’s lack of enforcement of law.

On the FDA website you will find FDA Compliance Policy Guides (CPG). CPG 690.300 states: “Pet food consisting of material from diseased animals or animals which have died otherwise than by slaughter…will be considered fit for animal consumption.” (Click Here for source) FDA arrogantly quotes federal law word for word in the CPG, then destroys consumer confidence by adding ‘will be fit for animal (pet) consumption’.

To be clear, FDA Compliance Policy Guides are not law. The Federal Register explains CPGs with:
“Guidance documents do not establish legally enforceable rights or responsibilities. They do not legally bind the public or FDA.” (Click Here for source)

The FDA feels ‘pet food consisting of diseased animals or dead non-slaughtered animals’ is safe when ‘further processed’. Sister federal agency the USDA disagrees; the USDA states “The cooking step of the rendering process kills most bacteria, but does not eliminate endotoxins produced by some bacteria during the decay of carcass tissue. These toxins can cause disease, and pet food manufacturers do not test their products for endotoxins.” (Click Here for source)

Regardless to either agency’s feelings about pet food ingredients sourced from diseased or animals that have died other than by slaughter – law is law. Law does not allow this material even if it is further processed.

Now for the information specific to your sponsor for The Mutt Show – Pedigree Dog Food. Various Pedigree Dog Foods contain the following ingredients: Meat and Bone Meal, Animal Fat, Chicken by-product meal, and Meat by-products.

Each of the above common pet food ingredients lack one significant thing from their legal definition. That one significant thing is the requirement to be sourced from a slaughtered animal (as federal law requires).

The legal definitions of pet food ingredients are developed by The Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) in cooperation with FDA. Consumers urge The View to verify each ingredient’s lack of requirement to be sourced from a slaughtered animal with either of these organizations.

Pedigree from Walmart websiteAs well…look at the label of a Pedigree Dog Food closely. In the example of Pedigree Adult Chicken Flavor Dry Dog Food provided on the Walmart website, you’ll see an image of roasted chicken (specifically a roasted chicken leg). The two meat ingredients in the pet food are not ‘roasted chicken’, they are: “meat and bone meal” and “chicken by-product meal”. Both of these ingredients look like this (a powdered meat):

pmm pbpmAs you can see, the actual ingredient in the pet food is dramatically different than the image on the pet food label.

Misleading labeling is also a violation of law. The same Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act quoted above states: “A food shall be deemed to be misbranded (a) False or misleading label – If (1) its labeling is false or misleading in any particular.”

To be fair, Pedigree Dog Food is not the only pet food using ingredients defined as adulterated by federal law. And Pedigree Dog Food is not the only pet food using misleading images on their label. Unfortunately for pet food consumers, many brands of pet foods violate multiple federal and state laws and we have no authority taking action to protect our pets.

But The View can make a decision to protect our pets. The View can take an authoritative step and not allow a sponsor whose products do not abide by all applicable federal laws.

Consumers ask The View to cancel the sponsorship of The 8th Annual Mutt Show with Pedigree. Please find a pet food sponsor whose ingredients and advertising abide by all applicable laws. If not, please continue with The Mutt Show without a sponsor. We ask The View to do the right thing. #ViewtheRightThing


What consumers can do:

For those who wish to help, we must act quickly. Deadline: June 16, 2016.

Call ABC Studios – (212) 456-7777

Recording will prompt you to ‘press 1’ to continue. A live operator will answer, ask to leave a message for the producers of The View. When prompted, (example script): My name is ________, I’m calling to ask ABC and the Executive Producers of The View to cancel the sponsorship of The Annual Mutt Show with Pedigree Dog Food. I’m asking The View to seek sponsorship from a pet food that abides by all applicable pet food laws.

(I’ve already left a message – it is VERY easy to do.)

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Share the video above, YouTube link:

Ask every concerned pet food consumer to make a phone call.

It is a long shot, but we can’t make change in pet food unless we try. Call The View, tell them the show should not be sponsored by a pet food that uses ingredients which violate federal law.


Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,

Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Author Buyer Beware, Co-Author Dinner PAWsible
Association for Truth in Pet Food

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  1. B

    June 6, 2016 at 9:19 am

    Hi Susan, today [Monday June 6th] pressing ‘2’ but it is not one of the options given. I pressed ‘2’ anyway and was instantly disconnected.
    Any other options?

    • Susan Thixton

      June 6, 2016 at 9:23 am

      My bad – it’s press 1. Will change in the post.

      • B

        June 6, 2016 at 9:30 am

        The live operator said she would take the message. I also gave them the address of this website for further information. Make the call now – very easy and it will take just a minute!

      • Terry

        June 6, 2016 at 12:15 pm

        Went thru menu twice. After reaching operator,press one, then press two, then three and for the view ext 849.
        Hope that helps.
        Susan, would you consider speaking on a show like the view? Wow, that would reach so many unaware people!!
        What you do is heroic in my eyes. Thank you! Terry

        • Susan Thixton

          June 6, 2016 at 12:17 pm

          I would jump at the chance to tell them that FDA does not enforce law! In a heartbeat I would say yes!

  2. Diane

    June 6, 2016 at 9:37 am

    The cast of the view are idiots anyway and I refuse to watch them. I’m sure they won’t care, they just want a sponser.

    • Dianna

      June 6, 2016 at 11:11 am

      I could not agree more with Diane … it say’s it all.

    • Regina

      June 6, 2016 at 12:17 pm

      Yup, those types of shows are just chatty little chat fests that talk about celebrities and their current movie or whatever; and fashion, and stupid cooking stuff. It is just fluff and not worth my time, but I did like someone’s idea about putting stuff on their Facebook page (and hoping it doesn’t get deleted!!!!). But I don’t even do Facebook and Twitter, so in addition to calling, which I think will fall on deaf ears, we should just forward this TAPF email to as many people as we can, including if you have your own Facebook page, put it there.

  3. T J Rycombel

    June 6, 2016 at 9:40 am

    Many pet companies continue to do this. This one is one of many and ALL should be held accountable! Good to start with this one, though. It’s all about the MONEY, and in America, MONEY rules everything, including deadly pet foods.

  4. Diane R.

    June 6, 2016 at 10:52 am

    Is there an email address for the view? oI would love to send this page so they can actually read all the issues.

    • Susan Thixton

      June 6, 2016 at 10:55 am

      I couldn’t find one – all I found was the phone number.

    • Pet Owner

      June 6, 2016 at 4:36 pm

      Susan wants people to call, because time is so limited.

      But the address is:
      ABC Studios
      c/o The View
      320 West 66th St. .
      New York, NY 10023

      Corporate Executives:

      I worked 10 years for an Executive Customer Service department in a Fortune 100 company. If you’re going to write a complaint, make sure it’s completely addressed (and copied) to actual people. It will be intercepted by staff tasked with screening mail. But complaints are usually recorded. Value is given to the effort and rationality of the sender, literacy and brevity is a plus! Keep in mind, “The View” thrives on controversy! All Production cares about is that the Show is being “noticed” (good or bad). So make it clear you’re no longer a viewer, and you will share the reason for your opinion on Social Media, to encourage others.

      Address the correspondence with a full name, proper salutation, their title, and full address. It shows you’ve researched. State your point in the first sentence, and support it with relevant facts (as Susan has supplied). Remember, these “Entertainment” professionals don’t have a CLUE as to what we’re talking about! So be specific about “points” that everyone can understand! Namely, that a LAW exists, and it is being VIOLATED! Point #1, the law was established for consumer protection. Yet without a standard for accountability and enforcement. Point #2, the FDA is ignoring the law. Point #3, a major corporation (owner of Pedigree) is selling a product with the possibility of illegal ingredients. Because currently there is no method of assurance to the contrary. Animal Digest and Bone Meal are considered risk ingredients. [There is also a TAPF link to that study somewhere as well.]

      You can go a step further by copying your local ABC affiliate, especially to the attention of the Consumer Affairs Department. The FCC requires all local affiliates to be (very) responsive to the issues of its Viewing public when considering License Renewal! Letters are kept on file. And at the very least you will receive a form letter of acknowledgement.

    • Pet Owner

      June 6, 2016 at 5:04 pm

      The View encourages FACEBOOK.
      But there are 2 ways to contact by email (at least to ABC).
      People also post comments about individual Episodes.
      And there is already 1 comment about Pedigree as a sponsor.

  5. cathy

    June 6, 2016 at 11:06 am

    The View also has a facebook page. put the message on that.

  6. Regina

    June 6, 2016 at 12:22 pm

    Sadly, so many crappy pet foods sponsor stuff, so they can pull more wool over people’s eyes.

    Like when purina claims their dogs win at dog shows —- the dog shows are SPONSORED by purina, so I’m sure feeding purina is one of the qualifications to enter the stupid dog show.

    And people are idiots, and don’t bother looking past the flashy PR crap.

    • Pacific Sun

      June 6, 2016 at 9:53 pm

      PEDIGREE can afford honest advertising! So it’s criminal negligence they intentionally deceive their customers (and the general public). By failing to insure the source of rendered protein ingredients. They should be “proud” to prove the fundamental integrity of their product. Yet are curiously silent.

      Pedigree used to sponsor one of the largest benched Dog Shows on the West Coast. But no longer. Contrary to perception Shows are about more than vanity. Using the Sponsor’s product was (and is) never required to be an Exhibitor. While Exhibitors may use some of the products to augment diet (for weight and appearance) many more spend a LOT of money on a range of products doing the most good for their dogs.

      Many use raw, especially dehydrated, and fresh food. Shows have many Vendors now, often novel ones, who are trying to break into the marketplace. They sell all kinds of products directly because they can’t afford media exposure.

      In fairness, this PF issue is a matter of education. And the purpose is in gaining publicity! Some Owners will (and would) only feed “animal food” to “animals.” That will never change, and they’re a lost cause. But other well intentioned Owners just need the information, even if it takes time!

      Never give up sharing links, making your points and referring this website. Right now, a law is NOT being enforced. It was established for a purpose. But is being intentionally ignored. That’s the point. [See the series of TAPF articles]. So that’s a very good foundation to build upon, to show how the PFI (particularly corporately owned companies) fail to protect the best interests of pets and their customers!

  7. Graham Atherton-Ryan

    June 6, 2016 at 3:51 pm

    #natural feeding is always best. Purina, Pedigree etc are all toxic junk food for your pets. We have recently at banned all these products from sale and we are promoting 100% natural foods and raw food diets only. Our cats are thriving on their raw food diets and your dog or cat could do also. Ignore the fancy packaging and go to the ingredient list first, Your pet will love you for it.

  8. Cathy

    June 6, 2016 at 4:15 pm

    I was transferred to a mailbox that would only give information, tried to get an email address but no go.

    • Susan Thixton

      June 6, 2016 at 4:29 pm

      This link for ‘feedback’ was posted on Facebook:

      • Pet Owner

        June 6, 2016 at 9:26 pm

        Yes, this link worked very well. I am not on FACEBOOK, but was allowed to make my statement. Doesn’t permit a lot of characters, but point made.

        I posted this:
        I am requesting the producers of “The View” regarding their “Mutts” Episode CHANGE their sponsorship from Pedigree to another sponsor! This company is owned by Mars. And uses ingredients (Animal Digest and Bone Meal) that can be sourced from ILLEGAL diseased and decaying rendered protein sources. It comes from animals who’ve died OTHER than by slaughter. For facts and details, please refer to

        Every interested Owner supporting this issue should CONTACT “The View” and ABC in one way or another. This is the very beginning of gaining visibility!

      • barbara m.

        June 7, 2016 at 1:08 am

        I went to this feedback link at ABC, and it is quick and easy. You pick the ABC program that you want to discuss and leave a written message. I also did the same on their Facebook page.

  9. Susan McFadden

    June 6, 2016 at 4:21 pm

    Call made!

  10. Mary Anne Bonthron

    June 6, 2016 at 4:32 pm

    Susan; You do know that those of us who are honest and make high end safe food and treats for fur kid DON”T have the money to pay for spots on national shows. We spend ALL our money on Ingredients we can track and prove are safe. no promos just great food
    Mary Anne

    • Susan Thixton

      June 6, 2016 at 4:34 pm

      I do understand that. My concern is a pet food with illegal ingredients – and I did suggest to them to them if they can’t find a ‘legal’ sponsor run the show without one.

  11. Tiffany

    June 7, 2016 at 10:38 am

    Done! More than glad to help our mission. Thanks Susan for all you do for our precious companions.

  12. Virginia Chapson

    June 7, 2016 at 10:18 pm

    After speaking with the operator she connected me to a list of options to choose from. I did not know which to select to leave my message.

    • Pacific Sun

      June 7, 2016 at 10:37 pm

      According to Terry who posted this comment.

      “Went thru menu twice. After reaching operator, press one, then press two, then three and for The View, ext 849.”

      If you’re on FACEBOOK, you can make a comment on their page. That would be a good way to spread the message to other Viewers.

  13. Virginia Chapson

    June 7, 2016 at 10:19 pm

    I wasn’t sure how to complete this call for reasons explained above.

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