Friend and fellow pet food consumer advocate Dr. Michael W. Fox provided us his thoughts on the World Wildlife Fund’s recent post on pet food…
The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) has a long history of turning half-truths into fact and missing the larger picture for reasons attributable to short-sightedness or vested interests. Their WWF magazine, Spring 2016 article “What’s the environmental impact of pet food” is illustrative of this organization’s limited perspective. Adhering to the nebulous dictum of sustainability, the article asserts that the increasing public demand for human-grade ingredients in pet foods is wrong-minded environmentally and that cats and dogs should continue to b be fed animal byproducts. Millions of tons of diseased, dying and dead animals and condemned animal parts are recycled into pet foods and livestock and poultry feed, much of which is of questionable nutritive value and poses a significant health risk. But this is highly profitable to the main-stream pet food industry, a subsidiary of the now global agribusiness food industrial complex, which puts companion animals (as well as consumers) at risk when animals are used to recycle such human food industry byproducts.
How much more progressive and visionary for the WWF to address the rising human population and its insatiable demand for meat and other animal produce and promote vegetarianism; and rather than making responsible and informed pet owners feel guilty, advise biologically appropriate, healthful whole food ingredients for companion animals.
Dr. Michael W. Fox, author of Healing Animals & the Vision of One Health and co-author of Not Fit for a Dog: The Truth About Manufactured Cat and Dog Food.

Jill R
February 26, 2016 at 10:45 am
Read WWF’s article. Wow! Unbelievable ignorance. I have to agree that seeing most women now with 5 kids surrounding their grocery carts and hearing constantly, “oh, we’re hoping for at least 4 kids” shows how concerned our population is with over-population. Give a family like the Dugger’s a TV show glorifying their unsustainable behavior and in a nutshell you get a glimpse of our societies intelligence level. Ugh!!!
Amee Rech
March 1, 2016 at 3:34 pm
YES! Incredible! Thank you, Jill.
February 26, 2016 at 12:54 pm
So…they’d rather it go into our pets than landfills? Yeah, thanks, but no thanks.
Garson Hunter
February 26, 2016 at 3:28 pm
My dogs eat human-grade food. More accurately, they eat human-grade food waste products. What they eat has been produced for human consumption and not for dogs.
Their diet consists of chicken carcusses which remain after the birds have been processed for humans (I remove the excess skin before they eat it). The dogs eat chicken necks and turkey necks because people are not eating them. The dogs eat ground turkey carcusses, what remains after all the human food processing has occurred.
The dogs also eat bovine meat; the heart, tongue, bits of liver and neck meat that is left behind after the cows have been processed for human consumption. They eat green tripe which is not permitted for human consumption. They eat previously frozen (to kill any parasites) salmon bits once per week. It’s the bits and pieces that remain after the fish have been processed for human consumption.
Yes, my dogs eat human-grade ingredients. However nothing they eat was ever raised for dog food. It’s what humans throw away.
February 28, 2016 at 8:18 pm
Excellent diet for your dogs, Garson. Unfortunately, most people think “by-products” just entails the items you feed your dogs. They have NO idea what actually comprises the “by-products” that go into pet foods. So much education left to do
February 26, 2016 at 7:34 pm
Susan, the Animal Liberation Front (Yes, I know it’s radical.) has nothing good to say about the WWF:
Also, I have (or thought I had) a document regarding Prince Philip’s shenanigans with the WWF but can’t find it. Maybe this video will help:
The New World Order elites will do everything in their power to crush us and our pets, and if we don’t fight back, that’s exactly what will happen.
March 21, 2016 at 2:09 pm
I read the story at the first link and I wonder if instead of protesting to the WWF about its true goals, if a better use of time would be to petition governments to no longer give them whatever you call the status they have. They should not be allowed to guide governments on animal policies.