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Needed: Golden Retriever Puppy

About two months ago, a heartbreaking story was shared on Many of you asked me how you could help this family. Today I have an answer for those that want to help…we are in search of a Golden Retriever Puppy for a very deserving family.

About two months ago, a heartbreaking story was shared on  Many of you asked me how you could help this family.  Today I have an answer for those that want to help…we are in search of a Golden Retriever Puppy for a very deserving family.

Long heartbreaking story short – this particular family suffered through more than a nightmare.  First a child was murdered, next the family’s beloved dog died believed to be linked to the pet food.

At the time the story was posted, you wonderful pet food consumers out there sent me requests of how ‘we’ could help this family.  Many of you specifically asked if ‘we’ could help get them another dog.  Now we can help them.  They are ready for a new dog.

The family told me they would like to get another Golden Retriever.  They shared…

If you know of any Golden’s that need a good home, let me know. I’ve started looking into rescues in our area, but there’s waiting lists. I don’t care about papers or AKC registration. Doesn’t even have to be a puppy. Younger is better, but we like the idea of helping one that’s in need of some love too.

Location:  Camden NY…its upstate right between Utica and Syracuse. Perfect setting for a golden, small town, large, fenced in yard. My kids are 8 and 10, so old enough to be kind and loving. My dad is retired and I’m home all day too since I’m not working and when I do, its nights, so a dog is never alone here.

So if anyone has concerns about placement issues, we have a perfect setting and family for a golden. He would be loved.

What do you think?  Can we help this family find a new dog?  Please contact me ( – if you know of a Golden Retriever this family can welcome into their home.  I’ll forward all on to the family.

Here’s hoping I have a great story to share about ‘new love’ provided to this family very soon.


Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,

Susan Thixton
Association for Truth in Pet Food
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Author Buyer Beware, Co-Author Dinner PAWsible

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  1. Nina Wolf

    March 27, 2013 at 2:44 pm

    I’ve put the word out…hope we can help.

  2. ChicagoDenise

    March 27, 2013 at 3:18 pm

    Petfinder is the way to go! Thousands of dogs in need of a home. Lots of Goldens & Golden mixes available on Most dogs from the rescue groups are fixed and u.t.d. on all shots.

  3. Susan McFadden

    March 27, 2013 at 3:28 pm

    GGRAND in Louisville, KY is a great Golden rescue, they are on Facebook. Good luck! Goldens are the best!

  4. Ellie

    March 27, 2013 at 5:35 pm

    I understand wanting to help a dog that needs a home but I hope they will be very careful. After what they have gone through they don’t want to get a dog that may have genetic issues like hip dysplasia. They have suffered enough and don’t need to see a dog that they love suffer through such a thing. A Golden Retriever rescue group that is really reputable may be the best bet. A good rescue would have the puppy or dog checked out before placing the dog. But always make sure ahead of time. I hope they find the perfect pet to help heal the wounds of the past.

  5. Marsha

    March 27, 2013 at 6:48 pm

    We have a Golden rescue here but I live in Florida. So I would not be much help at this time. Best of luck, praying for the familyl

    • Ellie

      March 28, 2013 at 9:13 am

      I know there are some kind people who set up transports for dogs that have been rescued. Don’t know if they work in NYS though.

    • jennifer

      April 2, 2013 at 12:25 pm

      If you have the golden; can people not get together to get it from florida to where was it NY? I’m in montana and grew up in NY. NY to Florida and visa versa if not a long trip if people would be willing to do different legs of the trip. We do that in MT all the time with rescues. I think you would be surprised! Like I said people, she has the Golden; please help here get it to them. Ellie sounds like you might be the gal to get the ball rolling 🙂 Golden mom of two, Jennifer Good Luck 🙂 all the best!

      • jennifer

        April 2, 2013 at 8:15 pm

        I’m having a hard time believing that with Susan’s GREAT site, that we are the only people that have commented! There are lots of great ideas thrown out there; hopefully someone will come up with something…… many dogs, Goldens, in need of homes; it breaks my heart 🙁

  6. vicki

    March 27, 2013 at 9:30 pm

    I’m just wondering if this family would be willing or able to travel to adopt a Golden from other area Rescue’s?

    I ask because here in Detroit area MI our local DDR(Detroit Dog Rescue) specializes mostly in bully breeds, but often do take in other breeds as needed. I’m most fond of GS – and have found them with several needing homes, as well as husky’s lab’s and Golden’s.

    So, if you can, let us know if travel is an option for this dear family. We all want the best for them and their new fur baby!

  7. April

    March 29, 2013 at 3:00 am

    This page has lots of groups that rescue Goldens in NY. When one pup is placed that creates space to rescue another.

    This link is from the website called: founded by Jeff Gold who also rescues dogs.

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