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Mars Petcare contacts regarding Nutro

It seems that is not just a website for pet owners; corporate pet food are readers too. The following is contact information I received from Mars Petcare regarding a recent article published about Nutro pet food laboratory testing results.

It seems that is not just a website for pet owners; corporate pet food are readers too.  The following is contact information I received from Mars Petcare regarding a recent article published about Nutro pet food laboratory testing results.

It began when respected pet food safety advocate Don Earl of Pet Food Products Safety Alliance alerted me to laboratory test results received on Nutro Chicken Meal and Rice cat food; click here to read original article.

Today, I receive the following via the ‘Contact Us’ on from Julie Lawless, corporate communications manager for Mars Petcare US and The Nutro Company…

“Name: Julie Lawless
Subject: Info for you on recent Nutro story on PFPSA
Question: Hi Susan,
This is Julie Lawless, corporate communications manager for Mars Petcare US and The Nutro Company. I wanted to make sure you had the latest information from us on the Nutro story posted on PFPSA for your readers. We conducted a thorough investigation and sent a retained sample of the food from the production run for Vitamin D testing. I wanted to share with you
what we found (see info below). Thanks again, Julie

As a result of a consumer inquiry regarding possible elevated levels of Vitamin D in one lot of NUTRO® NATURAL CHOICE® Chicken Meal and Rice cat food, we sent a retained sample – taken at our factory from this specific lot – for independent testing. The lab that conducted this test is well-known for its expertise in Vitamin D analysis.

The test results confirm our previous analysis that the Vitamin D levels are well within AAFCO requirements and achieve the target Vitamin D level designed for this food. NUTRO® NATURAL CHOICE® cat food does not contain elevated levels of Vitamin D.

Claims of elevated levels of Vitamin D are being reported on the website of the Pet Food Product Safety Alliance (PFPSA). Our test results clearly indicate that PFPSA’s information is incorrect. In addition to the test results, a number of facts question the validity of the PFPSA claims.

Conversations with the consumer’s own veterinarian did not indicate that food was the cause of the cat’s illness. Furthermore, blood test results presented on the website are not consistent with a diagnosis of a cat that has been consuming elevated levels of Vitamin D.

At Nutro, quality and safety are our most important priorities. We stand by the safety of our food. The consumer’s cat is now in good health and we are gratified that our food did not contribute to its recent illness.”

The following was my reply to Ms. Lawless of Mars Petcare…


Thank you for contacting me; I will certainly post your update to my readers.  Since you contacted me, I hope the conversation is open between us.  And I’m certain you understand I am on the side of pet owners, not corporate pet food.  On that, I personally cannot get past test results.  Yes, your testing showed the Vitamin D was within AAFCO ranges, however PFPSA testing did not.  Why?  Why should pet owners believe your testing over that of PFPSA?  Pet owners have been severely injured by pet food; deaths, on-going illnesses, recalls, silent product pulls, and downright lies.  I am NOT saying specifically that Mars Petcare has been responsible for all of the pet owner heartache, yet Mars Petcare is responsible (along with many others).

There also remains the issue discovered by through the Freedom of Information Act; the frightening number of FDA reports of sick and dead pets all related to Nutro pet foods.  This IS a concern.  Simple corporate testing of one batch of food does not remove the fact that many pets have died or became seriously ill from what the pet owner believes to be directly related to Nutro Pet Food.  There is no one like a pet owner to know why their pet became ill; no one.  To dismiss the firm belief of the pet owner is a slap in our face; corporate pet food MUST stop this behavior.

So…coming from the perspective of a pet owner, where is this heading?  Will more pets become ill or die?  Will more expensive laboratory tests be performed showing conflicting results than Mars Petcare results?  I have no vendetta against ANY pet food company, however from my side of the table (as a pet owner) it remains sickening to see that nothing has changed in the pet food industry since the deadliest pet food recall in history.  The FDA continues to allow all pet food manufacturers to violate Federal food safety law.  Pet food labels continue to mislead unknowing pet owners.  I ask your company to be the first of big corporate pet food to step forward and do something to protect the health of pets, instead of protecting corporate profits.  You just might find, should Mars Petcare decide to do the right thing, your profits will increase by producing a pet food with no risk ingredients, no bargain basement imported vitamins/minerals or vegetable proteins, no ingredients that violate Federal food safety laws.  Wholesome ingredients that you would serve any other member of your family.  Should Mars Petcare’s response to ‘no risk ingredients, no bargain basement imported vitamins/minerals or vegetable proteins, no ingredients that violate Federal food safety laws’ be ‘we’ already use only the highest quality of ingredients, I suggest you prove this.  Show us.  Figure it out.

Respectfully, I remain very skeptical.

Susan Thixton
Truth about Pet Food
Petsumer Report”

Despite what many might think, I truly do NOT have a vendetta against any pet food company.  I truly do NOT have a vendetta against the FDA or AAFCO.  However, I am on a mission.  Pet food has to become safe.  Pet food can not continue to be given the privilege to violate the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.  Pet food labels cannot continue to all look the same when clearly there are huge differences.  And on and on.  These things I do have a vendetta against.  Not ‘a’ particular pet food; ‘the’ industry and it’s lacking regulations and standards.

I’m sick of being sick over pet food safety.  To any pet food company that claims they use the finest of ingredients, I say prove it.  Prove it!  Don’t tell me…show me.  Show everyone!  If you’ve got the ‘real deal’…prove it!

To any pet food company that does go the extra mile, spend some time knocking on the door at the FDA and AAFCO.  Do something – Anything – to make YOUR industry safer.  Not just for your products, but for all pets.  

To all pet owners reading this, know that Big Pet Food is reading this too – including your comments posted on articles.  Should you wish to send them a message, you can do so (respectfully) on this site.  They are reading here – this is a good thing.  Maybe, just maybe we can get them to listen.  Again…respectfully.


Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,

Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Author, Buyer Beware
Co-Author Dinner PAWsible

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1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Amy

    January 26, 2013 at 4:17 pm


    I am a pet owner/lover and I would like to say THANK YOU for your site!

    You provide such valuable information to help the consumer! I am a pet rep with Rocky and Bella…I am very involved in learning and researching information such as this to help educate our pet owners. We need to spread the word and stand up for our pets health and rights! After all we are their voice!

    Thank you again and keep up the Fantastic work!

    Amy Bair 🙂

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