I’m proud to announce the publishing of Buyer Beware: The Crimes, Lies, and Truth about Pet Food. Years of TruthaboutPetFood.com reporting along with eight personal stories of pet food from you.
It’s been a long time coming, but it’s finally done. My book, Buyer Beware: The Crimes, Lies, and Truth about Pet Food will be available on Amazon.com next week! Of course I will let you know exactly when.
Buyer Beware provides readers with clear cut evidence to the ‘truth’ of many dog foods and cat foods. From incredible regulatory loopholes provided to pet food manufacturing by the FDA to detailed information about risky pet food ingredients such as animal fat, by-products, canola oil, and much more.
The book also includes eight personal stories directly from the hearts of pet parents. When you read these stories, you’ll know without doubt the devastation pet food can cause. Many, many thanks to Lynn F. – Magic’s Mom, Mollie M. – Blackie Jr.’s Mom, Christian B. – Cody’s Mom, Nick – Jericho’s Dad, Deb J. – Sophie’s Mom, Stephen L. – Gracie’s Dad, Christine – Skeeter’s Mom, Michael C. – Dodger’s Dad and Phyllis B. – Tristan’s Mom for sharing your stories with the world. I know your stories were difficult to write; bringing every painful memory back. Thank you again.
Margaret M., sister of Kath M. – long time friend of TruthaboutPetFood.com took on the laborious job of editing Buyer Beware. Thank you, thank you! Margaret told me “What a labor of love this has been for you! You have dedicated so much of your life to advocating for animals who cannot speak for themselves while so many of them are quietly being poisoned. What an atrocity! You are a marvel and these precious, innocent creatures thank you just by being the beautiful souls that they are. As a lover of animals, I thank you too.”
Veterinarian friend of TruthaboutPetFood.com Laurie Coger, DVM previewed Buyer Beware. This is the quote she provided me…
“Susan, through her website TruthAboutPetFood.com, and now this book, has devoted herself to providing pet owners with the information pet food manufacturers don’t want us to know – namely, the things in their products that can be hazardous or fatal to our pets. While pet food advertising bombards us with the images of plump fresh meats, brightly colored vegetables, and beautiful grains in their products, Susan talks about ethoxyquin, recalls, rendering, and deceptive advertising. And she’s got the facts to back up her writings. Something, as you will learn from reading this book, the pet food industry is not required to have.
It is high time that the pet food industry’s secrets were brought to light. This book represents a giant step toward exposing everyday practices that jeopardize our pets’ health. Learn the truth.”
Laurie S. Coger, DVM, CVCP
Thank you Dr. Laurie!
One of my beautiful talented daughters designed the cover for me (Liane). Aren’t I the lucky Mom?
The publisher, CreateSpace.com provides bulk purchase discounts for online booksellers and libraries. For quantity purchases other than online booksellers and libraries (such as Independent Pet Food stores, Veterinarians, and pet related clubs or groups), please contact me directly for discounts. I don’t have the book yet either – only the proof; but my first shipment is on the way.
Buyer Beware will also be available in digital format (for Kindle’s and other digital book readers) on Amazon.com.
Book tour? Well, certainly this can be arranged especially in the state of Florida. But outside of my driving range, remember that Buyer Beware is a self published book. In other words, I don’t have a huge publishing house behind me fronting the costs for travel. Just like TruthaboutPetFood.com and Petsumer Report, Buyer Beware is NOT supported/sponsored by anyone other than pet parents. My future goals are to do a nationwide tour to meet and speak directly to pet parents about the concerns of pet food; but for now this remains a goal.
The countdown clock has begun…Buyer Beware will be on Amazon.com very, very soon. Notice will be sent out when the Amazon.com listing is up (for those of you living within a 3 state area of my home…you’ll probably hear my scream of excitement!).
Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,
Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Author, Buyer Beware
Co-Author Dinner PAWsible
What’s in Your Pet’s Food?
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