I say with great happiness…another AAFCO meeting is over. More information once I return home, but here are a few highlights.
The greatest pleasure for me of an AAFCO meeting (besides the moment it is over) is on day one, first session, roll call. It is wonderful to be able to stand and say my name with “representing pet food consumers”. In the midst of hundreds of industry representatives to say I am here representing you, makes every meeting for me.
After the roll call is the ‘Business Meeting’. We got to see the definition of feed grade and human grade approved. That was a milestone.
Purina gave a presentation on ‘consumer’ research. The most concerning issue with this (honestly it wasn’t all bad) was how questions can be asked (of consumers) to achieve the desired answers. Of course we all knew this was happening – does happen; but it certainly was interesting hearing them say it.
There was discussion of a AAFCO working group (working groups happen outside of AAFCO meetings – usually online) that I knew nothing about in advance. The working group consisted of part regulatory and part industry (no consumer representative). And the working group report shared that the group discussed what can/will be shared by industry to regulatory authorities. I was shocked at this disclosure. In my opinion, what should be shared by industry to regulatory in a pet food/animal feed investigation should be anything that regulatory wants or needs. There should be no discussion on this in advance. But…that’s now how it works.
In the Pet Food Committee Meeting this morning, Big Heart Brands (now owned by Smuckers) had their opportunity to discuss the term ‘meaty’. In their presentation they clearly told the Pet Food Committee how confusing the term was – it is used to describe everything from fish in a pet food to being used for a sweet potato treat. When opportunity arose, I gave the committee your input (consumer input) stating consumers believe the term ‘meaty’ should mean it is full of actual meat and consumers believe it should not be allowed as it is very misleading; which was basically stating what Big Heart Brands was saying. But…after my response the Big Heart Brands representative responded to me by citing the dictionary definition of the word and stated she didn’t know why it was so confusing to consumers. Strange – as she was just telling AAFCO how confusing the term was for them.
One good thing of the Pet Food Committee meeting was more discussion on human grade, one of the Committee chairs stated they welcome – even from consumers (and she specifically stated consumers) – suggestions on how to further the definition of human grade pet foods. Such as raw pet foods who fall in a grey area. I found that suggestion to be very open minded of AAFCO – giving us the opportunity for further voice on this topic. Thank you AAFCO.
In the Ingredient Definitions Committee Meeting there was discussion of a new FDA Compliance Policy that will not allow multiple terms used for the same ingredient. The example given was Brewers Rice (found commonly in pet food/treats) and Chipped Rice. Both ingredients are the same product. FDA does not want the term Brewers Rice used, they want Chipped Rice used.
When I get home (late tomorrow) I will go over my notes and provide more details. Thanks to all consumers that support this website giving me opportunity to represent you at AAFCO. If it wasn’t for all of you – I wouldn’t be here. Thank you!
Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,
Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Author Buyer Beware, Co-Author Dinner PAWsible
Association for Truth in Pet Food
What’s in Your Pet’s Food?
Is your dog or cat eating risk ingredients? Chinese imports? Petsumer Report tells the ‘rest of the story’ on over 4,000 cat foods, dog foods, and pet treats. 30 Day Satisfaction Guarantee. www.PetsumerReport.com
The 2016 List
Susan’s List of trusted pet foods. Click Here
The Other List
The List of pet foods I would not give my own pets. Click Here
Have you read Buyer Beware? Click Here
Cooking pet food made easy, Dinner PAWsible
Find Healthy Pet Foods in Your Area Click Here

August 2, 2016 at 6:53 pm
Thank you Susan for a great day in your representation of our voices. They need to know we are not going away… ever.
August 2, 2016 at 7:13 pm
How lovely for you to able to give some positive comments about this group appearing to be actually open to what you, representing us, have for input. This must have been quite satisfying after being the “odd man out” for so long. Long live your endurance and the ability to remain sane among the opposition. I’m happy that you have made progress. You go, girl!
August 2, 2016 at 7:23 pm
Hi Susan. A bit off topic, but I wanted to share this article with you: http://www.naturalnews.com/054412_pet_foods_heart_worms_chemical_toxins.html
August 3, 2016 at 8:47 pm
FYI- The website is not very reputable for factual info. The 2 components of HW pills , Ivermectin and Pyrantel have been used safely in humans for 40 & 45 years. Not that any drug is without risks but what you are feeding your animals from a bag is a lot more harmful to their health!
August 3, 2016 at 9:40 pm
Hi Tracey. I referred to the sources beneath the article before submitting it here. If you see anything amiss, please tell us.
August 2, 2016 at 7:51 pm
God bless you Susan! There is some good news. Your words about their even contemplating, “what can/will be shared by industry to regulatory authorities. I was shocked at this disclosure” are deeply alarming, as all things pet food should be revealed, period! And meaty? Really? That’s confusing? Okay, I get there could be a potato that’s meatier than another – actually no – Meaty is about meat, period. How these people can be confused is beyond me. Thank you beyond words for being our voice!
We love you and appreciate you SO much!
August 2, 2016 at 8:03 pm
Thank you Susan! Without you we would not be heard. It seems that AAFCO may finally be hearing us? A few years ago (before I found you, Rodney and Dr. Becker) my daughters dog (6 lb Maltese) got extremely ill. We suspected it was the food he was being fed. A friend of mine which is a scientist offered to analyse the food to see if he could find anything toxic in it. Well ultimately it came back that my grand dog had suffered from Potato Glycoalkaloid Toxicity from the potatoes in a Nutro brand that he was being fed. Thankfully the dog was saved from near death and is a healthy 11 year old dog now. Thank you for helping us to learn about the safety of our pets food and giving us a voice!
Cheryl Bond
August 2, 2016 at 11:19 pm
I am signed up to recieve FDA email alerts about pet food issues, for anyone who is not, take a look at this! I actually had to laugh! Yea, SURE!! Love we believe they REALLY look into our complaints of issues w/pet foods/treats. Oh, that’s right! ONLY if the complaint might be about raw food, THEN, their ” RIGHT ON IT!!!!”
From FDA E-newsletter:
“Have you ever wondered ….
What happens when you report a pet food complaint?
Your report to FDA is important. It will be reviewed by the FDA to determine if any follow-up is possible or needed based on the information provided. Follow up could include pet food or treat collection or diagnostic sampling from your pet for analysis. Even if your pet food product or other samples are not tested, information from your report will help with the FDA’s efforts to monitor and ensure pet food safety through adverse event and product problem surveillance. Please be assured that FDA continues to devote time, energy and resources at multiple levels of the agency to monitor reports of illness that could potentially be related to pet foods and to determine their root causes where possible. Want to know more?”
Cheryl Bond
August 2, 2016 at 8:12 pm
Thank YOU! Susan, for all you have done and continue to do. We all appreciate all your hard work & dedication. You never let us down!
August 2, 2016 at 8:38 pm
Thanks for all the work you do, Susan. Have you heard anything back from Oprah?
August 3, 2016 at 12:49 am
Once again thank you Susan for all you do & caring for our buddies
August 3, 2016 at 4:41 am
I’m fairly new to your page, but have been reading everything you post. It’s the most current, specific, up to date information I can find online regarding the dog food industry. The work you do is paramount for someone like me, who runs a small fresh dog food business, dealing with human grade ingredients and whole foods, all the way from Malaysia! Thank you so much for all the work you do. It’s much appreciated!
August 5, 2016 at 5:43 am
I know that this isn’t really relevant necessarily to the topic of the article here, but I wanted to share something that I saw earlier (found it completely on accident too, was going to look for one thing, and happened to find this, and I’m so very glad I did too!), because I think that it will be much appreciated and understood by almost everyone that frequents this site, and leaves comments or engages in discussions on here with others. It’s not anything super extravagant, but… it struck a very sensitive nerve for me, and I think it will for others here too. 🙂
This video was posted this past February, but the video (or at least the song she’s singing anyways) is much older….. She made this – the song at least – after losing her own dog to one of the recalled pet foods, back in 2007. I’ll admit… I was in tears as soon as the music started, with the video portion going along with it. I thought of Susan, and the war she fights for us and our pets, every single day. I thought that this was the best place to share something like this – where I’m sure others will appreciate it, and I’m sure those who have lost a dog or cat (or multiple pets) to the food recalls in 2007…I imagine that this will speak to those of you very deeply.