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The Charges against Evangers Pet Food

There has been much confusion over the charges against Joel and Holly Sher of Evanger’s Pet Food; the Cook County Circuit Court documents provided to sets the record straight. While there remains a trial to determine guilt or innocence, the charges against these owners of Evanger’s Pet Food are at least now clear.

There has been much confusion over the charges against Joel and Holly Sher of Evanger’s Pet Food; the Cook County Circuit Court documents provided to sets the record straight. While there remains a trial to determine guilt or innocence, the charges against these owners of Evanger’s Pet Food are at least now clear.

There has been much confusion over the charges against Joel and Holly Sher of Evanger’s Pet Food; the Cook County Circuit Court documents provided to sets the record straight.  While there remains a trial to determine guilt or innocence, the charges against these owners of Evanger’s Pet Food are at least now clear.

Filed March 24, 2010 from the Circuit Court of Cook County Criminal Division; The People of the State of Illinois versus Joel Sher, Holly Sher.

The Introduction states “The Defendants Joel Sher and Holly Sher are charged by complaint with commission of the offenses of theft of property of a value in excess of $500,000, a non-probationable Class 1 felony, punishable by a period of incarceration in the Illinois Department of Corrections of not less than 4, but not more than 15 years.  In addition, both are charged with money laundering over $500,000.”  

While this court document does not provide much insight on the money laundering charges, it does provide great detail of alleged gas and electric ‘diversion scheme’ going back several years not only at the Evanger’s Pet Food Plant but at Joel and Holly Sher’s home as well.

“A Nicor (gas company) inspection on October 14, 2007 revealed that the gas line had been rerouted to bypass the meter.  Both the Village of Wheeling Police Department and Fire Department documented this incident with reports and photos.  Nicor stated that during an inspection at Evanger’s Dog and Cat Food Company on December 5, 2008 NICOR representatives observed an unlawful diversion of a gas line capped off.  Prior to completing their inspection, one of the owners, Joel Sher, ordered them off of the premises.  NICOR officials returned later that same day and observed that the illegal piping had been removed.  This led to a second inspection on December 5, 2008, with the assistance of the Wheeling Police and Fire Departments, which lead to the discovery of underground piping which ad diverted gas service.  At that time NICOR terminated the service due to the unsafe conditions created by the illegal diversion.”  

Several former and existing employees of Evanger’s Dog and Cat Food Company were interviewed by Cook County State Attorney Office; all provided details of the alleged gas and electric tampering.  An interview of a former Evanger’s employee stated “she had been to the Sher’s home in Lincolnwood, IL and observed a pipe that was being used for an illegal gas utility hook-up.”

The following alarming statement has not been mentioned in previous press releases concerning Evanger’s…
“Interview of Beverly Slaby”
“On September 17, 2009, Beverly Slaby, Licensed Environmental Health Practitioner for the Community Development Office for the Village of Wheeling was interviewed.  Slaby investigated Evanger’s Dog and Cat Food Company for a multitude of health and sanitation issues.  Slaby stated that her office is directly involved in public health matters related to food and septic systems.  Slaby stated that her contact for the investigation was Tom and Jennifer Schaade.  The Schaade’s provided drawings and color photos of not only the unsanitary conditions at the plant, but also of illegal utility hook-ups.  Slaby also stated that the investigation began in 2006 and continued through 2008.”

If you’d like to read the full court document, Click Here.  It will be interesting to see how this turns out.


Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,

Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Author, Buyer Beware
Co-Author Dinner PAWsible

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