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Why would AVMA Executive Boards Stop this policy revision?

A resolution meant to revise and oppose an existing AVMA policy that allows shelter animals to be used in veterinary research was “quietly killed” before AVMA members could vote. Why?

A resolution meant to revise and oppose an existing AVMA policy that allows shelter animals to be used in veterinary research was “quietly killed” before AVMA members could vote.  Why?

The resolution, submitted by the AVMA’s House Advisory Committee, stated “The AVMA should not support a policy whereby animals who are abandoned, neglected or simply lost are relocated to a research to testing facility instead of a loving home or, where necessary, humanely euthanized.”  Yet for unknown reasons, the AVMA House of Delegates and the organizations Executive Board stopped the policy revision before members could vote.

“There wasn’t much talk publicly on why the resolution was withdrawn, but rumors circulated that deans of the nation’s veterinary medical programs were strongly opposed to the initiative.”

It seems clear that AVMA Executive Boards, and perhaps many Veterinary School executives don’t truly care about the well being of animals.  In addition, these ‘Executive Boards’ don’t want AVMA members nor the public to know of their misguided practices.

Where are the ethics of these individuals?

AVMA…it is long overdue for your organization to hold the well-being of animals in the highest regards.  While many practicing veterinarians do indeed care for animals as their oath swears them to, your national organization doesn’t seem to follow suit.  You have a decision to make; what is more important to your organization?  The well being of animals or the well being of your corporate alliances?


Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,

Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Author, Buyer Beware
Co-Author Dinner PAWsible

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