International experts of the World Health Organization said they have/had set a “tolerable daily intake for melamine”. Confusing; a “tolerable daily intake” for a industrial compound used to make plastics and pesticides? Common sense seems to say there should be NO tolerable level allowed in any food. But that’s common sense which all too often has nothing in common with health experts.
World Health Organization (WHO) Director for Food Safety Jorgen Schlundt said the allowable 0.2 milligrans per kilograms of body weight will “better guide the authorities in protecting the health of their public”. Yet at the same time, experts of WHO stated it is not yet possible to set a “safe” level of the chemical.
WHO experts also set “tolerable daily intake of cyanuric acid, a related chemical, is 1.5 mg per kilogram of body weight.” All too familiar with thousands of pet owners, WHO experts admitted “when both chemicals are in food the effect seems to be more than merely additive.” ‘More than merely additive’…in other words the effect of both of these chemicals could have disastrous results. Yet there is no mention from WHO experts about a ‘tolerable’ amount of melamine and cyanuric acid.
The FDA sets a 2.5 parts per million of melamine and melamine-related compounds.
Again, common sense would say that there should be NO tolerable level of an industrial chemical allowed in food, any food; especially an industrial chemical known to destroy normal kidney function in those that consume it. Where is the common sense in our food safety officials?
Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,
Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Author, Buyer Beware
Co-Author Dinner PAWsible
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