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Science Diet using Dried Grapes in Dog Food?

Grapes are a well known toxin to dogs, why is Science Diet using “dried grape pomace” in some varieties of dog food? AAFCO has not defined the ingredient, why is Science Diet using an ingredient that is not defined (not legal)?

Grapes are a well known toxin to dogs, why is Science Diet using “dried grape pomace” in some varieties of dog food? AAFCO has not defined the ingredient, why is Science Diet using an ingredient that is not defined (not legal)?

Fiona Macken owns Dawgs & Divas – an independent pet food store in Fort Madison, IA. Fiona keeps updated on pet nutrition issues and regulations governing pet food (she even owns the AAFCO Official Publication – the pet food regulations book). When a customer brought her a label from a dog food asking her to give opinion on the product – Fiona noticed a concerning ingredient. The dog food – Hill’s Science Diet Adult Small and Toy Breed dry – – the ingredient – “dried grape pomace”.

Fiona referred to her AAFCO Official Publication (OP). Knowing her pet food regulations, she knew that each and every ingredient included in any pet food must be legally defined. Tomato and apple pomace are defined, but grape pomace is not. Next Fiona turned to the FDA website for ingredients Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) in animal food. The ingredient was not listed as GRAS.

Fiona asked Hill’s Science Diet about the ingredient, the company told her the ingredient was safe and provided her a link to a safety study of “mixed grape and blueberry extract” (though not a safety study specifically for grape pomace). Click here to view that study.

Fiona then reached out to (but she really didn’t need any help). I turned to the AAFCO chair of the Ingredient Definitions Committee Mr. Richard TenEyck. Mr. TenEyck (very promptly) responded confirming that ‘dried grape pomace’ was not defined by AAFCO (thus it should not be used in any pet food). Mr. TenEyck also provided that the states where the product is manufactured should be contacted to alert of the potential problem.

I contacted FDA about the ingredient. Dr. Dan McChesney – Director Office of Surveillance and Compliance, Center for Veterinary Medicine – responded (very promptly) stating “Companies, both human and animal food, can and do self-determine GRAS.” (GRAS stands for Generally Recognized as Safe.) Meaning that Hill’s Science Diet could have the determined the ingredient is safe (but the ingredient would still need to be defined by AAFCO). Dr. McChesney also stated that if the ingredient was not AAFCO defined (it is not), this would be something that individual states could take enforcement action on.

Kentucky (a state Hill’s Science Diet has a plant in) Department of Agriculture representative Darrell Johnson stated “We have reviewed the label and will be contacting Hill’s requesting they remove grape pomace (as it is not an approved ingredient) from the formula and provide a revised label.  If they fail to remove grape pomace as an ingredient, the product would be subject to a “withdrawal from distribution” order per KRS 250.591.”

As it stands…

The ingredient Dried Grape Pomace is not a legal ingredient in any pet food – as it is not defined by AAFCO.

It is unknown if the ingredient is safe or not safe for dogs to consume. We can assume Hill’s Science Diet has the safety data, but…that information was not provided to the store owner who requested it.

Kentucky Department of Agriculture is asking Hill’s Science Diet to remove the ingredient, but the agency is not asking the company to issue a recall or withdraw the pet foods on store shelves (that contain the ingredient).

The ingredient was found in three Hill’s Science Diet dog foods (was not found in cat foods)…

Hill’s Science Diet Adult Small & Toy Breed Dog Food

Hill’s Science Diet Adult 7+ Small & Toy Breed

Hill’s Prescription Diet b/d Canine

(This is not necessarily an all inclusive list. If anyone finds the ingredient in other products or other brands – please post the name and link in comments to alert consumers.)

If you fed your dog one of the above 3 foods and your pet became ill, please report the issue to FDA.


It is the duty of each State Department of Agriculture to check every pet food label EACH YEAR when products are registered with the state. Per their own words (at AAFCO meetings), one of the things they do check on pet food labels is the ingredient list. So…why did not one State Department of Agriculture see this ingredient and stop this? Instead of regulatory catching the illegal ingredient – an independent pet store owner caught it.

It is understood that oversight of thousands of labels a year is a daunting task. Perhaps a better system needs to be implemented where independent pet food stores and consumers are enlisted as helpers in the regulatory system. Instead of regulatory treating us as the ‘red headed stepchild’ – wouldn’t it be more effective to work with us in a new system where we could help each other? (One can dream.)

Please support independent pet foods stores. You won’t find this kind of concern and follow up from the Big Box Stores or online retailers. Thank you Fiona, you did awesome protecting all pet food consumers.


Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,

Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Author Buyer Beware, Co-Author Dinner PAWsible
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  1. Sherrie

    February 25, 2018 at 11:54 am


    • Eve

      February 25, 2018 at 5:53 pm

      Because they simply can. They know how to get away with murder theyve done it before…2007-2009 recall was a betrayl of trust. Pet food industry it seems knows NO boundaries. Safely feed your pets raw natural diet its do easy and cheaper without playong Russian Roulette.

      • Charleen

        October 11, 2018 at 12:00 pm

        Have you actually read the listed ingredients ? Grape pomace is not a listed ingredient. I make my own dog food so it doesn’t really matter but I’m sure Hill’s is not out to betray consumer trust.
        By the way I’m a grad student and I’m researching a topic that you may or may not substantiate. Do you see yourself as leaning mor to the left or right politically?

        • Pet Owner

          October 11, 2018 at 12:28 pm

          Are you discovering a correlation between pet food advocacy work and political trust? Just curious. Since this is not a “political” forum (nor are politics encouraged) don’t you think an explanation is warranted.

          I encourage you to discover “Disqus” where you can find endless communities of conversation. And you could pose your theory there. Just say’in.

          • Charleen

            October 11, 2018 at 12:37 pm

            Sorry, I didn’t mean to offend. I am pursuing a dual degree and the response I commented on was A perfect example of a statement made by a professor I have. I wanted to prove or disprove his theory. Not a big deal.

        • Susan Thixton

          October 11, 2018 at 12:31 pm

          Charleen, this is not a political forum. The conditions of pet food can be equally caused by both parties. As example, 3 Democrat and 3 Republicans from the House recently introduced a bill to delete laws that thousands of pet died for. FDAAA Section 1002 (a). All parties in Washington DC are responsible for the horrible conditions in pet food.

  2. Donna Muse

    February 25, 2018 at 1:22 pm this has been going on for some time and the debate on this site is quite revealing

  3. Pet Owner

    February 25, 2018 at 1:26 pm

    Wow! Great consumer observation. Great followup, Susan! Certainly let’s those agencies know, consumers are paying attention!! Did anyone ever explain the purpose of the ingredient? And what about the other fruit and veggie ingredients we see? Are they specifically itemized in the AAFCO definition book? Once upon a time, there used to be a PF based on Avocado!!

    • Chris Pometta

      April 2, 2018 at 4:46 am

      Still is….it’s called “Avoderm”!

  4. landsharkinnc

    February 25, 2018 at 3:30 pm

    well, it’s Garbage food to begin with, so why NOT use an industrial waste product ( aka GARBAGE ) i.e. Grape Pomace, etc. … which is simply the residue from the production of ‘grape’ products — jelly, etc. and probably wine — we use the remnants of GRAIN from the alcohol industry ( beer, etc. ), so why would grape residue be any different ?

  5. G Willie

    February 25, 2018 at 5:22 pm

    Hmmmmmm………interesting. I’ll be watching for outcomes……any response from Hill’s will be most interesting, because of this:

    “Grapes and Raisins
    While grapes and raisins are not harmful to some dogs, they have been associated with kidney failure in others. Simply put, it’s not worth the risk to find out! Vomiting, lethargy and diarrhoea can occur within 12 hours of ingestion. If the symptoms are not treated, they can lead to dehydration, decreased appetite and increased urination followed by decreased urination. If your dog has consumed grapes or raisins and these signs occur, take her to a vet immediately. Your dog can develop long-term kidney disease or even die from kidney failure within three to four days.”

    Could it be that the heating process eliminates the toxicity ?

  6. Mary Straus

    February 25, 2018 at 5:38 pm

    I’ve heard that the state of Texas is the one most likely to take action against pet food companies that don’t comply with regulations. You may want to contact them as well.

    • n

      February 26, 2018 at 12:09 am

      Does HIll’s have a manufacturing location in Texas?

  7. Eve

    February 25, 2018 at 5:46 pm

    Yet another unbiological toxic ingredient used as a filler constituant to hoodwink pet food buyers. Safer just to avoid processed pet food together.

  8. Jules

    February 25, 2018 at 5:58 pm

    “Please support independent pet foods stores. You won’t find this kind of concern and follow up from the Big Box Stores or online retailers”

    That seems kinda bold being that one of our independent stores is selling pet food with pentobarbital in it. (Evangers)

    If y’all have questions, call Hill’s and speak with them…

    • Susan Thixton

      February 25, 2018 at 6:56 pm

      Every independent pet food store is not the same. But many go above and beyond for their customers.

    • Ms. B Dawson

      February 26, 2018 at 10:35 am

      Talk to Hill’s? You saw Hill’s reply…”provided her a link to a safety study of “mixed grape and blueberry extract”. *A* study, as in ONE. They used the University of Google to find supporting evidence in a single study. That’s no different than a manufacturer selling a pharmaceutical based on literature review rather than FDA approved testing methods.

      And by the way, as a biologist & herbalist I can tell you the chemistry of an extract is quite different than the pomace left after the extraction! And it was a mixed extract to boot. To equate the two is bad science. Blueberries have no dog-toxic constituents, thereby diluting the grape toxins. Again, bad science.

      Are we to believe HIll’s is too ignorant to know they are using an illegal ingredient by AAFCO standards? I seriously doubt that. They know that grape pomace has trace vitamins and antioxidants, fiber and it adds bulk. Why buy more expensive ingredients when there’s something cheaper.

      According to the PressDemocrat in Sonoma: “Most wineries put pomace back into their vineyards, either working it into the soil or composting it for mulch. Some haul it away to be made into compost for other agricultural crops or for municipal operations.”

      UC Davis, specifically Jean VanderGheynst, has studied ways to use this by-product of the winemaking industry for livestock feed and extraction of ethanol. Given Hill’s close relationship with UC Davis, is it any wonder that information filtered over?

      Hill’s rolled the dice and figured their chances of getting caught were pretty slim. Any consumer who calls them with questions gets a scripted fluff answer cleared by their legal department.

      An enthusiastic Four Paws Up! to Fiona and Dawgs & Divas for digging deep. You are a credit to independents!

  9. Cyndi Ernst

    February 25, 2018 at 7:51 pm

    Virbac makes a water additive for dogs with bad breath. It contains xylitol, the chemical in sugar free gum and is toxic to dogs. Companies will put anything out there.

    • Robert

      February 26, 2018 at 11:02 am

      Good to know. Some sugar free cough drops also contain xylitol, so make sure those are put away as well.

  10. Norma Macdonald

    February 25, 2018 at 8:46 pm

    Thanks so much for ? my dogs thank you too!

  11. Sandra Murphey

    February 25, 2018 at 10:23 pm

    This is one response from a vet when I posted the question on Quora:

    Michael Hoover, veterinarian

    “Science diet has done safety studies that show pomace is not toxic and deninitely not at the levels used in the food … it is a source of antioxidants …. Hence the use in B/D or the diet for cognitive disorders in dogs ….. Hills does very through and in depth research and would not knowingly put a harmful compound in any of their foods”

    • Susan Thixton

      February 26, 2018 at 8:36 am

      I would agree that Science Diet has (probably) done safety studies. But…they did not do the due diligence to make the ingredient legal through the AAFCO process. And they should have.

  12. Al M.

    February 26, 2018 at 1:40 am

    Since you used the acronym AAFCO about a hundred times in your article, maybe you should explain what the letters stand for and what the organization is and what it does. Thank you.

    • Susan Thixton

      February 26, 2018 at 8:34 am

      Association of American Feed Control Officials

  13. A. Williams

    February 26, 2018 at 9:06 am

    Here is a report from National Institute of Health in regards to grape and blueberry extracts used in dogfood.

  14. Margo McNamara

    February 26, 2018 at 11:50 am

    I have been feeding my 4 dogs the small bites science diet for over a year now. ? I guess time to change

  15. Paul Lacasse

    February 26, 2018 at 8:52 pm

    Follow the money. It’s all about the money it is always all about the money.

  16. Pingback: Controversial Ingredient Added To Hill’s Science Diet Has Dog Owners Concerned | Pets & animals

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