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Rumor Is

Stated to me by two different trusted sources, there is a rumor going around about the Purina lawsuit against Blue Buffalo. Though I doubt we’ll ever learn if its true, it does shine an interesting light on this lawsuit.

Stated to me by two different trusted sources, there is a rumor going around about the Purina lawsuit against Blue Buffalo. Though I doubt we’ll ever learn if its true, it does shine an interesting light on this lawsuit.

The rumor is: the lawsuit of Purina versus Blue Buffalo’s marketing claims stems out of a failed purchase attempt. Again – rumor – Purina tried to purchase Blue Buffalo, and when that failed Purina filed the lawsuit.

There have been rumors in the pet food industry for several years that Blue Buffalo was positioning themselves to be bought out. Speculating…if those rumors were true, it could make sense that Purina could have been one of those potential buyers.

More speculation…if Purina did some significant homework on Blue (prior to purchase attempt) it could be that at that point Purina discovered (what their lawsuit claims) Blue’s use of by-product and grains.

I have no idea if these rumors are true, but it does make one wonder. Is Purina a sore loser?

Purina has a history of suing competitors. In 2009 one of those competitors sued back and won. In 1999, almost 20 years after Wysong Pet Foods had developed the technology to provide probiotics in pet foods, Nestle Purina applied for and was granted a patent by the US Patent Office as inventor of the technology.  At the time, Purina was not including probiotics in their pet foods, but the company was receiving licensing fees from other pet foods that did. Wysong refused to pay Purina and Purina sued.  Wysong answered with proof that Dr. Wysong actually invented the technology many years prior. The US Patent Office agreed with Wysong.

We don’t know if these rumors are true or just rumors. I have reached out to Purina (for multiple questions) and have yet to receive a response.



The following message was received from Blue Buffalo today (5/14/14)…

Dear Ms. Thixton,

The rumor you reported about on May 12, 2014, about discussions between Purina and Blue Buffalo is not true.  There have been no discussion about any transaction between Blue Buffalo and Nestle Purina, or any affiliate of Nestle Purina.  Your cooperation in correcting this will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

Richard MacLean, General Counsel, Blue Buffalo Company.


Still no response from Purina.


Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,

Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Author Buyer Beware, Co-Author Dinner PAWsible
Association for Truth in Pet Food

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  1. Casey

    May 12, 2014 at 3:11 pm

    Safe to say that Purina likes to play dirty. It’s all about the $$$, everything else be damned.

  2. Ann

    May 12, 2014 at 4:45 pm

    Here is the supposed skinny on all this…(from BB rep meeting and business speculator). BB named Purina’s President as new CEO that was end of last year, news release didn’t name him as former Purina, but as Purina???
    Over the past 3 months has been rumors of BB going on auction block by summer. Then SD did lawsuit, now Purina…this is devaluing a company before a sale. Leave the rest up to you….

  3. Craig

    May 12, 2014 at 5:02 pm

    And then there’s another angle, published in the Trades, that the Motley Fool is reporting a rumor that Blue Buffalo is preparing for an IPO.

    Whatever the truth turns out to be, it will be an interesting circus to follow.

  4. Angela Himmeroder

    May 12, 2014 at 5:33 pm

    The pot calling the kettle black! Purina is one of the WORST foods on the market. They should be ashamed to even call themselves a ‘pet food’, more like garbage in a bag

  5. Debbie Daniel

    May 14, 2014 at 10:07 pm

    It IS true and BB has filed a counter lawsuit.

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