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Pet Food News

Pretend Human Grade and Not Profitable

Two different perspectives from pet feed manufacturers about human grade pet food.

Blue Buffalo and Purina Pet Care have an ugly competitive past. In 2014, Purina testing of Blue Buffalo pet foods led to multiple lawsuits – one costing Blue Buffalo $32 million.

Both of these companies were recently in the news, discussing future plans of the brand. Both have different, but similar perspectives on human grade pet food.

Blue Buffalo’s perspective.

Blue Buffalo (owned by General Mills) announced they are potentially entering into the refrigerated pet food space. The company is currently testing a fresh dog food in 200 pet food stores.

The new pet food line is called “Fresh“. We could not find a list of ingredients. We also could not find information if the product is a human grade pet food or a feed grade pet food pretending to be human grade.

In a news story, Blue Buffalo stated (bold added): “‘We’re testing how pet parents are going to receive it, and how they’re going to use it,’ said Bethany Quam, president of the pet segment for Golden Valley-based General Mills. ‘It’s extremely humanized — a resealable deli container that can be a full meal or put on top of a bowl of dry food.‘”

“‘It’s the simple idea of wanting to feed your pet like family,’ Quam said. That humanization trend is seen as key for sustained growth in pet food.

Blue Buffalo’s terms of “humanized“/”humanization” do NOT guarantee the pet food is actually human grade. The pet food label does not appear to have the Human Grade disclosure, we assume the new food is/will be feed grade marketed as a human grade pet food.

Per their own words, Blue Buffalo’s perspective is marketing the humanization of pet food, not necessarily human grade pet food.

Purina’s perspective.

Nestle Purina Petcare recently stated at an investor conference they are currently not interested in producing a human grade pet food – their reasoning was money. A Nestle executive stated (bold added):

As of today, we are not totally convinced by the economics of some of these sub-segments. It’s a little bit early so we prefer to continue reviewing and let’s wait and see if we believe that there is a case for profitable growth there as well.”

The market opportunity is there. Could we get a good return out of it? We are not totally, totally sure at this stage, but it’s something that we will continue monitoring on a permanent basis.”

Per their own words, Purina’s focus is not human grade pet foods, it’s “profitable growth“…”a good return“.

It appears neither brand is interested in selling pet ‘food’ (human grade pet food). Selling pet feed (feed grade) marketed and labeled as food is working fine for them. It appears both brands are focused on profits and growth of their company provided by significantly less expensive (and inferior quality) feed grade ingredients and feed grade manufacturing.

But…would that change if regulations required pet food labels to disclose feed grade quality of ingredients?

Currently, regulatory authorities allow pet feed manufacturers to mislead consumers not requiring truthful labels. Such as pet feed manufacturers are allowed to make claims of ‘Made with Real Chicken’ even though the ‘chicken’ could be sourced from condemned, illegal per federal law chicken. Our consumer association – AssociationforTruthinPetFood.comfiled a Citizen Petition with FDA 9 months ago requesting disclosure of feed grade ingredients on labels. We fully evidenced that federal law requires this. Even though FDA was required to provide their response within 120 days, the agency has not given us an answer to our Petition.

So…pet owners searching for actual human grade pet foods (human edible ingredients and supplements, manufactured in a licensed human food facility) will need to continue to be diligent in asking questions of their manufacturer. Because regulatory authorities allow pet food labels and websites to mislead pet owners – we have to ask questions.

Are food ingredients human edible?
Are supplements human edible?
Is the pet food manufactured in a licensed human food facility?

It’s worth the effort – ask them!

Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,

Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Author Buyer Beware, Co-Author Dinner PAWsible
Association for Truth in Pet Food

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  1. Linda M Kelly

    March 1, 2023 at 3:17 pm

    Humanized always marketing some gimmick that catches one’s attention but that is not enough one needs to research it. The name makes me want to gag what crap! Thank you for bringing it to my attention we all need to be on guard as nothing is as it appears!!!

  2. Sara

    March 1, 2023 at 3:55 pm

    Darn – I wish we had a peek at that label! I haven’t found one online.
    An optimist might say that maybe people will switch/try this refrigerated food. Then discover all the other refrigerated options and ultimately see that there’s better options. I’m not an optimist though. Cost important to consumers.

  3. Barbara

    March 1, 2023 at 7:11 pm

    Today I saw someone’s post on social media. Their cat died from thiamine in Blue Buffalo. The word is getting out about the dangers in
    commercial pet foods. Thank you Susan.

  4. Jo-Anne

    March 1, 2023 at 8:59 pm

    Blue Buffalo and Purina are both poison.
    Blue Buffalo nearly killed my kitten Percival. I had to use a homeopath to save him and then I used Susan’s List to find food that would not kill him.
    Purina has been selling chicken feed that harms chickens.

  5. Rox

    March 1, 2023 at 10:04 pm

    Thank you, Susan. As always, excellent reporting. BTW Purina’s stance is perfectly illustrative of just some of the many reasons why I will never feed any of their products. Not to dogs. Not to cats. And not to my livestock. IMO that company is all about profit. Not about quality. Not about sustainability. Not about safe ingredients, safe processing, transparent labeling, safe packaging, and safe sourcing. I don’t care how many cutesy tv ads they run. How many dog sports or horse shows or rodeos (ugh) they sponsor. My opinion is that they are unethical, immoral, and many also would opine, flagrantly illegal in all facets of their insular corporate world.

  6. Amy

    March 2, 2023 at 8:04 am

    Would it even be legal for feed to be in the same refrigerator section as people food?

    • Susan Thixton

      March 2, 2023 at 8:55 am

      Excellent question. The FDA doesn’t seem to care if feed grade pet foods are stored in a refrigerator (in homes or at groceries) next to human food. I’ve even written them about people consuming feed grade pet food, they don’t seem to care.

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