The Clean Label Project is soliciting data from pet parents who have or have had a dog or cat that was diagnosed with cancer—to examine the data and any correlations that can be made between their food and types of cancer.
Clean Label Project is undertaking a much needed and significant research project. “Though there has been significant research relating toxins to a number of cancers in humans, our canine and kitty counterparts have not had that same luxury.” The organization is gathering data on pets diagnosed with cancer (over the past 10 years) in hopes to gain insight into what could be triggering the high cancer incidents in pets.
From the Clean Label Project:
The Clean Label project intends to use this data to identify systematic relationships between brands of pet food and the incidence of cancer using both anecdotal reports from pet owners and our own analytical chemistry data on the presence of known or suspected carcinogens on pet food products.
Clean Label Project hopes to get as many participants as possible—and encourages everyone who has had a dog or cat diagnosed with cancer in the last 10 years to participate in this important survey. There is an option to submit multiple submissions if one owner has had multiple animals with cancer diagnoses.
To provide your information in the survey – visit:
Looking forward to the results of this survey.
Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,
Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Author Buyer Beware, Co-Author Dinner PAWsible
Association for Truth in Pet Food
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Risa Freeman
August 2, 2017 at 3:06 pm
How do I get the Book cooking for your Cat? Also do not blame Pet Foods more so the Vaccines!!!! In the 60’s there was limited pet products and Cats and Dogs lived beyond their years.
Carol Morris
August 2, 2017 at 3:56 pm
In the 1950’s folks also made their own pet food! Then the grand idea in the 60’s for consumer convenience. Pet food was made. Another reason our food supply itself was not as contaminated either- I now make my own pet food be it raw/cooked. At least I know what is in it! Tired of euthanizing my beloved felines because of cancers! And none were over vaccinated-
August 2, 2017 at 3:14 pm
Do you know who’s funding the study?
August 2, 2017 at 3:38 pm
Wow, this is really exciting news and I’m sure they’ll uncover a lot of interesting and valuable information! We lost one dog in the past 10 yrs to cancer in the lungs, however we had only recently adopted him as a senior and had no idea what he had been fed previously. In 2004 (longer than 10 yrs but maybe still helpful) we lost a golden retriever to liver cancer at 12 years old. Prior to this diagnosis she had a tumor (I don’t know the type/name) on one of her toes which had to be amputated. She was raised on Purina One pretty much her whole life, with some Ol’ Roy every once in a blue moon. So sorry that I ever fed this garbage. Now that I know better, we feed fresh homemade food and my oldest just celebrated his 13th birthday. He literally looks like he’s 7 or 8, while my 7 year old looks 3 or 4. Just goes to show fresh, real food is so important! I also strongly believe vaccines are a huge component to the skyrocketing cancer rates, as well as topical meds, etc. Thank you for sharing this info, Susan, I’m excited to learn the results once they’ve gathered enough data!
August 2, 2017 at 3:50 pm
They are the group that posted the reviews for safety of lots of pet food, but didn’t really tell us much about what the ratings mean. Also, they put a link to buy each product food from Amazon. I’m not sure I feel comfortable with sending them personal information about me and a cat I had who died from cancer.
Denise Strait
August 2, 2017 at 4:11 pm
I submitted the survey. I lost my little 5 year old Maltese in Nov 2015 to a sarcoma of his liver and abdominal area. I’ve always wondered if it was the pet food that contributed to it. I fed him Blue Buffalo Grain Free Chicken Small Breed because I didn’t know any better and thought I was feeding him an excellent food. Losing him has been the worst experience of my family’s life. Thanks for all you do, Susan.
Jackie Hastings
August 2, 2017 at 5:34 pm
Have you heard anything on Taste of the Wild
August 2, 2017 at 9:30 pm
Thank you, Susan. I completed the survey for both my dog and cat. My greyhound had osteosarcoma and my cat had intestinal lymphoma. Both of them passed when they were only 10 years old. My vet said that these are common cancers in pets but I want to know why they are so common? Why are we, as a society, accepting this high rate of cancer in our pets? I have a huge amount of respect for my vet, but when I wanted to find alternative food for my cat back in 2011 when he was diagnosed, I was promised they would do some research and get back to me. They never got back to me even after I repeatedly asked them for guidance. Thanks to you, Susan, and Dr. Alinovi, I am now making food for all my four cats – I’m hoping this makes a difference to the length and quality of their lives.
August 3, 2017 at 2:40 am
I looked at the results of their testing for high metals etc at that site. I’m surprised Orijen scored so poorly. How is that possible?
Steven Johannes
August 3, 2017 at 5:38 pm
The Clean Label Project may have some great intentions, but I would really question their methods when they give a five star rating to PURINA DOG CHOW COMPLETE DRY DOG “FOOD” and KIBBLES ‘N BITS
Chef’s Choice Grilled Beef and Vegetable Flavors Dry Dog “Food” (quotation marks added by me). And this is only from looking as far as the second page of their ratings. I gave up at that point.
chuck linker
August 5, 2017 at 1:52 am
Female rescued boxer. 10 yrs. old. Diagnosed with thyroid cancer & spleen carsomona.
Surgery to remove both. Success. Only board certified surgeon considered.
recovery. Palladia from oncologist helped shrink tumor..
No more premium commercial canned nor dry food. Raw diet only. Home made per holistic vet recipe.
Avoid all commercial food & lies on labels. Some vets receive kidkback by recommending any Hills products. Ther is no such thing as the single best dog food.. Do your homework !
Mary Ashman
August 7, 2018 at 9:05 pm
If you start feeding raw make sure it is 80/10/10 ratio or close. 80% plain protein, 10% bone & 10% organ meat. You also need to give them quality vitamins that are made in USA. I use Dog Bloom – VM supreme Vitamins. They are in Ohio and a small company. Dog Bloom actually sells to quality breeders. They are very hands on and accessible should you have questions. I went raw and the co-op I get it from has it already mixed and ground and comes frozen. I also add veggies & hard boiled eggs with the shell on. Probiotics and fish oil are given daily. I have been so much happier and so are my dogs…no more allergies and all in great shape for their ages. No more bad breath!! I truly believe the pet food and BPA lined pet food bags are a huge cause of cancer. Vaccines and any chemicals also play a huge part. I am a big fan of Susan Thixton and her associates. They have made a huge difference in exposing these greedy pet food companies that are only concerned with making money!