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Pet Food News

Only FDA Can Stop This Clock

It is probably the longest FDA investigation in history. The investigation of why thousands of pets have suffered serious illness and death linked to jerky treats sourced from China. The FDA investigation clock began ticking in 2007…and FDA is the only one to stop this ticking time bomb of pet death.

It is probably the longest FDA investigation in history.  The investigation of why thousands of pets have suffered serious illness and death linked to jerky treats sourced from China.  The FDA investigation clock began ticking in 2007…and FDA is the only one to stop this ticking time bomb of pet death.


FDA has been investigating pet deaths and illnesses linked to
Chinese jerky treats for…

[countdown id=”1391185657″ format=”dHMS” serverSync=”true” alwaysExpire=”false” compact=”false” tickInterval=”1″ font_size=”24″ bg_color=”#f6f7f6″ counter_color=”#dd3333″ label_color=”#444444″ counter=”since” until=”01,01,2007,00,01″ labels=”Years,Months,Weeks,Days,Hours,Minutes,Seconds” labels1=”Year,Month,Week,Day,Hour,Minute,Second” compactLabels=”y,m,w,d”]

When will FDA stop this clock?


Jerky pet treats from China have been linked to pet illness and deaths for more than seven years.  High levels of illegal drugs and illegal levels of drugs were found in about 50% of the treats tested in January 2013 (by the New York Department of Agriculture).  Please FDA…stop the clock.



Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,

Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Author Buyer Beware, Co-Author Dinner PAWsible
Association for Truth in Pet Food

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Is your dog or cat eating risk ingredients?  Chinese imports?  Petsumer Report tells the ‘rest of the story’ on over 2500 cat foods, dog foods,  and pet treats.  30 Day Satisfaction Guarantee.



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  1. Ann

    January 31, 2014 at 12:34 pm

    I am watching the clock.

  2. Nina Wolf

    January 31, 2014 at 2:22 pm

    anyone know how we can all embed this clock on our own sites and FB pages?

    • Susan Thixton

      January 31, 2014 at 2:31 pm

      I purchased a program – plugin – called ‘The Countdown Pro’. But looked and looked for something that everyone could share – never found anything. I think we’ll have to find a programer to take this on. But it is my hope we can do it. The best share would be the ticking clock. If I get it – I’ll let everyone know.

      • Nina Wolf

        January 31, 2014 at 4:08 pm

        thanks – would love to get it up on all kinds of pages and sites with link back to you!

  3. Cathleen A. Combs

    January 31, 2014 at 5:00 pm

    I’m so sick of the FDA’s excuses. I lost four dogs, one of them my Service Dog, Bruiser. He had eaten Waggin Train & AKC’s jerky treats. I’m so sick to death with these “American Owned” companies committing genocide to a species, that is the reason they are in business.
    They should all be charged with Felony Animal Abuse, they know that dogs are dying, but they just keep selling poison.

    • Regina

      February 6, 2014 at 12:19 pm

      Cathleen, I can hear the frustration in your voice! Losing pets is bad enough, but a Service Dog??? I’m so sorry for all of your losses, and how they have made your life more difficult. Service Dogs need a lot of training, and having to start over again because of these profit-driven companies who don’t care about animals, ugh.

  4. Janelle

    January 31, 2014 at 6:02 pm

    Er – no one is greasing the FDA enough money to stop the clock.

  5. dennis adkins

    January 31, 2014 at 7:58 pm

    the only way we can win this war is with air time on major networks 15 second spots with a veterinarian warning of the dangers with any imported pet products from china and how many pets have been killed over the years by them start the move now fight fire with fire let me be first to write a check for a couple of hundred dollars thanks for beating the drum so loudly on this issue

  6. dmiller

    January 31, 2014 at 8:11 pm

    You wouldn’t need a real vet, just an actor playing one. Just make sure you can’t be sued by China over it.

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