There is no excuse. No pet food company should make misleading or false statements to consumers on their website. Some examples of false statements from Hill’s Pet Foods.
There is so much misinformation about pet food. ‘They’ blame those pesky bloggers (pet food trouble makers) but actually much of the misinformation comes directly from pet food companies hoping to sell their products to consumers. Found on the Hill’s pet food website…
Hill’s suggests to consumers that the Association of Animal Feed Control Officials – AAFCO – “verifies” that pet foods are complete and balanced. This is not true.
AAFCO does not ‘verify’ pet foods at all, they have no regulatory authority. AAFCO is an independent association consisting of State Department of Agriculture and FDA members. AAFCO is responsible for writing “model bills” which become state laws (when/if accepted by individual states) governing pet foods/animal feeds. AAFCO also is responsible for defining pet food/animal feed ingredients. State Department of Agriculture or FDA might verify the complete and balanced claim, but AAFCO does not.
Hill’s also suggests to consumers that AAFCO tests pet food; “AAFCO testing procedures”. Again, this is not true. AAFCO itself does not test any pet food, does not verify any complete and balanced claim, does not verify anything on a pet food/animal feed label. Testing and verification is done by State Department of Agriculture and/or FDA.
Another very misleading statement on the same Hill’s webpage is this:
Wrong. If you see the words “…for all lifestages” on a pet food package, it means just that…a pet food suitable for all life stages – puppy/kitten and adult. The AAFCO definition of this claim is: “means gestation/lactation, growth, and adult maintenance life stages.” The claim is NOT limited to puppy or kitten foods as Hill’s tells consumers.
Yes…the above misleading statements from Hill’s are minor twists of the actual facts/regulations – they are not life threatening. But they are a problem – part of the bigger problem of many pet food websites completely out of control. Everything from misleading images of beautiful human grade foods implying the pet feed is made with this quality of ingredient to twists of the facts causing an unknowing consumer to believe the pet feed is tested and highly regulated – pet food websites have become the wild, wild west of deceit.
Regulatory authorities MUST begin to regulate pet food websites. Legally, they are considered an extension of the pet food label – thus it is the legal responsibility of FDA and each State Department of Agriculture to monitor misleading claims on pet food websites.
If a pet food company wants our respect…wants our trust…wants us as a customer, start with honesty. If regulatory authorities want our respect…start with enforcing the law(s). Pet food consumers deserve better than this.
Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,
Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Author Buyer Beware, Co-Author Dinner PAWsible
Association for Truth in Pet Food
What’s in Your Pet’s Food?
Is your dog or cat eating risk ingredients? Chinese imports? Petsumer Report tells the ‘rest of the story’ on over 4,000 cat foods, dog foods, and pet treats. 30 Day Satisfaction Guarantee. Click Here to preview Petsumer Report.
The 2017 List
Susan’s List of trusted pet foods. Click Here
Have you read Buyer Beware? Click Here
Cooking pet food made easy, Dinner PAWsible
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May 31, 2017 at 12:47 pm
Susan, I would LOVE to see what kind of response you would get from Hill’s if you confront them on their misinformation.
I’m just sitting here shaking my head. I can’t believe these folks are allowed to say such ridiculous things!
Chris Javier
May 31, 2017 at 2:32 pm
Yes would love to see what SH has to say about this. Thank you Susan.
May 31, 2017 at 3:42 pm
If you notice on all of Hills packaging it does not say for all life stages. It is specific for nutrition for puppy, kitten, Adult and Senior. One big brand that is all life stages is Natural Balance.
May 31, 2017 at 4:11 pm
I love it! The various departments of agriculture scrutinize the “trouble maker” pet food companies and their websites. Now, you are scrutinizing the “in-crowd.” Touche!!
End Grain Free Food
February 25, 2021 at 11:55 pm
Ummm…the AAFCO does testing and does verify that animal feed matches the listed ingredients. Literally anyone can pay to have their feed tested. No deception there. Puppies have unique nutritional needs. For an all life stages food not to deprive a puppy, it has to be a puppy-centric food. If it is not a puppy-focused food it is an inferior product for puppies. If it is a puppy-focused food it is sub-optimal for adult dogs. This isn’t complicated. If All Stages food didn’t have significant drawbacks why wouldn’t all food be All Life Stages food? Sure, it is better to feed All Life Stages to a puppy than adult food, and possibly better to feed All Life Stages to an adult rather than straight up labeled puppy food, but it is completely disingenuous for anyone to market a food as being for all life stages. Hill’s Science Diet literally has like 30 varieties of food. It is in their best financial interest to make an All Life Stages food to compete against Canidae for example but they don’t do it. Why would a deceitful greedy feed producer pro-actively take money out of their own pocket?
We use all life stages food for our dogs because one is a puppy and the other is 18 months old. The older one is a grazer, and the puppy eats till she pops. In order for both dogs to eat they need the same food or else we can’t leave the older one’s food out for her to graze on. We knowingly use a product that is inferior for one or both of them. Looking forward to six months from now when we can put them both on an adult food.
Susan Thixton
February 26, 2021 at 9:18 am
I have attended AAFCO meetings for the past 10 or so years. They do not test pet food and they do not verify ingredients. AAFCO is not an agency that regulates. AAFCO members regulate, but AAFCO does not.
Pet Owner, long term
February 26, 2021 at 12:00 pm
Couple of problems here. These are two links which make the issue crystal clear.
Prescription Needed for Pet Food?
Pet Food Legally a Medical Prescription?
Issue 1. Clients have a sick dog and they’re desperate for help. Few people have the ability (or funds) to make a home made diet, especially if trying to target a specific condition.
Issue 2. Marketing and image control further clouds the discussion. So who would NOT trust a “Prescription Diet” (yikes!). Except that it’s only a LABEL with no drug involved. It is NOT a prescription at all. It is FOOD.
Issue 3. Further deception (wow!). So if a manufacturer can make “therapeutic” food then certainly they know all about what I should feed my dogs! Then ask yourself why does Hill’s split themselves into two. OTC Science Diet, or Rx food sold only be a Vet??
Issue 4: “All Life Stages” is another gimmick intended for the stupid and the gullible. If so then why is “Puppy Food” marketed or “Senior Food” except that they’re contradicting themselves! It’s because most people want to buy only one PF for their household.
Issue 5. Does the manufacturer (Hill’s) have your pet’s best interest even in the least? Well no, not if they couldn’t test 3rd party supplier (pre-mixes of Vit D) creating overdoses which made dogs deathly ill. Including mine. I used to give RX diets (and Vets) leeway, but not since the Hill’s fiasco. Whatever you’re feeding, avoid Hill’s like the plague.
Issue 6: There is no such thing as a “Science” Diet. There’s no more “scientific” calculation in that food than any other, of which all PF is made to conform to basic nutritional standards (or analysis which is a label you’ll see on every bag of PF). Use that as your guide. The percentage that isn’t protein, Fat, Fiber & Moisture, is assumed Carbohydrate. Then look at your ingredients to figure out what kind of starch? Puppies need calories (protein & fat) for growing, but obese dogs a leaner diet. Figure it out yourself, and skip all the hype!! Oh, and don’t forget to measure every portion and avoid free feeding.
Side note: no, the PF company doesn’t need our respect, only our money. And the government is last in line for caring about anything at all, that’s not related to their our power monopoly.
Hint: whatever the brand, just read the ingredients themselves. And who & where it’s made. If it works for your dog, then it does, but has nothing to do with what it happens to be called or the pictures on the bag. Hedge your bets and never depend on only one brand/recipe. Make some of that nutrition whole human quality foods. Especially the protein (and avoid corn in cheaply made products).
May 31, 2017 at 5:09 pm
I am SO glad I have a vet that is educated in nutrition for cats and dogs. I “graduated” from canned (NOT the RX junk) to raw a few years ago.
May 31, 2017 at 6:01 pm
Could you please give me a link to the page you referenced?
Susan Thixton
May 31, 2017 at 6:07 pm
It is linked in the post – but here it is:
May 31, 2017 at 6:45 pm
I agree, websites are a total sham. Because they’re no legal liability, it’s a free for all.
So real questions instead:
From the bag itself, the product says “therapeutic dog nutrition.” (Webster’s definition of Therapeutic is “relating to the healing of disease.” Also, “a treatment, therapy, or drug.”
From the same bag it says, “AAFCO Statement: Use only as directed by your veterinarian. Animal feeding tests using AAFCO procedures substantiate that Prescription Diet z/d Canine provides complete and balanced nutrition for maintenance of adult dogs.”
QUESTION: How do I interpret the above statement? And if it is a violation, what’s the best thing to do?
And just for contrast, from another non-prescription brand, is this statement: “[This brand] dog food is formulated to meet the nutritional levels established by the AAFCO Dog Food Nutrient Profiles for all life-stages including growth of large dog size dogs (70 lbs. or more as an adult.”
QUESTION: What feeding trials are they referring to, and under whose authority?
_ _ _ _
p.s. – I know enough to feed pure human edible, whole pieces, of chicken and beef. Adding one of the above products, is used as a binder. I also rotate the diet by feeding Vital Essentials raw.
May 31, 2017 at 7:39 pm
Is this fake news from Hills ????
June 1, 2017 at 2:39 am
Susan have you thought of exposing the pet food industry on media night talk shows, like we have here in Sydney Australia: ACA Current Affair, 4 Corners, Landline and 60 Minutes. This will grab a larger more direct target of pet owners who sit down during or after dinner ‘with their pet/s-who would have too just been fed, and will see the truth exposed. Have you thought about ELLEN Show or Oprah? I believe these Pet Food Industries will only change once exposed on National TV. What A Great Idea 🙂
June 1, 2017 at 8:30 am
Unfortunately in this Country there’s a crisis of “truth telling” (and conscience).
Meaning an absence of it!. There has been 10 years of history regarding this issue of deceit in the pet food industry (PFI) and no one (except Susan) has been willing to raise awareness. And push for reform. Regarding “Show Business” and “Celebrities” they already understand who sponsors what. Pet Food business is rolled up under a mega-corporation umbrella. And if celebrities want work (and sponsorship), then they need to stay in check.
Right now, if the laws of the land, aren’t being enforced (also for other reasons) meaning corruption sinks down to the lower levels. Everything (whether for profit or motive) is self-serving. Gone is true investigative journalism, for its sale alone. Everyone is much too self-interested.
It will take awareness and a movement by the people (consumers) to change anything. But education (as demonstrated here, on this site) is the key! Don’t give up. And keep spreading the word. For the pets, who have no voice.
Chris Sollers
June 2, 2017 at 5:39 pm
I don’t like their products and now I don’t like their advertising.
June 8, 2017 at 3:42 pm
Heh. Hill’s. They crack me up, they really do. They cracked me up when I went to a ‘conference’ of sorts, hosted by Hill’s when I worked for a different company with in the pet industry (I was a dog trainer at….a place of business that may or may not sell products for pet owners and such….) and one or two specific employees from each establishment within the district I was in was invited to this ‘conference’ where we would get to learn about… guess what? Pet food. The truth. The real deal. I think I was really the only one either brave enough to confront the Hill’s employees with what I knew was the truth, confront them on their lies and their total BS…or I was the only one with the knowledge to do so. Both of those make me really quite sad, to be honest. It was sad even then, being the only one to…hmm…fight the good fight, despite the fact that everyone sitting in that room with me at the time (give or take about…20 people, not including the 3-4 Hill’s employees) claimed to want the best for pet owners and their pets, claimed to want to know the truth, and share that truth with pet owners. It was fun watching Hill’s squirm and wince under scrutiny… having to find ways of dodging, avoiding, or stealthy answering-but-not-answering my questions, because all eyes were on them, all ears were tuning in to what they had to say. It was fun for me a bit, I did enjoy making them squirm. 🙂 I despise Hill’s with a fiery passion, because they are one of the worst out there. Why? Because they’ve contaminated the one place, the one source that a lot of pet owners seek out when they need help, when they have questions, concerns, when they turn to someone who they think has their pet’s best interest and health/well-being at heart…… their veterinarian. I can’t even count how many times I’ve had people – just people I’ve helped, or….friends, family, loved ones, etc. – tell me, “it’s a food my vet recommended!” which I follow up with, “Oh…. is it possibly Science Diet? Or Hill’s Prescription Diet such as I/D? Or W/D?” And they’ll say, “Ohh yeah, it is!! The vet highly recommended it!” …Of course they did. Heh. I hate it so much. A friend of mine had to recently say goodbye to his white highland terrier…. she had been on a Prescription Diet food, I believe.. for all of her life. Allergies or some sort of ailment that required a very strict diet…..she died somewhere between 11 yrs – 13 yrs… because of a huge tumor on the lining of her stomach. And I’m fairly sure the food was specifically for some issue or ailment relating to her stomach/digestive tract… So, coincidence? I’m not buying it. It makes me so sad when things like that happen. And HIll’s….they go to bed every night with their pockets padded, feeling good about themselves. I wonder sometimes if they simply tell themselves, “Well at least we’re giving pets food to eat… at least thye’re not living off garbage, or not having any food at all…” I would rather give my dog the garbage… than the s@*$ that they put into their bags and cans that sit on store shelves.
That conference I went to was one I’ll never forget. I learned a lot about the company….and how far they’ll happily stretch the truth, or stretch outright lies…in order to make sales. Hill’s can quite frankly stick it where the sun doesn’t shine. 🙂
June 8, 2017 at 6:13 pm
Disclaimer. I’m not a defender of Science OTC. But I know from experience Hill’s Prescription has a purpose. Anytime a comment is made here with such vehement emotion, there’s motive afoot. Fake news (information) is rampant right now, which isn’t substantiated by facts, does originate from anonymous and vague sources (feelings). It’s opinion on steroids, often passed around so many times, its widest dissemination just seems to validate it alone.
1. Clients automatically assume a PF suggested by a Vet is best or better, frankly because it’s “easier” to ask than to figure it out for themselves. But owners have a responsibility to do just that. Meaning research!! They should know corn is not an optimal ingredient (even for people!). So why would they pay double to a Vet Office for a product using corn as a number one ingredient? Who’s at fault; it doesn’t make sense. What should the Vet office be “selling” instead. People reading TAPF can’t even figure it out, in terms of a commercial product. I refer them to the 2017 List all_the_time! But optimal is pretty darn specific. And pricey. And volume accessibility can also be an issue. Vet Offices find convenience and compatibility by “mainstreaming” certain offerings.
2. The answer is, Vets do not have time or bandwidth to research PF products, particularly as Susan has. Much less to carry products that will serve every interest! Give me a break. Yes, they should always encourage whole foods, home cooked, raw, and refer clients to educational services (TAPF). (Mine does). But Vets spend THEIR time reviewing research/studies/treatments to help cure illness. Their job isn’t to make your pet “better” than it ever was. Just to bring him back to his normal. Sounds harsh. But if Vets don’t specialize in medicine, then they don’t progress in their field. And benefit your pet, in that way!
3. Vets deal in science, proven studies, etc.. That’s how they apply recovery treatments. What works, or doesn’t, through the numbers / percentages / experience. Hills offers nutritional consults to Vets. Their formulas DO NOT cure. They support healing, recovery, or temporarily stabilize a pet. It isn’t the product, it’s how it’s used. in a relative fashion. As in, better than encouraging the use of Purina, Beneful or Ol’Roy’s for example. Or any other “wild card” diet with which the Vet isn’t familiar. The use of which, will only complicate an overall treatment program, and possibly lead to another ailment or setback.
4. Clients who accept Science diet (based ONLY on the Vet Office selling it) are lazy! They’re going to find an OTC product somewhere. Why they can’t get to an Independent Pet Supply dealer for more information and a wider choice, I don’t know. But they don’t. Before the internet, over 18 years ago, I had NO knowledge in PF diet nutrition. But in conjunction with my breeder, I was primed to learn even more, and I did, through my IPS dealer! So by the time TAPF came out, I was ready! And haven’t stopped.
5. In this day and age, with a wealth of information available at people’s fingertips, frankly there’s no excuse for any pet owner not being informed. How many times is TAPF just recommended, and yet it’s ignored. Generally they don’t care (or believe it) until a pet health crisis arises. So don’t blame Vets (alone) for having settled on a brand, that offers supportive services, in conjunction with their own oversight. No, and Science should not be a singular, life-time diet. Hellow! Actually no commercial diet should be But don’t blame Vets over owners. I know the kind of people with whom they deal. They want assurance, convenience and relative value.
6. So you attended a Meet & Greet on their “dime” (or your employer’s). And proceeded to make them squirm. How lovely. How did you exchange facts and independent studies, or was it just by anecdotes. Did they refuse to document claims. If it was only a “meet & greet” – why would the company spend their money convincing you (in particular) they were ONLY telling lies and wanted to make sales. Seems like a poor business model to me. I know (for a fact) a bit more is offered to professionals (Veterinarians) when they attend. Although “any” scientific paper (of course) can be self-serving (in human or pet medicine).
7. For the record, are different feeding formats. Whole food, human edible ingredients, raw, dehydrated, convenience (kibble and canned) and feed grade. The only pet food that can be measured in terms of balanced and appropriate nutrients (for the pet’s condition) and for the purpose of other analysis, is the specific brand with which Vets has chosen to work. They try to eliminate all other potential variables.
June 9, 2017 at 12:41 am
There have been a number of times I have posted comments very critical of vets on this site. The reason is, I deal with people who are told things by their vets that make me want to blow my stack.
So many vets just push the Science Diet, and the RX foods, when if they really cared, they would NEVER recommend such awful feed. There are SOME vets out there who are starting to wake up and realize that giving our pets real meat, and no corn, wheat, soy, byproducts (if you can’t tell me what it is, I don’t want it!!)
But so often, so many vets just go right for the RX foods, instead of trying something simpler like checking for a specific allergy (corn, wheat, soy, food colorings being prime suspects there, even certain animal proteins). Instead of going right for the RX food for “allergy control” they should try an elimination diet, cutting out common problem ingredients.
I was talking to someone recently whose cat would wolf down the dry food, and then immediately throw it up. The vet insisted the cat be put on RX food for gastrointestinal issues. The first thing I would have done was prevent the cat from eating so fast!!!!!!! That idea is FREE, not $80 for a bag of grains and crap.
Also, there are people out there who will feed a pretty good brand of food, but still get the cheap crap treats. If the dog has an issue, the FOOD gets blamed, and not the treats, or as one person I talked to, I asked her if there was standing water in her yard (it had rained a bit). I didn’t have to go to vet school to ask a simple common-sense question to realize the FOOD was NOT the problem, the vet was just too lazy to ask a couple of questions, and instead put the dog on RX food.
And I have talked to plenty of people who feed RX food for the rest of the dog’s life because of one episode of gastrointestinal distress. I’m sorry, but I think that is just wrong!!! When I have any gastrointestinal “issues” I don’t change my entire diet for the rest of my life to eating the same RX crap for the rest of my life. So many times, vets put pets on RX food, and advise the people to stick with it, for fear of “the problem coming back”
So yes, I do speak out vehemently against vets that push Science Diet, and any RX food in general, when just being more careful with what the pet is exposed to is much simpler, and costs a heck of a lot less money. And yes, I admit there is emotion involved. As much as I care about our furbabies, damn right I’m gonna get mad when there are still vets out there with their heads in the sand.
June 9, 2017 at 8:27 am
Then you should take that “emotion” and apply it against the offending and unethical Vets. But do not generalize. My Vet respects what I feed, and has worked with me (in terms of my dog’s recovery) in the very best interest of my own dog, which (we, together) extended his life for almost 17 years. And he did not die of cancer. I will reaffirm, it is the responsibility of the owner (not the Vet) to be aware of pet food, all it’s issues, and alternatives. I elected to feed whole food instead of prescription. With the Truth About Pet Food being SO available, it does take time and interest, in terms of doing the right thing. Once again, pet owners want the “easy” way out …. oh if I feed this (whatever the Vet is selling out the door) commercial food …. then I don’t have to do anything else. Wrong! What would you like Vets to prescribe instead? Pick a food … it’s a tough decision. For mass application.
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Val H
August 7, 2020 at 7:22 am
I hate Hill’s with a passion as well, but primarily for the way they have marketed themselves as a prescription pet food when their ingredients are no better than Frisky’s. Moreover, some of the prescription foods have ingredients that they shouldn’t. For example: The prescription food for hyperthyroidism has iodine in it.
They charge the public an arm and a leg for their fake product and convince vet’s who don’t know how to read labels (of which there are sadly too many) to sell this in their clinics. THEN people like you and me have to do the work that the vet should have done in the first place and find the real food for their needs.
I’m glad that you posted this.
December 17, 2021 at 1:38 pm
Hill’s y/d is one of the lowest-iodine pet food products on the planet, to a degree that it is not recommended for feeding to any cat who DOESN’T have hyperthyroidism. I’m as skeptical of “prescription” diets as anyone else, but if any food is a good example of a therapeutic diet doing what it’s supposed to do, it’s Hill’s y/d.