None of this is true.
Breaking News! A new feed term will be discussed at the upcoming AAFCO meeting, approval of the term is expected.
The new feed term up for approval at the early August 2022 pet food regulatory meeting is: “cornivore.”
Proposed definition: corn-i-vore; an animal that will be fed corn as a majority of the diet even though there is no nutritional requirement for corn.
The new feed term was proposed by industry, to validate the use of high levels of corn in pet feed products. Industry has complained that the commonly used ingredient has been given a bad reputation by pesky consumer advocates. Thus, the term cornivore is necessary to properly mislead consumers into believing that corn is nutritionally necessary in the diets of cats and dogs.
Industry has shared that misleading advertising is already planned, alerting consumers to the new term. Leaked misleading marketing shared with us shows label claims of ‘Made for Real Cornivores’ will be displayed on pet foods and treats in the near future.
The approval of the feed term cornivore is expected to pass the AAFCO committee without objection by FDA as regulatory authorities always do what is best for industry without regard to consumers.
This part is true:
Corn is the most commonly used ingredient in cat and dog foods. Almost 700 million tons more corn is used in pet foods than any other ingredient.
Corn in pet food is NOT the sweet corn you see in the grocery, it is field corn which is harvested after the kernels are dry.
Corn in pet food comes with serious risks – mycotoxins. 94% of all pet food recalls in 2020 were for mycotoxin contamination.
And…true story: My Mom has always pronounced a few words strangely. Such as she pronounces the word ‘horse’ as ‘harse’. The ‘long o’ sound becomes a ‘short a’ sound. She does the same thing with the word corn, when she says ‘carn’ – she means ‘corn’. My Mom would pronounce the word carnivore correctly – but my brain would initially go to cornivore. Love you Mom! (Sorry about telling everyone about carn.)
Wishing you and your pet the best –
Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Association for Truth in Pet Food

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T Allen
July 19, 2022 at 2:27 pm
I’ve been telling people for decades that if it weren’t so expensive cat and dog food would make great poultry feed. It actually is used by poultry breeders as a supplemental treat for show birds. Well said Susan! Still laughing. 🙂
July 19, 2022 at 2:40 pm
Off topic for a sec: Love those regional dialects! I had relatives from all over and I do mean all over. But my favorite person to listen to was a dear friend from Texas who left there for the west coast at the age of 10 still pronounced “oil” as “earl.”
The only corn I will feed any animal including myself is what I organically raise in my own garden and pick to eat within the hour. IMO the worst part of the mycotoxin threat is the drying process as fresh corn is made into livestock food or the multiple processes used for drying or canning for petfood. Never never never feed that stuff. Too risky. And again many thanks Susan for all the very important work that you do. Did you know that few pet food retailers and few livestock feed retailers understand the corn mycotoxin threat? They don’t pay it much attention until there’s an actual recall!
Sami Swan Thompson
July 19, 2022 at 3:40 pm
Dear Susan,
None of this is true – YET. You just never know, right?
Thanks for sharing this, I needed the chuckle.
July 19, 2022 at 5:11 pm
Amen Susan! Keep fighting for us!❤️