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Pet Food Regulations

If it Sells Pet Food and Nobody Stops You…

Does no pet food manufacturer read pet food regulations? Or is it that they know there is only a slight chance any regulatory authority will stop them? We don’t know why, but we do know there are more pet foods using grilled meat images on pet foods luring consumers to believe this cat food or dog food is similar to people food.

Does no pet food manufacturer read pet food regulations? Or is it that they know there is only a slight chance any regulatory authority will stop them? We don’t know why, but we do know there are more pet foods using grilled meat images on pet foods luring consumers to believe this cat food or dog food is similar to people food.

When you see a picture of grilled chicken or steak many things can come to mind – family gatherings, summertime, the outdoors, being healthy. Is this the message some pet food manufacturers are trying to send via their pet food labels? That if there is grilled meat on the label of a cat food or dog food somehow the pet food is more like human food?

We don’t know what pet food is thinking, but we do know that unless the meat in the pet food is actually grilled, the image on the pet food label of grilled chicken or steak is misleading and a violation of pet food regulation PF2.c (found on page 137 of the 2014 AAFCO Official Publication).

The regulation is very clear: “A vignette, graphic, or pictorial representation on a pet food or specialty pet food label shall not misrepresent the contents of the package.”

This started two years ago, when I questioned Freshpet about the images of grilled chicken and steak on their labels and in television commercials. I was told (after quite a bit of questioning) “no, the chicken is not grilled” by Freshpet. Next we saw others jump on the grilled meat band wagon with grilled meat images on Pedigree dog food, Friskies cat food, and Kibbles ‘n Bits dog food labels.

And now, two more companies have added images of grilled meats to their labels.

Merrick told me “no” the meat is not grilled in their Classic dog food varieties (dry) and some of their Grain Free and Chunky varieties of dog food cans (all cat foods displayed raw meat on the label).

MerrickDogBeef MerrickDogChick


Nature’s Recipe was contacted (via email) and we await their response to learn if they are the only pet food manufacturer to actually grill the meat as displayed on their labels (numerous products).

NaturesRecipe NaturesRecipeChickTurkeyCat

Nature’s Recipe was contacted (via email) and we await their response to learn if they are the only pet food manufacturer to actually grill the meat as displayed on their labels (numerous products).

How can these manufacturers not know the regulations?

Perhaps manufacturers think…oh, it’s just a picture, so what? But I think (note, this is just my opinion) if this company is willing to ignore the law in one area, what other laws are they ignoring with their pet foods? I have more respect for companies that abide by labeling laws; abide by all pet food regulations.

How can regulatory authorities keep turning a blind eye and allow pet food labels to violate established regulations?

I don’t know. Makes no sense to me.


Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,

Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Author Buyer Beware, Co-Author Dinner PAWsible
Association for Truth in Pet Food

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  1. Debra Long

    June 9, 2014 at 1:33 pm

    Happy Dog Food does not display any meat images on our labels because all of our foods are made specifically without meat. We want your canine companions to eat fresh human grade meat from your local grocer.

    • I've Got the 'Scoop'!

      June 10, 2014 at 12:01 am

      Are you saying Happy Dog Food is vegetarian… and pet parents are to supplement the dog’s diet with home-cooked meat?

      Thanks for your response! Lori

  2. Judith Pannebaker

    June 9, 2014 at 1:34 pm

    What about dog treats that contain the words “beef” or “beefy” in the product names but contain only chicken parts and meal, chemicals, glycol and high fructose corn syrup in the ingredients? Unbelievable.

  3. Woofielover

    June 9, 2014 at 1:39 pm

    I remember when the “hot topic” at the time, which was all over the news (no internet at that time), was Truth In Advertising. It was a big subject in my house between my parents as my dad was one of the “Mad Men” of that time. Funny, it never, ever comes up anymore.

  4. Sean Coleman

    June 9, 2014 at 2:19 pm

    I worked at a rendering plant where they get the ‘meat’ for pet food. Not only was it not grilled, it was rarely not in early to mid stages of rotting and in the summer if picking up an animal that had been dead for a few days, the meat was usually infested with maggots.

    • Valerie Noyes

      June 9, 2014 at 2:53 pm

      I wish you had taken pictures to post on all the dog food’s facebook pages.

    • Norm Starr

      June 9, 2014 at 2:58 pm

      we’ve been telling ppl about rendering for years and directing them to websites and videos of same, and still they don’t believe it. sigh!!

      • Neal

        June 9, 2014 at 10:32 pm

        Right on Norm.

        If it is condemned meat it is not worthy of being in my home. All meat meal starts as condemned meat.

        • Susan Thixton

          June 9, 2014 at 10:43 pm

          Not all meat meal is guaranteed to be condemned meat. There is always the option it can be made from inspected and approved meats. The problem is that the consumer is not given any guarantee to which a meat or meal is sourced from by looking at the label or ingredient list.

  5. Gitta

    June 9, 2014 at 2:46 pm

    Maybe they get away with it because consumers do not complain to agencies like the BBB or the FTC or state officials? I think if enough consumers would file complaints, at some point it would require action.

  6. Jean Hofve DVM

    June 9, 2014 at 3:14 pm

    I wonder about an even more nefarious reason — could it be blowback from the anti-raw AVMA, Purina, and friends? A lot of labels used to show *raw* cuts of meat and poultry, but suddenly they’re all changing to cooked….a subtle shift, perhaps, to replace the inadvertent (but true) message that raw meat is what pets are actually supposed to eat?

    • Susan Thixton

      June 9, 2014 at 3:21 pm

      Good thought Dr. Hofve!

    • Lonnie

      June 9, 2014 at 8:26 pm

      Dr. Hofve…that’s a very interesting point, you might be onto something with the anti -raw….certainly plausible

  7. Mike

    June 9, 2014 at 3:42 pm

    There is no enforcement! The big pet food companies have proven that you can make (and sell) Chicken Soup Out of Chicken Shit! They sell Poisons and garbage in pretty packages.

  8. wil

    June 9, 2014 at 4:18 pm

    If it is a violation of pet food regulations, then action must be taken and the regulators must be held accountable.

  9. Neil

    June 9, 2014 at 7:21 pm

    I’ve switched to Horizon & Farmina Pet Foods. Both GMO FREE and they both make their own food, no co-packs.

  10. Dawn

    June 9, 2014 at 10:58 pm

    A few days ago I purchased a few cans of Pedigree Choice Cuts in Gravy to add a little flavor to the dry food for a dog who is staying with us. She normally gets a little Ceser’s dog food In her Purina Select (I know, I know, not the best food in the world but it’s what her mom feeds). Anyway, put a little of the Pedigree in her food and she would not eat it. Thought maybe she was just missing her mom but when none of my cats would go near it–they usually won’t think twice about helping her clean her bowl if needed– I smelled it. Good GAWD it smelled awful. Shockingly awful. Had an air of spoiled meat w. A hint of fecal matter. Now Im not all that surprised as I know what I know about the pet food industry but I figured they would at the very least– like Cesar’s, try to mask the grossness with well, who knows what. I’m going to contact the company just to see what they say.

    • Reader

      June 10, 2014 at 10:43 am

      First of all why is Purina being fed at all? Much less Pedigree canned! This is a myth that dogs can’t be switched to different foods. When I frequently take care of my neighbor’s very fussy dog (currently a BB free feeder with questionable stools) at my house he eats what my dogs eat, because I have to do the yard clean-up. Guess what. He can’t wait for meal times!! He never refuses the food and goes home happy and healthy. In terms of enticing fussy eaters, by gawd, bake a piece of chicken (not Foster Farms) or bake a little beef or saute some (grass-fed) hamburger. Cut it up, pour a little juice over it and mix it into the food (wet or dry) and there will be no problems. After all we’ve read about Purina and Pedigree …. it’s just amazing ….

  11. Peter

    June 10, 2014 at 6:22 am

    On some levels, these companies are simply counting that consumers are generally accepting of “puffery” in advertising and package imaging. They are so conditioned to a level of deception in how products are marketed, that they forgive it. We buy frozen food entrees and even whole dinners, and shrug off that the processed and preformed junk inside, doesn’t really resemble the carefully staged picture on the box. We know the food came from a factory, and on its way down the belt, oh well, MY box just didn’t get enough of “X” (usually of the most expensive ingredient, darn it!). Oh well, that’s what it WOULD have looked like, if I had the time to make it myself.

    Pet food consumers are a surprisingly ignorant and trusting lot. Manufacturers count on that. They will even re-brand existing or substantially similar products to fill a market niche. Purina “Naturals” sits in grocery stores in boxes clearly designed to mimic so-called “premium” or “natural” brands (most likely, Wellness). Ah… those comforting images. Who’s going to read the fine print when the box front will educate us? It just HAS to be good to be packaged like that, doesn’t it? Among the first four ingredients are “corn gluten meal,” “soybean meal,” and “brewers rice.” The meat is a “meal.” “Brewers rice” isn’t even a real thing: it is a made up AAFCO term (not used anywhere but pet food labeling) to cover that the rice is just broken chips from the bottom of the silo, the farthest from premium you could get.

  12. Bonnie

    June 10, 2014 at 11:19 am

    Thought I would check Farmina out….since when do dogs eat oranges…?

  13. Ellie

    June 10, 2014 at 11:56 am

    As I follow the news I realize more each day that most of our government agencies are pretty much doing whatever they want to do. Laws are ignored, the enforcement of regulations seem to be done on a “only if we agree with them” basis.
    I’m not the least bit surprised that the pet food industry is not being made to live up to the very few regulations that are written for them. It seems regulations are deliberately vague so that no one has to do anything about the misbehavior of the companies they are supposed to be overseeing.
    Government agencies with poor track records always blame a shortage of funds and yet government spending is at an all time high.
    There is a severe lack of ethics throughout our society. Very few care about producing a quality product. Even employee performance is very poor in what few industries are left in the US. It is very sad to see a once great society crumble.

    • Reader

      June 10, 2014 at 12:33 pm

      Well summarized. These troubles, as in a lack of ethics for example, go back to one single root deficiency. People (parents and children) do not understand the principle of “respect.” It used to be a core value of education and parental oversight. As in “you break that window, you pay for it!” Now it’s “oh that window broke because it has a manufacturer’s defect.”

      Once the educational philosophy shifted from traditional to “progressive” … people substituted broader teaching methods and freedom of expression for core values. Example: teachers don’t correct spelling because it may inhibit the child’s desire for self-expression. (Yikes!) Worse, don’t correct a child in school, because teachers are the problem and the child is perfect. Look at the decades it has taken to recognize bullying. With that kind of mentality, generations have grown up disregarding structure and accountability. It’s a “me” rather than “team” mindset. Collaboration is a thing of the past. Just a simple slip away from personal responsibility, integrity, accountability, job pride (and more). Just look at public figures today (politics, public, private) people who all have a hundred excuses for everything, instead of taking personal responsibility for the repairs needed in society.

      It’s always someone else’s fault instead of looking inward.

  14. Bobi Becker

    October 22, 2014 at 2:53 pm

    The majority of the pet food manufacturer’s are owned by the large food corporations whom do not care about our health let alone our pet’s health. We go to the Doctor for health issues, as well as taking out pets to the Vet, and are given prescriptions, pharmaceuticals, boom, another corporation. The FDA as well as the regulatory commissions on foods are all paid off to soft pedal what they are selling…. PURE POISON. Very few really care about our and/or our pet’s health. Bottom line??? MONEY…. They all want that profit period, and will go to any length to get that….. i myself have been researching all this for quite a number of years and it all boils down to, THE BOTTOM LINE……

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