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Pet Food News

How Crazy is This?

Some recent pet food news is nothing but crazy. From FDA testing of pet food for salmonella while freely allowing Chinese imported poultry into the US to more mention of euthanized pets in pet food…it is a crazy pet food world out there.

Some recent pet food news is nothing but crazy.  From FDA testing of pet food for salmonella while freely allowing Chinese imported poultry into the US to more mention of euthanized pets in pet food…it is a crazy pet food world out there.

Crazy Number 1
The FDA recently announced they would begin random Salmonella testing on pet foods, pet treats, and pet supplements; we can safely assume more Salmonella recalls will happen soon.  I’m all for the FDA testing pet foods for harmful bacteria, but…

  • What about aflatoxin testing?  The growing conditions last year was so bad, the FDA and USDA provided special conditions to farmers allowing them to sell mold (aflatoxin) contaminated grain mixed with non-contaminated grain and used in animal foods.  It is almost certain there are pet foods on store shelves right now with dangerous levels of aflatoxins.  But the FDA doesn’t have deadly aflatoxin testing on their testing radar.  (FYI:  science has proven that even low levels of aflatoxins can be deadly.  To learn more about aflatoxins Click Here)
  • What about the avian flu outbreak in China right now…that has killed 22 people…and World Health Organization states is “one of the most lethal” of its kind and transmits more easily to humans than other strains?  What about the continued flow of chicken and duck jerky treats from China allowed to be imported into the US?  What about the scientific connection of pet illness and death to the illegal drugs confirmed in the jerky treats provided to FDA months ago?  And what about the jerky treats imported from China that remain on store shelves?  Does no one at FDA even think about the risk these Chinese chicken treats pose?

Crazy Number 2
Environmental Working Group (EWG) recently published a report titled ‘Superbugs Invade American Supermarkets’; an analysis of research and government testing of supermarket meat.  They found “startling high levels of antibiotic resistant bacteria” on various meats.

The FDA didn’t like the news provided by EWG, and blasted back calling the consumer advocacy organization report “inaccurate and alarmist”.  And of course EWG fired back at FDA with some good follow-up points.

What is so crazy (to me at least) – regardless whose interpretation of antimicrobial resistance data you want to believe (FDA or EWG) – why isn’t the FDA more ‘alarmist’?  Wouldn’t it be nice if FDA took a proactive/preventive approach to bacteria and food contamination?  Instead of waiting for the bomb to drop and back tracking to see what went wrong?

Crazy Number 3
For decades, the question if euthanized pets could end up as rendered ingredients of pet foods has worried pet food consumers.  Recent reports from Spain confirmed through DNA evidence dog remains in animal foods.  And recently the website discussed the very real possibility of euthanized pets in pet foods in the U.S. (and this story was quoted on AOL’s Paw Nation and too).

What is so crazy is the mere possibility (likelihood) of euthanized pets in pet food continues to exist today (2013).  Federal law prohibits any euthanized animal (or any part of a non-slaughtered animal) into human or animal food, but (again) our tax dollar supported FDA openly provides the pet food/animal food industry with loopholes to allow any waste ingredient.  Worse yet, the pet food/animal food label is not required to warn the consumer to the truth of what they are purchasing; images of wholesome meats can be displayed on the label while inside the bag or can contains horrendous ingredients.

And don’t forget…our tax dollar supported Representatives in Congress continue to turn their heads to all of this as well.

Here’s a crazy wish…
An FDA that is proactive.  An FDA that puts the best interest of consumers in front of industry.  An FDA that enforces the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act as the law is written – word for word.  An FDA that cares about the health of our pets.  And a Congress that cares more about the consumers they represent instead of the next election.


Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,

Susan Thixton
Association for Truth in Pet Food
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Author Buyer Beware, Co-Author Dinner PAWsible

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  1. Connie

    May 1, 2013 at 12:22 pm

    Won’t happen. Until we can get rid of the stupid “corporations are people” thing going on in the US, we will NEVER have a government regulatory body that has the best interest of the people at heart..

    • Debi C.

      May 1, 2013 at 5:42 pm

      Too true Connie.

  2. Kathy

    May 1, 2013 at 7:05 pm

    Hi Susan!! You do amazing work and I thank you from me and all the pets who cannot say thank you with their voice!

    I work in a pet boutique and we carry a lot of high premium food butut I am getting really concerned with all these recalls…we had to send back all teh California Naturals Kibble due to the 2nd recall.

    I would like to get involved and become a voice for these wonderful pets we love so much who are so much a part of our famililes and our lives!!

    Please advise as to how I can get involved and hopefully make a difference!

    I will look forward to hearing from you! Thank you so much!


  3. Laurie Matson

    May 1, 2013 at 8:36 pm

    I have that same crazy wish you have Susan. It’s too bad it has to be considered “crazy” though. Everybody is against the consumer and tax payer, The FDA,EPA,Congress,Main stream Veterinarians, I’m sure I have left some out but you get the idea.I am sick to death of how things are handled by our Government Agencies (or should I say NOT HANDLED)but It seems our hands are tied most of the time. Do you ever wonder what the Obama’s dog Bo is fed? Do they care what he eats like we care about ours? what do the people at AAFCO feed their dogs and Cats? These days money and elections are truly more important than the lives of people and pets. It’s sick.

  4. Linda

    May 2, 2013 at 10:53 am

    Accepetable changes will only come after a mass epidemic and deaths involving the pets belonging to our legislators. In the meantime, Susan, please keep doing what you do so magnificently!

  5. Interested Pet Owner

    May 2, 2013 at 3:33 pm

    In these ongoing discussions, everytime an article like this is published, a tiny detail continues to be overlooked. I always compare issues with Baby Food and Pet Food. There’s a huge gap there, correct? Why? Because nobody would stand for jars of baby food making children deathly sick. Much less jar after jar being recalled! If 50 complaints about the product made the news, it would make parents hysterical, etc. Pets (seem) to be of no value. Pets are 1-step removed from livestock. True, there are policies against knowingly feeding dangerous and toxic elements to livestock, but that’s because of the risk to humans when transmitted through Animal Feed food (livestock killed for human consumption). Nobody really cares about the impact on the animal itself, but they do about what the effect does to humans (as long as cause and effect can be proven). Animal Rights groups have become the extremists. Yes, they would defend the notion of all animals being fed humanely, safely, optimally, etc.. Except that they are seen as too extreme a group to be taken seriously or more accurately, on a practical basis. Nobody “cares” how or what chickens are actually fed, they just want a safe and nutritious chicken dinner. Certainly the agribusiness interests fund our legislation and policy makers, etc. If you figure that even the 2007 massive recall, which outraged everyone, did not make people more demanding of quality and safety control, then there isn’t much worse that could move them to improve conditions. Yet, if babies were to be affected on a relative scale, then that lack of oversight would be seen as wanton negligence and downright criminal behavior. Forget even the cruelty element. So unless the mentality between the two, can be equalized, there will never be much governmental accountability or responsibility. It’s just too far under the radar. As mentioned before, many times, more exposes are required, yet gaining exposure for them, is conflicting with the corporations that pay too many salaries and are too influential within our society. Will there ever be a solution, then? That’s what we, the concerned pet owner, needs to figure out.

    • Tammy Baugh

      May 3, 2013 at 11:57 pm

      First of all I believe it was Beech Nut did go through a time when they had some glass in their jars of baby food and had to recall it. I think some babies did suffer and may have died as a result. Though you are right on they acted a lot faster in the case of humans eating tainted food, than thet ever will care to in the cases of our beloved pets, I think it’s just as much all our individual faults for not looking into the stuff going into our pet foods before we buy it and just relying on the government or AVCO or anyone but God Forbid we look into it and react approiately! If Benifil is killing Dogs, well let’s not buy that and so on. We must never put an ounce of faith in the government, after all they are insisting it is perfectly ok to release a scientifically engeneered strain of mosquitoes into our air to what sting people and give us a new and irreversable form of aids or worse somnething we don’t even know what it is? How will the government officials like to get bit by those mosquitoes how about their children pets and babies? Note how I listed them all in what order? Any governmen that would do such a thing, cares not an iota for it’s people and the idea of it proves it. I saw this on the care2 site about a week ago.

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