A Dead Animal Carcass Remover making pet food. It’s illegal to use decomposing animal tissues in pet food, but that law is ignored by FDA.
A few days ago pet owners learned of a new pet food recall – “Bravo Packing, Inc. Recalls Performance Dog Raw Pet Food Because of Possible Salmonella Health Risk to Humans and Animals“. As you’ll see from what we learned, Salmonella is the absolute last thing any pet owner would need to worry about with this pet food.
First – Bravo Packing, Inc. – is in NO WAY affiliated with Bravo Pet Food.
On September 13, 2018 the recall notice of Bravo Packing, Inc. Performance Dog Food was published on TruthaboutPetFood.com. Withing minutes of publishing the recall – I received an email from an friend (who preferred to be anonymous) stating:
That address is our local dead animal guy and he is the worst of the worst. He kills a ton of horses with captive bolt and sends the meat to zoos. He’s so bad I send my horses for cremation ($1500 a piece) rather than have him take them. He picks up all the animals killed with pentobarbital.
In a blog titled “Straight from the Horse’s Heart” is a post titled “Animal’s Angels Investigate a Slaughterhouse of Horrors”. The ‘Animal’s Angels organization investigated the Bravo Packing facility in 2011. This is a quote from their investigation:
When investigators arrived at the premises, they immediately saw a large group of vultures circling over the facility and there was a strong stench of decomposing flesh. In front, large piles of different hides were visible. There was a lot of trash dumped onto and next to the premises, including parts of old slaughter equipment such as meat hooks and saws.
While the investigators observed the premises, several horse trailers and livestock trucks arrived at the facility and unloaded animals.
At one point, the investigators could hear what sounded like a horse scream in complete terror. Horrified, investigators stumbled across a barrel which contained a large number of race horse shoes with feet still attached. Inside the barrel were also many different halters and more meat saws. In the loading ramp area 2 large bison heads were found decaying on a pile of pallets.
There are 3 videos on YouTube detailing the conditions at Bravo Packing, Inc. (I have not watched them).
One of the videos was recorded by “Amanda Sorvino, a horse activist and daughter of actor Paul Sorvino, together with Guardians of Rescue, a not-for-profit animal welfare organization.” From the press release about the video: “Amanda Sorvino went undercover at the Bravo Packing Plant on several occasions to secure evidence that graphically depicts the brutal abuse of the horses living in killer pens without any shelter from the environment. “The horses were emaciated and some violently abused, all living in unspeakable conditions,” said Robert Misseri, president of Guardians of Rescue.”
But that’s not all Bravo Packing, Inc. does…
The address posted in the FDA recall notice was “Bravo Packing, Inc. of Carneys Point, NJ”. A Google search of the address found the Yellow Pages listing of the business stating “Animal Removal Service” street address “59 N Golfwood Ave”. And further searching of the same street address of Bravo Packing found all of these webpages…



Note the above states “Pet Removal”.
Note in the below image what “products, services” this company provides…

Google image of the address for Bravo Packing, Inc.
What we know from public records is that Bravo Packing, Inc. is a horse slaughter facility with a questionable history and we know that Bravo Packing, Inc. is a dead animal remover. We also know that Bravo Packing, Inc. manufactures a pet food.
How much pet food does Bravo Packing, Inc. sell? A lot.
The FDA recall notice for Bravo Packing Inc. Performance Dog Food stated “Tefco Raw Dog Food” is the distributor of the pet food – website http://www.rawdogfoodwholesale.com/.
Tefco Raw Dog Food distributes two products: “Performance Dog Diet” (product of Bravo Packing, Inc.) and “Green Tripe” (unknown manufacturer). Their website page promoting the Bravo Packing, Inc. Performance Dog Diet…
The distribution map of Tefco raw dog food wholesale is concerning…
Federal law states a food is adulterated if (in part): “if it consists in whole or in part of any filthy, putrid, or decomposed substance, or if it is otherwise unfit for food”.
To the fullest extent – dead carcasses picked up by any ‘Animal Carcass Remover’ of dogs, cats, horses or cows (or any animal) – IS ABSOLUTELY filthy, putrid, and decomposed substances making it illegal to be processed into pet food per federal law.
It is not illegal in the US to slaughter horses for animal consumption. However horse slaughter is not performed at USDA facilities. There is little to no oversight of the slaughter process outside of a USDA facility – no assurance of a healthy animal, no assurance of a clean environment.
The FDA.
All of the above details about Bravo Packing, Inc. were found within minutes from very simple searches on Google. Did the FDA do a similar search on the company? Or did FDA ignore the concerning details of the animal material that Bravo Packing, Inc. handles? Because this pet food was recalled for Salmonella and nothing else, it appears the FDA was NOT concerned with the potential of federal law violations, NOT concerned a dead animal remover manufactures pet food.
The FDA went to the effort to test Bravo Packing, Inc. Performance Dog Food for Salmonella. The FDA did NOT go to the effort to
- investigate the company
- DNA test the pet food to assure the consumer ‘Beef’ was the meat source
- investigate if the ‘Beef’ was sourced from animals collected by Bravo Packing, Inc. dead animal hauler businesses
- test the pet food for pentobarbital
There is no doubt the FDA cares about bacteria, but it appears that is their ONLY concern. That’s it. Nothing else matters, not even federal law. (FYI: The FDA has issued 29 recall notices so far in 2018 – 3 recalls were for elevated thyroid hormone, 26 were for pathogenic bacteria.)
The absolute worse issue with FDA ignoring law is – no consumer is forewarned their pet food could include decomposing animal carcasses. The FDA openly allows the pet food industry to utilize diseased and decomposing dead animal carcasses into pet food – BUT the FDA does not believe the consumer needs to be notified that illegal waste material is in their pet’s food.
Did the recalled Bravo Packing, Inc. Performance Pet Food include dead, decomposing beef? Did the pet food include horse meat? Did the pet food include dog or cat carcasses picked up by Bravo Packing, Inc.? We’ll never know, because FDA ONLY tested the pet food for bacteria. They didn’t look further into the pet food or the manufacturer. (The FDA doesn’t look further into ANY pet food.)
I will be filing a Freedom of Information Act request with FDA to get all of the details of the recall of Bravo Packing, Inc. Performance Pet Food. When documents are received, they will be shared.
If you are outraged that pet food is openly allowed by FDA to include decomposing carcasses of dogs, cats, horses and cows – please speak out against this. Write your state and federal representatives, write FDA (AskCVM@fda.hhs.gov). Write your local media – ask them to expose this horrific violation of law by FDA.
Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,
Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Author Buyer Beware, Co-Author Dinner PAWsible
Association for Truth in Pet Food
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September 16, 2018 at 1:48 pm
A reason to not support the horse racing industry – this cruel sport and the end for most horses has been well documented for decades. Yet horses are churned out year after year in hopes that the next 3 year old will be the winner.
Bella Sullivan
September 18, 2018 at 2:38 pm
Isn’t this story from nine years ago?
Susan Thixton
September 18, 2018 at 3:07 pm
What would make you think this story is 9 years old? No – it’s not 9 years old.
Fefe lee
September 16, 2018 at 9:38 pm
Why are these places not shut down? Why is it that cruelty to animals alive or dead is considered ok by the profit makers that donate or Kickback money for those to keep their mouth shut about their organization. I think all that reveal and expose these places and rally around to shut them down.
Cindy Castile
September 17, 2018 at 5:24 am
They should be fed to cuyotes
Cindy Castile
September 17, 2018 at 5:26 am
Those people should be fed to cuyotes and grizzleys
September 17, 2018 at 9:02 am
In my opinion it is more a failure in licensing. It’s okay to be a slaughterhouse and an animal removal service under one roof, if that is all the company does. If the company wants a license to make pet food or wholesale the bulk product….. the company should have completely separate facilities for the slaughterhouse and the carcasses.
I would also add that since this would be a boutique dog food item…… it is disappointing that the boutique pet stores selling the food did not investigate better. Usually one of the big claims for any of these pet stores is that they carefully research what they sell, which these sellers haven’t done.
Melissa Johnson
August 5, 2020 at 11:49 pm
I sent this post to my local distributor and she defended the owner. I only bought 1 pack of this food but it didn’t look like any meat I’ve seen before so I bought a different brand from her, but since she defended this company I stopped buying anything from her. She is guilty as they are so I won’t help keep her in business so she can keep them open.
Jane Democracy
September 18, 2018 at 3:53 pm
It would be interesting to send this food for DNA testing to see if it is actually of bovine origin and not a mix of different species… If it is a mix I do not see how the FDA could get around not enforcing the labelling laws…which could then expose the other…
September 20, 2018 at 6:33 pm
I like the coyotes and bears-why taint them to feed them bad people. People need to do their research for where the raw food comes from . There is another raw food supplier that is blue ridge beef that has been shown to be another dead animal removal business yet people think that they are getting good raw food. Keep looking people, your pets deserve that much.
September 21, 2018 at 11:52 am
September 21, 2018 at 9:11 pm
This just makes me ill. The people that work there must be sooooo damaged. Wonder what the rest of their lives look like. Bless the undercover investigators. I can’t imagine seeing and hearing what they’ve seen and heard. How does the FDA turn a blind eye to this? They certainly are keeping a very pinpoint focus on what they’re investigating. It wouldn’t take much to expand the scope of their testing. They don’t want to. That’s obvious. Who the heck can you trust?
Peter B.
September 25, 2018 at 9:37 am
All nice and dandy and I agree this is horrible!! but lets be honest no one cared enough to not buy this garbage and feed it to their pets because it is cheap, they have been doing this for decades now. and sadly there are more places like it, the funny thing is if it is this cheap you really have to be a nincompoop to not realize that there is a huge problem with the quality.
Lana Boley
November 15, 2018 at 2:48 pm
I really had no idea.. what concerns me though is the treatment of live animals there. Keeping up with facts about pet food is a job in itself and to understand it all.. places like this just SHUT IT DOWN!
March 22, 2019 at 2:08 pm
Is there any update to this story/the tefco performance dog food? Thank you.
Melissa Johnson
August 5, 2020 at 11:55 pm
Still selling it, and the business is growing. Looking at the website you would never know about this. I’m going to to put this on everyone of the tefco distributors website so the people buying it will see it and that should put them out of business.
A. Kelly
March 24, 2019 at 6:36 am
Thank you for publishing this article. I had no clue. This is horrible, and like another commenter said, I can’t fathom how the investigators were able to do this work, but bless them for doing it. This place needs to be stopped from supplying pet food, and the deliberate lack of interest and oversight from the FDA is suspicious at best.
I am definitely going to write to the FDA. This kind of willful ingnorance and deliberate ignoring of dangerous practices is outrageous. They are one of the most irresponsible regulating entities out there, and, also financially influenced by many pharmaceutical companies. I suppose that shouldn’t be a surprise, seeing as how lobbyists essentially pull the strings in Washington, but it’s disgusting. Here’s an example of unregulated pharmaceutical industry practices when it comes to showering money and gifts on doctors who advise the FDA: https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2018/07/hidden-conflicts-pharma-payments-fda-advisers-after-drug-approvals-spark-ethical