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Hairy Interesting

This is very interesting science…hair testing to determine the heavy metal content and mineral levels in your pet. Meet

This is very interesting science…hair testing to determine the heavy metal content and mineral levels in your pet.  Meet

Recently I had a very interesting conversation with Noa Martinsen founder of  Animal Elite provides canine hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (hTMA) lab tests and nutritional consulting to resolve health concerns and improve your dog’s health.  The use of hair has advantages over other tissues. Unlike a conventional serum test, whose results reflect the present state of the blood (which can change dramatically from moment to moment), hTMA testing provides the current toxic heavy metal contamination in the body. Blood and urine tests are ideal for acute toxic exposure measurement. Blood testing measures what is absorbed and temporarily in circulation before it is excreted or sequestered for storage in other tissues. Monitoring metals in the urine measures what is excreted only.

In Noa’s clinical experience, hTMA results (across all canine breeds) commonly show dangerously high levels of toxic arsenic and aluminum.

“A hair tissue mineral analysis (hTMA) is considered a standard test used around the world for the biological monitoring of trace elements and toxic metals in human and animal species. hTMA uses the same analytical technology as is used for soil testing and testing of rock samples to detect mineral levels. Hair is one of the defining characteristics of mammals. Like other body tissues, it contains minerals that are deposited as the hair grows. A sample of hair cut close to the skin provides information about the mineral activity in the hair that took place over the past three to four months, depending on the rate of hair growth.” — Noa Martinsen

The initial hair test is $150, which includes a consultation follow-up and information package with diet and nutritional supplement recommendations (supplements costs average $40 to $100 for 3 months).  Supplements help to replace deficient minerals (in proper levels) and remove toxic heavy metals in your pets body.

In three months, a re-evaluation hTMA is recommended ($125). For maximum benefit, follow-up hair analysis should be performed every three months for the first year. As your dog’s biochemistry improves, supplement needs change. Evaluation testing also monitors detoxification, or removal, of toxic heavy metals in your pet.

Animal Elite works directly with pet owners, or in cooperation with your veterinarian.  It’s preventative care and to me, it’s hairy interesting! For more information visit


Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,

Susan Thixton
Association for Truth in Pet Food
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Author Buyer Beware, Co-Author Dinner PAWsible

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  1. al

    September 14, 2013 at 4:20 pm

    Everyone now has heavy metal poisoning. Just look at the skies. Those lines in the sky are the heavy metal spraying that is done daily in the populated areas and farming areas of the USA. The gov sprays, they say it is just science and engineering and breathing in heavy metals daily and covering the ground so the plants and water all absorb heavy metals will not hurt anyone, even though they know its a lie, but they will not stop until enough people make them stop. Its called Chem Trails. You can see the videos of ChemTrails by other non spraying pilots that video tape the spraying in the air. ChemTrail Pilots get paid a lot to fly the tankers spraying the chem trail lines all over our skies inwhich we breath. Not just our pets have heavy metal poisoning, so do all the people. It has been very profitable for Big Pharma, selling more asthma meds than ever due to breathing the particulates heavy metals being sprayed in the air.
    Many have coughs they never had before. More breathing problems than ever.
    Increases asthma, lung cancer and many illnesses, heavy metals pollute our entire environment from the water we drink, the food we eat, the air we breathe. The gov uses our taxes to pay to poison the people, farm animals, agriculture, and entire environment

  2. Marge Mullen

    September 14, 2013 at 5:06 pm

    Uckele also does a very extensive Hair Mineral Profile.

    I have used them for my horses. They will formulate a blend to balance any problems.

    Not sure if they do dogs and cats.

  3. Jana Rade

    September 22, 2013 at 10:34 pm

    Yes, very interesting. This was part of my dog nutrition course with Dr. Ava Frick, though she uses ARL Labs. Do you happen to know how is the process the same/different between these two?

  4. rxb

    September 29, 2013 at 10:16 pm

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