It appears that the FDA will again be accepting comments/input regarding the Pet Event Tracking Network (PETNet), a proposed pet food/treat adverse event reporting system hopeful of preventing another large scale recall similar to the 2007 pet food recall. The comment period was open previously, and sadly only 12 comments were received by FDA. One of the 12 comments seems to be from the AVMA, a very interesting comment at that. What’s your take on this comment and here’s the information for you to send FDA your feelings on PETNet.
The PETNet FDA program was announced in July 2010. The proposed system hopes to prevent future massive pet food recalls by enabling FDA and State Authorities to exchange information regarding “outbreaks of illness in companion animals associated with pet food.” The program is voluntary and will not be accessible to Pet Owners.
“FDA received 12 comments on the 60-day notice, 11 from private citizens and one from a veterinary association. None of the comments addressed paperwork issues. Ten of the comments
generally supported the PETNet concept, while two comments generally did not support it.”
“Several comments suggested that it be mandatory, rather than voluntary, for all 50 States to participate in PETNet.” I was one of those ‘several’.
“Several comments stated that the information in PETNet should be publicly available and not just available to Federal and State pet food regulators.” I was one of those ‘several’ too.
Both of the above comments were not thought highly of by FDA (basically dismissed). However, then next comment (which I had nothing to do with) was acknowledged by FDA.
“One comment recommended that FDA ‘closely assess reported incidents as soon as possible to ensure no confounding factors bias any determination of a need for a pet food recall.”
“PETNet will be an additional information resource used by FDA, but will not change FDA’s current process for determining the need for pet food recalls. The information the American Veterinary Medical Association recommends FDA collect will be considered by pet food regulatory professional in deciding whether to enter a report into PETNet.”
What is the AVMA saying with this statement/suggestion to FDA?
What’s your take? Is the AVMA trying to protect pet food? Is the AVMA trying to sell more lab testing of sick animals and suspect pet food? Or is the AVMA trying to support Pet Owners – their clients – by trying to avoid panic regarding a suspect pet food?
Regardless of AVMA, please don’t let this opportunity to speak for your Pet and countless thousands of Pets that have become sick or died because of a pet food pass you by. Only 11 Pet Owners and the AVMA spoke up before. The FDA won’t/hasn’t listened to 11 Pet Owners. But perhaps they will listen to the suggestions of hundreds of Pet Owners. It will only take a few moments of your time.
To read more information regarding PETNet, visit
Pet Owners have until January 24, 2011 to submit comments.
Email to:
Must be identified with OMB control number 0910-new and title Pet Event Tracking Network. Also include the FDA docket number FDA-2010-N-0368.
My suggestions this round will include a Pet Owner board assisting FDA with this project. I still believe the program needs to be mandatory and should be open for public view.
Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,
Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Author, Buyer Beware
Co-Author Dinner PAWsible
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