Monsanto’s Herbicide Roundup Detected In Everyday Foods
Monsanto complained vociferously to newspapers that carried my Animal Doctor column in which I cited a research study that reported finding the potentially carcinogenic herbicide glyphosate in common cat and dog foods. This is the main ingredient of Monsanto’s globally distributed herbicide Roundup.
Now these same researchers have found traces of glyphosate in popular breakfast foods—oatmeal, bagels and wheat cereal— which they attribute to farmers using this herbicide on conventional, (non-GMO “Roundup Ready”, glyphosate-resistant) cereal crops as a desiccant shortly before harvest. Glyphosate was also found in eggs and dairy creamer.
This is a clear indication of bioaccumulation—the herbicide in the animals’ food building up in animals’ tissues. The researchers assert that this process of tissue accumulation most assuredly occurs in humans who are part of the same contaminated food chain: And I would add also our companion animals. So look for Organic Certification and Non-GMO verified produce for better safety and nutritional quality. This report can be accessed at:
Dr. Michael W. Fox
From Michael W. Fox BVetMed, PhD, DSc, MRCVS Veterinarian, bioethicist, syndicated columnist (Animal Doctor with Universal-U Click). Website: Latest books: “HEALING ANIMALS & THE VISION OF ONE HEALTH” and “ANIMALS & NATURE FIRST: CREATING NEW COVENANTS WITH ANIMALS & NATURE” with CreateSpace/

Kathryn S
June 10, 2016 at 12:55 pm
and why would we be surprised by these findings?
Dianne & pets
June 10, 2016 at 3:47 pm
How did you find out and were they successful?
June 10, 2016 at 9:05 pm
Ninety-three per cent of the U.S. population is contaminated with glyphosate. Our pets go without saying:
June 13, 2016 at 12:08 pm
I live in California wine country; tests were recently done that show every wine contained glyphosate, EVEN THE ORGANIC wines! Assumably from spray drift
Not that our animals drink wine, but this shows how prevalent it is in our environment. “It makes insect’s stomachs explode, but it’s perfectly safe for YOU!”
Aren’t we lucky that “our” government just passed the Monsanto Protection Act…
“science slowly begins to uncover the extent to which animals, humans and the environment have been contaminated with man-made, health-destroying chemicals.”
Learn more:
Sherrie Ashenbremer
June 16, 2016 at 1:00 am
This is so scary, why does our Government allow this, no wonder cancer is so rampant in humans and animals. We can’t get away from this stuff, we are GUINEA PIGS and our Government allows it. There is more here than meets the eye??? What do you think?
J Taylor
February 17, 2020 at 8:02 pm
Simply put: The Big Pharmaceutical Companies, Lobby our Federal Government-called Pay to Play, especially our Congressional people WE elect to protect and work for us: The American People, doesn’t work like that anymore. They work to keep getting re elected, thus making it a MONEY and POWER “Life Time Career.”
And “if” you search you will find out that the Big Pharma “PAYS THE FDA” to approve their medications. KNOWING THAT THE MEDICATIONS THAT WE ARE FORCED TO TAKE BY OUR DOCTORS, THE SIDE EFFECTS ARE TOTALLY LIFE THREATENING. So, it is a toss up as to what KILLS YOU FIRST: The Lethal Drugs, or the reason we are made to take them. Diabetes, Heart Attacks,, Depression, PTSD, Cancer (of any kind) & all the rest of human ailments. Which we get because the Air we breathe, our Source’s of Water which is lined of every kind of Toxic you can think of, the Ground we have polluted. We as Hunan Beings means NOTHING TO ANY OF THEM. The more that die the Happier they are.
So, the same with our pets & livestock. No difference, the FDA will approve any kind of medications that the Pharmaceutical Companies want.
July 22, 2016 at 10:12 am
Just like my mom said about 30 years ago when talking politics and what our government has their hands in.
Mom couldn’t believe it when we told her about the lies that we were hearing, what and why the war we were being told. “The news is true! They and our government wouldn’t lie to us!”
That is why people are being fooled, paid no attention to what our “leaders” are doing. They’ve always trusted the government and the news media. So, through the years, we’ve had the “wool pulled over our eyes”.
Not many people research why so high a % of cases of cancer, liver and kidney damage, birth defects, etc. are happening. Why ALL insects are being killed, even the beneficial ones like wasps, bees, lady bugs, preying mantises, etc. We want the easy way to control pests. ————It’s just like war, instead of only destroying the enemy we destroy the innocent! and the most valuable of ours and other countrys’ people! Sometimes I think war, whether against a military enemy OR insects and weeds, is another way of population control. All we are doing is making the enemy invent stronger defenses.
Delcee K
June 23, 2017 at 9:41 am
Because our government hates us. They do not care. All they care about is MONEY… Other countries care about their people. Ours, is out to destroy us and make as much money as they can..
October 7, 2017 at 9:31 pm
it’s all about the money!!!!!
January 7, 2018 at 4:25 am
i don’t trust veterinarians anymore and i’m currently studying certificate IV in vet nursing and the stuff i have seen and heard behind closed doors in 4 vet clinics in the last 2 years is disgusting, a lot of veterinarian clinics do not care about animals it really is all about money, thinking about it makes my blood boil.
January 7, 2018 at 4:33 am
The reason why i mentioned vet clinics was because they sell this “pet food” too and try to sell it to nearly every client that walks in the door, they have been told to do this while learning and getting their degrees so in my opinion it’s everywhere, the governments, the consumers and the vet clinic staff.
October 14, 2018 at 4:33 pm
Yes. This.
We consider those vets CORRUPT. Back during the 2007 Recall our vet that also sells food would NOT report that all of our cats were poisoned. Two of them ended up getting intestinal cancer and eventually died from that. The other two feral/outdoor cats didn’t get as sick because they got less of that food since apparently they were mostly eating lizards and maybe other people’s food.
The feral cats are now strictly indoors and we feed them Primal because that seems to be the best on the PFList. We call the ‘prescription’ food poison. One of our cats had to eat the one that has tons of fat in it so he could gain weight, but the only reason we gave it is he was going to die if he didn’t gain weight. We cried when having to feed that garbage. Luckily, he survived and is back on real food again.
If vets sell food they will not want to do they best thing for your pet. They will do the best thing for their business.
MONEY FROM PET FOOD COMPANIES CORRUPTS VETS. There is chance it is any other way.
All *peer-reviewed* studies show when human doctors are in such relationships with companies, they may *think* they aren’t biased in these companies favor, but data shows they clearly are.
We won’t go to vets that sell food anymore. When we moved and had to find a new vet, it was one of the first questions asked about their business.