The following link will take you to the Australian Broadcasting Company website that provides the video and written transcript of a follow up story on the numerous pet illnesses suffered in Australia. The video links are on the right side of the page; a warning, the video is difficult to watch, it shows some paralyzed cats.
One important issue that is discussed in the news story is the reported threats from Orijen Pet Food and Kramar Pet Supplies – suspect manufacturer and supplier of foods and treats responsible for pet deaths and illnesses – of lawsuits should Veterinarians report pet illnesses. Both companies state in the report they were only acting to protect their reputations. What do you think?
While unsubstantiated stories of a bad pet food can spread like wild fire on the Internet, causing pet owners to panic, and more than likely company profits to fall, is it fair for a pet food company or pet product supplier to keep veterinarians or other concerned parties quiet? Is it fair to keep reports of sick pets quiet even without a confirmed cause? What do you think? Please share your feelings below.
Personally I agree with the pet owners in the Australian story; there is NO excuse for a pet food or pet supply company to prevent veterinarians or concerned parties to inform the public of a potential problem. Should the pet food company or pet supply company be found later not to be the cause, they should count their blessings and feel good they did the right thing. The right thing is to inform anyone and everyone the instant there is even the slightest possibility of a problem; the goal would be to prevent more pet illnesses and deaths. Companies that care more about profits than pets, well, be assured – pet owners will NOT forget who you are. Companies that care more about pets – we’ll remember you too.
Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,
Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Author, Buyer Beware
Co-Author Dinner PAWsible
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Caroline Snyder in West Virginia
July 26, 2014 at 1:49 pm
Orijen were FORCED to super-heat and irradiate their food for the Aussie market and it is likely that toxins were created. For the rest of the world they use a low temperature process to produce their kibble..