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Dr. Cathy Alinovi

Do you know your local rabies laws?

It is generally accepted in most states that young puppies and kittens need to be vaccinated by four months of age against the rabies virus. One year later, these animals can receive a booster good for three years. In the eyes of the law, animals who have been vaccinated are protected from rabies infection as long as their vaccine is current.

It is generally accepted in most states that young puppies and kittens need to be vaccinated by four months of age against the rabies virus. One year later, these animals can receive a booster good for three years. In the eyes of the law, animals who have been vaccinated are protected from rabies infection as long as their vaccine is current.

Because rabies is a deadly virus with no known treatment, and humans can be infected from bites of infected animals, our national policy is to vaccinate domesticated pets.

But what happens when a pet owner lives where the rabies vaccination laws are archaic? For example, in Pennsylvania, the state law is as discussed above – an initial vaccine as a puppy or kitten, followed a year later with a rabies vaccine licensed for three years.

Recently, I was discussing local county laws with a pet owner. Believe it or not, in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania the law states every time a vaccinated animal is taken to the veterinarian for a puncture wound, bite or scratch of unknown origin that animal must receive yet another booster against rabies!

In this poor woman’s case, her blind 18-year-old cat, with high blood pressure and thyroid disease, received a routine three-year rabies vaccine, and was given yet another three-year vaccine three months later, and reported to the county health department, due to a scratch of unknown origin.

Unless this woman lives where rabies is more virulent than anywhere else in the world, her county’s laws were passed due to lawmakers’ lack of education and to fill the pockets of members of the local veterinary establishment. Not only does the veterinarian receive additional income with every vaccination, but the vaccine company sells more product, and animals are over vaccinated. Consequently, some pets develop vaccinosis (illness due to over-vaccination), then these animals go to their veterinarian yet again! The ones who lose due to laws promoting over-vaccination are pets and their owners.

This particular cat is a marvelous man – at 18 years old, he’s loved as much as any cat should be. He is in good spirits, he still enjoys life, he is eating a home prepared diet, and his mother is concerned because she’s being forced by the local laws to over-vaccinate her fragile cat.

Apparently, the lawmakers in Montgomery county Pennsylvania are not aware of modern research, although the most recent version of their law was passed in 2012.

Dr. Jean Dodds has conducted a long-term study into the effectiveness of rabies vaccines. Dr Dodds’ study shows half dose rabies boosters are as effective as full dose boosters – we are talking boosters here, not initial vaccines. Furthermore, there are numerous peer reviewed articles in the literature that demonstrate that giving 1/10 of the dose of rabies vaccine provides protection against the deadly virus. This means one rabies vaccine which costs most pet owners between $20 and $40, can actually be used to vaccinate 10 animals! Whose pockets are being lined now?

Rabies is a deadly virus. No one wants to be bitten by a rabid animal. Therefore, vaccination of domesticated pets against rabies make sense. However, well conducted research, and commonsense, says our fear of the rabies virus is blown out of proportion.

The goal of a society is to protect members of that society. Our society involves sharing our lives with domesticated dogs and cats. Over-vaccination of any species only profits Big Business. Their profits are made not only in selling the original vaccine, but also in manufacturing and selling the medication needed to treat the clinical signs of vaccinosis.

The only way archaic laws like those in Montgomery County Pennsylvania will change is if the citizens of Montgomery County insist lawmakers learn more about modern research. Lawmakers are people just like ourselves, they can learn too. Sometimes they just need a push from their constituents.

Dr. Cathy Alinovi DVM

As a practicing veterinarian, Dr. Cathy treated 80% of what walked in the door — not with expensive prescriptions — but with adequate nutrition. Now retired from private practice, her commitment to pets hasn’t waned and she looks forward to impacting many more pet parents through her books, research, speaking and consulting work.  Learn more at



  1. Diane

    March 26, 2016 at 10:51 am

    What about states (like Ct) that insist on yearly rabies shots saying these are a different formula than the 3 year and are better because they are safer?

    • Marie

      March 26, 2016 at 10:59 am

      Safer than what? Arsenic? Don’t buy into it. There are always ways around stupid laws – see comment below.

    • leona

      May 2, 2016 at 10:29 am

      Alabama is one those states every year whether it a 1 year or 3 year!

  2. Marie

    March 26, 2016 at 10:58 am

    Thank you, Dr. Cathy! I do not license my pets (cats – dogs are harder since they’re out and about) so authorities cannot force me to over-vaccinate. They are micro-chipped in the event they ever get out of their yard, which is impossible – just a safety measure. In fact, I’ve done the kitten shots but no rabies due to lack of rabid animals in my area at the time. According to Don Hamilton, DVM, we should never vaccinate our animals unless there is an outbreak in our area. And I did permit one rabies vaccine per cat before I moved to a higher risk area, along with the other cat vaccines – one time – for life. Thank you for the eye-opening information that only 1/10th of the vaccine is needed. I’m also aware of titer tests to avoid law enforcement of vaccines. It’s time companion animals fall under the category of “society.”
    In any case, one solution to this woman’s problem is either to learn to treat wounds herself, find a holistic vet who can heal them with laser treatments, change vets and the next time the rabies renewal comes in the mail, mark “deceased” on the box. I can share that my holistic vet healed a cat picked up by an owl and dropped. One might imagine surgery, antibiotics, and much drama lining the pockets of allopathic medicine. But my vet healed the wound within 10 days by daily laser treatments – no antibiotics needed, and the wound healed beautifully. Until authorities learn (or care), there are ways around this archaic law.

  3. Marie

    March 26, 2016 at 11:35 am

    I have a PS: When I spoke with Dr. Hamilton, the famed homeopathic vet and whose chapter on vaccinosis you can find online, I shared with him the many auto-immune diseases my cats got in their later years due to following veterinary advise and giving (at the time) yearly vaccines (except rabies – 3 years). He said to me that he was so sorry I had to learn the hard way. And the real mess of it is that allopathic vets have NO CLUE how to heal diseases they’ve caused! I did not have a holistic vet at the time and am unsure what or if there’s a holistic cure.
    I’ve heard there’s a fine if one lies on the rabies renewal card saying a beloved animal is deceased, but I’d gladly pay that fine for the health of my pets. And of course, the trick is, don’t let them catch you. It’s really not that hard. Unless your vet rats you out, animal control does not have time to follow up. So find a vet you can trust, even if they aren’t on the same page, so you can rest assured they’ll keep their mouths shut. Again, it’s more difficult with dogs who are interacting with other dogs and with risk of interacting with authorities, but Dr. Hamilton stood firm on his no vaccine stance for dogs too. He could only address rabies as toxic but that it was “the law.” It’s a fear-based law and one only to be used in event of an outbreak that could affect our pets, whom we keep confined while the vaccine efficacy takes full effect, and that’s true of any outbreak – Dr. Hamilton’s words.

    • Paula

      March 26, 2016 at 6:52 pm

      While I agree with you on the dangers of vaccines 100% Marie, the downside is that if your dog/cat should bite or scratch someone or someone’s animal, or even if a person just claims they did so, in many states your only choice is between having the animal put down or paying to have them quarantined for 6 months. I would also not put a good, trustworthy vet in the position of “keeping their mouth shut”. Why not spend time educating legislators and having laws changed instead.

  4. sheila

    March 26, 2016 at 6:51 pm

    How do you not legally have to keep your pets vaccinated? My state of NC mandates it every 3 years. I would love to stop giving it to them, but if I ever need their teeth cleaned or if they ever get hurt, they will be forced to get one or worse, be quarantined for 6 weeks until it can be determined they don’t have the virus. I don’t want to risk that possibility. I wish I could get around this law

    • Ellen

      March 28, 2016 at 2:52 pm

      Get titers done to prove they are immunized. If they are in a situation where they require a booster, then so be it – hopefully the vet is aware of the less dosage is just as effective studies. Usually, and you have to actually know your laws, pets that are “out of date” do not require quarantine outside of their own home.

      • Sheila

        March 28, 2016 at 3:49 pm

        Yeah,NC doesn’t accept titers. I think the only way to get around it in this state is if the cat is sick or has a lowered immunit because of illness. It’s annoying .

        • Ellen

          March 29, 2016 at 8:55 am

          Please reread what I wrote. I know they don’t accept titers and I am not aware of any municipalities that do, however, it’s the safest way to prove to an official that the dog has been previously vaccinated if you make the decision to no longer vaccinate – like many are doing. In time, and still pretty far down the road, titers will be accepted.

          More people are following safe protocols they have found on holistic and homeopathic sites, and in areas where there are no house to house checks, aren’t even registering their animals with the town. Their safety and well-being are much more important than the outdated laws the town and animal control are made to follow.

          If you must vaccinate, at least look into rabies taut todes and herbs used to fend off adverse reactions from this vaccine.

  5. Ellen

    March 28, 2016 at 2:45 pm

    That woman should actually sue that vet for administering a rabies vaccine to an unhealthy animal with diabetes and thyroid issues. It clearly states on the vaccine label and insert to never vaccinate an unhealthy animal.

    The first paragraph indicates that vets (and the law) assume pets are immunized with two rabies vaccinations. How do you know this unless you titer the animals three weeks post vaccination? What if they are the percentage of animals that will never be immunized no matter how many times you vaccinate? This should actually be done with ALL viral vaccinations (parvo/distemper especially).

    According to the latest studies of the usefulness of titers, and the great response to boosters dogs had that were “out of date” with their rabies vaccines as opposed to dogs that were “up to date,” we are slowly inching toward science-based evidence of why we need not be so scared of being infected by our pets with rabies since the duration of immunity is very long (thanks to the Rabies Challenge Fund) and leaning toward the acceptance of titers over unnecessary boosters.

    KSU has created a website called and is currently offering titers for $88. Have one done and keep the results (hopefully they come back with a positive ratio of immunity) with your pets’ vaccination and medical records, and your county’s/state’s laws – this way you should be aware of your rights should your pet bite anyone, or be accused of doing so. Your pet cannot be confiscated and there is usually a big difference between out of date and unvaccinated pets, and the consequences for both. Moving ahead with titers will eventually allow all pets to remain on house quarantine versus cement cell six-month quarantine or being put down.

    If your laws are ancient and/or absurd, fight to have them updated. Support the, and you can also learn about what states have medical waivers and the laws on that site. If your vet doesn’t think any condition your pet has waives his or her right to be exempt from this vaccine, find yourself a good holistic/homeopathic vet who truly knows the dangers of over vaccination (vaccinosis). One of my favorites is Dr. Will Falconer of and I love Dogs Naturally Magazine and the many contributors to natural health.

    • Ellen

      April 7, 2016 at 4:16 pm

      Correction: KSU did not create the website; it was actually created by Merial. The titer done by KSU for $88 is correct.

  6. Vicky

    May 13, 2016 at 1:46 pm

    It is my understanding that PA does have an exemption law if your pet is ill. The Vet must certify the exemption yearly for it to be valid. This may not be followed in all counties in the state but I know my vet would write a letter for my dog if needed where I live (Allegheny/Beaver counties in PA)

  7. Darren

    August 16, 2019 at 2:02 pm

    Stop lying about the threat of rabies in cats. According to the CDC almost EVERY human that contracted rabies got it outside the USA from being bitten by dogs in countries such as Mexico, India, Guatemala, one guy was even bitten by a damn Mongoose and got rabies. So stop the insanity here in USA okay? Cats are not giving anyone rabies. And it’s extremely dangerous to subject a cat to RABIES vaccine. Cats have died from getting the rabies vaccine. Others have been permanently neurologically injured. I’m all for ALL the other FELINE vaccines and I’m pro DOG RABIES vaccine , but cats, no way, never, it’s illogical, absurd and dangerous for the cats. NO RABIES VACCINES FOR CATS PLEASE you are harming so many innocent vulnerable cats with this senseless vaccine.

  8. Scarlett Auten

    February 25, 2020 at 9:05 pm

    Go to and there you will find a form you can take to your vet, have your vet draw the blood for the titer test on rabies and parvo/distemper. Ask your vet to help with the form you send the form in with the blood sample and the tests are less. Titer for parvo/distemper is 55.00, I paid for the same test last year at my vet $125.00.

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