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Pet Food Ingredients

“Dehydrated Garbage” and Other (absurd) Legal Feed Ingredients

The truth of animal feed ingredients IS stranger than fiction.

The truth of animal feed ingredients IS stranger than fiction.

Through a non-legal agreement with FDA, the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) defines all pet food/animal feed ingredients. Every single ingredient used in a pet food/treat or animal feed is VERY different than it’s counterpart in human food, many don’t have a counterpart in human food. Because this agreement denies public access to these ingredient definitions (AAFCO charging $120.00 per year), the public doesn’t get to see the absurd legally defined ingredients approved to be fed to animals – approved by FDA and State Department of Agriculture members of AAFCO.

In the year 2000 – the AAFCO book of pet food/animal feed ingredient definitions included the ingredient:

“Dehydrated Garbage”

In 2000 – “Dehydrated Garbage” was allowed to be included in any feed. Because the ingredient definition was/is copyright protected by AAFCO – allowed to be copyright protected by FDA agreement – the full definition of “Dehydrated Garbage” cannot be shared. Our interpretation of the ingredient definition is: dried animal and/or vegetable waste.

In the current AAFCO book (2019), the same ingredient has been renamed. Today, Dehydrated Garbage is termed “Food Processing Waste“. And AAFCO has added two more food waste ingredients: “Restaurant Food Waste” and “Recovered Retail Food“. These pet food/animal feed ingredient names are descriptive of their definitions – they are recycled garbage sourced from just about anywhere.

What the poop?

2019 AAFCO and FDA pet food/animal feed ingredient definitions include an entire category of Animal Waste Products. This group includes the legal definition of various…processed…animal poop definitions, such as:

  • “Dried Poultry Waste”
  • “Dried Poultry Litter”
  • “Dried Ruminant Waste”
  • “Dried Swine Waste”
  • “Undried Processed Animal Waste Products”
  • “Processed Animal Waste Derivative”

To be clear, all of the above ingredients ARE animal poop – and all have been approved by FDA as “food” for animals.


Under the AAFCO category of ingredients of Screenings, is the legally defined pet food/animal feed definition “Chaff and/or Dust“. Chaff – per Wikipedia – is “the dry, scaly protective casings of the seeds of cereal grain“. Dust – per the AAFCO definition is…well, anything swept up from the floor including dirt and sand.


Within the AAFCO category of ingredients Special Purpose Products, we find the legal definition of “Polyethylene Roughage Replacement“. Polyethylene isthe most popular plastic in the world. This is the polymer that makes grocery bags, shampoo bottles, children’s toys, and even bullet proof vests.” A ‘roughage’ is fiber (in this case a plastic being used as fiber in an animals diet).

Breakfast Cereal, Doughnuts and Candy

FDA has approved the pet food/animal feed ingredient definitions of “Cereal Food Fines“, “Dried Bakery Product“, and “Sugar Foods By-Product“. These definitions are recycled breakfast cereals, recycled or expired/moldy breads or cakes or doughnuts, and recycled candy.

Hair and Feathers

And FDA has even approved the pet food/animal feed ingredients of “Hydrolyzed Hair” and “Hydrolyzed Poultry Feathers“. These ingredients are – cooked hair and feathers.

It is doubtful that any pet food will include “Restaurant Food Waste” or “Sugar Foods By-Product” – but they could because they are legally defined ingredients of animal feed. The exception would be any Human Grade pet food (with the words “Human Grade” printed on the label). NONE of these ingredients would be allowed in the door of a plant manufacturing a human grade pet food (which is required to meet the same standards as human food – no recycled poop allowed).

These ingredients ARE being fed to livestock animals that become human food and pet food, with the exception of livestock that meet the certification standards of humanely raised.

Besides these blatantly horrendous feed ingredients, there are thousands more – more that are allowed into pet food that violate food law. And again, those ingredient definitions – significant for pet owners to read and understand – are NOT public information.

Our consumer association ( began (officially) discussion with FDA about consumers being denied public access to pet food/animal feed ingredient definitions since January 2019. The agreement between FDA and AAFCO that allows AAFCO to control these definitions (and sell them for profit) was set to expire at the end of October 2019. We began communication with FDA 10 months in advance as this is such a significant issue for pet owners, we didn’t want the agreement to be renewed without consumer input. After weeks of broken promises to speak with us, FDA renewed the agreement with AAFCO without giving consumer representatives a voice in the renewal – without altering the agreement to make all pet food/animal feed ingredient definitions public information.

It’s significant to share a portion of FDA’s September 20, 2019 response to us – this particular quote regarding the Agency’s belief of what food is (bold added for emphasis):

The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the Act), section 201(f), defines the term “food” to mean “(1) articles used for food or drink for man or other animals, (2) chewing gum, and (3) articles used for components of any such article.” 21 U.S.C. § 321(f). Any feed ingredient found in the AAFCO Official Publication that meets this definition is considered “food” under the Act.

In other words – the FDA chooses to believe that the Federal Food Drug and Cosmetic Act condones the use of recycled garbage, poop, plastic, and hair in “food”. This is completely FALSE. In fact, federal law clearly and concisely classifies this waste as an adulterant of food – and illegal. Perhaps this is exactly why FDA works so hard to keep pet food/animal feed ingredient definitions out of public view; if more people knew adulterated pet foods/animal feeds are sold every day in the U.S., they wouldn’t be able to get away with their crimes.

We continue our discussion with FDA on this issue (even though our requests are falling on deaf ears).

Personal Opinion: All involved in the approval of these ingredients and the many waste ingredients allowed in pet food should be served the waste for dinner…every night…for years.

Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,

Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Author Buyer Beware, Co-Author Dinner PAWsible
Association for Truth in Pet Food

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  1. ~Pet Owner~

    September 26, 2019 at 10:37 am


    This article should eliminate anybody’s illusion about pet feed.

  2. chris

    September 26, 2019 at 11:41 am

    Most people don’t read articles like this unfortunately. Every time I try to tell my family about the garbage that kibble lets in, they think I am making it up.

    • Dianne & Pets

      September 26, 2019 at 1:38 pm

      People don’t believe because it is too absurd to believe and that is how the industry gets away with it. Don’t give up, someday they may learn or experience something that opens their eyes.

    • jeannette

      September 26, 2019 at 2:12 pm

      My husband thinks im making it up as well

  3. NunyaBees

    September 26, 2019 at 11:56 am

    More reasons to make your own pet food and also to grow your own food and meat. I like to use the term “FDA GRAS my A$$” when it comes to anything they allow in our food and our pet’s foods. Your health and your pet’s health is YOUR responsibility alone. Don’t trust anything store bought – no one is held accountable any more, and they never will be. If you love them, make their own food and know EVERYTHING that goes into their bodies. Don’t buy store bought, processed foods.

  4. Robin M

    September 26, 2019 at 1:14 pm

    California is currently in freak out mode over the discovery of several colonies of rapidly multiplying Nutria, a 20 plus pound swamp rodent that resembles a beaver without the cool tail. Nutria were at one time completely eradicated as they are not indigenous to the state and are extremely destructive to native plants and other wildlife. California is planning to put a bounty on the animals to encourage hunting them back to zero. If I were a pet food company being faced with the DCM issues on top of the other issues, I would certainly investigate the use of Nutria as a pet food ingredient, I mean, they’re going to PAY us to take them…..

    • Reader

      September 26, 2019 at 1:54 pm

      Can’t tell if the comment was made tongue ‘n cheek. But the more repulsive the ingredients in PF become, is our only hope of scaring “non-believers” from using it. Maybe more “species” testing should be done as a rule, to keep the Industry on track.

      • Lk65

        October 9, 2019 at 7:30 am

        Why would Nutria be any different than rabbits? Don’t you think wild dogs and wolves would eat them?

        • ~ Pet Owner ~

          October 9, 2019 at 6:57 pm


          “In addition to direct environmental damage, coypus are the host for a nematode parasite (Strongyloides myopotami) that can infect the skin of humans, causing dermatitis similar to strongyloidiasis.[50] The condition is also called “nutria itch”.[51]”

  5. Help Your Dog!

    September 26, 2019 at 2:00 pm

    Once again people. This isn’t rocket science. Making your dog’s food can be as simple as adding whole meat (ground beef or chicken) to a base mix with all the nutrients (like SoJo’s Premix which is way cheaper than THK). Then rotating with some raw food on alternating days. For the bone/calcium and organ meat components. And throw in an egg once in a while.

    The image & article above should only serve to reinforce what TAPF has been saying for the last TEN years!

  6. Aimee

    September 26, 2019 at 2:21 pm

    Great article.

    I suggest you list each person on the AAFCO Board of Directors as well as every member of the Pet Food Committee. By not acting to remove each of the listed items, these people are explicitly endorsing all the disgusting ingredients allowed and the misleading definitions written by the very industry they are regulating.

    Either these people are OK with these very offensive ingredients or they are just pencil-pushers more worried about their jobs rather than protecting our pets.

  7. James Richardson

    September 26, 2019 at 4:56 pm

    A year later, and you still don’t print the names and addresses of each of the FDA officials who approve these things. It will be the same as today, next year and the year after that if you don’t do this. I will wager money on this. Just more complaining and exposes each month and nothing changes, year after year.

    • Susan Thixton

      September 26, 2019 at 4:58 pm

      I don’t have the names of all FDA officials involved – nor do I have any address for them. Sorry this doesn’t meet your needs.

  8. Help Your Dog!

    September 26, 2019 at 6:03 pm

    The Internet is an incredible place. Ir just takes time to navigate. And once in a while a phone call. I would suggest TAPF followers do a little research for themselves. Just as the author of this website does for us 40+ hours a week (for free). Then to be a good sport and report back to all of us, what’s found. Here are a few links (and selected names) to get started. When personally communicating with any office, would suggest being courteous and well-intentioned with a politely stated request. They are no doubt jaded by a lot of frustration.

    “A year later” and I will wager money, that if Susan had the information (and permission) to publish, then it’s a good bet that it would be done!. Exactly so this kind of whining (behind a keyboard) wouldn’t be going on, year after year.

    Thank you Susan, for all that you do!

  9. Sherri

    September 26, 2019 at 6:52 pm

    I have to agree with the other people here who commented that when they try to talk about this to friends and family it’s all so crazy and unbelievable that people think they are making it up! Same here! My own mother doesn’t believe me and is too lazy to read for herself. That or they look at you like you are one of “those crazy people”! But, I figure if here and there a few people listen and start investigating on their own and start feeding their dogs REAL food, well then I don’t care how many others think I’m crazy! Sad that so many people would rather keep their heads buried in the sand and think pet food companies are in it for the good of pets!

    • Jill

      September 27, 2019 at 9:04 pm

      even sadder than that are the humans who DO believe but dont care and feed kibble any way because its cheaper or easier.

  10. Purrrfectly Holistic

    October 6, 2019 at 10:02 pm

    This leaves me speechless…and nauseous. Is there no end to the madness?

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