Perhaps a more responsible and in the best interest of veterinarians and pet owners policy would be the following…(sent to AVMA 7/25/12)…
I genuinely hope the proposed AVMA policy to warn consumers of possible risks associated with raw meat pet foods is solely based on “mitigating public health risks, not about restricting or banning any products” as is stated on your website. As a pet food safety advocate, I as well have never been against any one style of pet food. Further, as a pet food safety advocate, I have never been in favor of any one style of pet food or any one particular brand. As an individual that has devoted many years representing the wants and needs of pet food consumers, I have consistently encouraged the pet food industry to produce healthy and nutritious pet foods, abide by federal food safety law, and become fully transparent to consumers as to the quality and country of origin of ingredients.
In light of growing pet food consumer concern of the AVMA proposed policy, perhaps there is a better resolve that can meet the ‘wants’ of both the AVMA and concerned consumers. I suggest the following…
*To remove the existing proposed policy from vote at the upcoming AVMA meeting;
*To revise the policy to include AVMA recommendation as to the proper handling, preparation, storage, manufacturing of all pet foods; not to single out only one style of pet food;
*To work together with others representing pet food consumers, and pet food manufacturers of all types.
I applaud your efforts to protect public health. However if your true interests are public health and animal health, I am confident a revised AVMA policy addressing the risks from all commercial pet foods would better serve the public you wish to protect.
Susan Thixton
Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,
Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Author, Buyer Beware
Co-Author Dinner PAWsible
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