Posted on the Petsmart Facebook page:
Claudia’s Cuisine has issued a voluntary product withdrawal on Dog Candy Fruit Hound Cake (7.5oz) and Dog Candy Blueberry Hound Cake (7.5oz). No other products have been impacted. These products are being voluntarily withdrawn due to the potential to contain mold. Claudia’s Cuisine has not received any reports of illness associated with the affected product. If you suspect that your Claudia’s Cuisine product may have mold growth, please bring it to your closest PetSmart store for a full refund. If you have any questions about this voluntary withdrawal, please call Claudia’s Cuisine’s Customer Service at 501-851-0002 or email
Note: This dog treat is sold at Petsmart. I could find no notice on the Petsmart website of the recall, however Petsmart did send it out to their email subscribers. Thanks to so many of you who shared this recall notice with me.

Dr Amy Nesselrodt
December 10, 2012 at 6:20 am
I could not find these particular products on the PetSmart web site but I did notice that quite a few of this brand’s treats have artificial colors, various forms of sugars and other ingredients I would not recommend. The treats are VERY cute and look like something we’d eat, but your dog does not care what they look like and “looking cute” is not a reason to choose a treat for your dog. Be sure you read labels!
Purple Peke
December 10, 2012 at 11:16 am
I totally agree with Dr Nesselrodt. Many of the decorative and cute dog treats contain sugars, shortening, artificial coloring, butter and many more bad things for dogs.
I own a dog company and bake better cookies and treats for dogs. I never use dairy products and all my bakery is gluten free. Coloring is from vegetables and no preservatives are used. Shelf life is not long for our products, but they are better than other dog treats on the market.
This is not an advertisement for my company, although it reads like one. I am just a very strong advocate of education is the key for dog parents. I have been educating dog parents for a decade.
Please read product labels and buy American.
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howard moore
December 21, 2012 at 5:25 am
my dog loves carrots, frozen brussel sprouts,cabbage cores barely knows what a dog treat is
Purple Peke
December 21, 2012 at 1:32 pm
Me too. I cook fresh every day for my dogs. They love veggies and apples.