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Pet Food News

Another Important Way to Judge Pet Food Quality

Grade and quality of ingredients, country of origin of ingredients, preservatives; the list goes on and on of information pet owners must consider when choosing a food for their dog or cat. However there is one more important piece of information that should be considered when judging any pet food, Customer Service.

Grade and quality of ingredients, country of origin of ingredients, preservatives; the list goes on and on of information pet owners must consider when choosing a food for their dog or cat.  However there is one more important piece of information that should be considered when judging any pet food, Customer Service.

For November 2009, I added Party Animal Pet Foods to Petsumer Report.  Problem is, after three emails and two voice mail inquiries to Party Animal Pet Foods, I got no answers.  No one responded to my emails and No one returned my phone calls.  What if, my dog was eating this food and got sick?  What if I had important questions to ask Party Animal Pet Food about their products regarding my sick dog?  I’d be out of luck.

The same holds true for many private label pet foods.  Many chain grocery stores, Walmart, Sams Club, and Costco have their own brands of dog foods and cat foods.  Yet these private label foods have no website to turn to for more information on the pet foods.  Getting your questions answered for an emergency situation is probably impossible.

Customers of pet food companies deserve top quality Customer Service.  If your Pet Food Company doesn’t return your phone calls or respond to your emails, find another Pet Food Company.  Considering that most all pet owners are suspicious of all Pet Food Companies to begin with, poor Customer Service (or no Customer Service) just adds to the suspicion.

I hope Pet Food Companies hear this…
Pet Owners want and deserve to be able to communicate with you.  Should we have any questions, and we not receive a timely response, your lack of communication speaks volumes.

‘Times are a changing’.  Years ago there used to be steadfast loyal Ford and Chevy families.  Year after year, generation after generation, loyal customers ONLY purchased their Ford or Chevy.  Look at what’s happened to that brand loyalty today.

By ignoring what pet food customers want and deserve to have, I believe many long standing pet foods will be soon be scrambling for customers.  Deservedly so.


Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,

Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Author, Buyer Beware
Co-Author Dinner PAWsible

What’s in Your Pet’s Food?
Is your dog or cat eating risk ingredients?  Chinese imports?  Petsumer Report tells the ‘rest of the story’ on over 2500 cat foods, dog foods,  and pet treats.  30 Day Satisfaction Guarantee.

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Human Grade & Feed Grade
Do you know what the differences are between Feed Grade and Human Grade pet food? Click Here.


The Regulations
Pet Food is regulated by federal and state authorities. Unfortunately, authorities ignore many safety laws. Click Here to learn more about the failures of the U.S. pet food regulatory system.


The Many Styles of Pet Food
An overview of the categories, styles, legal requirements and recall data of commercial pet food in the U.S. Click Here.


The Ingredients
Did you know that all pet food ingredients have a separate definition than the same ingredient in human food? Click Here.

Click Here for definitions of animal protein ingredients.


Click Here to calculate carbohydrate percentage in your pet’s food.

Click Here to  calculate your dog’s minimum protein requirement.

Click Here to calculate your cat’s minimum protein requirement.

Click Here to calculate the cost to feed a pet food.


Sick Pet Caused by a Pet Food?

If your pet has become sick or has died you believe is linked to a pet food, it is important to report the issue to FDA and your State Department of Agriculture.

Save all pet food – do not return it for a refund.

If your pet required veterinary care, ask your veterinarian to report to FDA.

Click Here for FDA and State contacts.

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