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Pet Food Regulations

AAFCO’s Attempt to Control

This is the second effort by AAFCO to try to silence me/silence Second attempt to prevent me from sharing information with pet food consumers evidence of the lack of enforcement of law. AAFCO really doesn’t want consumers to know the ‘truth about pet food’.

This is the second effort by AAFCO to try to silence me/silence Second attempt to prevent me from sharing information with pet food consumers evidence of the lack of enforcement of law. AAFCO really doesn’t want consumers to know the ‘truth about pet food’.

On Friday November 3, 2017 at 4:00 PM ET, I received the following email from AAFCO President Ken Bowers…

Dear Ms. Thixton:

For the reasons discussed below, you are being removed as an advisor to the AAFCO Pet Food Committee and Ingredient Definitions Committee, effective immediately.

The AAFCO Board of Directors is aware of your September 22, 2017 posting on your website entitled “You Scratch My Back, I’ll Scratch Yours.”  In the unanimous opinion of the AAFCO Board of Directors, your statements were in the nature of a personal attack against Mr. Stan Cook, AAFCO’s President-Elect and Chair of the AAFCO Pet Food Committee.  The Board further concluded that, in light of the nature of your public comments about Mr. Cook, you will not be able to operate effectively as an advisor to AAFCO Committees.  Thus, the Board directed me, as President, to take appropriate action.

AAFCO’s “Operating Procedures” for committees (2017 Official Publication, page 90) provide:

AAFCO is committed to providing a forum for respectful, professional discussion.  All discussions should be professional and relevant to Committee business.  Any member or advisor who behaves in a manner disruptive to committee business may be subject to removal as a member or advisor of the committee.

In the opinion of the AAFCO Board, your public comments are not in the nature of “respectful, professional discussion” and constitute behavior “in a manner disruptive to committee business.”

Article VI, Section 2 of the AAFCO Bylaws (2017 Official Publication, page 87) provides authority for the AAFCO President, with the advice of the AAFCO Board, to establish the membership of AAFCO committees.  Pursuant to that authority and the “Operating Procedures” quoted above, I am removing you as an advisor to the Pet Food Committee and Ingredient Definitions Committee, effective immediately.


Ken Bowers
AAFCO 2017 President

Click Here to view the pdf version of the same letter provided by AAFCO.

Click Here to read the article AAFCO Board of Directors took offense to.

My response to AAFCO…(or click here to read the pdf version of the same letter provided to AAFCO).

Mr. Ken Bowers
AAFCO President
Kansas Department of Agriculture
(785) 564-6685

Mr. Stan Cook
AAFCO President-Elect
Missouri Department of Agriculture
(573) 751-5501

Mr. Mark Leblanc
AAFCO Immediate Past President
Louisiana Department of Agriculture
(225) 342-5812

Mr. Ali Kashani
AAFCO Secretary-Treasurer
Washington State Department of Agriculture
(360) 902-2028

Mr. Robert Geiger
AAFCO Senior Director
Office of Indiana State Chemist
(765) 494-1551

Ms. Kristen Green
AAFCO Senior Director
University of Kentucky
(859) 257-4496

Ms. Erin Bubb
AAFCO Junior Director
Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture
(717) 772-5215

Mr. Dave Phillips
AAFCO Junior Director
North Dakota Department of Agriculture
(701) 328-1501

Mr. Robert Church
AAFCO Junior Director
Montana Department of Agriculture
(406) 444-5410

Mr. Bowers,

I am in receipt of your letter dated November 3, 2017 (the “Letter”).

The Letter is inherently flawed since it incorrectly applies AAFCO’s “Operating Procedures” to matters that are beyond the scope of “Committee business”. (“”) is a website that I personally operate under the freedom of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution to provide pet food consumers with factual information regarding the lack of enforcement of law in pet food. Any and all speech and opinion recited therein, including but not limited to results of FOIA requests and Mars Petcare is not for AAFCO to restrict. AAFCO’s retaliatory actions through the Letter to silence me is based on false pretenses. Your actions perpetuate an already significant distrust consumers have of AAFCO and the entire regulatory system. For years I have actively worked to build a bridge between regulatory and consumers, AAFCO’s action to rid AAFCO of any consumer representation has just destroyed that bridge.

The Letter states (bold added) “In the opinion of the AAFCO Board, your public comments are not in the nature of “respectful, professional discussion” and constitute behavior “in a manner disruptive to committee business.”

My “public comments” are outside the scope of AAFCO’s authority. My “public comments” on are not “committee business”. If the Mars Petcare manufacturing plant located in Joplin, MO – the one with a six foot hole in the roof directly over the mixer to which every single Missouri Department of Agriculture authority ignored (in violation of CGMPs) – was indeed “committee business” – please provide the “Minutes” of that “committee business” to me. Otherwise the actions set forth in the “Letter” constitutes an overreaching authority and serves only to restrict free speech.

Please provide “Operating Procedure” which permits AAFCO to remove Committee Advisors on the basis of personal employment, affiliation or otherwise.

AAFCO has repeatedly attempted to silence me and prevent me from conveying information to consumers.

For years, AAFCO refused to allow Susan Thixton of to hold advisory positions. It was January 2011 that AAFCO finally granted permission to allow me (Susan Thixton of to sit as advisor to the Ingredient Definitions Committee and the Pet Food Committee. This was only after AAFCO members provided me with a personal etiquette lesson on how to behave at ‘the table’. Before the January 2011 meeting Mr. Tim Darden of New Mexico Department of Agriculture informed me that “industry complained” that I was being provided with an advisory position. Taking action on industry’s complaint, AAFCO demoted me to “Guest” pending my submission to AAFCO significant evidence proving my role as a consumer advocate. I promptly provided said evidence to Mr. Darden.

In August 2011 I was contacted by then current AAFCO President Mr. Robert Waltz. Mr. Waltz confirmed that I – Susan Thixton of was officially accepted as advisor. However, after I reported the activities of the meeting to pet food consumers on, Mr. Waltz promptly removed my advisor position. Mr. Waltz told Dr. Jean Hofve that “ did not meet the requirements to have a position on an AAFCO committee”. This was AAFCO’s first documented attempt to silence me AND prevent consumers access to the pet food regulatory system.

Despite this disrespectful behavior from AAFCO, I continued to attend meetings on behalf of pet food consumers. At the January 2013 meeting, a former President of AAFCO shared with me some honest feedback. He stated to me: “I’m off the Board now – so I can tell you. AAFCO can’t allow a blogger to be an advisor to committees. You have to be a stakeholder.”

In February 2013 I complied with AAFCO’s requirements and formed a separate consumer association. I obtained a separate business license, a separate website, and a separate bank account. I also created the website. Then AAFCO President Mr. Tim Darden required that I provide proof ATPF was a real Association and stated, “this will have to go to AAFCO attorneys”.

While AAFCO accepted Susan Thixton of as an advisor, AAFCO refused to accept Susan Thixton of as advisor. To date, there is not a single AAFCO document, rule or regulation requiring that advisors relinquish control of unrelated websites or limit their public opinions.

AAFCO has criticized my personal opinions and “public comments” as disrespectful and unprofessional, and mistakenly taken action on it in an effort to silence me/prevent the representation of consumers at AAFCO. I will remind AAFCO of permissive unprofessional and disrespectful behavior it has recently permitted:

1. I was called “combative” by Mr. Stan Cook in reference to the Pet Food Label Modernization Working Group when I published information previously made public by Mars Petcare through website. Mr. Cook demanded that I remove my post (I complied), yet Mars Petcare and were not required to remove their post. Mr. Cook held a consumer representative and industry representative to two very different standards. I brought this to the attention of the AAFCO Board in August 2016. I have never received a response, in violation of the professionalism and respect required by AAFCO.

2. In October 2016, I provided the AAFCO Board of Directors with a letter requesting modification of multiple pet food ingredient definitions. The current and previous definitions of these pet food ingredients violate federal law, and state law specific to animal feed/food in 14 states supported by Supreme Court Justice J. Stevens decision (Chevron U.S.A. v. Natural Resources Defense Council). To date, I have not received a response to my letter, in violation of the professionalism and respect required by AAFCO. AAFCO continues to allow ingredient definitions to violate federal and state law, enabling industry to profit from selling illegal pet products to unknowing consumers.

It is significant to this discussion to note that six of the nine Board of Directors (Kansas – Mr. Ken Bowers, Missiouri – Mr. Stan Cook, Indiana – Mr. Robert Geiger, Kentucky – Ms. Kristen Green, North Dakota – Mr. Dave Phillips, and Montana – Mr. Robert Church) are required by their position as state regulatory authority to enforce state law specific to animal feed/food that prohibits the use of a non-slaughtered/diseased animal material into pet food. It is significant to note that not one of these six states enforce their own state laws. Quoting President-elect Stan Cook of Missouri state law: “Adulterated feed, what constitutes. 266.180 A commercial feed shall be deemed to be adulterated: (i) If it is, in whole or in part, the product of a diseased animal or of an animal which dies other than by slaughter which is unsafe within the meaning of section 402(a)(5) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act;”.

It is concerning that each of these states– these AAFCO Board of Director states – openly allow pet food to profit selling adulterated pet foods to unknowing consumers; adulterated per state and federal law based on the specific ingredient definitions written by and solely owned by AAFCO.

3. During the AAFCO 2015 summer meeting in Denver, CO. Dr. Cathy Alinovi was loudly booed when she opinioned against a feed ingredient. AAFCO did not reprimand the room or call order. Instead, AAFCO allowed the disrespectful, unprofessional outbursts to continue. This is well documented on TAPF yet AAFCO has not taken any action against it.

4. At the summer 2014 AAFCO meeting, immediately after the Ingredient Definitions Committee meeting, advisor Jon Nelson approached me while I was still sitting at the front table in full view of AAFCO members. Mr. Nelson loudly disrespected and berated me in front of the entire panel after I voiced opinion (during the meeting) against ‘Zinc hydroxychloride’. The conduct was completely “unprofessional and disrespectful” by AAFCO standards, yet not a single AAFCO member who stood and watched took any action. As a professional, I turned and walked away. Mr. Nelson followed me into the audience and again openly raised his voice and criticized me and Dr. Cathy Alinovi. Mr. Nelson was never reprimanded by anyone at AAFCO despite the verbal abuse. This is also well documented on TAPF and was available for AAFCO to read and take action. In fact, AAFCO failed to uphold the very section it states in the Letter, AAFCO’s “Operating Procedures” for committees (2017 Official Publication, page 90) “Any member or advisor who behaves in a manner disruptive to committee business may be subject to removal as a member or advisor of the committee” and Mr. Jon Nelson remains an advisor to the Ingredient Definitions Committee today.

5. During the 2014 AAFCO meeting in Sacramento, CA in a discussion with Mr. Richard TenEyck, Oregon Department of Agriculture, Mr. TenEyck promised me with opportunity to schedule a session during each AAFCO meeting for consumers to meet with AAFCO members. Mr. TenEyck specifically stated that this was a good idea. To date, this promise remains unkept, consumers are forced to pay $500.00 (meeting admission) in order to personally access an AAFCO representative.

6. At the winter 2014 AAFCO meeting I arranged a meeting with FDA for myself and numerous other consumer advocates in attendance. AAFCO member Ms. Jan Jarmon Minnesota Department of Agriculture invited herself to this meeting. Emphasis – invited herself; Ms Jarmon was was not invited, I arranged the meeting strictly for consumer advocates and FDA. During this meeting Ms. Jarmon interrupted our conversations numerous times including blurting out “Will you shut up?” – directed at mein front of everyone in attendance. This entire encounter is well documented on and is available for AAFCO to read and take action. Yet AAFCO has never taken any action for this extreme disrespectful behavior.

7. At the August 2013 AAFCO meeting, per the AAFCO Board of Directors instructions, Ms. Jennifer Roland confirmed that AAFCO gave free meeting space to the Pet Food Institute and the American Feed Industry Association. Ms. Roland told me and Mollie Morrissette, “The (AAFCO) Board of Directors instructed me to contact three of the groups and offer them our extra meeting space.” Quoting the original agenda (I retained a copy for my records)…

“Sunday August 11th 8:30 am – 4:30 pm PFI RAC Meeting”
(AAFCO BOD provided 8 hours free meeting space to Pet Food Institute)
“Sunday August 11th 1:30 pm – 7:30 pm AFIA Feed Regulatory Committee”
(AAFCO BOD provided 6 hours free meeting space to AFIA)
“Tuesday August 13th 8:00 am – 12:00 pm AFIA Ingredient Approval and Definitions Committee”
(AAFCO BOD provided 4 hours free meeting space to AFIA)
“Wednesday August 14th 1:00 pm – 5 pm PFI Working Group”
(AAFCO BOD provided 4 hours free meeting space to PFI)

Gifting free meeting space to trade associations calls into question conflict of interest by AAFCO Board of Directors.

8. In January 2013 at the Albuquerque, NM meeting AAFCO provided trade associations AFIA and PFI forty-five minutes to pitch their beliefs of the benefits of genetically modified ingredients. Immediately after this presentation I asked Mr. Ali Kashani of Washington State Department of Agriculture (AAFCO member) for equal time at a future meeting to counter this belief. Mr. Kashani agreed to provide me with this same forty-five minute opportunity. To date, this remains an unkept promise against the professionalism and respect that supposedly AAFCO requires.

There are countless other unprofessional behaviors that have taken place during AAFCO meetings including, but not limited to an incident whereby a case of Corona beer was pulled out from under the table by a former AAFCO President. The case of alcohol was stored under the drape of the table in the front of the room during the entire meeting and just minutes after the meeting ended, the now former AAFCO President called over Leah Wilkinson of AFIA and declared that it was “Time to party” – before the meeting room was cleared.

Unlike the social relationship AAFCO holds with industry, it has always been my personal stance to NOT socialize or build a friendship with AAFCO members. This is business, not social hour. At almost every meeting I have attended, I have witnessed AAFCO members going to bars and openly socializing with industry – a clear conflict of interest. From my first meeting, I have held myself to a professional stance and have willingly refused offers of a drink or dinner by AAFCO members or any industry representative. I personally have never offered to buy an AAFCO member (or any regulatory authority) or industry representative a drink or dinner; the same is not true of industry.

The record shows that AAFCO has not only permitted but endorsed disruptive, unprofessional and disrespectful behavior, including but not limited to open criticism of others in the form of booing, and insults, has refused to edit ingredient definitions within the requirements of federal and state law, and endorsed hiding cases of alcohol under the meeting table. In contrast, the actions upon which AAFCO now seeks to remove me as an advisor are limited to personal opinion and the freedom of free speech in an arena not controlled or under the purview of AAFCO.

I hereby appeal the decision reached in the Letter and demand immediate reinstatement as advisor to the Pet Food Committee and Ingredient Definitions Committee. I request a full apology from AAFCO for this unfounded dismissal not only to myself, but to all pet food consumers.

Please be advised that this letter is not intended as a complete statement of my factual and legal positions and nothing herein is intended as a waiver or relinquishment of my rights, remedies, or defenses all of which are hereby expressly reserved.

Please feel free to contact me at if you have any questions. I look forward to your compliance in this matter.



Susan Thixton
Pet Food Consumer Advocate

[end of my response to AAFCO]


Not only is AAFCO magnifying the distrust consumers have of the organization, this effort to exclude consumer advocates/control the free speech of consumer advocates further undermines the entire regulatory system. AAFCO’s continuous behavior hurts consumers and law abiding pet food manufacturers.


Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,

Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Author Buyer Beware, Co-Author Dinner PAWsible
Association for Truth in Pet Food

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The 2017 List
Susan’s List of trusted pet foods.  Click Here


Have you read Buyer Beware?  Click Here

Cooking pet food made easy, Dinner PAWsible

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  1. Nora

    November 5, 2017 at 6:04 pm

    Keep fighting Susan. I hope they don’t just change the labels on pet food to make the ingredients listed more consumer/pet acceptable and never change the ingredients. It would b a blatant lie if that happened. I hate the marketing ploys of some pet food manufacturers.

  2. Sandra Wachtstetter

    November 5, 2017 at 6:15 pm

    Oh Susan, thank you for your continued work on behalf of pet guardians and their pets. i feel so helpless regarding the “big” business and how little they care – it’s all about the almighty dollar.

  3. Carrie Pearlmutter

    November 5, 2017 at 6:15 pm

    Excellent response, Susan. It would be interesting to see how board members completed the Conflict of Interest Policy form found on AAFCO’s website: You can’t help but wonder what exactly was disclosed in these forms (assuming they were completed) and why other board members aren’t concerned that the actions of Stan Cook, for example, could jeopardize AAFCO’s nonprofit status with the IRS.

  4. Linda

    November 5, 2017 at 6:21 pm

    Apparently, you are making them wiggle. Please don’t give up!….as if you could. So proud of you!

  5. Woofielover

    November 5, 2017 at 6:29 pm

    Ugh, what a disgusting and deplorable organization. This act of removing you simply SCREAMS guilt, complicity, collusion and more. I will be sharing this far and wide. Consumers need to know what this contemptible organization is, who’s involved and exactly what they’re all about. Clearly, as they prove time and again, they are guilty of crimes against consumers, are in repeated violation of the laws and act despicably and for their own self-interests. How you manage to keep your cool and persist is confounding though I and many others are grateful that you do.

  6. stormidnight

    November 5, 2017 at 6:33 pm

    “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win” Regardless of who first said it, it’s true.

    • Wendy

      November 5, 2017 at 8:18 pm

      Mahatma Gandhi said it.

  7. Dan & Eileen Durand

    November 5, 2017 at 6:34 pm

    I’ll be increasing my donation to Obviously Susan’s voice needs to be even louder.
    I’ve learned to only spend money with those that support truth and cooperate with Susan’s transparency requests. I don’t want to lose that.

  8. landsharkinnc

    November 5, 2017 at 6:37 pm

    You GO GIRL!!! Awesome response — tells them exactly where YOU stand in opposition to their ‘position’ —

  9. Adriana

    November 5, 2017 at 6:41 pm

    What a bunch of scummy people! Well detailed and articulated letter…as always, we thank you so much for your endless energy and relentless effort to advocate for us, and stand behind you 100%!

  10. Jeri

    November 5, 2017 at 6:49 pm

    Susan, I am appalled, but not surprised. Will you take extra steps if they do not comply? They cannot be allowed to get away with this.

    • Susan Thixton

      November 5, 2017 at 6:52 pm

      I don’t know yet. I have to consult with a few individuals first.

  11. Donna Chicone

    November 5, 2017 at 7:00 pm

    Susan you are amazing. You have them all very uncomfortable with the truth about pet food literally. You are handling this entire experience with the utmost professionalism. I support you endlessly. Thank you for all you do for us as pet parents and for our beloved dogs.

  12. Stephanie Beth

    November 5, 2017 at 7:02 pm

    The 1st Amendment has been assaulted yet again. Instead of engaging an open dialogue punished is meted out for disagreeing and voicing your opinion.

    Unfortunately when one does not ‘toe the line’ or agree the result is an all out attack and attempts to silence the dissenting voice.

    It’s a pity, but par for the course these days.

    Susan, as you know there is an extremely large and fiercely loyal group of pet parents who support everything you do, stand and fight for…you speak for all of us.

  13. Paula

    November 5, 2017 at 7:06 pm

    You clearly cannot work with them to fix issues they don’t want to fix. Is there a different approach? Or is there truly no regulatory agency that cares? Guessing the answer to the second question is no. Thanks for everything you do.

    Sadly even many pet owners don’t care/don’t get it. I met with a client and she mentioned she fed the Evangers crap that killed dogs – the stuff with euthanized horse meat (?) which was recalled – I didn’t word it quite that way. I shared info with her and she didn’t want to hear. She said she is comfortable with it.

  14. Ten Year Follower

    November 5, 2017 at 7:10 pm

    In the process of doing a lot of errands at many big box chain stores, I am floored by the number of maximize sized bags of kibble, manufactured by questionable companies, going out the door! Even in this age of internet, self-education, a historical rise in cancer among pets, and social media. Most people just can’t get their head wrapped around “pet food” being anything but “food” designed for a pet. Incredible. So you would THINK that AAFCO really doesn’t have anything to worry about wouldn’t you. Actually. All they have to do, is go shopping every single day!!

    And yet, something must be happening after all.

    The issue of AAFCO deleting Susan’s membership can be addressed on so many levels. But here’s the thing. At some point in time, this country and the people in it, decided that truth doesn’t matter. Before you throw a ham bone my way (yet again) for making a particular assumption, the reality applies to multiple facets of our society. (Not just the most obvious). And once truth is gone, there isn’t much left. Except for the “wild west” and “food fights!”

    But there are a few people left, very few, who refuse to cave in. They ARE considered the “trouble makers.” And personalities who must be eliminated at any cost. They are a threat to convenience and self-interest. And most of all, to group-think. These people (who work with truth) are becoming so rare, that even when they refuse to be cowered, or silenced, they can only be pushed aside. And maligned. What Susan really needs is legal representation, to protect (in the public forum) her reputation. I know of no other person, so adamant about following a code of honor, personal ethics, and best business practices! Her “opinion” (as she so self-depreciatingly defines it) does NOT amount to some whimsical feeling which she woke up with one morning! Her opinion is rooted in facts and history. Because she knows (oh so well) the consequences of it not being rooted in facts.

    And that’s what’s so very threatening to the powers that be. If it wasn’t, her involvement would be ignored. But there is no one (published) who knows regulation and the law, concerning (intended) consumer protection and pet food, as does Susan. She is willing to fight with facts and research and evidence. And because AAFCO can NOT, they will do what every other entity in the media does in this day. Which is to call the other side out for unfounded reasoning. In truth, what Susan has been accused of, is exactly what the opposition is guilty of.

    So very sad, when critical analysis, is lost to fear and inconvenience. What a useless bunch of hypocrites. Who (when the light has been shown on them) are scurrying to bury themselves in lies, all over again. And now that they have brought attention onto themselves yet again, we can see the lies for what they really are.

    • Wendy

      November 5, 2017 at 8:14 pm

      Bravo. Well stated. Absolutely agree. AAFCO is counting on the intellectual laziness and apathy or naive trust of the public to operate without accountability — since such behavior, and the peddling of “alternative facts” has been so effective at the national level. Although it may seem unrelated, the cases against sexual predators currently in the news hold a lesson for us all: speak up, unite, support each other, and don’t give up!

    • Batzion

      November 6, 2017 at 3:01 am

      Exactly. AAFCO knows its fraud and corruption renders it void of having legs to stand on, so it is attacking Susan personally as a form of distraction.

    • Keller

      November 6, 2017 at 11:27 am

      Perfectly stated. Thank you.

  15. Anne Murray

    November 5, 2017 at 7:12 pm

    KEEP PUSHING THE DOORS OPEN! TRANSPARENCY will give us the TRUTH!!!!!! Big Corporations and GOVERMENT OFFICIALS have such a conflict of interest and by no means in the interest of consumers and their animals/pets. SHAMEFUL and DISGUSTING and the worst is they don’t know right from wrong anymore.

  16. terrence ward

    November 5, 2017 at 7:16 pm


  17. Marilyn Evans

    November 5, 2017 at 7:17 pm


  18. Bob Milnover

    November 5, 2017 at 7:30 pm

    Is this surprising? Are there sufficient reasons to believe that AAFCO is anything but a corrupt cover organization that is often concerned only with profits over living animals? And comprised of individuals who are themselves morally debased?

  19. Julie

    November 5, 2017 at 7:35 pm

    A bunch of scumbags engaging in pervasive scumbaggery.

  20. Wendy

    November 5, 2017 at 8:08 pm

    Excellent response, Susan. I hope it achieves the outcome you seek. How do we get our elected representatives to hold the AAFCO “bad actors” accountable??

  21. Anthony Hepton.

    November 5, 2017 at 8:40 pm

    Susan, You have been treated unfairly and there should be recourse for the manner in which AAFCO officials have behaved. There is a Memorandum of Understanding between US FDA and AAFCO. This agreement has an effective period of performance until 10/01/2019. It is renewed periodically. The liaison for FDA is Dr David Edwards who can be contacted at
    The AAFCO official publication states “The most important aspect of feed regulation is to provide protection for the consumer as well as the regulated industry”
    Apparently the “Regulated Industry” has full representation, but the “Consumer” is being denied equal representation. It is time for the FDA overseers to step in and remedy this inequity. I urge your supporters to send messages to Dr Edwards to express the seriousness of the current situation.

  22. Sandra Murphey

    November 5, 2017 at 8:59 pm

    All very intelligent and appreciative comments from your fan club. There’s nothing I can say that hasn’t been said, and no more appreciation for you Susan, than already shown. I do have some concern for you, and hope that you have protection, because many whistleblowers are shut down, even after being shut out. We all want you to continue your fight against this scum, and will share your words far and wide, so that even those pet food consumers that say to me “Don’t tell me; I don’t want to know!” will not be able to avoid knowing at some level, that they are harming their beloved pets, by ignoring The Truth About Pet Food.

  23. Teresa

    November 5, 2017 at 10:20 pm

    So sorry, Susan, that you have to continually go through hell with these horrible people while trying yo save our pets from serious disease and death while educating the public about what is really going on.
    Seems like the news media would be happy to investigate your story. As evidenced recently in the news, it only takes one story to have the whole case break wide open. This could be the same.foe the industry’s many secrets.
    With your revealing letter to the AAFCO’s top officials, plastered front and center in a magazine (pet magazines for example), or on a major news station, it would be far reaching to many people who would definitely care but haven’t heard the truth yet about what is really going on in the pet food industry..
    God knows you have tirelessly worked for years and devoted your life to getting transparency from the pet food makers so we can make better decisions to keep our pets healthy. Therefore, it’s way past time you get the support you need from everyone and everywhere possible so these bullies can’t continue to break laws at the expense.of our pet’s health and lives. Thank you for your continued tireless work. Please make sure you stay safe.too!???????

    • Keller

      November 6, 2017 at 11:05 am

      Push Consumers’ Reports to investigate.

  24. Denise Strait

    November 5, 2017 at 10:44 pm

    Thank you for everything you do for our pets. I trust and respect your opinion/advice 100%.

  25. Dianne & Pets

    November 5, 2017 at 10:48 pm

    I am worried about your safety at this point. I also follow the issues of GMO food, pesticide use and EMF radiation. The story is the same for all of them. Discredit the whistle blower and pull out all the smoke and mirrors and buy the politicians.. It is easier for people to believe the status quo since it involves no action on their part. People are stressed. Stressed people have a harder time motivating themselves.

  26. Allisa Z.

    November 6, 2017 at 1:30 am

    Wow. Bless your heart for all the work that you do in this area. I had to idea of the things that took place with the pet food industry until I started doing research on food for cats with kidney issues. I came across your website and was shocked at what the industry gets away with. I get so upset and frustrated reading your posts. I just don’t know how you can stand to do it, but thankful that you do. Good luck to you.

  27. Chris

    November 6, 2017 at 8:09 am

    Who has oversight over AAFCO for consumers to contact so we are represented there? I take it Susan was the only consumer advocate and the rest of the AAFCO panel is state officials? Don’t those state officials work for the public? Ironically, this is on AAFCO’s site
    “Interested parties representing wider organizations can apply to be selected as non-voting AAFCO committee advisors. Non-voting committee advisors identify issues and interests potentially affected by regulations based on the AAFCO Models. Although AAFCO promotes the inclusion of consumer advocates as committee advisors, industry representatives still far outnumber consumer advocates. Consumers who wish to become advocates should contact: AAFCO Headquarters by phone at 217-356-4221 or by email at

    • Anthony Hepton.

      November 9, 2017 at 11:25 pm

      If you think contacting AAFCO representatives will make a difference, just remember who it was that removed Susan from her advisory position. FDA has given authority to AAFCO, so I would think that only FDA could modify the responsibilities of AAFCO. They may be reluctant to do that as they claim that AAFCO relieves them of the burden of dealing with ingredient requirements and interactions with State officials.

  28. joan johnston

    November 6, 2017 at 8:33 am

    Disgusting People. Thank you Susan for telling us the truth about pet food even though it makes you a target.

  29. Laurie Raymond

    November 6, 2017 at 10:27 am

    Bravo to you for your willingness to keep speaking truth to power. So they want all members to be “stakeholders” do they? In every other venue where stakeholders are assembled to address conflicts between government, industry, the private sector and organized consumers, the consumers are considered to be stakeholders. But I wonder if it isn’t time to create an organization of pet food retailers and holistic veterinarians so as to be less easily dismissed? If we retailers were organized enough to demand, for instance, transparency from manufacturers as to the meat wholesalers and brokers each purchase ingredients from directly, they would have to change their stonewalling. Then, those invisible companies would become another factor to research and as such an item upon which manufacturers would use competitively. It would add another dimension of verifiability to claims.

  30. LMK

    November 6, 2017 at 12:10 pm

    Susan thank you for your continued persistence in exposing these “idiots” to the pet consumer that care what they purchase and expect labeling to be truthful. I wish I knew a venue to provide more transparency to the public of the extent of corruption within these agencies and that pet food companies are in “bed” with the very agencies that they are regulated but what else is new as its part of governmental business today to have no scruples whatsoever in the way they conduct business. Thank you.

  31. Terri Christenson Janson

    November 6, 2017 at 12:43 pm

    I am behind you Susan 100%. They are scared. I have no respect for AAFCO. I however has a HUGE respect for you Susan. Bravo

  32. Laura

    November 6, 2017 at 8:14 pm

    Susan, have you ever tried to submit articles to news sites like The Guardian, or connect with authors for sites like the New York Times or Huffington Post to write articles about this? I feel like, barring gigantic lawsuits, massive media attention on AAFCO, the FDA, and industry will be the ONLY thing to make them change. We NEED to shine a huge hot spotlight on these corrupt bastards and get the millions of pet lovers in America to blast their phones and email inboxes until they have no choice but to cave in under the pressure.

  33. Jacqueline Corrigan

    November 6, 2017 at 8:43 pm

    Thank you so very much for all that you do! As one of the comments above said “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you……Then you win!

  34. Iva Kimmelman

    November 7, 2017 at 8:27 am

    Well that is a real shame. Having you on the board was very important. Now there is no one on our side to keep watch.

  35. Anne-Li

    November 9, 2017 at 12:03 pm

    This is just more proof of how import your work is. Although I know too well how deterring and discouraging this sort of attack can be, I encourage you to push forward and not give up.
    Thank you for all your good work, dear Susan.
    With best wishes from Sweden.

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