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Can You Hear Me Screaming?

I’m more than furious. A recent statement from FDA’s Dr. Dan McChesney tells us the FDA receives 40 complaints per week – on a slow week – of sick or dying pets related to the jerky treats imported from China. Further, the article that quotes Dr. McChesney seems to say pet owners are simply over reacting about jerky treats imported from China; and as well states journalists and pet bloggers are misinformed.

I’m more than furious.Β  A recent statement from FDA’s Dr. Dan McChesney tells us the FDA receives 40 complaints per week – on a slow week – of sick or dying pets related to the jerky treats imported from China.Β  Further, the article that quotes Dr. McChesney seems to say pet owners are simply over reacting about jerky treats imported from China; and as well states journalists and pet bloggers are misinformed.

The Pet Food Industry website (organization that caters to the pet food industry and suppliers of the industry) posted an article about how social media continues to talk of the concerns surrounding chicken jerky from China.Β  Within this article, is a quote from Dr. Dan McChesney of FDA’s Center for Veterinary Management.

Quoting from the article are the words of our Dr. McChesney –
“On average, about 40 complaints regarding chicken jerky are filed every week when there is little to no press coverage occurring,” he said. “The number of reports per week raises drastically whenever the media turns it’s attention to the issue, however.”

Another quote from the article:Β  “Are pet parents merely being pushed into panic mode by a bombardment of misinformed bloggers and journalists?”

Can you hear me screaming?
“Forty complaints a week without press coverage.”Β  That’s 2,080 complaints in one year – when the media and those pesky bloggers aren’t warning the public.Β  That could easily escalate to more than 3,000 complaints in one year with media reports.

That’s not what the FDA told us in September 2012 .Β  Back in September the FDA stated they have received “only 2,200 reports of pet illnesses which may be related to consumption of the jerky treats” in five years of FDA investigating these treats.Β  (Note they used the words “only 2,200 reports”.)Β  Did the FDA mislead pet parents with their September 2012 statement?Β Β  Did the FDA release low numbers of reports of sick or dead pets related to the jerky treats to intentionally calm the furry of concerned petsumers?

“Forty complaints a week without press coverage” and there has been no recall?Β  How many pets need to die or suffer significant kidney damage for FDA to take this seriously?

“Forty complaints a week without press coverage” and these treats remain on store shelves in every major retail chain and every big box pet food store!

2,200 reports of sick pets in five years remains nothing to dismiss.Β  These numbers alone should have demanded the treats be recalled or pulled from shelves out of precaution.Β  Using Dr. McChesney’s “on average” slow week of 40 complaints, it is absurd nothing has been done thus far.Β  Nothing from FDA, nothing from the importers/manufacturers, nothing from retailers.

Dr. McChesney continues –
“Some cases are not substantiated, while other pets may have been affected but their owners never complained or associated a pet’s problem with the treats, Dr. McChesney noted. In any case, he concedes there’s clearly an apparent issue with chicken jerky treats.”

Isn’t that nice of Dr. McChesney; he “concedes” there’s an apparent issue with chicken jerky treats from China.

The following email was sent to Dr. McChesney today (11/17/12)…

Dr. McChesney,

I am writing to you regarding your statement to the Pet Food Institute and Feed Industry Joint Conference last month referencing the jerky treats imported from China. Β 

For starters, your statement (quoted from the blog):Β  “On average, about 40 complaints regarding chicken jerky are filed every week when there is little to no press coverage occurring,” he said. “The number of reports per week raises drastically whenever the media turns it’s attention to the issue, however.”

Your numbers quoted in this story (40 complaints a week without press coverage) does not agree with the numbers your agency released in September, 2012 (total of 2,200 reports to FDA in five years).Β  Using your numbers, and with no consideration of press reports increasing the numbers, would be 2,080 in just one year.Β  Were you misinformed when you spoke to pet food industry representatives, did the industry protecting these jerky treats misquote you or did the FDA attempt to push pet parents into ‘calm mode’ with lower numbers of reports in September?

As a representative of thousands of pet parents, it is insulting that a high level authority of the FDA/CVM dismisses the actual deaths and illness of pets related to these treats so easily; appearing to blame journalists and bloggers as “misinformed”.Β  Journalists and bloggers have met these pet parents, have you?.Β  It is absurd these treats have not been recalled by FDA, not pulled from store shelves by conscientious importers/manufacturers or retailers.Β  Especially considering “40 complaints a week” – on a slow media week.

Please consider this email an official request for a meeting between pet parents, pet food safety activists and FDA.Β  We request an audience with you and Bernadette Dunham, head of CVM.Β  Please advise of when this meeting can take place.

FDA Administration needs to meet the people these jerky treats from China have damaged.Β  You and others at FDA need to hear their stories, see the vet bills, and experience the heartache they have suffered.Β  At the very least, these pet parents deserve this acknowledgement from FDA.

We await your response, and your clarification of exactly how many reports to date of pet illness or death the FDA has received related to jerky treats imported from China.


Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate

Should Dr. McChesney respond and agree to a meeting, all of you will be the first to know.


Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,

Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Author, Buyer Beware
Co-Author Dinner PAWsible

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  1. Alice La Pierre

    November 17, 2012 at 7:51 pm

    Susan, I recommend that you set up a petition page on and post it on Facebook. You will get thousands of responses in no time, and bring a lot of publicity to the world on this.

    • Bon

      November 17, 2012 at 8:34 pm

      yes-excellent idea–

      • Sam

        November 17, 2012 at 10:56 pm

        Can we all sign a letter to Dr.McChesney?

  2. Bon

    November 17, 2012 at 7:53 pm

    We will continue the battle-but in the mean time we must educate educate educate—“maybe” if the junk stays on the shelves long enough the retailers will stop stocking it—we need to be vocal- we need to network–we need to tell everyone who will listen and even the ones who won’t to stop buying this C#*P! I have stopped people right in the store as they were reaching for a bag of Milos Chicken Jerky–STOP!!!
    We can only do what we can do! But we CAN be heard..the internet is a wonderful tool!

  3. Eleta McCormick

    November 17, 2012 at 8:07 pm

    God love you, Susan, for this thankless job and for your persistence in bringing the jerky thing to task. My experience with the jerky was the Costco (I believe Waggon Train) supposedly “100% pure chicken jerky treat”. I fed it to my Betsy, an allergic, Pancreatitis prone Chesapeake Bay Retriever because the label said “pure chicken”. When she got sick, it took me a while to connect the jerky treats. Thank God I used them only as an occasional treat, because I believe (based on the impact on her) they could have killed her. I wrote Costco my findings and experience and begged them to take those particular treats out of their inventory … they answered with a placating “we’re so sorry … don’t hesitate to return” note and continued to carry it (I believe they still are). It makes me sick at heart that we owners, who try to do the very best by our trusting pets, can be inadvertently killing them. Thank you so much for being our voice. Eleta

  4. Dawn Mello

    November 17, 2012 at 8:28 pm

    Hi Susan,

    Start a petition,, I will be the first to sign!!

  5. Bill

    November 17, 2012 at 8:32 pm

    The problem is much more complicated & we give you the place to look… but no one what’s the truth.. it’s not the product but the physiology of the pet & a whole picture… feel free to contact me… I’ll be glad to share & CURE the problem…

    • Pacific Sun

      November 17, 2012 at 9:49 pm

      What further information do you have?

    • Jan

      November 18, 2012 at 7:33 am

      So Bill . . .why the come on without any brief explanation as to what you have to share? Makes me wonder . . . And Susan, thanks for your continued battle. Someday, the voices that join you will be heard.

    • Bon

      November 18, 2012 at 3:03 pm

      just who are you Bill-why don’t you just say what you have to say??

  6. Mary Kay

    November 17, 2012 at 9:50 pm

    Would he feel the same way about “only” 40 complaints if they were about children instead of dogs?

    • Peter

      November 18, 2012 at 8:52 am

      That has already happened, in the past. The Food, Drug & Cosmetic Act was created owing to illness, injury, and death to people. As part of that process, the FFD&C Act expressly enfolded protection of pet foods and animal feeds used for livestock. Since that time, however, the FDA has weakened this federal law through “Compliance Policies,” and given pet food manufacturers many ways to sidestep regulations to ensure purity and safety of their products.

      As consumers, we are in a war with profit-driven agriculture holds us in contempt and regards our animals as disposable; but also, as citizens, with our own government, as it perpetuates that economic relationship. This will not change until consumers demand so.

  7. dennis

    November 18, 2012 at 7:02 am

    when the fda released the names of dogs who got sick or died and cities where the complaint was filed to the fda.i checked for my dog not on list also know of 2 other people who filed complaints not on the list.there is a big cover up by the fda on the true numbers.

  8. Marsha

    November 18, 2012 at 8:34 am

    Has anyone thought about a class action law suit against the makers of these chicken jerky treats and maybe even the FDA?
    I used the treats years ago and quit on my own because of the other China products that were making our dogs sick and killing them.

    I think a class action law suit would be a great idea.
    I give all my sympathies to all who have had their pets get sick or pass on.

    • Jay

      November 18, 2012 at 7:51 pm

      I believe someone has filed a class action lawsuit. I remember reading about it several months ago, but haven’t heard anything recently.
      Unfortunately, I’m sure the Big commercial pet food companies will tie this up in court forever and probably shut it down because they can afford more attorneys. πŸ™

  9. Carolyn

    November 18, 2012 at 10:21 am

    My dil had a cat that died from ‘poisoned’ food several years ago, my cat was and still is going strong @13 because I always fed her home cooked chicken. Now we have a rescued border collie and I started her on the same home cooked chicken plus baked sweet potato and green beans. Both get a little California Naturals kibble as treats and for the crunchies, but they also get the chicken as treats. They are both extremely healthy. I really isn’t much work and worth the effort.

  10. John

    November 18, 2012 at 11:24 am

    Susan… you ae the BEST! Sorry about your uncle.
    We will be at the Fishkill,NY Walmart on Friday, just to let you know.
    Get some rest!

  11. Denise Thress

    November 18, 2012 at 1:21 pm

    I am guessing that Bill surmises the jerky treats are the straw, so to speak. Maybe he feels that a dog fed a healthy diet, who once in awhile has a Chinese Jerky Treat would be fine?

    My dogs were fed organic raw. I missed the fine print on the back of the bag, made in China. The front of the bag had CALIFORNIA all over it….yep, distributed by but made in China. MY FAULT!! I was furious. My dogs were already DEAD. 3 dogs, 3 different ages, all dead within months of each other.

    Of course there’s a cover up.
    It is time to be seen and heard.
    We should be demonstrating at pet food stores, often.

    • Bill

      November 18, 2012 at 5:47 pm

      You are right… Kidney & liver are almost always toxins…. Commercial foods contain a wide variety of toxins… what do you think is in flea, tick & heartworm products? Vaccines.. lawn chemicals, deodorizers, cleaning products… The reason they can’t find the problem is that they are using the same “safe” toxins that are approved for food.. However, when you start mixing these chemicals, even inside the body, you end up with new ones… also, as they accumulate, problems will star to develop…

    • Pacific Sun

      November 18, 2012 at 9:54 pm

      Commercial raw chicken product (like Foster Farms and Tysons) is injected & fed with an array of artificial substances to grow them, plump them, rush them to market, fight disease, and keep them alive within a very unnatural environment. (Rent FOOD, INC., a documentary for more information). Bill is probably correct. He also sounds like an “insider” being reluctant to spell out the whole picture. Nevertheless, the chemicals injected are based on the natural weight and moisture of a chicken. In a way, it could be said to a compensate for an expected dulution ratio. Heaven only knows what China is using to keep their poultry alive and to mass market it for profit. Or it could be that what chickens are eating naturally contains a bacteria that is foreign to our pets. So it could be, that when the poultry is dehydrated, these chemicals remain in a much more concentrated and therefore toxic level. It could also be happening on a sporadic basis, so as to escape consistent testing. So the result may affect only certain dogs, perhaps with systemic weaknesses, auto-immune, allergic issues and deficiencies. If this has been going on since 2007, I doubt that they’ll ever prove an air-tight link between cause and effect. Unless … a true whistle blower (insider) steps foward? Anyone ready to do that???

      • Peter

        November 19, 2012 at 8:12 am

        Be aware also, that many of these poultry suppliers (including all the most known “grocery store” names) have been exposed as supporting institutionalized cruelty to the animals they raise. It is important to try and be aware of these issues, and pressure those agribusinesses that perpetuate these abhorrent practices. It can take a little extra work, but the whole picture is worth considering.

  12. Carolyn

    November 18, 2012 at 1:32 pm

    So why do they recall pet foods and not these KILLER treats? Just look at all the pet foods that have been recalled over the past I don’t how many months. (goes back to far for me to remember) and yet they do not recall the KILLER treats. We have these KILLER treats in our pet shops and supermarkets here in New Zealand. Not a lot of people know about what they can or are doing to our fur babies. πŸ™

  13. MaryAnne Kennard

    November 18, 2012 at 4:55 pm

    Thank you so much for writing this FDA idiot. I am glad you wrote because I would have. I am tired of reading every label and being afraid to open a new bag of food. I have an 11 year old mini wire haired dachshund who is my life. I dread the day she passes, but if something I feed her killed her I would hunt someone down! If you know what I mean. I read your blog every week and I so appreciate your work. Thank you again.
    Ginger’s momma

  14. Pingback: Jerky Treat Warning Update - Page 8 - Golden Retrievers : Golden Retriever Dog Forums

  15. Sue

    November 20, 2012 at 3:01 am

    I personally dont’t give my dogs processed dog treats. I give carrots and apples for treats and trust they love them as much of that prepackaged stuff.

  16. Jane

    January 12, 2013 at 1:17 am

    I grieve every day for my little yorkie who loved the Milo chicken treats and had them daily. She died a very premature death from pancreatitis. I feel so guilty for indulging my little petwith treats that killed her.

    • Nancy Baer

      January 15, 2013 at 10:30 pm

      This is for Jane..I am so very, very sorry for the loss of your little yorkie(((hugs))) Please try not to feel guilty about her death..YOU are not responsible! YOU didn’t KNOW that the treats she loved were going to kill gave her those treats out of LOVE. The pet food companies are the ones who should feel guilty..the stuff they’re putting in our pets foods is downright lethal!!!
      Your yorkie wouldn’t want you to be sad for long..she’d want you to smile and remember the happy times. Please know that I am here for you if you ever need to talk, okay? I will keep you and your yorkie in my thoughts and prayers. O:-)

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