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Pet Food Ingredients

The First State to Address (part of) the Problem in Pet Food

The State of Ohio has introduced legislation to prohibit the use of euthanized animals in pet food and prohibit the use of dog and cat remains in pet food. A step in the right direction.

The State of Ohio has introduced legislation to prohibit the use of euthanized animals in pet food and prohibit the use of dog and cat remains in pet food. A step in the right direction.

Existing Ohio law governing the rendering industry includes some disturbing disclosures.

953.22 Licensing of Rendering Operations.

(A) No person shall engage in the business of disposing of, picking up, rendering, or collecting raw rendering material or transporting the material to a composting facility without a license to do so from the department of agriculture.

The ‘collecting’ or ‘transporting’ raw material licensing required by Ohio allows the following entities to avoid licensing:

(3) A person whose only connection with raw rendering material is operating a pet cemetery;

(6) A county dog warden or animal control officer who transports raw rendering material only for disposal purposes.

Ohio law regarding disposal of dead animals states:

…may require the owner to employ a specific method of disposition of the body, including burning, burying, rendering, composting, or alkaline hydrolysis…

In other words, Ohio law acknowledges that dead pets are rendered.

Ohio State Representative Laura Lanese took objection to current law after seeing a Fox 8 investigation into pet food. Representative Lanese took action, introducing House Bill No. 560. The Bill suggests changes to the regulations governing pet food. The following additions would define a pet food as “adulterated” if included:

(2) It contains any animal remains from an animal that has been euthanized by the use of any drug injected intravenously or through another nonvascular route.

(3) It contains any dog or cat remains, regardless of how the dog or cat died or was killed.

This is an great step in the right direction.

And now is the time for all pet food consumers to show their support for Representative Laura Lanese, time to show all other Ohio politicians (and all law makers in every other state) pet food consumers support those who look out for our pets. Residents of Ohio can email Representative Lanese thanking her for H.B. No. 560, and can email all other State Representatives asking them to support the Bill. Representative Lanese’s contact information can be found here:

Pet food consumers outside of Ohio can help make Representative Laura Lanese’s name – a very familiar name. Tweet a thank you to her for standing up for our pets, include your State Senators and Representatives in your Tweet to alert them to the Ohio Bill. Post a thank you to Representative Laura Lanese on Facebook and ask all your friends to do the same.

Representative Laura Lanese’s Twitter name is: @Lanese4GC

Facebook page:


The Fox 8 news story about Ohio H.B. No. 560 also includes the information that attorney DanaMarie Pannella, an associate attorney with Holland and Muirden also worked on this Bill. Big thank you to Representative Lanese and Ms. Pannella for their efforts.

There is much more to be accomplished to make pet food safe. But maybe…just maybe…if Representative Lanese receives a strong showing of support from pet food consumers all across the U.S. – maybe other politicians will take note of the support and take similar action – and even stronger action to clean up pet food.


Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,

Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Author Buyer Beware, Co-Author Dinner PAWsible
Association for Truth in Pet Food

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  1. duncan

    March 18, 2018 at 8:08 pm

    Good for Ohio!

  2. Rosemary

    March 18, 2018 at 10:47 pm

    Yeah maybe the rest of this country will follow Ohio’s lead!

  3. Pet Owner

    March 18, 2018 at 10:51 pm

    Would this Fox 8 news story (and practice) be applicable to investigating other States? Maybe this effort could launch in all States in the rest of the Country, and create National awareness!? I am sure people would be horrified to know the facts in this situation. How can we organize?

    • Natalie King

      March 19, 2018 at 1:14 am

      Post it everywhere you can, send copies to your local Newspaper in the “Letters to the Editor” section and hopefully they will publish it. The more publicity this type of honest, newsworthy and items of public interest material can get out to the Community – the greater the awareness. Knowledge is power – and Knowledge is also ensuring that your beloved Family Pet is fed safely.

  4. Julie

    March 18, 2018 at 11:10 pm

    I recently relocated back to Ohio and I am in shock….happy shock!!! I will be emailing my gratitude, posting and tweeting.
    I have a request…please everyone…listen to Susan and act. Everyone who has ever left a reply of outrage to one of Susan’s brilliant investigative reports, please channel that outrage to get the momentum going on this and email, post and tweet. Please show our support.
    Representative Lanese, as we know from Susan, is entering some dangerous dirty territory with this bill.
    Thank you Susan.

  5. Natalie King

    March 19, 2018 at 1:11 am

    I have shared on both Facebook and Twitter down under in South Australia, so I hope lots of pet owners read and respond to the suggestions.

  6. Sandra Murphey

    March 19, 2018 at 9:16 am

    Who will enforce this? We know we can’t trust the FDA and AAFCO. Does this apply to only pet food manufactured in Ohio? What about all the pet food made elsewhere, and shipped to Ohio?

    It’s a welcome start. I just attended a talk by Joel Blackwell, author of “Personal Political Power” (in California) He’s called “The Grassroots Guy”, and has helped many groups/organizations get what they want, from politicians. His book outlines successful strategies in getting laws changed. Although the book is directed at California, these guidelines can be used anywhere by an organized group focused on pet wellness.

    I’m curious about what influenced Laura Lanese, other than the news report. I wonder if she herself has pets. I do hope that many of us will write and thank her. Mr. Blackwell said that personal letters are very effective, so we can help to create awareness by writing to the reps in our states.

    As for organizing, The Association for Truth in Pet Food represents our voice with lawmakers. Becoming a member is a first step in supporting changes in the laws.

  7. Marsha

    March 19, 2018 at 9:28 am

    I think it is a great start. Hoping it passes and that other states that manufacture dog and cat food follow.

  8. Sandra Murphey

    March 19, 2018 at 9:54 am

    Just FYI, I visited Laura Lanese’s FB page, and found this. She’s an example of what we’d want from our own reps.

    Last week Rep. Rick Perales and I introduced HB 523 and today we had proponent written and oral testimony by a variety of groups. Pictured on the right is Vicki Deisner with Animal Welfare Institute as she was providing testimony yesterday. She originally brought this to my attention. We had testimony in support by a dozen plus interested groups including Sharon Harvey of Cleveland ‘s Animal Protection League, Mary O’Connor-Shaver of Rescue Me Ohio, and Corey Roscoe of HSUS. Social workers are in support as well because they know how strong the correlation is and currently make not report animal abuse for fear of violating privacy laws.

    This bill will address two issues revolving around animal abuse and domestic violence. The link is very strong and we know that most of the recent mass shooters, school shooters, serial killers and even the Westerville police killer had histories of animal abuse. The goal of this legislation is to identify these animal abusers before they escalate their level of violence and to protect animals as much as we can. The statistics are alarming and if we can intervene in time we might be able to prevent tragedy and protect both human and animal life. Social workers and veterinarians will be required to report animal abuse.
    The second part of the bill requires the reporting of child and elder abuse committed by members of the military to the base Family Advocacy Programs. Most members of the military live off base and if an incidence occurs off base it is reported to civilian authorities. Our bill will require it to be reported to the FAP so that the military can intervene and help the perpetrators and the victims. Rep. Perales has served as a base commander at Wright Patterson AFB and knows first hand the importance of this piece of the legislation.

  9. Sandra Murphey

    March 19, 2018 at 11:15 am

    I’m wondering how these statements play into this proposed bill, if passed. Seems like a loophole.

    “There is not one pet food ingredient that is required by its AAFCO/FDA definition to be similar to the same ingredient in human food.
    There is not one AAFCO/FDA pet food ingredient definition that requires the ingredient to abide by federal law.”

    • Susan Thixton

      March 19, 2018 at 12:28 pm

      AAFCO writes what is termed “model bills”, not actually law. Model bills are then accepted or not accepted as state law by each particular state. In this case, Ohio is trying to by-pass the AAFCO process and include these provisions within their own state law. The AAFCO system won’t override Ohio state law – if this bill is passed. Hope that makes sense.

      • Pet Owner

        March 19, 2018 at 4:46 pm

        If it does pass, will be a good precedent for forcing other (non compliant) States to follow suit.
        And it would aid our potential campaign for shaming other States.

        • Julie

          March 19, 2018 at 7:55 pm

          Exactly!!! Just as Susan said…a Start. Another commenter asked “Who will enforce it?” Maybe no one; BUT, it does set a precedent. As a resident of Ohio, I’ve been busy today. FYI.. The attorney involved, DanaMarie Pannella, specializes in animal law.

          • Pet Owner

            March 19, 2018 at 8:14 pm

            Thank you for all your work!

  10. Terri Christenson Janson

    March 19, 2018 at 12:22 pm

    Wonderful news!!!! Bravo Ohio!

  11. Sue

    March 19, 2018 at 2:53 pm

    I think that is wonderful news, I only hope that the rest of the planet does the same thing. Canada, which is where I’m from, is apparently just as bad as the rest, so come on Trudeau make it LAW that each province has to follow the same prodigal as Ohio! Well done and pray it passes as law!

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