Over the past six months (since October 2013) the FDA has received reports of an average of 6 sick or dying pets a day related to jerky dog treats imported from China. This means approximately 1200 more pets have become sick or died linked to jerky treats imported from China in just the last six months. When will this madness end?
Recent questions on jerky treats (from China) sent to FDA…
“Since your last update (October 2013) – how many reports of sick or dying pets has FDA received linked to Chinese jerky treats?”
The first response was that FDA will be posting an update soon (they didn’t want to tell me). So I asked again (Please). And I was told…
“Since our update in October, we have received approximately 1600 additional complaints. However, a large volume of those were historical accounts rather than new or current cases.”
And then I asked how many (approximately) is ‘a large volume’ of historical accounts?
And was told “Approximately 25% of the reports we received on or after the update of October, 2013 had event onset dates of 6 months or more prior to the October 2013 update.”
This means in just six months – the FDA has received approximately 1200 new complaints of sick or dying pets linked to jerky treats imported from China (400 of the 1600 complaints were historical – 1200 were new). 1200 new complaints in 6 months. An average of 6 sick or dying pets reported to FDA each day (in just the last 6 months).
This investigation into why approximately 4200 (total reported to FDA) pets have become seriously ill or died linked to jerky treats imported from China has gone on for more than seven years.
Enough already.
“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
– Albert Einstein
The insanity at issue to so many pet food/treat consumers:
How in the world can FDA allow this pet death and kidney destruction go on and on and on?
How can the contaminant in a small piece of dried meat imported from China be so elusive to FDA?
The FDA might not know why – but they certainly know what pets are consuming that are making thousands sick and die…Jerky treats imported from China.
Do we need to know why? Federal Import laws require imported foods to be “safe to eat”. 1200 new sick pets over the past six months does not meet the federal requirement of ‘safe to eat’. We know what…do we need to know why?
My suggestion to FDA: Immediately (as in yesterday) issue a Import Alert on all jerky treats imported from China. Detain all jerky treats from China at port of entry. Issue a ‘stop sale’ on all jerky treats imported from China currently on store shelves. Then – continue your investigation. Then and only then continue to (try) to figure out the ‘why’.
FDA, you have it in your authority to prevent 1,200 more pets from dying or suffering serious illness over the next six months. You have it in your authority to prevent 1,200 more families from suffering emotional and financial (vet bills) devastation over the next six months. Please stop this insanity. Stop doing the same thing – allowing 1,200 pets to become serious ill or die in the next six months. Stop the sale of jerky treats from China until you know why.
Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,
Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Author Buyer Beware, Co-Author Dinner PAWsible
Association for Truth in Pet Food
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April 26, 2014 at 2:02 pm
My husband brought home some jerky treats that said “Made in America”.
I had him take them back to the store, because one of the ingredients was glycerin, and I didn’t trust that it didn’t come from china. Made in America, does not necessarily mean that all ingredients are sourced in America. It’s trick wording meant to deceive.
April 27, 2014 at 8:19 am
That is an important point, about the sourcing of “Made in America” pet food products. While probably not common, here is a perhaps even worse realization: I spoke to an employee of a well-known “natural” pet store in my area not long ago. She insisted that she quit, because of a conflict of conscience. She had been instructed (and did so) to remove the “made in China” labels on dog chews, so that they could be placed in a “US made” bin for sale.
Cynthia Rutledge
May 1, 2014 at 8:21 am
WOW, is about all the words I have for that. I’m sooooo….. careful about reading labels, I wonder if/how many other stores do the same?
May 2, 2014 at 6:46 am
Peter that is outright illegal. She should bring charges against the company. Especially now that she is not working there anymore.
Pacific Sun
May 1, 2014 at 11:46 pm
I agree with Judy and Peter. Made in America can mean “assembled” in America using ingredients sourced overseas. Also to be watched, in fine print, when it says “distributed by” the company name which is not the same as made or assembled in America. In fact I think the new labeling should be “All ingredients sourced from the USA and made in the USA.” Shouldn’t we be supporting our own suppliers and manufacturers anyway.
I wonder how many chain-store pet products would even qualify!?
May 1, 2014 at 1:44 pm
I am a new member of your group and find your information extremely valuable. Will the FDA idenfity which companies and products were named in the complaints?
Susan Thixton
May 1, 2014 at 1:53 pm
Maybe. Some of the data they have released in the past has included product names (in the reports) – but some hasn’t included product names. We’ll have to wait to see. Sorry.
May 1, 2014 at 8:29 pm
“Federal” anything is worthless, inefficient, and doesn’t give a s#*$!
Marisa Latora
May 3, 2014 at 5:37 pm
Who as of this present date is purchasing any type pet food or pet treats ” MADE IN CHINA”????? Who are these people ? Don’t they watch the news, read…do they live in caves or deserted islands??? WTF????
Susan Thixton
May 3, 2014 at 5:57 pm
I think many people are not believing the media reports – they are believing what many veterinarians are telling them which is probably something along the lines of ‘the FDA has never found any problem with the treats’. I can’t blame consumers for this – I put blame on those that still import these treats (choosing to sell a cheap product imported from China instead of sourcing from US or Canada) and our regulatory authorities for not finding the contaminant after seven years of investigation.
May 5, 2020 at 11:20 pm
What are the symptoms of the pets that are getting sick or passing away?
Jan Blau
August 14, 2020 at 1:42 am
l would also like to know the symptoms of the pets that are getting sick or passing away.