Our first of its kind consumer stakeholder meeting with FDA is this Friday, September 23, 2022. We will be discussing pet food labeling (lack of information provided to pet owners on all styles of pet food labels) and prescription pet foods. On the call will be a pet owner, an independent store owner, Dr. Judy Morgan and myself.
If you have a comment you would like to be shared with FDA on these topics (pet food labeling and prescription pet food), please post them in comments below. All comments must be received by end of day Wednesday September 21, 2022. I will email your messages to FDA in advance of our meeting. (The difficulty is understood, but only ‘G’ rated messages please.)
Unfortunately, the FDA has asked that the meeting not be recorded. We will comply with their request. We will take good notes and provide a review of the meeting to pet owners as soon as possible.
Wishing you and your pet the best –
Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Association for Truth in Pet Food

Become a member of our pet food consumer Association. Association for Truth in Pet Food is a a stakeholder organization representing the voice of pet food consumers at AAFCO and with FDA. Your membership helps representatives attend meetings and voice consumer concerns with regulatory authorities. Click Here to learn more.
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September 19, 2022 at 12:13 pm
I would like to know how the FDA justifies allowing dog food manufactures to charge double the price for prescription dog food. As well as allowing them to demand a prescription from my vet! There is no ingredient in these foods that individually would require a prescription.
September 19, 2022 at 8:37 pm
Good point!
September 21, 2022 at 1:58 am
Cat food manufacturers too!
Tina Zhāng
September 19, 2022 at 12:14 pm
Thank you for the opportunity to ask a question Susan!
I’ve always wanted to know if the FDA has any idea, at all, as to how many, what kind, or what percentage of pet foods contain any amount of 4D meats (dead, dying, diseased, disabled)? How widespread is the phenomenon of 4D meats in pet food? (Anywhere from very rare to very ubiquitous or unknown?) Maybe you can shed light on the prevalence of 4D meats in pet food Susan.
Charles E.
September 19, 2022 at 12:39 pm
Hi, Susan, Thank you sending me this invitation. I have read articles about some of the atrocious places where dog food is manufactured and yet the companies are allowed to keep making the food with warning after warning, and then a temporary shut down of the manufacturing plant(I am citing a company in Illinois).They are shortly thereafter allowed to make food again. Most people buy their pets food with the hope that they are getting quality, but as I scour the labels and websites I notice that their is little to call “quality”. May I cite another example? Many of the manufacturers include fish oil in their foods. Any person that has a small knowledge of nutrition would realize fish oil, or any oil gets rancid very quickly and yet these companies are allowed to continue to put up a false flag about the benefits of fish oil on their labels. I really believe the manufacturers know better.I am not against oils for dogs, but not having them sit for months getting rancid and making our pets sick! I am hoping that some day the FDA will put these companies under a stricter manufacturing requirement for the sake of these little ones that become so much a part of our families. Thank you, Charles
J Blanco
September 19, 2022 at 12:57 pm
we as pet owners most definitely care about what’s in our pets’ foods……and the fact that you blatantly ignore regulations makes it very hard to believe you have our best interests at heart. Would I feed my pets commercial pet food? Not on a bet! Not when I know dead and dying and diseased animals are part of what is in that can.
You can only ignore us for just so much time………the reckoning will happen and the world will see how you have betrayed our pets
Julia Lininger
September 19, 2022 at 1:03 pm
Hello, thank you for this opportunity.
I think it would be helpfulfor labels to be required to say “dog feed” if the product is feed grade. Labels should be required to include what preservative a fish ingredient is preserved with.
Why are prescription foods so extremely expensive when the majority of the products are made of corn and other cheap grains? What makes them so special? Different percentages of minerals? The ingredients don’t look like anything special.
Ilene Goltzman
September 19, 2022 at 4:42 pm
Thank you for this opportunity and the continued hard work you do on behalf of our beloved pets ! So FDA we as Pet parents need your help it Has to stop just being about profit and money these animals really matter in our lives and in this world . Instead of being against us with bad ingredients and chemicals in dog food how about you help us make better dog food that are labeled properly and we wouldn’t mind paying for that ! The unnecessary trips to the veterinarian at high cost to pet parents Not to mention it really is making animals sick and then some cases death probably more than reported. that money could go to good dog food and cat food as the industry is starting to change because so many of us are educated now as to what really is in dog food that we are fortunate enough to have people out there including educated veterinarians telling us what’s really going on because their sole Interest is for the protection and health of the animals on this planet… and you should be too … I don’t know how many of you have animals but I know you have children some of you and I’m sure you would not want this happening to your children … so please help change the laws and make these food companies accountable . SOMEONE NEEDS TO BE THE HERO HERE ! I hope and pray it will be you
September 19, 2022 at 1:17 pm
The FDA needs to set labeling standards and audit pet food companies for cleanliness. Hills canned food had excess Vit D and we almost poisoned our pet. You need to audit the company and take samples and confirm the concentrations at random intervals to make them comply with labeling. Pet foods should be treated with the same requirements, testing, auditing, and labeling requirements as Human food, and further, there should be harsher laws and fines for noncompliance. Pet owner lawsuits, fines and settlements should be the same as what one would obtain in any legal settlement as any company that caused harm to humans!
Harry Patriot
September 20, 2022 at 12:25 pm
Most states already have an agency that samples and tests regularly. Unfortunately most state agencies, including the FDA, don’t have any power to issue fines for noncompliance.
Most agencies wrote strongly worded letters or can, at most, take a single lot of material off the market if a deficiency or excess is found. Most of the time the testing and administration of doing that takes longer than the lot does to sell.
The state agencies need more funding and more power to be punitive if companies are going to take regular periodic testing seriously. If every violation hit the profit and not just warning letters to answer, it might be different.
Mark Hutchens
September 19, 2022 at 1:39 pm
We almost lost our beloved 6 year old Golden Retriever due to “Approved” poison pet food ingredients. If the FDA isn’t going to help protect pets and their owners from “Allowed Poison Food” then Please at least stop making it even more difficult for those of us who care to find honest and healthy food for our pets.
Sharon Sackett
September 19, 2022 at 1:42 pm
Thanks for the opportunity to comment. FDA needs to investigate every Pet Food Company and hold them responsible for the lies they are feeding to every pet parent, selling what I call “garbage” as dog food. Dogs deserve the same quality of food that we humans eat as they are a living, breathing being created by God. I would never feed kibble or any off brand food to my dogs. And furthermore they need to stop slamming Raw Feeders! A species appropriate diet is raw whole foods, not kibble rancid fillers!
Phyllis Ianniello
September 19, 2022 at 1:45 pm
Thank you Susan, you have represented our pets admirably. It is greatly appreciated.
I’m sure you will continue to advocate for honest labeling of ingredients, and request the elimination of animal products in pet food which have died other than by appropriate slaughter.
September 19, 2022 at 1:48 pm
FDA clearly has no idea what our pets, my dog, need nutritionally. So it is in everyone’s best interest if FDA removes themselves, and we can establish an entirely new, educated regulatory agency who actually has the best interest of our pets in mind without being indebted to feed organizations with deep pockets.
Rik Wolterbeek
September 19, 2022 at 1:48 pm
I would like to know what “”connections”” members of the FDA board have with dog food companies. It might not have to do with the above-mentioned topics. but just the fact that it has been mentioned in articles makes it for a great opportunity to show full transparency about this topic.
September 19, 2022 at 1:53 pm
Hello. Our animals are our family. We want transparency when it comes to labeling and what is in the food, and hopefully it is not rotten in the process. We love our animals as we do our children. Please make sure that we are giving them the best food possible. They deserve it. Thank you.
Audree Berg
September 19, 2022 at 1:59 pm
Please ask “Please consider restricting the use of the term Prescription to only those products that contain controlled substances and not a blanket category for pet food manufacturers to use for marketing to health care providers and consumers.”
Doug Hines
September 19, 2022 at 2:09 pm
When one carefully investigates the ingredients in ‘Prescription Pet Food’, one is left to wonder, “just what in the world is so special about these products that they require a prescription?
With many ‘Prescription Pet Food’ products containing ingredients deemed bad, questionable or downright detrimental to a pet’s long-term health, most products so labelled lack any health benefit whatsoever.
Labeling pet food with the descriptor ‘Prescription’ is simply a marketing ploy of the worst kind. It is a con. It is a fraudulent ‘arrangement’ which ultimately hurts pets and pet owners alike.
Using the word ‘Prescription’ in any way related to pet food should be abolished and disallowed.
Pat Hichborn
September 19, 2022 at 3:37 pm
as a pet owner, I have discovered my options for commercially processed pet food are in no way appropriate for a dog to be fed as it’s sole diet. Because of this discovery, and my concern for my dog’s health, I have moved away from feeding ANY commercially processed food. The time is NOW for the pet food industry to look in a different direction– different from it’s previous direction which was fueled by greed. The FDA is merely a collection of people passing the information around and around and around until the people quiet down. The time is NOW for the FDA to either shape up and do what is right or close down .
T Allen
September 19, 2022 at 3:49 pm
I would like to know what percentage of their budget is allocated for pet food and if they have documentation that proves they are using it for that purpose.
September 19, 2022 at 4:15 pm
Quote from the FDA.org web page, “Pet owners and veterinary professionals have a right to know what they are feeding their animals. The pet food label contains a wealth of information, if one knows how to read it.” As an educated pet food consumer, I would be grateful for the FDA to oversee and enforce complete and truthful pet food labeling. Simply, tell us the truth and let us as consumers state our loyalty to companies that tell the complete truth.
September 19, 2022 at 6:47 pm
I would just like to ask “when is the FDA going to care about our pets?” When are they going to step up and stop the use of euthanized animals, dying of something other than natural causes, rotten meats and rendered meats or whatever they call that stuff they call food? We have all see the footage of some of the so called “healthy ingredients” of carcasses out in the heat of the sun and worse. This is not exceptable practice to just let these so called pet food companies run amuck and the labeling not speaking the truth!!!! Step up FDA and bring back the trust of the billions of pet owners.
Virginia Zavacky
September 19, 2022 at 7:25 pm
I’d like the FDA to mandate on every pet food label whether the food is from a manufacturer that has been inspected for cleanliness, which should be mandated, and whether the food is sourced from dead, dying, diseased, or disabled animals. We deserve to know as we care about the risks we’re taking that jeopardize our pets health. I personally refuse to feed my cats any commercial food as I can’t be sure, and there are no regulations so I cook my own human grade foods and add supplements specifically for cats.
September 19, 2022 at 9:49 pm
I want pet FOOD to be FOOD using the EXISTING STANDARD LABELING SYSTEM. There is no time-consuming reinventing, researching, committee-ing needed. Pet food companies MUST ASSIMILATE into the EXISTING, REASONABLE SYSTEM. PERIOD. There’s NO REASON for Americans to have to learn a SECOND food labeling system to just describe food in a different way. It’s unAmerican to not have a level playing field among manufacturers, with each manufacturer offering EXACTLY what their product is, at their price point. May the best manufacturer win.
September 20, 2022 at 5:23 am
I want to know WHY they allow recycled EUTHANAISED PETS INTO COMMERCIAL PET FOOD? and why do they allow the PENTOBARBITAL EUTHANASIA DRUG to be classified as food and as a food constituent in commercial pet foods? Why do they allow the drug PENTOBARBITAL to be a part of commercial pet foods even if it’s heated up to 400 degrees Celsius it is still a drug that kills our pets
September 20, 2022 at 5:32 am
Why do they allow the predominant ingredient to be CARBOHYDRATES which is SUGAR to be classified as an ingredient for our cats and dogs when they lack the ENZYME AMYLASE in order to assimilate and metabolise it biologically.
In a nut shell: why do they allow GRAINS and LEGUMS CARBOHYDRATES that are biologically appropriate for CATTLE (SHEEP, GOATS, COWS) but not for CARNIVORES our CATS AND DOGS?
September 20, 2022 at 5:39 am
Why do they allow TRANSFATTY ACID CARCINOGENS to be an ingredient in commercial processed pet foods? AND why do they allow LABRATORY MADE SYNTHETIC, GMO, IN-ORGANIC meaning NON-BIOLOGICALLY SOUND, CARCINOGENIC PRE-MIX POWDER “the nutritional table” of minerals etc AND why do they allow it at the MINIMUM and NOT the MAXIUM AND why do they allow it to be sourced from CHINA and INDIA with ZERO PET FOOD PROTETCTION LAWS????
WHY the necessity for these toxic compounds harming our pets when the nutritional elements should be coming from the FOOD itself?
Shannon Latzke
September 20, 2022 at 9:03 am
From Dr. Lisa Pierson, DVM (an expert in feline nutrition):
“‘Prescription/therapeutic diet’ is another label that is certainly not indicative of a high quality diet or one that is necessary. These diets represent an area of the commercial cat food industry that is very misleading and, quite frankly, a source of embarrassment for this profession. Many of these very expensive products contain corn, wheat, and soy which have no logical place in your cat’s diet.”
“It is important to note that most of these diets do not have robust clinical feeding studies supporting their safety for long-term feeding or even for use in treating the various diseases they target. On the contrary, we have plenty of evidence to show that feeding water-depleted, high carbohydrate, plant-based diets to carnivores does not honor their carnivorous make-up but, instead, promotes disease in this species.
It is also critical to understand that there is no independent agency overseeing these diets’ medical claims. None. Zero. Including the FDA. The fox is definitely guarding the henhouse and the FDA shows no interest in remedying the situation. The FDA has ‘punted’ the responsibility of scrutinizing these diets for efficacy, safety, and suitability to the veterinarian but most veterinarians are very poorly educated in the area of nutrition. This field of study is not emphasized in veterinary schools and the minimal course work that is required, is often taught by people who have strong ties to the pet food industry.
These are also usually the same people who are advising general practitioners on all matters of nutrition. After recognizing this situation, you will see an obvious and very significant conflict of interest. In the end, the members of my profession allow Hill’s, Purina, Iams, and Royal Canin to dictate what ends up in our patients’ food bowls.”
“If any product – including food – is allowed to carry a ‘prescription’ label, it needs to be held to the same standards as a prescription medication. Otherwise, the word “prescription” becomes no more than a marketing label, and as such, should hold no more credibility than any other marketing slogan.
To quote the FDA/CVM Communications Staff Deputy Director:
“‘Prescription diet’ is an industry-coined term and holds no legal meaning.”
In other words, these diets contain no ingredient that actually requires a prescription. The trademarked term ‘prescription diet’ is simply a clever marketing tool between Hill’s and veterinarians. The sale of these diets is restricted (by Hill’s, not by law) to veterinarians only. In return, Hill’s enjoys a boost in perception of quality brought about by this profession’s endorsement of their products. However, this perception of quality is undeserved and this incestuous relationship jeopardizes the integrity of our profession.”
Source: https://catinfo.org/#Prescription/Therapeutic_Diets
Carol K
September 20, 2022 at 10:30 am
The FDA has yet in my opinion to show any true concern for our pets. It seems as if these companies are allowed to do anything they want, including false labeling, adding prohibited ingredients, poor manufacturing processes and I could go on. They seem to get a slap on the wrist when pets die from bad food. I’m wondering if any of you have pets.
Those of us that have pets would like this industry to step up and provide clear information. This is up to the FDA. As the FDA has quoted us pet owners have a right to know what we are feeding our animals. When are you going to actually do this? And hold these companies accountable for violating laws. It makes me wonder what really is going on. There is no accountability here. There is a lot of money at stake. This is at least one issue.
Also, enough of this “prescription food.” It appears to be the same bad ingredients in what is sold in stores. Stop making money for these companies.
Pet owners demand full transparency from the FDA. It is our right.
Gratitude to Susan for her work. It is appreciated more than you can imagine. Keep up the amazing work.
Jean P
September 20, 2022 at 11:16 am
Animals need food with nutrients and not food made from deceased animals. Why does the FDA turn a blind eye on our animals? To many of us, our animals are like our children. They love us without judgment.
Lise Petroski
September 20, 2022 at 12:38 pm
Pet owners need full disclosure of the quality of ingredients in all pet food. We want to know if the ingredients are human grade (edible) or feed grade (waste). I personally have had enough of the food industry turning their waste into pet food for the sake of profit. There needs to be open disclosure to the public of these practices.
As for prescription diets, I understand they are called this so they can only be sold by veterinarians. Again, another motive linked to profit. How can foods made of waste be labeled and sold by veterinarians? This makes absolutely no sense and I feel for those vets who truly care.
Sharon Oh & TheTucsonTrio
September 20, 2022 at 4:36 pm
many good questions – but this meeting, finally, is allowing animal companions to voice our concerns . . . but they won’t record it . . . no wonder we have no faith in them or their processes!
Geena Hanlon
September 21, 2022 at 7:01 pm
I concur as I do not understand why there would be an issue with recording the meeting. As animal caretakers and companions we simply ask to be taken seriously and with that transparency is number one. We respectfully ask that you take into account that this is all about the health and welfare of beloved pets everywhere. Animals are not property therefore proper nutrient and temperature ratings are vital.
September 21, 2022 at 2:03 am
Are there verifications required for foods listed as “limited ingredient?” How can we be certain that these food are manufactured as advertised? Thanks
September 21, 2022 at 12:42 pm
FDA: here is why I home prepare organic locally sourced ingredient meals for my dogs. Because FDA does not have ANY transparency about ingredients. Because FDA allows sick and dead (“downer”) sources for pet foods. Because FDA does not monitor even the HUMAN food processing plants well and DOES NOT enforce its own rules. Because FDA continues to falsify reports. Because so-called prescription pet foods are collections of just so much rancid garbage ingredients that no one else would touch YET are sold by VETERINARIANS (for shame!!) probably for kickbacks and I accuse that because veterinarians mostly pushpushpush even when terrible ingredient lists are pointed out to them. Because the FDA doesn’t do even the remotest form of a GOOD JOB with HUMAN foods and pharmaceuticals much less pet foods. Because the FDA is on the take from big pharma and big agriculture and that is so completely obvious. Bottom line because I DO NOT TRUST FDA ONE BIT and I go out of my way to feed my dogs CLEAN food where I KNOW the source and I do the same for myself. Because if ever there was a complete waste of taxpayer money it is the FDA – staffed by the ignorant, the uncaring, and the corrupt.
September 21, 2022 at 10:50 pm
Susan uncertain if the FDA regulates where Commercial Pet Food is stored and placed in Supermarket isles. If they do P L E A S E ask why they allow our beloved pets commercial processed pet foods to be HOUSED (placed and stored) in the isles where HUMAN-GRADE FOODS are N E V E R allowed to be placed – in the isles of HOUSEHOLD and OUTDOOR CHEMICALS (poisons and hazardous gases substances) which affect the integrity of the commercial processed pet foods packaging including tins as the micro filament compounds airborne lay on the packaging which in turn get handled by pet owners further cross-contaminating the commercial processed pet foods. ASK THE FDA when will they make the change to implement mandatory regulations that NO COMMERCIAL PROCESSED PET FOODS BE PLACED IN ANY CHEMICAL OR WASTE HOUSEHOLD OR OUTDOOR ISLE. Thank You Susan for all that you do my dear friend. ‘Eve’ Holistic Pet Nutritionist NSW Australia X (idols Dr K Becker & Rodney Habib XX)
September 21, 2022 at 11:00 pm
…please add after…”including tins as the micro filament compounds airborne…AND seeps via the packaging integrity as commercial processed pet food packaging fails to adhere to human grade packaging quality to protect the product from cross-contamination from air quality temps and chemicals.
Another serious hazard IS the PACKAGING ITSELF TOXIC PETROCHEMICALS IN PLASTICS and GLUES also giving off toxic fumes CARDBOARD BOXES are very easily contaminated by CHEMICALS where stored and air quality temps and the GLUES making the boxes.
Thanks Susan.
Love Eve (Holistic Pet Nutritionist)