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Weird Science or Needed Science?

Purina has been experimenting on a cat food that will reduce human allergies to cats. Is Purina going down a concerning path or could this be beneficial pet food research?

A People magazine story states “In an effort to eliminate these roadblocks that stand in the way of human-cat companionship, Purina scientists have been researching how to manage cat allergens. The major allergen that effects those who suffer from cat allergies is Fel d1, which is found in the saliva of cats. This troublesome allergen is then spread to the cat’s fur and dander — where it is more likely to come in contact with allergy sufferers — through grooming. Purina scientists have recently demonstrated “a proactive way to significantly reduce the active levels of the major cat allergen, Fel d1, at its source in cats’ saliva.”

In other words, Purina has developed a way to potentially control the human allergy to cats through controlling the allergen in the cat via the cat food.

Veterinarian Dr. Michael W. Fox provides this perspective on the Purina research:

Research from Purina reported in Immunity, Inflammation and Disease suggests it is possible to safely neutralize the Fel d1 allergen in cat saliva by integrating an antibody to the substance into the feline diet. The company says the finding could enable control of allergies among humans who have contact with cats. “Taking advantage of natural allergen-antibody interactions, Purina researchers discovered how to safely neutralize Fel d1 in hair and dander by incorporating an egg product containing anti-Fel d1 antibodies into a cat’s diet. Ultimately this will reduce active Fel d1 levels in the environment. This approach maintains normal allergen production by the cat, without affecting the cat’s overall physiology,” Purina shared in a statement. (People – 6/17) “These allergens have created a huge barrier to cat ownership and may limit the loving interactions between cat lovers and cats,” immunologist Dr. Ebenezer Satyaraj, Director of Molecular Nutrition at Purina and lead investigator on the research, said in a statement. “Our discovery has the potential to transform how people manage cat allergens.”

I would say to all cat “dander” allergy-sufferers to first wipe their cats down morning and at bedtime with a moist sponge; vacuum all areas where the cat has been every 3-7 days and change your air filter regularly. Some exposure to these feline allergens can actually lead to desensitization. Also, there are some cats whose dried saliva presumably does not contain this allergen because they do not affect people who are extremely allergic to cats. Purina’s research is ground-breaking but sometimes the ground is best not broken. Some cats are allergic to eggs/”egg product.” I hope this new biologic product will cause no harm and save many cats from having to be abandoned.

The full Purina study can be read here.

What are your thoughts? Is this weird science or needed science?

Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,

Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Author Buyer Beware, Co-Author Dinner PAWsible
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  1. Mary Marseglia

    June 21, 2019 at 11:10 am

    Oh for crying out loud – these idiots at Purina are full of crap and I’m tired of it — if you people would feed a PROPER complete raw diet mainly from herbivore animals just like they have eaten for eons of thousands of years – then most humans wouldn’t be allergic to cats anyway as they produce way less dander to none —– next the humans that are allergic must have a poor immune system, definitely compromised because they shouldn’t be allergic to cat dander anyway —- most humans that have allergies, had vaccines in their lives and those vaccines caused damage to their immune system

  2. ~Pet Owner~

    June 21, 2019 at 11:35 am

    People can be allergic to cats by breed as well. So there’s more to it than just the “saliva/grooming” aspect. For example I am not affected by pure bred (Flametipped) Ragdoll cats. But can be to short haired orange and tabby cats. Ragdolls shed by the boatload too. So it’s not just hair and dander either.

    By the way, rabbits can be a big source of allergies too. They should test their theory on rabbits too, before they encounter some unanticipated side affects in cats from their tinkering.

    • Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens

      June 21, 2019 at 4:31 pm

      Rabbits are pets too

      • ~Pet Owner~

        June 22, 2019 at 1:51 pm

        I ADORE rabbits! But can’t be around them for more than an hour! Literally get huge welts on my arms. So only meant that if Purina has a working theory, it should apply to a cross species of animals, to which humans can be allergic. Better yet (Purina) don’t tinker with nature at all. If you can’t manage the production and quality control of pet food, then I doubt there’s much else you’d be capable of.

  3. Filipp Sosnin

    June 21, 2019 at 11:52 am

    Гликопротеид слюны кошек, который хотят нейтрализовать антителами, несёт биологическую защитную функцию против вирусов. Нейтрализуя белок, Purina вызовет снижение местного иммунитета и частично нейтрализует защитные функции слюны! Теоретически, после этого, кошки станут более восприимчивыми к вирусным болезням и заболеваниям кожи.

    • Susan Thixton

      June 22, 2019 at 8:00 am

      English translation of above comment from Google translate: The glycoprotein of the saliva of cats, which they want to neutralize with antibodies, has a biological protective function against viruses. By neutralizing protein, Purina will cause a decrease in local immunity and partially neutralize the protective functions of saliva! Theoretically, after that, cats will become more susceptible to viral diseases and skin diseases.

    • T Allen

      June 22, 2019 at 12:13 pm

      As we suspected. Thank you for telling us the TRUTH! 🙂

  4. Tori Rosay

    June 21, 2019 at 1:23 pm

    Will this be the new GMO version of pet food – where we really will not know the longterm consequences on the GI track and needed friendly bacteria in the the cats gut, causing other unknown illnesses or immune issues. Super weird.

  5. Debbie

    June 21, 2019 at 2:39 pm

    Anything Purina does is a hidden motive for revenue and never in the best interest of the pet. Will NEVER EVER trust them as long as I am alive.

  6. Barbara Wilbur

    June 21, 2019 at 2:44 pm

    We have 3 fluffy kitties, plus 2 pups and my husband is allergic to cats. When we met, he couldn’t even come in my home. We keep them off the bed, vacuum twice a week and don’t have full carpets, just large area rugs, which we shampoo 3 times a year. We also brush our cats at least 3 times a week. After, 25 years, it’s not a problem. There are all kinds of things you do, if you want to make the sacrifice for your pets. We both thought it was worth it. He still has allergies, but now, he can even pet them. I’m not sure what Purina is doing with the new food, but I’m thinking that more research has to be done. I am not a fan of Purina. We will have to wait and see.

  7. Beth Marousek

    June 21, 2019 at 5:26 pm

    Of course, let’s ” transform how people manage cat allergens” by altering the biology of the innocent cat who has no say in what it is consuming. This is scary. Will people who just think they are allergic to their cat be able to obtain and feed this altered product? Will people need a physician’s statement verifying they are allergic to their cat in order to purchase it? I hope Purina makes it a prescription food just so that cats eating it are monitored by their vet for ill health (and I am not a fan of prescription diets; the ingredients are pretty awful). This is just a marketing ploy by Purina… they get good press and make money on a special diet.

  8. Claudia Loomis

    June 21, 2019 at 6:48 pm

    I guess this is pretty genius for Purina, now all the people who are allergic to cats can won/adopt them only if they feed them Purina Cat Food! This food will not doubt have a patent! But what will be next? I feel that there are medical ethics that need to be explored here, artificially changing the chemical composition of a cat? Will there be other unintended consequences of this? Weird Science indeed!

  9. Wendy

    June 22, 2019 at 12:20 am

    Ugh !!!
    More BS !!!
    What they need to do is remove ALL the toxic, contaminated, glyphosate, pro-inflammatory , waste,
    biologically inappropriate feed and grains and plant protein from carnivorous cats diets!!!
    Garbage in is garbage out, so people are allergic to what they are dumping in their pets bowls !!!

  10. Claire

    June 22, 2019 at 12:42 am

    I have 6 cats and a friend who is very allergic. I would never feed my cats a chemically altered food without positive, long-term proof that this new science does not have negative effects on the health of cats. I am very concerned that Purina will prematurely present this as safe, only to find out through tragedy that, “Oops, we didn’t think of that.” Or, “We didn’t know that was going to happen.”

  11. Eve

    June 22, 2019 at 2:17 am

    “SUFFERIN SUCCOTASH” Let’s keep it real shall we! Allergies core from a compromised immunity. Sure a human can be affected by the feline’s serum BUT it goes “far beyond” just the feline’s serum proteins. LETS dig deep into the affected human’s immune system. ALLERGIES and INTOLERANCES are vast and stems from “what we put into our bodies” creating cause and effect. Environmental toxins too are culprits further suppressing one’s immunity. Lets keep it “really real” processed pet foods are seriously DANGEROUS which I will never classify as food EVER I don’t care what pretty pic the illusionist paints on the packet…whoops some of the paint ended up in the bag….no just keeping it real. LOOK it’s very CLEAR and SIMPLE processed pet food is GARBAGE sure there are better brands out there but it’s STILL GARBAGE. CATS are TRUE CARNIVORES and suffer GREATLY because some humans refuse to feed them how GOD designed them thinking cats can eat like cows, horses, goats, sheep, and LOL wait for it dogs . Good God No! Humans are MORE likely to suffer acute and chronic ALLERGIES from FEEDING processed pet foods to their pets from inhaling the GARBAGE in the air pouring into bowls, washing residue from bowls and yep Kissing and Cuddling kitty WHY because they lick washing themselves and then you get the secondary smoking affect! Humans who have compromised immune systems need to have better control of what goes into their bodies avoiding toxins and eating a clean vegetarian/vegan diet. Humans can always opt for felines who offer hypoallergenic coats like Russian Blues etc As if our felines haven’t been compromised enough “HISSSS OFF PURINA””

  12. T Allen

    June 22, 2019 at 12:16 pm

    Have they tested how long it will take for cats to become allergic to eggs? Have they tested to see what effect this has on the immune system of the cats? GOD DOESN’T MAKE JUNK! Every molecule in a living being is there for a reason. You aren’t GOD Purina. Stop making believe you are!

  13. lexihudson

    June 22, 2019 at 1:09 pm

    Purina – trying to play God (again)

  14. Hannie

    June 22, 2019 at 4:34 pm

    I happen to be allergic to cats so I have dogs instead. I have a great idea: why don’t the Purina people research healthy ingredients for all their pet food? I think money spent on that is way more important than screwing around w/a cat’s immune system. Oh please, Purina, use all your billions in profit for something truly earth shattering: healthy pet food.

  15. Caroline

    June 23, 2019 at 11:05 am

    As there is no oversight into what pet food companies put in their food, they basically have free reign to say they put in something and that it is supposed to cut down on human allergies against cats. People will purchase it, it’s been shown people have no idea what good for pet food actually looks like

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