The Blue Ridge Kennel in Wetumpka Alabama Chamber of Commerce page states (bold added): “Blue Ridge Kennels offers an array of feeding trials and research services for the pet food industry. We work with you closely to develop individualized testing programs that are specific to your product. Our expert staff is dedicated to providing each of our pets with this highest quality of life.”
The FDA is the federal agency that regulates pet food, however the USDA is the federal agency that regulates pet food feeding trial facilities.
The Blue Ridge Kennel feeding trial facility received a “Consent Decision and Order” from the USDA alleging Blue Ridge violated the Animal Welfare Act. Some “Findings of Fact” quotes from the Consent Decision (all Findings of Fact were agreed to by the kennel):
“Respondents failed to keep medical records…”
“Respondents…failing to follow the attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care regulations…”
“A redbone hound dog was very thin with prominent ribs, backbone, and hip bones…”
“Four dogs previously identified as experiencing weight loss were observed at the inspection to be very thin with prominent ribs, backbone, and hips.”
“Approximately four dogs were identified with medical issues that had not been identified by the facility prior to the inspection.”
“Respondents violated the Regulations by failing to make, keep, and maintain accurate records…”
If this feeding trial kennel agreed they failed to properly keep records, failed to properly care for the animals used in the feeding trials – has anyone questioned their results of feeding trials? Were pet foods validated as complete and balanced through sick dogs or did a feeding trial result in sick dogs?
Of concern, because the USDA does not regulate pet food products – it is not their jurisdiction to investigate if the feeding trials performed at this facility were performed properly. And because the FDA does not regulate pet food feeding trial facilities, it is not their jurisdiction to investigate this facility. A lose/lose situation for pet owners depending on Complete and Balanced claims on pet food labels.
Unfortunately, pet owners are not told which feeding trial facility was used to validate a complete and balanced pet food claim. As with so many concerns in pet food, we are left in the dark – not knowing pertinent information about our pet’s food.
If your pet’s food label states something similar to: ‘Animal feeding tests using AAFCO procedures substantiate that [Product Name] provides complete and balanced nutrition’ – you might want to ask if the nutritional adequacy of the food was tested at Blue Ridge Kennel.
More information about this feeding trial facility including disturbing pictures and video available HERE.
Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,
Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Author Buyer Beware, Co-Author Dinner PAWsible
Association for Truth in Pet Food

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Dianne & pets
April 2, 2024 at 1:38 pm
I passed on the pictures, the thought is bad enough. Every single day I see evidence of how true the statement, love of money is at the root of all kinds of evil, is. Is it possible to get the information from that link without having to see the pictures?
rob catania
April 2, 2024 at 5:22 pm
…I am not surprised at all. I hope that the corrupt federal government at least removed these neglected starving dogs from the facility!
…The facility management /owner and staff should be put in prison for animal abuse and neglect.
Marte Bryant
April 3, 2024 at 8:55 pm
I agree. We have known for some time now how the pet food companies are using ingredients and or bad processes and killing our fur babies. They need to be held to the fullest extent of the law. What pieces of crap they are.
Jean Mues
April 5, 2024 at 8:20 am
Well this doesn’t surprise me considering that we don’t even know what is going into the process of the food for human consumption alone. Same goes for the water we consume or the air we breathe. We live in a society that’s focused upon profit and greed. I’m glad they found these neglected dogs and hope that they removed them from this facility forever.
April 18, 2024 at 12:52 am
Those sick FK’s! I hate the human race so much i cant wait for our extinction! The amount of suffering we cause in just our daily life is unbelievable. From the moment we get up in the morning everything we use from toothpaste to the clothes and cosmetics we put on has caused death and suffering of poor animals and child labor around the globe. We are a plague upon this world.