A pet owner says she had no choice but to change her cat back to a ‘regular’ kibble – “aka a cheaper, mass-produced kibble”. Is this story true or is it a new form of pet food advertising?
The subtitle of Catster.com the article says “My cat’s diarrhea wouldn’t stop, so my vet suggested a “regular” kibble — and it worked.” The article goes on to say “As much as I didn’t want to switch, I was at my wit’s end with what to do with Toby’s diarrhea problem. The constant diarrhea meant dehydration, which led to repetitive UTIs. It was a nasty, vicious cycle. As you’ve already read, I’ve had quite a time with my vet trying to get Toby diagnosed and treated. They recently took a new veterinarian into the practice, and he showed a lot more interest in Toby’s health issues. After treating his UTI and doing an in depth urinalysis and fecal exam (aka growing things in petri dishes), he prescribed a broad-spectrum antibiotic and probed more into Toby’s history, including his diet prior to coming to live with us.”
More: “According to my vet, what a cat’s mother eats and what they eat as a kitten can have a significant impact on their digestive system and what they are capable of properly digesting as they grow into adulthood.” Her vet suggested Friskies or Meow Mix and when this pet owner showed concern, the vet asked “which would be better — your cat living 20 years with diarrhea or 16 eating kibble with grains?”
And this pet owner decided to feed her cat Meow Mix – and reports “Three weeks later, Toby’s diarrhea had completed cleared up.”
The article does not clearly state how long this cat suffered bouts of diarrhea, and it doesn’t state what other brands of pet food the pet owner tried (read the full post Here). But it does clearly tout Meow Mix (product of Big Heart Pet Brands formerly DelMonte Foods). And it pretty clearly states a veterinarian advised the cat owner to feed the ‘regular’ kibble. This is what got me questioning the validity of the article. I’ve never heard of a veterinarian advising to feed a pet ‘regular’ kibble. Prescription pet food yes – but not ‘regular’ kibble to address diarrhea.
Was this a true story of a pet that suffered with diarrhea and was miraculously cured by ‘regular’ kibble? Or is this a new type of pet food marketing?
Only the author/pet owner knows for certain. Regardless – there would be nothing (short of total starvation) – that would cause me to feed my own pets a pet food full of by-products, GM grains, dyes and chemical preservatives.
What would you do? If you had a pet that suffered from diarrhea for some time that seemed incurable – would you try a grocery store pet food as a cure?
Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,
Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Author Buyer Beware, Co-Author Dinner PAWsible
Association for Truth in Pet Food
What’s in Your Pet’s Food?
Is your dog or cat eating risk ingredients? Chinese imports? Petsumer Report tells the ‘rest of the story’ on over 2500 cat foods, dog foods, and pet treats. 30 Day Satisfaction Guarantee. www.PetsumerReport.com
2014 List
Susan’s List of trusted pet foods. Click Here
Have you read Buyer Beware? Click Here
Cooking for pets made easy, Dinner PAWsible
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March 25, 2014 at 12:02 pm
I had the same problem with a kitten that I rescued. At the recommendation of my vet, I mixed a heaping teaspoon of canned, pureed 100% pumpkin (*not* pumpkin pie mix or pumpkin with any spices whatsoever) into his wet food. It stopped the diarrhea and the plus is that pure pumpkin is loaded with good vitamins and minerals. He loved it. I now give this to all my cats once daily for the additional nutrition and for the added bonus of beautiful silky coats.
No, I would not feed my cats Meow-Mix and I personally do not believe that a licensed veterinarian would prescribe such a remedy.
March 25, 2014 at 2:54 pm
My guy had the same problem with severe diarrhea that would often turn bloody if left unchecked. My ‘house-call’ vet also told us to give canned pureed pumpkin. This worked for quite some time (almost 2 years) before the diarrhea returned (as the vet said it might). At her suggestion, we now give him the pumpkin & a small amount of psyllium fiber powder (all mixed together into his food). Works like charm!
March 25, 2014 at 12:09 pm
First, I would change vets. My holistic vet suggested I give all my companion animals Animal Essentials Plant Enzymes & Probiotics. It has worked wonders.
She also suggested I give them a variety of proteins and switch between raw, canned and cooked foods.
I think I will go comment on that website.
April 1, 2014 at 9:05 am
Nancy, I LOVE Animal Essentials Plant Enzymes & Probiotics! I use it everyday for my cats just because and it does wonders. Its so easy to mix with the food and they don’t seem to mind at all. I was going to mention adding a probiotic and then I saw your comment. Such good stuff. I used to use it whenever I fostered cats so that they could be transitioned over to a better food without gastro issues.
I also find that foods with pumpkin or very limited ingredients often help with loose stool. Weruva has a good variety of cat foods with pumpkin in it and that usually does the trick. Also, lay off the antibiotics! So often, they destroy all bacteria, good and bad, which leaves the animal unable to properly absorb nutrients.
I would never switch to a grocery store brand or even a prescription food unless the cat was dying and it would buy me more time. The stuff is junk and I just don’t trust it. I was able to dissolve urinary crystals just by supplementing with Vitamin C, cutting out all kibble and feeding mostly poultry and red meat wet/raw food. And this was when I was being told from all angles to put the cat on Hill’s C/D.
March 25, 2014 at 12:23 pm
I find it interesting that the vet admits that feeding Meow Mix will take 4 years off the cat’s life! This story is presented as if there are only 2 alternatives for cat food – the current one and Meow Mix. Obviously if the cat is not doing well on the current food, it should be changed but there are hundreds of options available to try. And supplements such as digestive enzymes and pumpkin, as noted already.
March 25, 2014 at 12:26 pm
It does sound fishy. And if so, it would violate FTC rules.
Like Susan said: if I had to choose between imminent death and the “Miracle Mix” – I would TEMPORARILY feed the YUCK, while seeking the help of a really good holistic vet to find ways to put the cat on the path to healthy food.
Short of imminent death, I would not feed YUCK, and work with a good holistic vet.
With that kind of logic about the diet of the mother and what kittens eat:
how do cats survive in shelters and subsequent adoption? How do cats survive living in a home and ending up homeless? What happened in 2007 when there was hardly any safe food on the market?
If it stinks like a dead fish – it probably is one.
March 25, 2014 at 12:33 pm
With organization like Reputation Defender, I trust zero on line comments or reviews.
Juno's mom
March 25, 2014 at 12:41 pm
I never pay any attention to testimonials on a seller’s website. For all we know they’re made up and signed Joe B., or whatever. Kibble is what keeps cats clinically dehydrated, causes blocked toms and ends up taking them from kidney failure. All ads are written by copywriters at ad agencies and signed-off by the marketing staff of those corporations. It’s all hype. I left a vet over food and vaccination differences, who argued that cats like crunch so ‘feed ’em kibble.’ So, I found a good dehydrated raw diet which on occasion, my cat gets as a treat, dry, just a little with the same food hydrated right next to it. He thinks he’s getting a treat and goes on to eat the wet food. He’s never blocked since I stopped the kibble.
March 25, 2014 at 12:41 pm
Kibble is not good for cats, ever. Unfortunately, vets are not interested in learning the proper way to feed cats when there are so many foods on the market. Even so, there is no vet out there who is going to recommend buying Meow Mix kibble for a cat with diarrhea. This is a garbage article.
Plain and simple – cats are obligate carnivores and do not eat anything but meat. Going raw and adding probiotics will fix cats toileting/intestinal problems. If necessary, there are additional natural supplements that can be added. If there is a medical problem, the vet would prescribe medications and run tests, not recommend Meow Mix.
It’s foolish and prideful the way these companies think they are capturing all of the nutritional needs of our pets by these mass produced, mystery meat based food products. Keeping food as close to it’s natural form is the best way for ALL creatures to eat.
March 25, 2014 at 2:21 pm
I have rawfed 3 cats since the pet food recalls of 2007. (The oldest just passed at the age of 18.) None of them ever have had any problem with loose poop because their diet includes small amounts of bony pieces of meat. I found early in rawfeeding that I could adjust the texture of the poop by adjusting the amount of bone in the diet–basically, by feeding about as much bone as there is in a mouse (which isn’t a lot!)…
Before I found rawfeeding I fed canned food because my mother told me, back when I set up housekeeping in the early 70’s, that feeding a cat dry food went against what a cat’s body needed and was about as useful to it as feeding cardboard. She raised show cats, so apparently some people knew that 40 years ago….
March 25, 2014 at 11:10 pm
I completely agree with Mary, and would like to note this:
PR firms, think tanks, and opinion forming media are hired by junk pet food makers because a portion of us dummies are waking up to the laws of nature, and dumping their products for better alternatives. There market share is fading and they are scared. :-{ Good 🙂
March 25, 2014 at 1:16 pm
I subscribe to Catster and just got done posting my comment. One of the suggestions I made was to visit truthaboutpetfood.com.
Anybody else want to post on Catster and direct petsumers to Susan’s website?
March 25, 2014 at 1:18 pm
The author isn’t a kibble company rep. I haven’t got the faintest idea how Catster and Dogster pick their writers, but I can assure you it has NOTHING to do with their qualifications! I’ve seen horrible articles from this author before, and been met with ignorant judgement when calling her on her BS.
What the vet said is abhorrent, though!
The quote about 20 years vs 16 really gets to me. And that goes to both the vet and the author. Um… Yes. Yes I will take 4 more years with my beloved animals. Anyone who says “no” to that, should not have animals! I thought it was a given that good diet isn’t automatically tripling their life span (although in some cases, I believe it has done so). Isn’t the entire point, for the average animal, to get those extra couple, quality, years?
March 25, 2014 at 1:25 pm
Why didn’t she try a probiotic? It mentions that her Vet put the cat on an antibiotic – which can cause you to worsen the diarreha. I would have tried a probiotic. Going back on the sh*t she was feeding would be the “last” thing I’d do!
Mannix's Mom Suzanne
March 25, 2014 at 1:31 pm
Any recommendations for an equivalent to Purina NF Kidney Function Feline formula (dry and canned)? My 15 year old Mannix is in renal failure, doing great after an iv flush of the kidneys, but my vet says this diet has really helped to clear up symptoms, etc. Has low phosphorus, low protein, low sodium, added potassium, and non-acidifying to assist in all areas of renal issues. Thanks, so VERY much, for any help you can provide.
Jean-Pierre Ruiz
March 25, 2014 at 2:03 pm
Hi Suzanne:
There are lots of cookbooks out there with healthy recipes for cats. Among others are Dr. Alinovi’s “Dinner PAWsible” and Dr. Pitcairn’s. These are just two of many. I should mention that Dr. Alinovi is part of my company’s Board of Advisors. We have a cat food recipe for cats with renal failure which consists of:
* 7 ounces of slow cooked (at low temperatures) chicken (we use Mary’s Free Range Chickens because we believe the way the chickens are raised and slaughtered provides the healthiest protein source).
* 1 ounce of slow cooked (at low temperatures and in the left-over chicken broth) sweet potatoes and eggs (organic sweet potatoes and pasture-raised eggs).
* Topped off with organic parsley.
If your cat won’t eat it because s/he’s addicted to the kibble, spread some cat nip into the chicken stew (or any other healthy meal you cook or purchase). You may also want to try mixing the two foods, in small ratios at first and eventually getting to 100% healthy meals. You want to select a meal (cooked or purchased) with a high level of moisture.
Best of luck.
March 25, 2014 at 2:36 pm
Sadly, veterinarians are very ignorant when it comes to pet nutrition. The only class on nutrition offered in vet school is an elective (not a required course), and is taught/sponsored by Hill’s Science Diet. The prescription food companies begin courting vets while still in school with free or cheap food, sponsorship of events, etc.
Prescription foods are full of species inappropriate ingredients, chemicals, additives, preservatives, and byproducts (many of which are sourced from China). I will personally not feed prescription foods to my cats. I have cats that are prone to urinary crystals and UTIs and/or have chronic kidney disease. I assume your cats also have CKD since they were on Purina NF Kidney Function Feline. Vets think these cats need lower protein in their foods because there can be protein present in the urine. The issue is that regardless of age or condition, cats remain obligate carnivores and require high protein. Restricting their protein causes them to catabolize their own muscle mass in order to get the protein their bodies need, which, in turn, causes weakness and muscle wasting. These are two “symptoms” of CKD that the food prescribed for their condition is intended to treat, but is instead causing. A high quality protein (one that is meat based, not plant based) will produce very little (if any) waste in the urine. You do, however, want to watch the phosphorous content of the food and get it as low as possible.
After they were diagnosed with CKD, I kept my cats on the same premium food they were eating to prevent urinary crystals because they need the quality protein and the food was already relatively low in phosphorous. Neither is shedding protein in their urine, and their numbers have improved. I feed my cats Innova adult dry (in the red bag) and supplement with Halo Spot’s Stew in the evening. Most varieties of Wellness dry also meet the thresholds for magnesium and phosphorous that my cats require, but the ingredients aren’t as good, they source some components from China, and my cats just plain don’t like it. They have been on Innova for two years and are thriving.
March 25, 2014 at 3:18 pm
Your comment greatly adds to the discussion. I’m saving it to a file. Thanks so much. p.s. After reading the labels on Prescriptive Science Diet cat foods, I refused to feed them also.
March 25, 2014 at 3:25 pm
Thanks! May I recommend the following book for further research? It was quite the eye opener regarding the pet food industry and Hill’s role in veterinary “training”:
March 25, 2014 at 8:57 pm
I didn’t know Innova was available again, since they had all those recalls after Proctor and Gamble bought them.
Also, I’ve talked to so many people whose vets insist on feeding prescription foods that are not meat-based, because the only “nutrition” training they get is from Hills and Royal Canin. How can anyone think that feeding mostly corn to a carnivore is a good idea, especially if the cat is already having health issues. You’d think common sense would tell people that feeding them as close to their natural diet would help their body function more normally.
March 25, 2014 at 9:29 pm
It’s been available since last August online and at boutique shops. Petsmart just did a reset and restocked it this month. They recalled all products out of an over abundance of caution based on a small batch that may have been tainted with salmonella (as many human foods are every day).
Johanna Bouchard
March 25, 2014 at 2:15 pm
What a load of horse hockey… this is the exact opposite of what vets recommend for diarrhea. When my malamute got sick, our vet recommended we switch to feeding a bland, real food diet such as white rice and boiled hamburger. His diarrhea was so severe we were dosing him around the clock with subcutaneous fluids – I have a hard time believing that if the diarrhea was as severe as the story suggests that the only resulting health issue was recurring UTIs. Combine this with the numerous instances I have heard and witnessed first hand of animals getting sick / diarrhea from eating grocery store kibble, and this story just doesn’t hold water.
Jane Eagle
March 25, 2014 at 2:18 pm
This is what I posted in their comments section:
What a load of B.S. advertising. This article has no truth in it at all; it’s a scam for poisonous pet food. When my cat was in liver failure, my vet recommended Science diet; I read the labels and pointed out that it was filled with GMO ingredients which CAUSE liver failure. I gave her all the info, and she no longer carries or recommends Science Diet.
What’s Really in Pet Food:
March 25, 2014 at 3:02 pm
Pumpkin is magic. It works for both constipation and diarrhea. When one of my rescue kitties has diarrhea not caused by parasites, I mix plain unflavored yogurt with pumpkin and feed it exclusively for three days. The fiber and the probiotics work like magic. Most cats take right to it; I’ve only had one not eat it.
Laurie Raymond
March 25, 2014 at 4:37 pm
A couple vets in our area often advise pet owners that the super-premium foods are often just “too rich” for many animals, and the cheaper brands may give better results. No kidding! “Too rich” and “too high in protein” are often cited for digestive problems like diarrhea. “Rich” conjures up images of gooey desserts, buttery and cheesy sauces, etc — which is what it would mean in human cuisine. As a retailer I’m prepared to debunk that nonsense. But it shows what we are up against!
Amy Renz
March 25, 2014 at 5:35 pm
Susan, here’s what I think… On a 90 degree day last summer, my standard poodle, Lula, ran off in the woods after some scent. I knew what she was up to, and like a dimwit I called her back in my “darn-tootin’ serious” voice. She came tearing in, full speed, grinning ear to ear. She was happy as a clam and smelling like a rotted one… with a long-dead trout still dangling from a tangle at the end of her ear.
This vet’s advice smells just like she did.
I agree with your instincts. Petsumer beware.
March 25, 2014 at 5:54 pm
It’s not necessarily a “new” type of advertising. It is just a reaction to the changes in marketplace. As consumers gain awareness, manufacturers of traditional junk foods may see their share of the “kitty” decrease. They are fighting back, with junk “news” articles penned for them by paid bloggers and public relations groups, and “medical alerts” and reports by paid veterinarians. The major pet food agribusiness groups have launched websites to debunk “myths” about pet foods (which… no surprise, lead to the inevitable conclusion that grain-based junk grocery store foods are superior to anything else available), and employ whole departments to monitor the web and ensure consumers are steered toward what they want or away from disclosures that they don’t want widely seen. If you set your browser to crawl for “news” you’ll be bombarded with “news articles” that in a short time, you’ll recognize as planted “advertising.” After a while, you won’t even open the links to the articles because you can spot them quite easily. After a bit longer, you’ll probably delete or modify your “alert,” because it becomes useless.
Pat P.
March 25, 2014 at 6:00 pm
There is a log of garbage on the internet. Unfortunately, many naive people believe it. I have seen some fairly damaging remarks.
This “ad” or advice by a lousy vet is pretty scary. It is difficult enough hoping to educate the public on how they are “killing” their pets with horrible pet foods, let alone worry about ridiculous vet advice or fictitious comments.
I can’t imagine a vet saying those things, but you never know. There are not many decent commercial cat foods, but Meow Mix is not one of them, esp. as a curative for diarrhea–and in 3 weeks. Why would he/she also say that it will take 4 years off of the cats life, and why just those 2 options?
Something is wrong here.
March 25, 2014 at 6:25 pm
I had a kitten with chronic runs. When his fecal samples came up ‘clean,’ the next recommendation was to put him on a bland home-made wet diet with novel proteins. Then we ran a series of food challenges to see if it was related to food intolerance, which it was – primarily chicken, turkey and corn. Once we could avoid the foods that gave the little guy trouble, his runs went away.
In the years since I’ve learned this is SOP with cats with long-standing diarrhea.
Joey's Pet Outfitters
March 25, 2014 at 6:33 pm
It sounds like the vet steered this cat parent very, very far in the wrong direction. A raw or even canned diet would have helped the cat immensely. Cats are true, pure carnivores – regardless of what the mother ate, the digestive system wants what is best for it, and in a cat’s case, that would be meat. Raw doesn’t have to be as inconvenient as some make it out to be, either. At our store, we carry several complete raw diets that are as simple as thaw and serve, Tucker’s, Primal, Vital Essentials, and many others!
March 25, 2014 at 9:10 pm
I don’t know if that was a true statement by a pet owner or just a plant but I do know that the veterinarian association in the US has taken a stand against recommending raw food and they have been against home cooked meals for a very long time. Many people depend greatly on the opinion of their doctors and do not understand just how little knowledge most of those vets have about nutrition in particular.
Since veterinary schools are subsidized in a large part by lhe pet food companies it would make sense that the veterinarian association would side with those that pay their way. Vets get about a 6 week course in animal nutrition when attending school and that course many times is sponsored by a pet food company. The vets depend on the pet food companies to provide the nutritional information and products for them just as your human doctor knows little about the actual composition and production of the medications he/she writes prescriptions for.
April 2, 2014 at 11:25 am
The AVMA does discourage raw feeding, however, with one exception:
“…unless a raw protein product has been subjected to a process that eliminates pathogens that can make pets and people ill, it poses a significant public health risk to both pets and pet owners.”
This would be HPP raw – raw that has undergone high pressure processing (extreme water pressure). There are several commercial raw products available that use HPP.
April 2, 2014 at 7:01 pm
And yet, kibble — with its NUMEROUS, documented recalls and cases of people and pets becoming ill with the very pathogens they decry in raw — is treated by the AVMA as “sanitary” , sterile and perfectly fine. No credibility whatsoever. I’ll stick with the AHVMA and support the foundation which is working to provide vets with more knowledge and modalities.
Pacific Sun
April 2, 2014 at 9:41 pm
Well actually there are two separate issues here. First, the AVMA decries “raw” feeding partly (and probably mostly) because they are heavily influenced and pressured by the PFI to promote commercial PF, and also because they assume pet owners do not (will not) take the proper precautions handling raw pet food. Even though consumers have been handling human raw food forever. Secondarily they fear that pets eating raw food and interacting with families (licking, dog toys, walking through excrement left behind) poses an added risk due to improper handling (washing hands, safe clean-up, etc.).
The second issue is that commercial processed PF is not necessarily safer unto itself. And to that point the FDA has issued guidelines (see the link here to encourage “proper” handling. Which they could very well do … but choose not to …. regarding “raw” food as well. (http://www.fda.gov/forconsumers/consumerupdates/ucm048182.htmhttp://www.fda.gov/forconsumers/consumerupdates/ucm048182.htm).
I don’t think either the FDA or the AVMA would go so far as to say that handling kibble/can food is “sanitary, sterile or perfectly fine.” Just that it has a different set of risks (including samonella), just as they do not advise handling dog treats (rawhide, stuff treated with flavoring, etc.) without washing hands afterwards. And so should PF dishes be washed, floors swept and using other common sense precautions. Certainly NOBODY would want their kids eating anything labeled “not for human consumption.”
April 2, 2014 at 11:19 pm
We will have to agree to disagree on some of this, Pacific Sun. Firstly, one would have to buy into the AVMA “CYA” claim that they really have genuine concern for humans handling raw food….something which begs credulity at the very onset. As you say, humans have been doing that –and successfully — for eons. I don’t buy for one minute that they are DEEPLY worried that humanity has suddenly forgotten that raw meat requires hand washing and basic clean up. Secondly, the AVMA admits in their FAQ – which they added after all the furious blowback they received from an indignant public) that there are documented cases of people (and pets) made sick from salmonella because of kibble (while none exist for raw) — but on that issue there is no resolution — crickets. A five year old could connect the dots there. They are ‘worried’ about the mouse droppings under the sink while they have a pooping elephant in their living room. And much to their chagrin, despite pointing incessantly at the “mouse droppings”, people are noticing the big pile of manure sitting in their living rooms caused by the elephant — hence the rather lame and transparent attempt to save face. Thirdly, I never said that either the FDA or the AVMA would “go so far as to say that handling kibble/can food is ‘sanitary, sterile, or perfectly fine’, but I DID say that that has been their attitude — and so it has, and has been noticed by at least a few vets who, while not being fans of raw food, were horrified at the blatant politics of the resolution (prompted, as I”m sure you know, by the therapy group with a board member with ties to Purina…but I”m sure that’s all above board and there’s no connection whatsoever, right?) The claim that the AVMA was treating kibble as “sterile” was made by such a vet — and I tip my hat that the vet in question was objective enough to see the problem in creating a resolution for something which had no documentation to back it up or history of causing the type of problems the AVMA was allegedly “concerned about”, while ignoring what did. . As for letting the public know to wash hands and handle kibble with care — that’s exactly my point: they do nothing of the kind. If there are indeed warnings, they are in fine print and certainly aren’t shouted from the rooftops like their supposed “angst” over raw! I’d be wiling to bet that most people assume kibble to be “safe” since it’s cooked. I certainly have seen no public service or health announcements to that point — nor will I hold my breath that there will be. The issues are only separate and unrelated if one has bought into the self-proclaimed rationale for the resolution given by the AVMA and trusts their motivations as being what they claim they are. Like many people, I consider that the AVMA has ripped its pants, done so publicly, and now is feverishly working to convince the public that they really bought them that way and that’s the way they were designed. Nice try, but no.
March 25, 2014 at 11:10 pm
My new brand – no matter what: RAW!
March 25, 2014 at 11:50 pm
Agreed on that, Sharon! To answer Susan’s question: What would I do if my pet had chronic diarrhea? Well, been there, done that. Our older dog was tentatively diagnosed with IBD — with bloody stool episodes at seeming random intervals which would go on for days!! Our conventional vet recommended a very poor quality, hydrolized diet. We put her on it — until I could do more research and get better answers for her. I found a novel protein diet and weaned her onto it over the course of a month or so…and 2 years and counting — no episodes!!! (Our conventional vet said he hoped to get her to about 1 episode every other month…Hmmm…. I think we’ll stick with what we’re doing!!)
March 25, 2014 at 11:52 pm
Forgot to add: the protein is raw — ostrich and rabbit. Amazing what a return to a species-appropriate diet will do for an animal!!
March 25, 2014 at 11:21 pm
Look into who owns Catster! An outfit called “Say Media”. Catster (& Dogster) had announced several months ago that they would be closing the message forums down, but something persuaded them to change their minds… guess more “advertisers” kicked in. If you want to see a real Pro of a PFI company shill, there’s a “resident” vet on there who writes “articles” =rolleyes=
Pacific Sun
March 26, 2014 at 1:00 am
You know what? A Vet wouldn’t seem like much of a Vet if he or she couldn’t solve their clients’ problems most of the time, right? And how often do owners go in for upset stomach, loose stools, itchy skin, bad ears, over weight, etc.,? So if the Vet can’t make the problem “go away” then that’s lost revenue. The question really is, to what extent will a professional go to just to retain business?
I believe any “pet food” (cheap as in this case or prescription) food is recommended to suppress the symptoms, instead of fixing the underlying condition. Recognizing as well, that in some cases, a food alone can’t fix something. So in fact, the limited nutritional value of a “special category” food is not going to “fortify” the dog’s overall health. It does of course take extra effort, knowledge, trial and error, and much patience to find an alternative diet with (perhaps) greater nourishing potential.
Diarrhea and vomiting are what brings a client into the office. As with people, every pet reacts differently to a set of food conditions, which doesn’t have anything to do with “regular” kibble or not. Just what is the definition of “regular kibble” anyway? Because it’s really about the FORMULA. Not cheaper food over richer food. Instead people need to understand the protein to fat ratio (some really are too high for the dogs that only need a minimum). Also understand the protein blend (some are allergic to chicken, or combinations, complex or “hot” meat). While others are intolerant of grain instead of potato. In a gluten sensitive patient, extreme diarrhea is the first and most damaging symptom. But it’s unrelated to the “quality” or “price” of any food. It is simply a category. The same with pet food. In the example given, I believe the Vet was taking an easy way out. Using “Meow Mix” probably by the volume of users proving it. But it would be unfair to make that the only solution for the client, instead of working on alternatives. Besides which, there are many remedies for diarrhea (including allowing for healing and rejuvenation) which that Vet should have known.
To judge the value of a pet’s lifetime simply against a measure of the owner’s convenience or personal preference, is not only self serving but insensitive. By contrast, what’s happened to our standard of quality of living instead? And I mean for the pet …. not the human.
March 26, 2014 at 2:27 am
This HAD to be a lie or a VERY uneducated vet.
I am CVT and ran a cat hospital for 7 years. I could have done a better job at dx her cat than that “veterinarian”.
We reffered to meow mix as “fast food” when we explained that diet to clients. I am WAY more educated on food now than I ever was then and I
still knew it was junk back then!
Would you let your kid eat fast food for every meal rather than getting to the bottom of a medical issue?
Seriously, I have met some idiot vets, but it is hard to believe that would be the end of the medical work up and the “cure all” for a possible serious disease….
That article makes me sick!!!
March 26, 2014 at 10:34 am
The fastest and most effective remedy we’ve ever tried in both pets and humans, is a small dose of Calcium Montmorillonite Clay. In the wild, virtually every group of animals instinctively seeks out natural cures and digestive aids that aren’t typically available in captivity (which is why pets sometimes eat dirt). One of these instinctively utilized wonders is Calcium Montmorillonite and similar smectite (bentonite) clays. It can address the cause as well as the symptoms in some cases, including loose stools due to antibiotic resistant bacterial pathogens or internal parasites. Clay also performs the basic function of absorbing access moisture through its colloidal properties. It also rids the body of a wide range of toxins, including mycotoxins and radiation. 1/2 tsp can be stirred into water or mixed with a little yogurt up to three times/day if necessary. If your pet is on medication, do not give them Calcium Montmorillonite Clay less than two hours before or after the medication.
Hope C
March 26, 2014 at 1:47 pm
I’ve seen some inane and suspect things on Catster in recent years. It’s really sad because it’s such a widely used website.
This does strike me as an ad for Meow Mix. And it seems rather fake. I can’t believe if her cat was that bad off that her Vet practice waited until a new Vet came in to take an interest in her cat’s health and also that the only thing wrong with the cat was dehydration.
Abra Karhan
March 27, 2014 at 12:34 am
About 20 years ago I adopted a mother nursing 4 kittens. She was very skinny. I bought her Iams dry thinking it would be good for her. After 10 days of trying to switch her over from the cheap food the family had sent with her, and recurring bouts of diarrhea, I finally figured out that she could only handle the cheap crap. She easily gained weight and weaned all 4 kittens and I gave away the Iams. Sorry I can’t remember which cheap dry food it was.
March 27, 2014 at 2:59 am
I’ve had a vet recommend “regular” kibble (she basically said anything manufactured by/for Purina or Hill’s), not for diarrhea but for weight loss, as in, to cause weight loss and also because of too much weight loss. I basically flat out told her I would never use anything by either of those brands, and now specifically ask for another vet at the practice by name.
March 27, 2014 at 10:32 am
There is so much more to this story and to this cat’s issues. The best and preferred diet for cats, true carnivores, is raw! However, so many cats and dogs today have been feed that horrid processed pet junk for so long their digestive systems are totally unable to eat their species appropriate raw foods. I’m on my 4th 100% naturally reared generation of dogs fed raw and their health is glowing. Plus we support natural immunity, do not use toxic pesticides as in flea/tick/heartworm products and utilize holistic when needed.
This cat has serious health issues. Don’t forget the digestive system is at least 85-90% of the immune system so as the gut goes, so does the health of the animal. Even if this story were true and the cat got better eating that junk (which I still doubt), the cat is FAR from healthy!
April 2, 2014 at 11:17 am
I would get the cat off the junk food and onto raw, canned or combo of both. I removed dry food from my 3 year old cats’ diet almost two years ago. They are doing much better on canned and half raw. I have a herpes male cat who had soft stools when I was feeding grain-free canned but with carrageenan, however, now that he’s on carrageenan-free canned and raw, his stools are normal.
I hope to switch both cats over to full raw (but I have one cat who so far hasn’t been too compliant….).
Nix the kibble folks, there is no cereal in the wild, and cats don’t have a strong thirst drive.
Tammy Baugh
April 3, 2014 at 1:46 pm
A long time ago. Like before I had a computer and did not know any better, I had a kitten with the runs. I think the soft food I had fed it was somehow causing a lot of it. Not all of it. I stopped feeding any moist food what so ever. Then gave it some Ropyal Canin Babycat. This worked like a charm. Now I don’t think it is always the best thing to do for a cat. But if you don’t know any better I’d much rather pick Royal Canin over Meow Mix! I love that you have these issues in here and we learn to use Pumpkin in the raw form rather than another dry kibble you buy in the store
. Thanks for the input!