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Pet Food Ingredients

The Worst Horrors of Pet Food on Video

I don’t know the source of this video, it was received in a Google Alert for pet food. I do know that while it is hard to stomach, it is a video that every concerned pet lover should watch.

I don’t know the source of this video, it was received in a Google Alert for pet food.  I do know that while it is hard to stomach, it is a video that every concerned pet lover should watch.  If this video doesn’t make you fighting mad and disgusted about the pet industry as a whole, nothing will.

Again, this is not a video that put together.  I found it on YouTube from a Google Alert.  I did not make the video and I cannot alter the video in any fashion – it is not my property to alter.

A warning before you watch.  The first part of the video consists of interviews with heart broken pet owners from the 2007 pet food recall.  The second part of the video shows graphic hidden camera images from a rendering plant and ‘pick up’ of raw materials.  The raw materials shown are mostly dead dogs and cats.  It is very disturbing.  It will ruin your day.  It will probably haunt your dreams.  However, it is a reality that needs to become public.

To me, this video is a graphic explanation of the horrors that occur to pets every single day in this country that all of authority seem to ignore.  Hundreds of thousands of pets die from reckless pet food.  Hundreds of thousands of pets are being killed in shelters across the country despite proven methods of saving them.  Not only are these animals killed, their lifeless and chemically laden bodies are further disgraced to the fullest degree.  They are not buried with respect, they are ground up along side of horrid waste, cooked, and become sellable goods to numerous industries including the pet food industry.  Recycling into further killing.  A very vicious circle.

This is a crime beyond description.

There are countless individuals – little guys – that work endless hours trying to save them.  And then there are a handful of hugely powerful, wealthy organizations that have the means to save them but don’t.

This simply has to stop.

Every veterinarian needs to spay and neuter pets for free.  The AVMA needs to stop tossing dead fish at their conventions (the ‘learning’ activity at the 2009 convention) and they need to lobby Congress to provide every single vet a tax credit for each spay and neuter.

No Kill shelters do work – are working – are saving lives.  The wealthy national animal charities need to immediately wrap their stubborn brains around the No Kill logic.  Their hearts are long calloused to euthanasia so I dare those that continue to kill to go watch the hundreds of thousands of dogs and cats to be ground into sellable goods.  I doubt they are that calloused; perhaps that would be their wake-up call.

Euthanized dogs and cats should NEVER be rendered into sellable goods.  Every single industry – from body lotions to shampoos to crayons to pet foods and treats – that purchase ingredients from dead stock rendering facilities should be boldly listed for public awareness.  Warning labels, just as with alcohol and cigarettes, should be prominently displayed on these products.

Diseased meat and poultry, expired grocery meat, restaurant waste, road kill, and countless other horrors should not be processed into sellable goods.  The billions of tons of such waste could be turned into bio-fuel and just maybe prevent another deadly oil spill like what’s happening in my back yard right now (the Gulf of Mexico).

Why doesn’t anyone in Washington, D.C. care about these issues?  Why hasn’t one single U.S. State taken the bull by the horns and led the way for others to follow?  This CAN change, these horrors CAN stop – but someone of authority has to get the point.  Perhaps every State and Federal Government Official should be required to spend a week at a dead stock rendering facility.  Maybe then they’d get the point this HAS TO CHANGE.  Federal law says these type of ingredients are illegal in ANY FOOD including pet food, yet the FDA ignores Federal law and gives Pet Food permission.  Your and my tax dollars are supporting a Federal agency that is ignoring Federal Law.

The way things are – is costing all of us far more than doing the right thing would cost.  Actually, its been proven that NoKill actually saves government money.  It’s been proven by hundreds of thousands of educated pet owners that pet foods with wholesome ingredients actually costs far less in the long run.  Add into the save money mix the proper usage of waste such as producing bio-fuel, the U.S. could possibly pay off all of our Chinese loans.

Pet foods and treats that contain the ingredients by-product meal, meat meal (not a specific meat meal such as chicken meal), meat and bone meal, animal fat, and animal digest could contain a euthanized dog or cat.  This is fact, not speculation.   It has to stop.  Do not purchase pet foods and treats that contain these ingredients; tell a friend.  Friends don’t let friends pets eat euthanized animals.


Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,

Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Author, Buyer Beware
Co-Author Dinner PAWsible

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1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Peter

    December 2, 2012 at 8:43 pm

    The real oddity, is that consumers simply buy what is on grocery store shelves, without any thought to what is inside or how it was produced. What can (or could have been historically)the reason for imparting such undeserved trust in for-profit companies? The relationship between the consumer and the seller is wholly adversarial… why does the consumer refuse to acknowledge this? Most people, when you try to discuss this issue, simply “tune out”… you can see it happening as you talk.

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Sick Pet Caused by a Pet Food?

If your pet has become sick or has died you believe is linked to a pet food, it is important to report the issue to FDA and your State Department of Agriculture.

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