Although Mosby was taken from Carole Adams in 2003, shot and killed in a senseless and criminal act, the dog’s love continues to help heal other pets through the charity named after him, The Mosby Foundation.
I never met Mosby, and have only ‘met’ Carole through emails and a phone conversation. Both Carole and Mosby seem to me, to be a couple of rare breeds that every animal loving soul needs to hear about.
Fate led Carole to rescue Mosby as a young puppy in Florida. While traveling in Florida visiting family in 1997, Carole happened to find a frightened puppy hiding under a car at a train station in Dade City, FL.; the love story began. A few days later Mosby met the rest of his family back home in Virginia. His new home was one any dog dreams of, life in the country, lots of family, and love all around.
Thanks to Carole, Mosby became quite a celebrity in his hometown of Deerfield, VA. Carole took Mosby to work with her, and Mosby became the resident charmer of downtown; known to “shower love and kisses on all he met. From babies to the elderly, from the disadvantaged to the social kingpins, Mosby was shameless in his love for one and all.”
And then the worst happened; Mosby was intentionally shot and killed by a heartless individual. ” Mosby’s senseless death on August 8, 2003 and the resulting public outrage became a national story. Thanks to the power of the news media, it became clear that his death was much more than an isolated family tragedy. From articles in the local Staunton and Waynesboro papers, Mosby’s story spread to Harrisonburg, Charlottesville, Richmond and Washington, DC television stations. From the Washington Post articles, MS-NBC’s Keith Olbermann made the Mosby murder and the resultant public outcry a number one story on his “Countdown” program. From the Richmond Times Dispatch article, Mosby’s story hit the Associated Press wire service and generated news articles from Virginia to Florida to California. A trucker returning to Virginia saw the story on a Cleveland, Ohio television station. People Magazine, with the largest circulation of any weekly magazine in the US, sent a writer and photographer to Staunton to do a feature story on the murder of Mosby. A Pulitzer Prize winning photographer for the Washington Post did an internet accessible photo tribute to Mosby.”
Carole pursued justice for her beloved Mosby; “in February 2004 the man who shot Mosby was tried and convicted by a jury of his peers of Felony Animal Cruelty. He was fined $1,500 but received no jail time.”
After the trial, and after the publicity faded away, Carole was left with a big hole in her heart. She kept thinking this money (the $1,500 fine issued from the trial) has to go to something good; just as Mosby would have wanted.
It seems the dog that gave his love to everyone he met, spoke to Carole from his home in Rainbow Bridge. ‘Just because you can’t see me, doesn’t mean I still don’t love people and want to help them.’ Carole took the money and started the Mosby Foundation.
The Mosby Foundation helps pet owners pay for otherwise unaffordable veterinary bills. Mosby’s love continues.
As you can imagine, the need is far greater than the available funds. Carole and other volunteers work tirelessly trying to help as many pet owners as money allows. They need your help. If you are in a financial position to help this wonderful charity, please visit their website. Read the full story of Mosby and make a donation to this wonderful cause.
Words cannot describe the respect I have for Carole. What a wonderful lady to have the courage and strength to take her broken heart and turn it into hope for other pet owners. Mosby, I wasn’t fortunate enough to meet you personally, however, it’s heartwarming for me to consider my beloved pets have you to play with at Rainbow Bridge. We miss you, but we’ll never forget you.
Please visit and donate.
Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,
Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Author, Buyer Beware
Co-Author Dinner PAWsible
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Janice Terry
March 9, 2013 at 4:46 pm
Thx u Mosby Foundation for helping my little baby out!! This is a great thing that you doing and Mosby sound like a great dog to be around!!