First question: Will the new veterinarian will accept services provided by your old veterinarian? For example, will they accept the vaccines that your veterinarian provided or insist on starting things all over? Over vaccination is a tremendous problem and leads to health issues. The perception is if a patient is ill it needs to be revaccinated. In truth, because that patient is ill, the last thing it needs is more vaccines. Vaccines should be given to healthy patients, not sick patients. When unhealthy patients are vaccinated, or a vaccine series is repeated by a new veterinarian, it is simply a moneymaking procedure. Beware!!
Second question: Does the potential new veterinarian believe in three-year vaccinations or vaccinating every year? Some veterinarians argue that annual boosters get the pet in for annual exams. The reality is annual vaccinations get the pet in for annual exams. Every year of life for a dog or cat is somewhere between five and eight years for a human. It’s good to have things checked out as they can change in that period of time. However, using unnecessary procedures is dangerous for the pet and only lines the pocket of the veterinarian.
Third question: How does the new veterinarian’s office interact with your pet? Is she (these days, most veterinarians are women) down at eye level with your dog? Or is she standing with the table in between you? Does she play with your cat and scratch it under the chin? Or does she leave it in the carrier and let her assistant hold? For most pet owners, dogs and cats really are part of the family and most pet owners want to see that same emotion shared by their veterinarian.
Fourth question: Does your new veterinarian take your dog or cat out of the room for procedures? Or involve you and explain what’s going on? Most pet owners wonder what happens behind closed doors when their pet is taken away unless it is fully explained.
Fifth question: Does your potential new veterinarian follow protocols or deliver procedures specific for your pet and your pets’ needs? An example would be with puppies. Puppies and kittens are pretty much always born with worms; it’s just part of the lifecycle of parasites. It is understood by just about the whole world that puppies and kittens should be dewormed when they are weaned. But what comes next? Does your potential new veterinarian follow protocol and insists on more medication? Or does your veterinarian tailor to the needs of your animal and perform a fecal exam? If there are no worm eggs in a fecal sample then there is no reason to deworm.
Sixth question: How about heartworm medication? These days there are monthly chewable preventatives that treat everything under the sun from heart worms to intestinal worms to tapeworms. If your dog does not have tapeworms he does not need to be treated for tapeworms. Makes sense. Only time your dog would have tapeworms is if he ate a flea or he ate a mouse, or you saw a little segments of rice on the outside of his poop. All-in-one products increase the revenue of the veterinarian and add more chemicals into your pets’ body. These chemicals build up and can cause health issues down the road, including cancer!
Seventh question: How about year round preventatives? It depends on where you live, but many parts of the United States do not need to administer heartworm prevention in the winter. Your veterinarian should tailor his or her protocols to your needs. Many times, the recommendation to give heartworm prevention year round is simply a moneymaking process.
Eighth question: does your new veterinarian listen to your entire issue? Does she answer all of your questions and fully explain to you how and why things happen? Our job as veterinarians is to be an information source. This means we should explain how the body works and how illness happens. The point is to help pet owners be better pet owners. When a client understands why their pet keeps having an issue, then they can get to the bottom line, rather than treat symptoms time after time. Veterinary medicine should aim to address the underlying issue, not do the same thing repeatedly for the rest of the animal’s life.
Ninth question: does your veterinarian ask what you feed your pet? Better than that, what food does your potential new veterinarian sell? Does your new veterinarian sell veterinary prescription food that contains byproducts and harmful ingredients that could shorten your dog or cat’s life? Or does this new potential veterinarian sell quality food with healthy ingredients? Does this veterinarian support you sharing your food with your pets?
Tenth question: is it common practice for patients to spend the night after surgery? Spending the night after surgery is rarely indicated. The only time that is needed is if your veterinarian needs to make sure things still work. An example would be bladder stone removal. Because the bladder is opened to remove stones, your veterinarian needs to make sure that the bladder works after surgery. So it is typical to keep a dog or cat one night. Same thing with intestinal surgery – need to make sure things move the right direction. However, after a routine dental cleaning, spay, or neuter, there’s no reason for an animal to spend the night unless it is for the clients convenience. Most dogs and cats preferred to wake up at home and wake up better under their owners care.
When selecting a new veterinarian, don’t forget that many veterinary services can be shopped – what this means is that some veterinarians are less expensive than others. If your veterinarian charges for every single tooth to be extracted during a dental procedure, your $200 dental can easily become $1200!
Basically, when you go to your veterinary appointment, it should feel like home. It should feel like your veterinarian is part of the family. If your veterinarian does not treat your pets like you do, or you get the feeling she hears dollar signs when her door opens (rather than happy panting or painful whining) then you might want to keep looking.
Dr. Cathy Alinovi DVM
As a practicing veterinarian, Dr. Cathy treated 80% of what walked in the door — not with expensive prescriptions — but with adequate nutrition. Now retired from private practice, her commitment to pets hasn’t waned and she looks forward to impacting many more pet parents through her books, research, speaking and consulting work. Learn more at

March 7, 2016 at 5:30 pm
I would even add: does your Veterinarian willingly provide copies of bloodwork and other tests? Mine has them waiting for me without asking… she knows I’m interested in digesting and analyzing them, having them for comparison on my own. You paid for them: they are your property.
I think vets take the animal out of the room for procedures so that the pet parent/guardian does not see what they do: they may need to restrain him/her and it could be alarming. In that back room, animals are often more terrified/intimidated, and may “cooperate” better than in the exam room.
Marcia Cummings
March 7, 2016 at 8:25 pm
Peter… I’ve got to disagree with you regarding taking the pet out of the room for procedures. Especially if you have a pet that is terrified of even going to the vets. Or if you have a dog that is very submissive. I let my vet do that once, caught me of guard. When I heard my Murphy cry out from the back room, it just broke my heart. All I could think was, he trusts me and I let this person take him away and scare the heck out of him :~(
He was always very cooperative with any procedures that needed to be done, and this is how I reward him?? I did it once but never again. I’m sure Murphy has gotten over it but I don’t think I ever will. He’s my buddy and trusts me to keep him safe.
March 8, 2016 at 10:14 am
Same thing happened with my archie ..took him on other side of building and could hear him screaming from behind closed doors. That will never happen again, guaranteed. My vet comes to my house..for ancillary services I have trusted vets within her network..
Jason T
March 9, 2016 at 11:17 am
I do agree that a veterinarian should give you the result of your bloodworm and explain them, but the results actually aren’t your property. They actually even aren’t the property of your veterinarian. The results are the property of the diagnostic facility that performed the test.
I agree with most of the things written here, but just because there is a negative fecal result, doesn’t mean that a puppy/dog is worm free. Some common parasites only shed about 2000 eggs a day and you wouldn’t necessarily pick up on that in a fecal exam. Also, tapeworm eggs are actually heavier then the solution that the test is run in, so tapeworm eggs won’t even be found even if you can see the larva crawling out of your animals hind end.
Lastly, Heartworm medications do prevent a number of parasites but that’s not because they have tons of different chemicals in it, it’s because the same chemical kills several different types of parasites. Also, there are FDA approved topical heartworm medications that only put the heartworm medication into your dogs body while the flea preventative stays in the oil layer above your dog’s skin so it will reduce the number of chemicals your animal ingests.
March 7, 2016 at 6:21 pm
What perfect timing! I just quit my veterinarian. I’m sick to death of their shelves of prescription diets made of crap, and most of all, their extremely negative attitude. I brought in a kitty with an abscess after a cat fight, and my former vet said it was too soon to lance (fair enough), but he indicated that there may very well be something more dire in the works. He wanted me to bring her back in a week. Ha! My holistic vet came that very night, lasered the abscess, and it broke open the next morning. Regular vet then said for me to keep it open. Like my cat won’t do that on her own? I think allopathic vets are all…let me try to be kinder than the word I was going to use… ignorant! My holistic vet is the only one I’ll be seeing from now on, unless I need a blood draw for some reason, and that vet will have no say in anything, including my refusal to vaccinate. My cats got their kitten shots, and I’m calling it good. I asked to have all my vet records faxed today! I feel liberated! 🙂
Nina Wolf
March 7, 2016 at 6:22 pm
Terrific list, Dr. Alinovi. This will be very very useful to a lot of us. Thank you for explaining the criteria for each decision point.
In certain parts of the country, finding a vet can be a real trial, especially if you are a believer in raw feeding and minimal vaccination. Is there an online resource to find integrative vets by geographic area?
thanks for all you do!
March 7, 2016 at 6:26 pm
And a PS: I never, never, never put my pets’ health in the hands of a vet unless I trust that vet beyond words; i.e., my holistic vet. I keep their health in my hands; they are my only “patients” so I’m not distracted by other animals. I agree with Peter too about the back room business. I know my presence causes my cats to get more upset because they want me to rescue them. 🙁 Bottom line is that with allopathic vets, I always have the feeling that I need to protect my pets from their vets. Now that’s a pathetic state of modern medicine, and what’s worse – most of them won’t learn. Ignorant to the end.
March 7, 2016 at 7:12 pm
Interesting comment about your pet being taken out of the room. If I am in the room with my dog, he grows and will try to bite the vet. In the back room he is fine. I don’t know if it is because he is scared, but to tell the truth,, I like my vet and I really don’t want to have my dog bite him, He really hates a muzzle.
March 7, 2016 at 7:13 pm
My dog’s vet let me stay with her through annual routine dental cleanings, two tooth extractions and two surgeries in her 15 years of life. He also let me remain with her during all recoveries. No testing procedures were ever done out of my sight. In fact, I helped to position her when necessary. It was less stressful for her and me, and he thoroughly understood, even welcomed, it. To me, this was huge.
Jill R
March 7, 2016 at 9:15 pm
You should see the vets’ faces when I tell them I don’t vaccinate at all and haven’t for over 15 years. The only pup I did vaccinate was in a supposed Parvo hotspot and the peer pressure got to me. Well, my pup reacted to the vaccine and died. Yep!!! Lost my darling Jack doing something totally against my best judgement. Vets are a bit more accepting of raw diet’s, raw bones, etc. so that’s not such a big deal anymore (at least vets I’ve visited). I ALWAYS go in the back with my dog. Even if I’m just standing there. Once a vet gets comfortable with me I’m usually right in the middle of the procedure just helping with whatever. Not squeamish so no problem. I’ve had friends who when the vets saw their dogs vaccines were due just did them a favor and vaccinated them without asking… the back room. Personally I don’t trust the vets once a dog is out of my sight.
March 7, 2016 at 10:04 pm
Ask the vet if they are a REAL holistic vet?
Do they know and understand how to use NOSODES instead of vaccines?
There is a rabies nosode, parvo nosode, distemper nosode, E Canis nosode, etc….
Is the vet willing to work as a team member and make a decision with the pet owner? And not tell the pet owner what to do. The vet does NOT own the pet and will NOT make the decisions. I have the right to have a healthy pet and I willl NOT allow a vet to hurt my pet because they want to prescribe anything for high profits for themselves. My pet comes FIRST.
Do they know the alternatives to treat cancer? Chemo pesticide is dangerous and shortens pets and humans lives. If any vet prescribes chemo, run, just like any human doctor that prescribes chemo, run out that door as they only want to make a lot of money and do not care about health. Chemo is a cheap pesticide sold at super high prices to enrich the vet, the doctor and big pharma. Nothing is healthy about chemo except it will speed one to their death.
These sites are helpful if you or your pet has cancer. Its a start and they will also tell you about other sites to help heal from cancer.
Hope this is helpful
March 8, 2016 at 8:16 am
I USED to have a vet that had no business being a vet!
He pushed prescription diets for everything better than a drug dealer!
They offered boarding for dogs…however, no personnell were present after hours.
If surgery was involved and the pet had to stay overnight how can this be if no one
is in the building overnight???
And..yes…shots..shots….shots..they went through your paperwork just to make sure
you had to have some kind of medicine or vaccine!
Teresa Johnson
March 8, 2016 at 4:43 pm
I am in a group just outside the norm here as I don’t have dogs or cats. I have hedgehogs. And veterinarian care is still “iffy” when it comes to some of the more exotic or different pets. I’ve been doing hedgehog rescue for close to 20 years now and have had a variety of veterinarians, knowledgable and not so, good and bad. But for the most part I’ve been blessed with more kind, compassionate AND knowledgable veterinarians than not.
I will emphasize the need to see how the entire staff interacts, not just the veterinarian, with your pets. I once visited a very qualified veterinarian office just to have “first hand” experience as to refer other hedgehog caregivers. First thing, the veterinarian hands me a “fact sheet” about hedgehogs. When I made up-dated and corrective notes in the margins and offered it back she huffed. Another visit (with a friends hedgehog being seen there) I was told by a vet tech that “we always loose money when we see these”. I asked how so, as most exotic animals come with more expensive care. I was told they, the hedgehogs, always take more time than the appointment allowed for and thus they lost money. I suggested to this tech that the scheduling should be handled more efficiently, not blame the animal species. It was my last visit there. I also never referred folks to that clinic regardless of animal species they had as a pet companion.
I love that my current vet, his entire staff, will interact, play, observe with any of my hedgies – calm or huffy upon arrival. They all have a genuine fondness of ALL animals, including we humans caring for the others.
March 8, 2016 at 9:42 pm and are also very good resources when “shopping” for a new vet or evaluating your current one.
March 9, 2016 at 9:08 am
I am still in search of a good veterinarian that believes in what I do or at least respects my opinion and works with me. Does such a person exist in the area I live?
Cheryl Mallon-Bond
March 12, 2016 at 3:24 pm
Excellent comments from all. Always trust your gut, it will never lie to you…if you listen to what your body is telling you, your intuition is telling you.
I highly agree with what many people are saying about, will your vet work with you, respecting your choices & what you want to do & not force things on you.
Besides my own pets, I am a life long animals rescue person & I have pretty much experienced every type of vet, too many were horrible, especially for cats. I have seen improper handling, because too many vets clientele are 90% or more dogs…and their training & mindset is geared to dogs. If Dr.’s do not have financial incentive to continue advancements in their education of updated information, diagnoses & treatments of felines, than they simply won’t… (or most won’t) I don’t care how “nice” a vet is…”nice” doesn’t always mean a good or competent vet. I have first handed seen cats diagnosed & treated like dogs. The bottom line is, you must research & make an educated decision. Talk to other pet owners, check the background and specialties of the vets you are considering.
I have to say that when I switched to a feline only vet, my cats were a lot less stressed out not having to hear crazy barking dogs. My vet also is a smaller practice, I never feel rushed, ever. There are times I have to wait longer than I’d like, because she is the only vet there…but I feel she is completely thorough, & I know she leaves no stone unturned. This is not to say that ALL feline only vets are good, or that vets that are feline/cannine all are bad…again, you must do your due diligence research wise. Also, don’t make decisions just based on price. If you do, your beloved pet could pay the price for your penny pinching.
Lastly, never let ANY vet bully you into ANY medical procedure…. & yes, vaccinations ARE a medical procedure.
FOR CAT PARENTS…GO TO to learn about the very real risks associated with over vaccinations. Also, to help educate & support pet parents who’s cats are going through cancer due to vaccinations:
join the yahoo group–VAS ….Vaccine Associated
It is a wealth of information & support.
***FYI*** You don’t need to have a cat afflicted with VAS to join. I joined, just to get educated on the issue. I am glad I did! Knowledge IS power!
April 4, 2016 at 1:34 am
One other thing – I left a vet practice when they started referring to owners as guardians. I am my dogs’ owner. Period.
Jen Pack
August 8, 2016 at 5:08 pm
My husband and I have noticed that our dog is acting a bit sluggish lately. We haven’t been sure what’s wrong with him, so we think it would be a good idea to get him in to a see a vet. I like the idea you give of looking for a vet who is willing to listen to our entire issue and answer all questions or concerns we may have. I imagine that it would also be a good idea to look for someone who is willing to have a consultation with us so that we understand one another. Thanks for sharing this information!
January 17, 2017 at 12:35 pm
I like that you suggest to take notice of how the vet interacts with your pet. I can see why this would be a good way of knowing how your pet will be treated when you leave. My mom has been thinking about getting a puppy since all of her children have left the house. I’ll have to make sure she notices this when she takes it to the vet for vaccinations.
Kourtney Jensen
July 7, 2017 at 9:28 am
I’ve heard that there have been a lot of fleas around where I live and want to get my puppy on preventatives. I appreciate that this is something to take into consideration when choosing a vet, that they should tailor to your needs. I want the best product for my area and will be looking for a vet that will recommend prevention that will be best for my puppy.
Alexandria Martinez
September 18, 2017 at 7:22 pm
I really liked that you mentioned how important it is for your veterinarian to listen and explain your pet’s condition. Since we moved, my fiance and I have been looking for a new vet for our dog Boomer. As we keep looking, we will look for this attribute.
Finley Moreira
September 23, 2017 at 5:23 pm
I like how you pointed out how it’s important to determine how the office staff interacts with your pet. I have heard that most of your pet’s interaction at a vet’s clinic is with the staff. This would definitely be something I’d consider before choosing a veterinarian.
Jack Duff
November 10, 2017 at 1:55 am
I like what you said about finding a vet who includes you in the process and explains what he is doing. I love my dog a lot, and I want to be sure I understand everything a vet is doing to help him. I am trying to find the best vet possible, because we just moved to a new state. I will definitely pay attention to this as I look around, thanks for sharing.
Ronnie Underhill
April 23, 2018 at 3:52 pm
I had a Vet that I trusted, he diagnosed my pekingese with Cushings. He kept her for 2 days on some form of medicine . She looked like she died and was brought back from hell. He couldn’t care less.
I decided to put her down to avoid any more torture. He smirked when I decided to put her down. When the tech was getting ready to use the needle already stuck in her, she noticed that the needle wasn’t in a vein at all. So two days of IV and going no where. What a loser of a Vet.
I witnessed a Vet ( Woman) throw a dog across a stainless table and onto the floor after it was euthanized while the old folks were still crying as they paid their bill. When she noticed I witnessed what she did her face turned bright red. A true misfit if there ever was one.
Minneapolis, MN. is full of such losers unfortunately. After owning 12 dogs, I cannot bring myself to get any more because of such terribly incompetent people.
I miss having dogs around, if any one knows of a great vet in Minneapolis area, please let me know their name and clinic.
Derek Dewitt
December 17, 2018 at 10:38 am
My wife and I just got a puppy so we are looking for a vet to start visiting in town. I like your point about asking the vet how they interact with your dog. We’ll be sure to ask about this so we know if he’ll have to spend a lot of time in a kennel during visits.
Ronnie Underhill
December 18, 2018 at 10:16 am
Be sure to get referrals from other dog owners. The Vet business is full of losers, so pay close attention to how your Vet handles problems. If they say, lets try this, or lets try that, that’s your que to find another Vet. They don’t know whats wrong at that point, but the bill mounts up and no results. In 30 years of dog ownership, I found one great Vet. The rest were losers. Sorry to be frank, but we’re dealing with people. Some are good, some are great, many are losers.