Feed, feed, and more feed. So many products, but just a few actual pet foods.
Las Vegas each summer is host to one of the largest (if not ‘the’ largest) pet industry trade events. The event is called Super Zoo. Thousands of pet product manufacturers attend Super Zoo – pitching their products to retailers from around the world that attend.
I’ve attended many pet food trade events, but this was my first Super Zoo. The event started off with a meeting with Dr. Evin Antin – who readers here might remember from the Dr. Oz show a year or so ago. Attending the show with a press badge, I was offered the opportunity to meet with him. My discussion with him was with the hopes of sharing some ‘truth’ about the pet food industry. Honestly, he listened and seemed open to me sharing some information with him (which I intend to send very soon). Fingers crossed.
Next was wandering around the trade show floor which contained thousands of pet product booths. Of course, the biggest manufacturers of pet food had the biggest booths. This is something I wish every pet owner could see. The money spent on these booths – I can’t imagine the cost.
And there was this sign in a main aisle-way…
Purina helping to fund new pet businesses and opportunity to partner with Purina. (Mars Petcare is doing the same thing – click here to read. So…not only do the big pet feed companies rule the marketplace – they are wanting to be involved early in any new business that enters.)
And the best part of Super Zoo was being able to meet people I know online but have never met face to face. Plus I got to hang out for a few minutes with those I do know and respect so much. It is energizing to hang out with like minded pet ‘food’ people.
I did not get to speak with many of the brands that I had intentions to speak with, ask the questions I wanted to ask – my time there was very brief. But I can share that in the short time frame I was there…one manufacturer intentionally listened into our conversation (unbeknownst to me stood right next to me listening – witnessed by many). All of a sudden everyone kept saying ‘why was she here?’ ‘She was right next to you!’ Geez. Hope it was worth your effort.
My thanks to the Super Zoo people for admission.
Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,
Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Author Buyer Beware, Co-Author Dinner PAWsible
Association for Truth in Pet Food
Become a member of our pet food consumer Association. Association for Truth in Pet Food is a a stakeholder organization representing the voice of pet food consumers at AAFCO and with FDA. Your membership helps representatives attend meetings and voice consumer concerns with regulatory authorities. Click Here to learn more.
What’s in Your Pet’s Food?
Is your dog or cat eating risk ingredients? Chinese imports? Petsumer Report tells the ‘rest of the story’ on over 5,000 cat foods, dog foods, and pet treats. 30 Day Satisfaction Guarantee. Click Here to preview Petsumer Report. www.PetsumerReport.com
The 2018 List
Susan’s List of trusted pet foods. Click Here to learn more.
Have you read Buyer Beware? Click Here
Cooking pet food made easy, Dinner PAWsible
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jennifer hahn
June 28, 2018 at 5:03 pm
Thank you Susan, for your time and energy spent. I wish that more people who care would aslo dare…..dare to tell the truth to all who will listen, and change how they see and buy food.
June 28, 2018 at 6:18 pm
Susan, this article from The Guardian is just FYI: “Pet food is an environmental disaster – are vegan dogs the answer?” – https://www.theguardian.com/global/2018/jun/26/pet-food-is-an-environmental-disaster-are-vegan-dogs-the-answer
June 28, 2018 at 6:45 pm
And many of our pets paid for this with their lives!
June 28, 2018 at 11:37 pm
Strange, all the pictures in this email are upside down.
Susan Thixton
June 29, 2018 at 8:45 am
Not sure why they display upside down for you.
June 29, 2018 at 1:48 am
Hi Susan it should have been called Super Poo cause rhtats all it is rendered crap. It seems to be some pet owners dont want to have control and responsibility what they put in their pets mouths but come crying later of dire consequences. Sure O too blindly fed my pets commercial processed pet food and when I was informed at what the heck I was doing I stopped immediately feeding raw natural diet. The first few years of their lives I cannot change but I made ot my duty of care to do what is right for my pets bacause I truly love them no matter what . Ps Susan I submitted my submission and received a call from the Senate Committee body personally letting me know I made a difference I am excited and expressed gratitude for their intervention. Without your notification Susan I would not have known. Thank You”?
jan b-b
June 29, 2018 at 7:37 am
good question Batzion!! I have a good friend who has fed his cats and dogs vegan for over 20 years – has has HEALTHY cats! and I heard yesterday that Blue Buffalo will be bought out by……..shoot, now I’ve forgotten who the biggie is who is buying Blue……….Carnation??? wish I could recall!
jan b-b
June 29, 2018 at 7:51 am
now I remember – General Mills is reportedly buying Blue Buffalo…………how sad!
Kore Exhibit
July 14, 2018 at 2:06 pm
Awesome that you were able to meet the people you just new online, personal connections are even all the more enjoyable when you know you like the company! Silly how there were just a few actual pet food products. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on your experiences.