The August 2021 AAFCO meeting will be virtual. To view the webinar and have opportunity to comment on any agenda item a fee of $350.00 is required. AAFCO offers an audio only version of the meeting for no charge, however no clear instructions to access the free version are provided. AAFCO states: “The connection to access this complimentary feature will be available via a button on the video platform.” But AAFCO does not explain where to access that ‘button’. It is assumed pet owners can access the audio version of the meeting here:
The first session of concern for pet owners will be the Pet Food Committee meeting taking place Monday, August 2, 2021 – 1:45 to 3:15 PM EDT. An “update” will be provided on what AAFCO is considering for human grade pet food. Another update will be provided on AAFCO’s Pet Food Label Modernization effort. As FYI – AAFCO has been deciding on what improvements will be required on pet food labels since 2017 (for 4 years).
During the same meeting, a representative of FDA will give an update on copper in pet food. We can assume this is a result of the multiple studies finding excess copper in dogs believed to be linked to copper levels in dog food.
The Ingredient Definitions Committee meeting will be divided into three sessions. Monday August 2, 2021, 3:30PM – 5:00PM ET, Tuesday, August 3, 2021 3:30PM – 5:00PM ET, and separate from the official AAFCO meeting Thursday August 5, 2021 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM ET.
In the first session (Monday 8/2) most of the discussions will be related to livestock feed, however the schedule has allotted time to FDA for an unknown topic. Also in the first session will be discussion on vitamin listing for pet food labels. Manufacturers have urged AAFCO to stop requiring full listing of all vitamin names on labels, and/or to change listing to a generic vitamin name instead of the specific type of vitamin. This discussion will tell us what AAFCO’s decision will be.
In the second session (Tuesday 8/3) will be an update on AAFCO improving animal protein ingredient definitions. Our consumer association ( in partnership with the human grade pet food trade association ( submitted to AAFCO updated definitions several years ago – which thankfully led to this discussion at the meeting. A working group was formed, however even though we introduced the topic and provided suggested definitions – we were not allowed to participate in the working group. Because we were not allowed to participate in the ongoing discussion AAFCO has already had, we will be anxious to see where this discussion will go.
And Wednesday August 4, from 3:00 to 3:45 PM ET will be the Model Bills and Regulations Committee session. To explain this committee, when a regulation or definition has been passed by another committee – such as a definition of an ingredient passed by the Ingredient Definitions Committee – that definition then goes to Model Bills Committee for final approval. After approval by the Model Bills Committee, the definition is added to AAFCO’s book of rules – the Official Publication. Much to our surprise, a guideline document of Human Grade Pet Food appears on the agenda for Model Bills Committee. We are surprised because this was NOT discussed at the last public meeting in January. It appears AAFCO has approved this guideline document behind closed doors – sending it to the final step (Model Bills Committee) without any opportunity for public comment. And there are concerning changes made that we were provided no explanation on. So again, we will be paying close attention to this session too.
We will try to speak out against any issues that negatively effect pet owners, HOWEVER with the virtual format we are easily ignored. At the last virtual meeting AAFCO specifically ignored our questions. We will be reporting to pet owners on the outcome of this meeting next week.
Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,
Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Author Buyer Beware, Co-Author Dinner PAWsible
Association for Truth in Pet Food

Become a member of our pet food consumer Association. Association for Truth in Pet Food is a stakeholder organization representing the voice of pet food consumers at AAFCO and with FDA. Your membership helps representatives attend meetings and voice consumer concerns with regulatory authorities. Click Here to learn more.
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The 2021 List
Susan’s List of pet foods trusted to give her own pets. Click Here to learn more.

July 31, 2021 at 12:53 am
Thanks for the notification Susan!