This week I said good-bye to Tarzan – our ‘wild man’. This is a tribute to Tarzan and a huge thank you to some special people.
Tarzan crossed Rainbow Bridge this week after 19 (or 20…we don’t know for certain) extremely healthy years with us. During these 19 years he only had one health issue – an enamel issue on one tooth. He was never sick until the night before he passed. If we could all have such a good 19 or 20 years.
Tarzan grew up with my children; he patiently endured being dressed in Build a Bear clothing as a kitten. He not so patiently endured years of ‘humping’ from Kirby (my little dog that passed last year). He got along with everyone, well…except Kirby. Tarzan didn’t ‘love’ Kirby in the same way Kirby ‘loved’ him.
Tarzan was a ‘neat freak’. He loved to be groomed, and felt compelled to groom the other animals in the house. Early in his life our family included a 100 pound German Shepherd (Gunner) and a 40 pound Border Collie (Cowboy). Tarzan spent hours meticulously grooming them. Should they dare try to walk away before the grooming was complete – Tarzan would reprimand the dogs with a light bite on the leg. The dogs would comply and allow him to finish the proper grooming he required of his friends. When he was satisfied they looked good, he would curl up and nap with the dogs.
Tarzan loved everyone…except Kirby. But his #1 love was food. He lived to eat. The older he got, the more he loved his food. Every single morning…for at least the past ten years…at the slightest sign of daylight, Tarzan began his ‘WAKE UP AND FEED ME’ routine. The ‘routine’ included running across my face, crying in full blown Siamese cat language, knocking things off the dresser, and ‘cat stare’. The routine was repeated (and repeated) until I got out of bed and fed him.
He was a gentleman. A role model for our younger cats. And a role model for how dogs and cats can happily live together. Again…except with Kirby. With Kirby, he was no gentleman. In fact – he would beat up on Kirby on the same consistent basis Kirby ‘loved’ him. Every family has their problems don’t they?
As we were telling him good-bye, I asked him not to beat up on Kirby in heaven. I guess that will depend on whether heaven allows humping. We’ll miss you ‘Wild Man’. Forever in our hearts.
And now the ‘thank you’s’…
About a year and a half ago Tarzan was diagnosed with early stage kidney failure. He was 18 years old, but extremely healthy – I wasn’t concerned for the short term. The night before he passed, he vomited several times. First thing the next morning I made an appointment with our veterinarian, but while we waited for the appointment time – I called friend Dr. Cathy Alinovi for help with what we might be told. I suspected what we were seeing was kidney failure. Cathy explained what final stage kidney disease looked like for cats – helping me to prepare and make an educated decision at my vet’s office.
But as it turned out, Tarzan’s kidney function had not changed in the past year and a half. I give credit to quality ‘food’ for the health of his kidney’s. What we were dealing with was cancer and a very serious infection (likely from the cancer). Ultrasound showed a tumor just underneath his rib cage – on his back. As my wonderful veterinarian was telling me the cancer was inoperable, would likely not be a candidate for chemo…his words became white noise. All I could think about was the possibility of the ketogenic diet being a possible for Tarzan’s cancer.
Right in this horrible moment, I picked up the phone and called two dear friends – Rodney Habib and Dr. Karen Becker. I was blubbering crying, it was probably hard to understand what I was saying. But they understood. Karen talked me through what we were dealing with, helped me to understand.
I share this part of the story because I want all to know the side of these people (Rodney Habib, Dr. Karen Becker, and Dr. Cathy Alinovi) that I know. They are the very best friends a person could have. What most people see in their work is amazing enough, but when you are lucky enough to know the personal side of these people – they are even more amazing. Magnify the wonderful work they do by about 1000 – and you are getting close to just how wonderful the people behind the work really are. In the darkest moment a pet owner can have, these three immediately – without hesitation – stepped up to help a friend in need.
Words cannot express how much I appreciate them.
Mr. Wild Man…I know you are up in heaven, I know Kirby was glad to see you, and I know you’ll be helping all of us fight the pet food battles we continue to fight.

January 12, 2018 at 3:52 pm
So sorry, Susan, about Tarzan’s passing. Please accept our heartfelt condolences. But how very happy he must have been all those years with you to care for him, his buddies to play with, and Kirby to “tease”!
felicity harvey
January 12, 2018 at 4:04 pm
My sympathies on the loss of your buddy Tarzan. It is never easy letting them go.
Becky Rao
January 12, 2018 at 4:11 pm
So very sorry for your loss. We lost our cat at age 20, a lilac mitted rag doll named Skyler. Kidney failure. So hard to say goodbye
Deb Binder
January 12, 2018 at 4:13 pm
Lucky Wildman to have such a wonderful family – fur & human. Although 19/20 yo is long for a kitty, those of us owned by one, know it’s not long enough. Thank you for sharing your thought and story
January 12, 2018 at 4:13 pm
I’m sorry for your loss. A poignant and funny memorial for Tarzan. At these moments I try to console myself that at least a space in a good home has opened up for a new kitty.
Di Leach
January 12, 2018 at 4:18 pm
Susan. My heart is aching for you. I have all my pets buried in my back yard so I know exactly what you’re going through. Bless all animals. Di (Australia)
Judy Orange
January 12, 2018 at 4:19 pm
I have been through this so many times – 32 over the years. My heart is with you. I cry now for you.
January 12, 2018 at 4:20 pm
My condolences. A death in the family is one of the worst things that we as humans can suffer. It’s wonderful though that you can look back and know that you did your very best for him. He had a wonderful life which, sadly, most cats do not have.
T Allen
January 12, 2018 at 4:21 pm
I’m so sorry Susan for the loss of your beautiful Tarzan! I know he will be waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge and in the meantime his spirit will help guide you from a better place. Blessings to you and your family.
January 12, 2018 at 4:24 pm
Oh Susan, my deepest sincere condolences. Losing a beloved pet is so hard. I weep with you. What a testimony of your care that he lived so long. He was a beautiful boy! I grew up with Siamese and have a special affinity for them. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.
January 12, 2018 at 4:29 pm
I’m so very sorry for your loss. You loved Tarzan dearly and gave a him a loving, caring home which is the best that anyone can hope for. He will send his love and watch out for you from the other side.
Suzanne Hartwigsen
January 12, 2018 at 4:30 pm
It is so sad when we loose a part of our family, but I enjoyed hearing how Tarzan was a part of yours. thank you for sharing and prayers for you and your family.
Audree Berg
January 12, 2018 at 4:33 pm
Our condoences. As many times as we go through this, it never gets easier.
January 12, 2018 at 4:35 pm
What a treasure Tarzan was! I am thankful that he had you and you had him all those delicious years! You and your family are in my heart, thoughts and prayers today….
Dianna Wyman
January 12, 2018 at 4:38 pm
Oh, Susan! I am so sorry for your loss. Am crying with you as I recently lost one of my babies who was also quite the character, just like Tarzan. He loved to be picked up and ride on my shoulder so he could gloat to the other cats that “Mom loves me best”. How painful it is to lose a beloved fur child and my guess is that Kirby will be mourning the loss right along with you. I’m so glad you had such wonderful friends to help you at such a tragic time. Please know we have you in our hearts and prayers. You do SO much for us and our beloved four legged children, God bless you and thank you for sharing this beautiful and painful story with us.
January 12, 2018 at 4:38 pm
Thank you for sharing your Tarzan moments with us. It is remarkable that he had such a long and good life no doubt thanks to your excellent care. All those who help in those moments of despair are greatly cherished. I feel your pain of losing his presence in your family’s life and am sorry.
Paul Jackson
January 12, 2018 at 4:41 pm
So sorry for your loss Susan.
Lisa Templeton
January 12, 2018 at 4:42 pm
What a wonderful tribute to a lifelong friend and family member. I, too, follow Dr Becker and Rodney via FB and hopefully due to your and their valuable fight for animal food safety and FDA accountabIiity my baby will live a longer life. Thank you
January 12, 2018 at 4:43 pm
Tears for you. So, so hard to say goodbye.
Dan Bilancio
January 12, 2018 at 4:43 pm
Susan, so sorry for the loss of your Tarzan. I lost my cat six weeks ago and I still think about him daily. By your story I know he had a wonderful life. He will also be in your heart.
January 12, 2018 at 4:45 pm
Sad occasion but very nice post. So glad you celebrated Tarzan’s life … among friends. I hope everyone’s support helps you through the process of grieving. He will be missed!
Lynn m
January 12, 2018 at 4:45 pm
Oh Susan so sorry for your loss. Sometimes when they beat the odds in life we start to think they will be with us forever. Tarzan was beautiful and it sounds like he had the most delightful personality.
January 12, 2018 at 4:48 pm
So sorry for your loss. May you find some comfort in all your memories with him?
January 12, 2018 at 5:01 pm
It’s never easy losing a fur baby. It never gets easier whether it’s the first time or the 15th time. Know we are sending healing light to you and your family. I think that Tarzan and Kirby will be keeping watch on each other.
January 12, 2018 at 5:04 pm
I am so very very sorry for the loss of your furbaby Tarzan. Having just gone through it a little over a month ago, that wound is still so deep and so fresh. I am with you on the help that Dr. Becker gave you. The second part of her webinar on “Winding Down” was instrumental in allowing me to get out of the way and make the right decision for our Rocky – and was a tremendous blessing to my husband as well. May each day be less sorrowful for you. Take comfort from the fact that he is whole again now.
Pam Knapp
January 12, 2018 at 5:12 pm
What a beautiful tribute to a beautiful soul.
Rita Stanley
January 12, 2018 at 5:17 pm
Please accept my sincere condolences on the loss of your sweet babies Tarzan and Kirby. I know how you feel because I’ve been there more times than I’d like to remember. But, I do remember each and every one of them and miss them all to this very day.
Suz K.
January 12, 2018 at 5:29 pm
Thank you so much for sharing about your beloved Tarzan! I hope Tarzan is playing with my Luke and Leia ❤️?
January 12, 2018 at 5:33 pm
Sincere sympathy to you Susan. I know that pain all too well, having lost so many pets.♥️♥️♥️?
January 12, 2018 at 5:34 pm
a beautiful tribute for a beautiful soul…………my thoughts are with you and yours, Susan………
Sally Roberts
January 12, 2018 at 5:36 pm
I am so very sorry. It is never easy to say good bye even when they themselves are telling you it is time and it is okay.
January 12, 2018 at 5:42 pm
Susan, I’m so sorry for your loss. Thank you for the wonderful tribute to Tarzan, & letting us know him a little. And, as always, thank you for all you do for all of our animals.
Linda Horn
January 12, 2018 at 5:54 pm
Susan, I am so sorry for your loss. Tarzan sounds like he was an awesome kitty. And thank you for sharing your story with us.
I have a 19 year old Bengal cat with kidney disease. At first, her vet recommended those prescription kidney diet cat foods. Before I read “Buyer Beware”, I didn’t know that prescription diet stuff was so vile. I once tried feeding a prescription kidney diet cat food to a rescue cat, back before I knew any better. The kidney diet food helped reduce the poor kitty’s urine output, but his muscles just wasted away, even though he ate the recommended amount of the nasty stuff. Long story short, I refuse to ever feed any prescription diet pet food to another pet. I have to give the vet some credit, though. When I refused to go the prescription diet route, he recommended a natural supplement, chitosan, which binds phosphorus. Apparently, reducing phosphorus levels is one of the reasons why those prescription kidney diet cat foods have such reduced protein levels. BTW, my Bengal girl is a rescue kitty, who I adopted at age 10. I think she is doing pretty good, considering her first parent fed her nothing but kibble for ten years, probably because he didn’t know any better. I may not be able to feed my cats the absolute best food, but at least I know what to look for, thanks to your hard work!
Helen Koehler
January 12, 2018 at 6:03 pm
sorry for your loss..Tarzan is wishing us well
Donna Muse
January 12, 2018 at 6:04 pm
Truly sorry Susan.
January 12, 2018 at 6:16 pm
How wonderful Tarzan lived happily all those wonderful years with you. My condolences & prayers to you and your family at this time. It is so very heartbreaking when one of our family members passes.
January 12, 2018 at 6:18 pm
Blessings and Bright LIghts to Guide and Comfort each of you during this Time of Transition©
Bonnie J Wagner-Westbrook, Ed.D.
January 12, 2018 at 6:19 pm
Susan, I am so sorry to read this post. I am quite certain that your care is the reason Tarzan had so many happy and healthy years. Sadly, everyone comes with an expiration date. We do the best we can to hedge fate, but it is – what it is. Rest easy, sweet Tarzan. Your work is done…
January 12, 2018 at 6:21 pm
So sorry for your loss. It never gets easy to loose part of your family.
Sandra Murphey
January 12, 2018 at 6:26 pm
I’m so sorry about your beautiful “Wild Man”. No matter how long they stay with us, it’s never long enough.
It seems so many cats have kidney issues. I’ve recently discovered a product that seems to have helped many pets with kidney failure. I sent the information to Michael Broad of POC, and this is an excerpt of his post:
“Tripsy™ is veterinary approved we are told by the manufacturer. It’s a herbal remedy. It promotes urinary health. It can ease pain. Tripsy™ contains what the manufacturer describes as “potent herbs” such as Stone Root, Parsley Piert and Gravel Root. These herbs help prevent kidney stones. In addition, urinary antiseptic herbs like Wild Hydrangea help to reduce the formation of urinary calculi. Further, nutritive herbs such as Marshmallow act as a diuretic. The manufacturer also is claims that Parsley Piert and Oregon Grape stimulate the pancreas. Liver and gall bladder function is supported by Stone Root.”
I think it’s worth giving to my 8yr. old cat, in addition to D-Mannose which prevents UTI. Since she’s been eating RAD CAT raw venison for 2 years along with D-Mannose, her health issues with UTI and constipation have disappeared.
I wonder what Rodney Habib, Dr. Karen Becker, and Dr. Cathy Alinovi know about this product. A lot of pet guardians would be so thankful to have something that works.
January 12, 2018 at 6:34 pm
Susan I am very sorry for your loss. Tarzan was lucky to have had you for his mommy and I know you would say the same about you having him. Tarzan, Kirby and all of your babies (and hopefully mine) will be waiting for us at the bridge. Lucky for you to have friends like Rodney, Karen and your vet to be there for you in your time of need. Thank you for all that you do for us and in turn for our babies. Hugs!
Barbara A Hughes
January 12, 2018 at 6:49 pm
I am so sorry for your loss. Tarzan looks like my *Snowy* boy, who passed away in 2010. I believe he was a victim of the Chinese scandal of the time. I just wanted to say that when I was a child growing up in the 50’s and 60’s, our family pets lived for a long time – 20 yrs. They ate grocery store food (Friskies, etc). Never ate dry food. And we never ever had to visit a vet unless the animal was injured. Our food industry has been infiltrated by some bad bad people since then. .
Mollie Morrissette
January 12, 2018 at 7:01 pm
Tears for you and Tarzan.
Deziz World
January 12, 2018 at 7:10 pm
We are so sorry for your loss. Kidney disease and cancer are horrid diseases and not nearly enough research is done to help the kitties of the world. But, Tarzan, like so many before him was truly loved and knew the good life. He is now in heaven, young and disease free. Sendin’ hugs and purrayers.
Luv ya’
Dezi and Raena
January 12, 2018 at 7:25 pm
I am so sorry for your loss. It is never easy to loss a member of the family.
Patty C.
January 12, 2018 at 7:35 pm
So very sorry Susan. I too had a part Siamese cat who passed away 4 months shy of her 22nd Birthday, also of renal failure. They are such personable cats. RIP dear Tarzan.
Jane Eagle
January 12, 2018 at 8:16 pm
Maybe this will help (even though it’s about a dog):
Goodbye to my owner (from the actual owner)
by John Pointer Mar 15 2016
So without further ado, here’s the story. Grab a box of kleenex, and find a friend to hug. If you can’t find a friend, hug a stranger.
Yesterday was weird…
Yesterday was weird. I couldn’t get myself out of bed. The guy I
live with lifted me up. I tried to get my legs under me, but they
wouldn’t cooperate. He said, “Don’t worry, I gotcha buddy,”
wouldn’t cooperate. He said, “Don’t worry, I gotcha buddy,”
carried me downstairs, and out the front door.That was so nice of him. I
me downstairs, and out the front door.That was so nice of him. I
needed to pee so badly, I just had to go right there where he put
me down. Normally I wouldn’t, but we both decided to make an
exception to the rule.
I started walking down the parking lot toward that place where all the dogs like me go to poop. I felt my paws dragging on the ground. “How strange,” I thought. Then suddenly, I just had to go, really badly. In the middle of the parking lot. Normally, I wouldn’t do that. It’s against the rules.
My person cleaned up the mess. He’s good at that. I felt embarrassed, looked at him, and he said, “Want to keep walking, buddy?” I did, but it was surprisingly tough. By the time we reached the end of the parking lot, my head was spinning. I tried to climb the little hill, and nearly fell over. I couldn’t figure out what was going on.
He reached down again, and ran his hands over me. That felt good. He picked me up, and carried me home. I was still confused, and my head was light, but I was glad not to have to walk all the way back. It suddenly seemed like an impossible distance.
I was so glad to lay down on my bed. My person petted me,
saying, “I gotcha covered, buddy. I gotcha.” I love the way that
makes me feel. I know he does. He makes everything better.
He felt my paws, and pulled up my lip. He said, “Oh buddy, are you
cold?” I was. My face was cold, my paws were cold. He texted a
few people, and came back to pet me.
A few minutes later, another person arrived. He’s one of my
favorites, and his name is Jay. He petted me, and said to my
person, “Do you want to get a blanket?” They put a blanket over
me, and wow… that felt good. I relaxed, and they both petted me,
but they both started to choke back tears.
I never want them to cry, it breaks my heart. It’s my job to make
them feel better, and I was just a little tired, and cold. I drifted in
and out of sleep, and they were always there, making sure I was
okay, and chatting with each other.
Throughout the day, my person made some phone calls, and spent
a lot of time with me. I heard him say, “9 am tomorrow… ok…
yes… I’ll tell you if anything changes. Thank you Dr. MacDonald.”
He called someone else, and said, “I’m sorry, I have to cancel
tonight.” Then as I was drifting off to sleep, I think I heard him cry
a little again.
In the evening, more of my favorite people came by. They were all
so loving. I licked their tears away when they would get close
enough to my face. They whispered sweet things in my ear, and
told me I was a good boy.
Later in the evening, I felt well enough to stand up and walk to the door to see who was coming in. It was more exhausting than I’d remembered it being, but I loved seeing them all. I heard my person say something like, “That’s the first time he’s gotten up under his own power today.”
Everyone seemed glad that I was out of bed. I was too, but wow…
after the excitement wore off, it was so exhausting to move
After the last visitor left, my person took me outside to do what he
called, “my business.” We went back inside and when we
the bottom of the stairs, they looked twice as steep and ten times
as long as I remembered them being. I looked at my person, and
he looked at me. He said, “Don’t worry, I gotcha buddy,” and
carried me up.
Then it got even better! Instead of sleeping in my bed, he called
me up to sleep on *his* bed. Let me repeat: *I got to sleep in the
bed with my person!* We normally have our own beds, but last
night we snuggled, and it felt so good to be that close to him. I
thought, “This is where I belong. I will never leave his side.” I didn’t
feel very well though, and it was hard to breathe sometimes.
It seems like it started a few months ago. We were playing fetch
and I just blacked out. I don’t know what happened, but I think I
stopped breathing. I could hear my person calling my name. I
couldn’t move a muscle. He lifted my head, and looked into my
eyes. I could see him right there, but couldn’t lick his face. He
said, “Benny, are you in there?” I couldn’t respond. He looked at
me, and said, “Don’t worry buddy, I gotcha. I gotcha covered.” I
started to spin into darkness, but then my lungs took in a deep
breath, and I could see again.
We went to see some doctors, and since then I’ve heard a lot of words like, “cardiomyopathy,” “cancer,” and, “kidney failure.” All i know is that sometimes I feel okay, and sometimes… you know… I just don’t. My person gives me pills.
This morning, I heard my person get up and take a shower. He came back in the room, and smelled so nice. He helped me get up, but this time, I could do it on my own. We got to the top of the stairs, and wow… they looked long and steep again. He said, “I gotcha buddy,” and carried me down. I did my business, and we came back inside. He opened a can, a really, really delicious can of wet dog food. Oh man… I love that stuff!
Jay showed up again. What a nice surprise! He and my person seemed concerned, but everyone was petting me. It seemed a little like a play, where all the actors were sad, but pretending to be happy. Pretty soon after that, another person showed up. She was wearing doctor pants, and I leaned on her.
I heard them talk. Everyone looked at my gums, and felt my paws. I heard the doctor pants lady say, “It’s your decision, but he’s definitely in that window. I don’t want to push you, but looking at his lack of color, I am honestly shocked he’s even standing up. In addition to the paws and jowls, look here…” she pointed at my face, “This should be pink. It’s almost white, and verging toward yellow.”
My person and Jay went inside to talk about something. When they came back out, I heard my person say, “I agree. I don’t want to wait till he’s in absolute agony.” So we went inside. Truth be told, I was feeling pretty badly, even though I was up and walking. It seemed like my whole head was cold, my paws were freezing, and my back legs weren’t working right.
The doctor pants lady said, “I’ll just put this into his muscle. It’s a sedative. Then I’ll come back over here, and you can just love on him till he’s asleep.” My person kissed my face, and looked in my eyes. He was trying not to cry. Doctor pants lady gave me a shot of something in the leg. I just looked at my person. He is so awesome. I will always be right by his side.
He and Jay petted me, and said the nicest things – what a good dog I am, what a good job I’ve done, how thankful they are to have me in their lives. After a while, my mind started buzzing.
FOCUS! I looked back at my person. I love him so much. I drifted again. FOCUS! I can see my person. I love him so much. I will always be right by his side. He knows that. Am I sleepy? FOCUS! I’ll always look at him with my whole heart…
Doctor pants lady said, “He must have an incredible will to stay with you. He is really powering through. That’s impressive.” My person choked back tears and said, “I know. This guy lives for me. He is the most devoted soul I’ve ever met…”
We put our heads together, and closed our eyes. I felt good. I can’t really describe it. We looked at each other again. I just felt like riding that buzz, but maybe lying down was better. My person helped me down. Man, that felt gooooooood.
I felt him and Jay petting me, and heard them talking to me. They love me so much. How lucky am I?
Then I felt thousands of hands petting me. Everyone I’d ever known and loved was there, petting me, scratching my ears, and that spot under my collar that makes my leg move. Everyone should try this. It’s just amazing!
Then I felt the doctor pants lady touch my leg. Did I tell you that my person had to have both of my knees repaired? They’re titanium, and have served me well, but you know… I’ve been feeling a little creaky lately.
With everyone petting me, the doctor pants lady put another needle in my leg, but this time, as the fluid went in, my legs were healed! My knees were perfect! And as I felt it move through my body, my cancer disappeared! And then my kidneys felt better! And finally, even my heart was whole, and healthy! I felt like I had sprung away from all of my sickness. Amazing!
I saw my person, and Jay, and the lady who lives at our house, Shelly. They seemed to be huddling over something. I walked over to look. It seemed like… I don’t know. It kind of looked like me, but the way I looked when I was feeling really sick, or exhausted. The face was blurred out, so I couldn’t really tell, but that poor guy looked like he had been suffering.
I could tell my person was both relieved and very, very sad. I love him so much. I looked at that me-shaped shell, and I looked at him… I think he was sad about that shell. I jumped around the room, like a clown, but it seemed like they wanted to be somber, and focus on whatever that thing was they were petting and kissing.
But my person was definitely sad. I leaned on him, like I’ve done a million times before, but it wasn’t quite the same. It felt like his body was a cloud and I passed right through him.
So I walked up next to him, sat like a good boy, and my heart whispered to his, “Don’t worry, buddy. I gotcha covered.”
I will never leave his side. He knows that.
January 12, 2018 at 8:22 pm
So sorry for the loss of Tarzan. Thanks for sharing Tarzan’s story. What a handsome boy. We feel your pain. There is no worse thing then saying goodbye. The love is so amazing, we just have to know one day it will come to an end. It is better to have loved, then to never have loved at all. The memories stay with us forever. We never forget our loves.
January 12, 2018 at 8:44 pm
You gave him a wonderful life…his spirit lives within your heart forever
Lisa Marie
January 12, 2018 at 9:21 pm
I’m so very sorry to hear about Tarzan, we are all grieving with you, sending hugs.
January 12, 2018 at 10:04 pm
I’m so sorry for the loss of your precious Tarzan. You are such a wonderful pet owner and gave him a great life. Thank-you for sharing your Tarzan tribute. He had a fun personality. It’s so hard to say goodbye. Love and prayers…and thank-you for all you do to educate and inform the rest of us.
January 13, 2018 at 12:42 am
Susan, I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your precious Tarzan. What a special boy he was! May God heal your pain and sadness and I hope that you will find room in your heart for another fur baby that needs someone to love him, too. You are a wonderful “mama” to your little ones. In sympathy, Gloria.
Lauren Thibodeau
January 13, 2018 at 6:35 am
I’m so sorry for your loss Susan, Tarzan had a great mom and sure a wonderful life thanks to you. Just this morning I was thinking of my kitty MeMe who passed away in 2012, and still to this day brings tears to my eyes cause I miss him so. I pray you are comforted in this time of the loss of Tarzan. ❤️
January 13, 2018 at 7:12 am
I’m so sorry for your loss ~~ it’s heartbreaking losing our precious fur babies ~~ ((Hugs)) <3
January 13, 2018 at 9:37 am
So sorry about your loss of Tarzan. Thanks for sharing. I have a Siamese that looks just like Tarzan. He is a rescued barn cat now living inside and getting spoiled. He showed up at my father’s farm years ago skinny and starving. Now he is well fed and warm.
Perrie'Lee Prouty
January 13, 2018 at 10:19 am
Susan, my deepest condolences go out to you. I just lost a month ago and 1 year ago sibling cats with me only 9 years both due to lymphoma. So, I understand the raw emotions you are feeling. Somehow they fill those voids in our lives that humans can’t fill. Each has their own unique personality. Your tribute to Tarzan & your many friends in this animal world was comforting to read.
May your pain lessen as time passes but not your loving memories of all those you have lost.
January 13, 2018 at 11:11 am
Tarzan, you were a very handsome cat, and quite the rascal, to boot! Your mommy misses you so much, and we all feel bad for her. Thank you for being such a good buddy to her. Love, Batzion
January 13, 2018 at 2:11 pm
So sorry for your loss. What a gorgeous boy. I am dealing with end stage renal failure with my oldest cat, as well as lesser kidney disease in 2 others. Wondering what you recommend feeding them. Just looking at the ingredient lists for the kidney prescription foods makes me somewhat ill
January 13, 2018 at 2:50 pm
I’m so sorry for your loss. Sending love and light towards you and your family.
Vicki Hufstetler
January 13, 2018 at 5:01 pm
I’m so sorry to hear this Susan, but happy too that you have such dear friends to support you through this last stage of your beloved Wild mans life. I fear, I too will have to say goodbye to my Sweet, and dumb boy Jager Barkus, My first rescued German Shepherd. Now 11 years old. His poor hips are so bad now, it’s just a matter of time, I fear. And, Thanks to you! I am feeding him a superior diet from a local pet food maker/store owner.
Thanks for all you do for all of our dear Pets, Big hugs and prayers to you and your family. Vicki H.
Terri Christenson Janson
January 15, 2018 at 12:41 pm
So sorry Susan. Very very sorry
January 15, 2018 at 3:04 pm
What sweet memories! Condolences to you and your family, Susan. And here’s hoping Kirby has seen the error of his ways in the afterlife!
January 16, 2018 at 8:38 pm
so very very sorry for your loss. and, yet, you are so right: we should all be so fortunate to go as Tarzan did. Tarzan loved well and was well loved.
January 29, 2018 at 12:04 pm
Susan, It is the way of all flesh. But, the spirit lives on, and love never dies. Peaceful journey home Tarzan. Till we meet again.!
Cheryl Mallon-Bond
January 31, 2018 at 9:16 pm
I only just saw this post, Susan.
I’m so very sorry about your sweet fur-baby, Tarzan. He was a gorgeous boy! whom you gave a wonderful Life.
We can never have them long enough, unfortunately. Until the day you meet again, hold the loving memories of a wonderful Life Time shared of love between you both, and your other family members. ??
May 8, 2018 at 10:41 pm
sorry for your loss, Susan.