An in depth investigation by the New York Times has revealed some startling information about the safety of processed beef approved for human consumption. Since pet food is the very last thing of concern with government agencies, if these risks were discovered in people food, imagine what could be found in pet foods (if anyone bothered to look). It is frightening to consider.
The New York Times provided readers a story that could cause chills to run down the spine of anyone who has consumed a hamburger in recent years. Their story, ‘Safety of Beef Processing Method Is Questioned’ explains how one company developed a ‘novel idea’ to inject ammonia into basically waste beef trimmings (previously sold to pet food companies). The ammonia treatment was believed to destroy salmonella and E. coli. The in depth story is a prime example of how industry – big business – can control Federal food safety officials to the probable detriment of consumers.
The company with the ‘novel’ ammonia treated beef idea was Beef Product, Inc. Without extensive outside testing, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved
• the company’s ammonia treatment plan,
• exempted the company from routine testing of meat,
• and furthermore Federal officials “agreed to the company’s request that the ammonia be classified as a processing agent and not an ingredient that would be listed on labels.”
This meat product was extensively sold to School Lunch programs; which ultimately could have led to the ‘outing’ of the beef quality and safety. Complaints of a strong ammonia smell and testing positive for salmonella almost three times as often as traditional meat processing methods went unresolved for years. This company, Beef Product, Inc., sold Federal food safety officials the benefits of the ammonia system without extensive proof and told the government exactly how their product should be labeled…Federal food safety officials ‘bought it’ hook, line, and sinker.
Now, just imagine how Federal food safety officials listen to Pet Food Companies. Pet Food says…euthanized animals and lethal drugs in their bodies are safe to feed to pets…Federal food safety officials say ‘ok’. Pet Food says harsh chemicals are safe to add to dog and cat foods, it keeps the product fresh, adds color, makes more sales…Federal food safety officials say ‘ok’.
Many pet foods – even some of the most highly advertised pet foods contain ingredients that violate current Federal laws. Industry told Federal food safety agencies ‘don’t worry about the law, the pets will be fine…this is best for industry’…’ok’.
How incredibly ridiculous it is that industry tells our food safety Government Agencies how to operate; what laws should be ignored, what additives to food should be ignored on labels, and what ingredients should be perceived as safe despite lack of scientific evidence.
Please take the time to read the NY Times article and report your disgust of Federal food safety agencies lack of control to your officials in Congress.
Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,
Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Author, Buyer Beware
Co-Author Dinner PAWsible
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