The following has been provided by our anonymous friend (who has provided multiple other recall announcements before they have become public).
Provided to anonymously…
Tomlyn has issued a voluntary recall on the following products that have been infested by a mite:
• Tomlyn Multi Vitamin chews for Puppies, lot #020416
• Tomlyn Multi Vitamin chews for Small Dogs, lot #012716
• Tomlyn Multi Vitamin chews for Medium and Large Dogs, lot #021116
• Tomlyn Multi Vitamin chews for Senior Dogs, lot #012516
• Tomlyn Multi Vitamin chews for Cats, lot #120515
When more information is learned about this recall, it will be provided on this page.
My thanks to Anonymous.

Deborah Haynes
July 14, 2016 at 5:44 pm
Anybody know how to eradicate mites once they have spread in the house?
July 14, 2016 at 6:26 pm
Try food grade diatomaceous earth – use on pets, carpet, bedding. Great source is if I recall. Just be careful when putting it on pets – no where near the face or use extreme caution and rub in sparingly around face. If it’s inhaled, by you or them, it can damage the lungs. At least they didn’t come from Tomlyn! Good luck!! 😮
July 15, 2016 at 8:32 am
Any garad diatomaceous earth is very dangerous to pets, especially cats who groom so much. Like tiny shards of glass and if you use it they will either consume or breath some in. Please don’t use this.
Susan Thixton
July 15, 2016 at 8:48 am
Hi Cali – diatomaceous earth has many great healing properties as well as can be used as a pesticide. From Dr. Edward Group DC, NP, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM…”Often used to support body cleansing, some research also suggests it’s a natural tool for promoting normal blood lipids, detoxing toxic metals, and fighting harmful intestinal organisms.” And regarding use as a pesticide: “One of the most common uses for diatomaceous earth is as a natural insecticide. Studies indicate that this clay-like powder can kill the harmful insects that threaten crops and home life.” Source:
July 15, 2016 at 2:46 pm
In very large amounts yes it can be, but the way to use it properly is to place on floor ( remove animal’s access to it) for 1-2 or more hours, then vacuum the entire area well. This draws up the dead mites and the clay without allowing contact with the cat.
July 15, 2016 at 11:56 am
Food Grade Perma Guard Diatomaceous earth is safe for internal and external use on household pets and livestock-I have used this product for many many years. I put it in their food every day and it will not hurt them or you. Most vets will tell you horror stories and these stories are not true. When applying to pets, I put a pillow case over their head and secure with my hand, while I then proceed to lightly dust my animals, you do not need much-once all worked in and no dusty left over, you release the animal. Most will shake themselves and if they clean themselves this is good too.Do not leave the pillow case on very long-it is a quick procedure on-off.
I use a dust mask and goggles and gloves to lightly spread around my house, lawn, garden, carpets, wood floors, etc., and outside my home foundation. I do the mask, etc., because of my asthma, but it also will protect you so you do not breathe in the dust. If you use just a small amount you will not have the dust issues.
It kills parasites internally and none of my animals have ever had worms, since starting the program of adding to their food. Another added benefit is that their fur is healthy and soft.
I buy my product with free shipping of a 50 pound bag from
And listen to Susan-everything she puts out there for you to read is all about the animals and what is safe-
J. Clark, RN
July 15, 2016 at 1:14 pm
Ordered these multivits on line from Chewys, who notified me of the recall. Dog developed nausea, diarrhea & lethargy. Hundreds spent on labs. Another poor experience of not reading the fine print, which was so fine, not legible.
Sandra Murphey
July 23, 2016 at 11:10 am
Just a reminder to check ingredients (of pet food and anything that you use on a pet) ONLINE before you buy. You can enlarge enough to be able to actually read. Most all ingredients are in “fine print” on small label area. I’m curious what the questionable ingredients or warnings were, but I can easily look it up.