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Pet Food Ingredients

Plastic in Feed and Food

What FDA doesn’t regulate in animal feed is concerning.

A former employee of a pig feed ingredient company exposes what really goes into feed ingredients.

And, after everything is ground – this is video of the final ingredient:

Though it is hard to believe, what is being displayed in the videos is a legally defined animal feed ingredient – “Recovered Retail Food“. The FDA openly allows livestock animals to be fed expired/spoiled bakery goods, eggs, and dairy products.

AAFCO defines Recovered Retail Food as: “is composed of edible human food products safe and suitable for livestock feed that are collected from retail food establishments, domestic holding facilities, and domestic packing facilities. Permitted recovered retail foods are products from overstocks, lacking consumer acceptance, or beyond their sell-by date that include items such as bruised, cut, or overly-ripe produce (fruit and vegetables), bakery goods, eggs, and dairy products. It shall be safe and appropriately labeled for its intended use and shall be free of material harmful to animals. Materials excluded from this definition include pet foods, products containing: beef, lamb, pork, poultry, fish or shellfish. It must not contain packaging materials (e.g., plastics, glass, metal, string, styrofoam, cardboard, and similar materials), flowers, potted plants, or potting soil.”

Just to give you an example of how industry feels about this particular ingredient…

At the August 2015 AAFCO meeting, Recovered Retail Food was being discussed. The example provided during the meeting was expired yogurt cups. The six-pack of yogurt cups – plastic and all – are ground and fed to livestock. Veterinarian Cathy Alinovi stood and objected to this ingredient. She told the industry and regulatory crowd “I don’t want my daughter to be drinking milk with phthalates (element of plastic) in it“. The room loudly boo-ed her. Industry did not agree with any bad opinions of recycled spoiled food being fed to animals.

Phthalates are chemicals used to make plastic, and these chemicals have been found in all types of food including meat and dairy products. Certainly phthalates would be found in the animals that consume plastic and in the meat or milk of the animals that consumed plastic. Phthalates are linked to hormone disruption, cancer, and liver/kidney toxicity in humans and animals.

The AAFCO definition of Recovered Retail Food clearly states “it must not contain packaging materials” – but as you can see in the video, this feed producer ignores the requirement and regulatory authorities have ignored the violation. So why did it take a whistle blower to bring this concerning issue to light? Why hasn’t FDA or state regulatory authorities stopped the use of plastic in feed ingredients?

Is regulatory aware plastic is going into feed ingredients? Regulatory is fully aware that expired grocery foods are collected in their packaging. Regulatory is fully aware there is a risk that some ingredient manufacturers are not removing plastic packaging. But, clearly, regulatory authorities are doing nothing about it.

The FDA has claimed that preventative control rules of the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) would improve feed/food/pet food safety – preventing, as example, plastic from being processed into feed ingredients. FSMA laws require manufacturers (of ingredients and finished foods/feeds) to establish and implement procedures that prevent contamination or adulteration. Preventative controls SHOULD require manufacturers to remove all health risks from ingredients and finished pet foods and feeds.

Since 2019, the FDA has performed 413 FSMA inspections at animal food and ingredient manufacturing facilities. These inspections are to validate each company has written preventative controls and successfully implementing them. Sixteen of the 413 inspections were flagged as “Official Action Indicated“. This means that in sixteen manufacturing facility inspections the FDA found serious concerns of manufacturers failing to prevent an adulterated food or ingredient from being produced.

Seventy-nine of those inspections were flagged as “Voluntary Action Indicated“. This means that seventy-nine manufacturers were found to have some issues that were left to the company to correct.

What issues were discovered in the inspections? We don’t know.

Who are the companies that failed inspection? Were they pet food, livestock feed or ingredient suppliers? We don’t know.

The above violations of feed ingredient manufacturing in the videos were reported to FDA. Will the agency do anything? We don’t know.

The FDA puts us all in a position of having to trust they are regulating pet food/food/ingredient manufacturers properly. Trouble is, we have consistent evidence they are not properly regulating the industry.

Opinion: If regulatory is going to continue to fail to properly regulate pet food/animal feed, at least give consumers information so that we can do our own investigations. Make all inspections public record, give consumers the opportunity to read every detail of every inspection. Hiding inspection reports (or only making them available through FOIA requests which take 2+ years to receive) is protecting industry, not consumers.

My thanks to this whistle blower that was brave enough to post the video. It appears he risked all in doing that, he was fired after they went public. Without brave individuals going to the effort to do the right thing, consumers would be kept further in the dark.

Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,

Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Author Buyer Beware, Co-Author Dinner PAWsible
Association for Truth in Pet Food

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  1. chris

    July 28, 2021 at 11:49 am

    Thank god for whistleblowers like him.

  2. Ron

    July 28, 2021 at 12:10 pm

    I guess the FDA is a complete joke!

  3. Sarahkate

    July 28, 2021 at 12:33 pm

    Which is why I never EVER feed anything to my horses (or my dogs for that matter) that is anything other than a single organic grain (horses) or home-prepared organic human grade meats, fruits and vegetables, with a small amount of organic ancient grains, to my dogs. It is worth it to spend the money wisely for your animals and for yourselves; I actually know the farmers I buy directly from – organic meat producers, meat for family members that have not yet recognized being vegetarian or vegan as a healthier way of eathing; organic fruit and vegetable growers. Make the effort, people. You will have fewer doctor bills and fewer vet bills. My 100% organic diet means that I have not been sick since 1987 – the last time I ate supermarket foods.

  4. Fred W St Clair

    July 28, 2021 at 1:32 pm

    Our kleptocratic rulers do not care about the people of this country, as many of them are sociopaths. Do you really believe they are going to care about animals? After all, they bomb countries back into the stone age for a buck.

    • grateful

      July 28, 2021 at 3:21 pm

      I suspect a lot of the sociopath behavior we see in the US these days is directly related to the poisoned foods Americans are forced to eat.

  5. Wes Burke

    July 28, 2021 at 1:38 pm

    Wow! How is this legal? I’m floored, literally. Cheers to the whistle blower for putting it all on the line to expose this cruelty and corruption. I hope he’s since found a new position and can take pride in his work. And cheers to Dr. Cathy for standing up and speaking—regardless of the consequential boo’ing. Change must happen. And quick!

  6. Jayne Healy

    July 28, 2021 at 8:44 pm

    Truly, it just keeps getting worse. What can we do about it? Anything? I fear that we cannot change the course of this nation and how it regulates food and medicine. Very sad. Very few people have the ability to grow their own food and actually control what they and their pets consume, but that’s what we will have to do to stay poison free. Thanks you Susan for helping us to see.

  7. T Allen

    July 30, 2021 at 6:41 pm

    If it was bad enough for the FDA to take action can you imagine how bad it must really be????

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The Ingredients
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