The press release states “Czech start-up Bene Meat Technologies is the first to win European Union registration for laboratory-grown meat for use in pet food and plans to boost production to make up to several metric tons per day next year, the company said on Wednesday.“
The company stated pet foods containing the lab-grown meats would “sell around the price level of premium and super-premium pet food products on the market.”
“Bene Meat next plans to test how the product tastes to animals, while scaling up production at its current Prague lab and at new premises it is looking for.”
“The company is in talks with pet food makers on supplies, but also aims to work with them to potentially set up production lines at their current facilities. It also plans to develop its own brand of final pet food products.”
Lab-grown meat in pet food has not been approved (yet) in the US. However, our guess would be, with EU approval – the FDA will soon follow with approval here. So…would you buy a pet food containing lab-grown meat?
Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,
Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Author Buyer Beware, Co-Author Dinner PAWsible
Association for Truth in Pet Food

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Dianne & pets
November 16, 2023 at 1:04 pm
I guess that is one way to do animal studies before giving it to people. I am betting that people won’t be allowed to know. This would be the time to tell stores and manufacturers that as soon as it is approved you will no longer buy pet food of any kind. Before they spend the money on equipment. Currently, lab grown meat is more expensive to produce and possibly still bad for the environment. If I recall correctly, gmo organism are used and no matter what anyone tells you, it is not possible to have a 100 percent pure extract. It will also be an uphill climb, Bill Gates is heavily into the concept. Maybe someone could point out that if livestock are replaced, we lose our living landfills. Apologies, but after the irradiation story, I am feeling extremely cynical.
November 16, 2023 at 1:13 pm
Lab grown will actually be healthier. Just go and see the filth and feces in the slaughter houses. I welcome it for my husband and also my pets because right now they are all on fish flesh only diet due the unhealthy nature of chicken and meat -and also the cruelty aspect of it. I am a vegan. I hope this goes the way of beef and pork too. Pork is one of the biggest uses of antibiotics. Antibiotic resistance is just one of many issues. Not to mention the extreme cruelty pigs endure. Then Meats, poultry… all have so much crap in it – Antibiotics, Sulphites, Carbon Monoxide,Heavy Metals, Pesticides, sometimes meat glue, Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria and let’s not forget about Nitrites/Nitrates as when nitrites combine with certain amino acids, N-nitroso compounds or nitrosamines are formed and these have been shown to be carcinogenic – even from a free range farm. Fish isn’t great either but it’s the lesser of the evils as long as you avoid high mercury fish and know to look for fresh vs farmed.
Also meats high cholesterol and saturated fat content can lead to chronic disease.
Lab-grown meat has the potential to reduce the negative health impacts of meat-eating. When growing meat in a lab, food scientists can actually control the quantities of harmful cholesterol and saturated fat in each cut. Lab-grown meat can also address the growing threat of antibiotic resistance. Sure there may be different qualities of lab meat but that will again up to us to do our homework as to the best of the brands. I will never eat it being vegan but excited for it for my pets and husband. And I’ll be thrilled I can feed my dogs chicken that I don’t have to feel guilt about. No more animals have to be die.
November 16, 2023 at 6:51 pm
you eat me or my animals will not eat lab meat
Madeleine Innocent
November 22, 2023 at 3:27 am
Before embarking on feeding your pet and husband lab gown meat, you may like to have a look at this 8 minute video –
November 16, 2023 at 1:40 pm
I’ve eaten it and don’t see the big deal. No hormones and antibiotics to worry about, seems like a good protein source without worrying about some of the problems in the meat industry.
I just can’t imagine actually paying for it. That stuff is expensive. Could probably buy steak for that price.
J King
November 16, 2023 at 1:42 pm
Of course I wouldn’t – no true pet lover would. Which is why manufacturers won’t be forced to disclose that information. (Well, if the DNA says it’s beef…)
Darlene Roy
November 16, 2023 at 1:47 pm
November 16, 2023 at 2:20 pm
Susan ; Mayb I m naive but what are the ingredients in lab grown meat ?
Felicity Harvey
November 16, 2023 at 2:55 pm
November 16, 2023 at 4:03 pm
I won’t eat monster meat. How do you know it’s not human tissue or anything else they dont list on the package?? You really trust meat from a lab?? Handled by whom?? Coming from where??
The past tack record of the FDA gives me absolutely no confidence what so ever. With that being said, taking chunks of hide repeatedly from these animals is more humane how??
Everyone knows it won’t be listed. No I won’t buy it or feed it to my dogs.
November 16, 2023 at 6:53 pm
Not only no, but hell NO!
November 16, 2023 at 6:55 pm
No. Not one on my family and not my dogs will eat this experiment.
As a matter of fact I have been cooking for my dogs for over 5 years and I will continue doing it.
T Allen
November 16, 2023 at 8:04 pm
A lot of mis-informaton in your beliefs. Of course people will know, we have labeling laws for people food. For dog food labeling we can force them tho label it correctly. NO GMOs, it’s just as pure as the meat you eat and a whole lot cleaner, yes it’ll be expensive to start. Maybe we don’t want our livestock to be living landfills anymore than our pets? Bill Gates has money to spare and he spends it investigating lots of new things. They may be good or turn out bad (like irradiation) but you won’t know until you do the research. I would much prefer lab grown meat to the toxic garbage called commercial dog food being sold now.
Dianne & pets
November 17, 2023 at 6:47 pm
I respect your opinion,but I disagree. Gmos are used in the production of lab grown meat. If you look at Marion Nestle’s food politics website I believe she has more information on lab grown meat. I highly recommend her as a means of learning something about interpreting food studies, and government regulations concerning our food.
Don’t let Bill Gate’s money fool you. He has his own world view and agenda which he is not afraid to push. He is not a scientist, though he tries to act like one.
Teresa Johnson
November 17, 2023 at 2:01 am
Soylent Green! Our worst fears are about to be realized.
December 24, 2023 at 11:47 am
I’m all for lab grown meat. Much more humane and safer than the meat we have now. People who think it will be made out of humans are dumb.