This is one of the most ridiculous moves I’ve seen yet from a national charity; right up there with the Humane Society of the United States making a pet food in Uruguay. The Delta Society is kicking out any pet owner that has made the educated decision to feed their pet raw food.
I don’t feed my pets raw, and I can’t even begin to tell you how many times I’ve dealt with verbal abuse from steadfast raw feeders; one even demanded my website “condemn all pet owners that feed anything but raw”. Demanded! No kidding. But, I support any pet owner that makes an educated decision to feed raw. I am a firm believer in pet owners making their own decisions about what they feed their pets; an educated personal decision. I have no problem with any pet owner that feeds raw, feeds home cooked, feeds commercial; I just want all to learn what is in the food they give their pet. Learn the truth, then go with what your instinct and your pet is telling you; what you believe is working best for your pet and your situation.
It seems the Delta Society doesn’t feel the same. In a statement dated 5/19/10, the Delta Society states “After careful consideration of all of the known scientific facts, and on the unanimous advice of the Delta Society Medical Advisory Board, made up of internal medicine and public health experts from North America, the board of directors voted to preclude animals eating raw protein foods from participating in Delta Society Pet Partners program. This will be a phased program, with complete compliance structured to be in place by June 30, 2010.”
This shocking decision is based on what the Delta Society states are scientific facts. They say “The use of raw animal proteins to promote animal health has not been based on proven or known scientific facts, only anecdotal incidents. On the other hand, it is well known that animals fed raw diets (BARF or other) shed significant amounts of pathogenic bacteria, which studies have indicated may put some people at risk, as compared to pets being fed commercially prepared or cooked, home-made diets.”
What they neglect to mention in their senseless babble is there is NO scientific evidence to PROVE that animals fed raw diets are a risk to ANYONE! What they use as an excuse simply has no legs to stand on.
Yes, there is evidence of risk to the handling of raw meat; we are all instructed to properly wash our hands when preparing our own food as well as that of our pets. But, again, there is NO scientific evidence to prove that a dog or cat that is being fed raw is a risk or ever has been a risk to anyone. No scientific evidence.
The Delta Society mission is as follows: “to help lead the world in advancing human health and well-being through positive interactions with animals. We help people throughout the world become healthier and happier by incorporating therapy, service and companion animals into their lives.” But only if you feed your dog and cat the way the Delta Society wants you to.
By the way Delta Society, did your team of experts ever consider that some commercial pet foods contain sick, diseased animals? Did you give a second thought that some commercial pet foods and treats contain ingredients that violate the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act? What about the safety of those foods? What about the ‘pathogenic bacteria’ there?
This is absurd. The Delta Society would prefer their ‘pet partners’ consume rendered euthanized animals and harmful chemicals than fresh raw meat.
Is the Delta Society Pet Food Police going to inspect the homes of every ‘pet partner’ for strict compliance? What’s next, dogs kicked out of public dog parks because they don’t feed ‘approved foods’? Groomers and Vets refusing clients unless they eat ‘approved foods’? (They’re coming to take us away ha, ha, hey, hey…)
Shame on you Delta Society; you have no right to tell any pet owner not to feed their pet a food based on the pet owner’s educated decision. This is none of your business. If you’d like to read the Delta Society blunder, visit
Wishing you and your pet(s) the best,
Susan Thixton
Pet Food Safety Advocate
Author, Buyer Beware
Co-Author Dinner PAWsible
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